El gato, if you download the excess mortality data from CDC and *exclude* COVID deaths, you find that most age groups (especially younger) are *way* above average. There is one group that is down substantially however- the 0-14 group. Conveniently, the vaccine is unavailable until 12 years old. As soon as you go from 0-14 to 15-19 the deaths become something like 20-30% above average.

I made a spreadsheet with charts of all the age groups and was just stunned at the difference between the 0-14 group and all others.

Obviously there might be other explanations but it is very strange in my opinion.

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I have a part-time post-retirement delivery job for a pharmacy. Been doing it for a few years. I deliver to every strata of society from the poorest to the very wealthy. Most of my prescription deliveries are weekly delivery to seniors, but occasional customers too. In the spring people were telling me how happy they were to finally get the Covid vaccine. Now, those people are disappearing from my delivery list at a rate I've never seen before. They are in the hospital or dead. In the past 2 weeks, 8 regular customers are gone - that is very unusual. I was in a condo building that looks like a regular multi-story apartment yesterday. The superintendent let me in because she was in the lobby cleaning. We know each other as I see her 2 or 3 times per week as a lot of the residents are seniors. We always have a 2 minute conversation about things like her dog, my cats, etc. Yesterday she was really upset because so many of the people in the building are feeling sick. She said, "Ever since they got the vaccine, they started to feel unwell". She was trying to convince me to get the vaccine in the spring, and was shocked that a person who worked for a pharmacy would not get it. Now she really regrets getting it - she is feeling sick too. One woman who I've delivered to since I started can now barely walk. She was fine until she got the vax. Nobody in the pharmacy is saying a thing about this, but the mood is very quiet.

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How many NPRites will notice that the article just admitted that the narrative last year of overrun emergency rooms nationwide was completely false?

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Another untouched issue in the NPR article - why are they short staffed? They devote a lot of words to the existence of the problem, but never mention if any reason why they are short staffed other than burn out. Could any of the nurses they so desperately need have been suspended or fired for not taking the vaccine? Seems like an obvious line of questioning, but not a peep in the article, which likely means the vaccine mandate has made the situation worse even if it doesn't send people to the ER. NPR just doesn't want to talk about it.

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There is a very strange fanaticism here. What strikes me as a reasonable position is “those at significant risk from Covid ought to seriously consider getting vaccinated.”

A very unreasonable position is “everyone must get vaccinated, regardless of their own personal risk from Covid”.

We know that Covid poses a serious risk to a portion of the population, but not much risk to the majority.

Even Tony Fauci used to admit this:

"It’s so clear that the overwhelming weight of serious disease and mortality is on those who are elderly and those with a serious comorbidity: heart disease, chronic lung disease, diabetes, obesity, respiratory difficulties," said Anthony Fauci, M.D


We also know that, contrary to claims by public health officials and the media, natural immunity confers better protection than vaccines do.

“A 700,000-person study from Israel two weeks ago found that those who had experienced prior infections were 27 times less likely to get a second symptomatic covid infection than those who were vaccinated.”


I’ve encountered prominent scientists who told me that ‘everyone is at serious risk from Covid’. But that clearly isn’t true. And yet they called me a “Covidiot” for pointing out that the risk to young and healthy people from Covid is small.

What’s going on here? When did scientists become propagandists? For them, it seems that “objective truth” just means that anything that helps them reach their policy objective is “true”.

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"they lay out quite a lot of evidence that we have set our own house on fire, but fail to connect the dots."

Or, like Soviet journalists laboring to sneak the truth out around the limits of a repressive system, they've carefully given you all the evidence you need to connect the dots yourself, but protected their story against being suppressed by framing it in the approved narrative.

Glorious victory for stunningly successful Soviet grain ministry as production surges to 61% of quota, brilliant national grain commissar promoted to important position as deputy regional manager in Siberia!

I think we're going to see more and more of this.

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A year ago I was curiously cautious about the vaccines. Now, I'm starting to think the freakiest predictions may have been closer to the truth - example Sharon Tenpenny that I think made the very bold speculation that everyone that got the shot would be dead in 5 years. It seemed bat-poop crazy at the time I heard her, but now it only seems mildly crazy.

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If you had a business that manufactured unique widgets, and you found a way to convince the government to force everyone in the country not only to buy one of your unique widgets, but to buy another one every six months for the rest of their lives, how much money would you be willing to throw around to protect your fabulous widget racket? (Assuming you're a sociopath.)

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Incompetence CAN NOT be at the root of this disaster. Even inexperienced residents could not have gone down this road. Basic professional norms and practices have been abandoned. ☹️

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Great article!

There was a Mirror article about "terrible colds for the double jabbed", describing people fighting for their life after colds. It mirrors experience with someone I know (I will be vague since my name is here), where a minor cold turned to a pneumonia for one formerly healthy individual.


I also wrote a Covid Tyranny Insurgency Manual, describing how we can go out, interactwith people we do NOT know, and fight tyranny effectively.


It describes things we can do to rescue people from the Covid Cult.

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I hope you are wrong, but I fear you are right. I have way too many vaxxed family members for this not to be a nightmare in the making.

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Many, Many people still believe this vaccine is "safe and effective," despite escalating side effect profiles, and the fact that the vaccine does not actually stop you from getting the virus.

When will people wake up and see these vaccines should be reserved for only the highest of risk profiles, and that mandating it for anyone is extremely immoral, and ineffective?

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It's like Aztecs sacrificing a few more hundred, cuz for some reason it's still not raining 😂😂

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At least we don’t have to watch those nurses doing their dancing tik tok videos any more

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Question: Can anyone provide an example of a country that committed such atrocities against its citizens public health that eventually owned up? And how that played out? It seems the Soviet Union never owned up, China hasn't. Germany got some traction with Nuremberg Trials. I'd like to hear more from others on this concept.

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