“When we're all forced to conform to the whims of the state, what do you think happens to purple-haired justice warrior lesbians? What do you think happens to men who dress up like women and go into changing rooms?”
Usually end up in a ditch face down mumbling “but I supported you” and then the boom and eternal darkness.
“When we're all forced to conform to the whims of the state, what do you think happens to purple-haired justice warrior lesbians? What do you think happens to men who dress up like women and go into changing rooms?”
Usually end up in a ditch face down mumbling “but I supported you” and then the boom and eternal darkness.
“When we're all forced to conform to the whims of the state, what do you think happens to purple-haired justice warrior lesbians? What do you think happens to men who dress up like women and go into changing rooms?”
Usually end up in a ditch face down mumbling “but I supported you” and then the boom and eternal darkness.
If only Comrade Biden knew of this! There's surely been a mis--*BANG*
Last sentence. Perfect!