“before granting any power to government, first imagine that power wielded by the politician you hate most, because one day, it will be.”

So simple, so true, why can't more people see this?

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Any time I see the word "verify" I know it is a con. Fact checking is the biggest tyrannical scam on the Internet over the last 20 years. Well, maybe besides big tech spying and invasion of privacy.

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Unfortunately, it's already here. I run a small business in Georgia, I cannot renew my business license unless I have an e-Verify number. Without my business license, the county can shut me down. I can defy them, I have in the past, but to what end?

It's already here.

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023

Old trick. Define a "problem" (real or made-up), and create a "remedy" that will actually not solve the "problem" and will create another worse one.

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Not to mention which (but look at me mention it!) the problem is NOT people coming here *to work*. That's awesome; we want that. The problem with immigration is not that people want to live here and contribute and build lives; it's the ones that aren't here for that.

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Having been born in the late Pleistocene, I nevertheless still have my original Social Security Card, which states clearly at the bottom:

"Not to be used for identification".

Quaint as it may seem today, many back then did not trust the government idea of "helping everyone with retirement" by assigning all of the tax cattle a unique number which, although certainly not tattooed on one's arm, would nevertheless stay with each bovine for life.

Well, we all know how that worked out, eh?

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Ultimately, e-Verify is evil in two directions.

1 - It turns employers into the informants of the State.

2 - It guarantees the illegal immigrants who come into this country must remain in the shadows, expanding a permanent underclass in this country of people who are functionally deprived of their most basic rights, and are thus vulnerable to exploitation. The Establishmentarians will have their slaves one way or another.

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I sympathize with those on the right thinking this is good in terms of immigration problems, but the e-verify program (even if never abused) is a huge pain for actual businesses to administer and is setup in such a way to open companies up to various legal/discrimination claims.

It is not just a simple put the info in -> green light or red light. It is an administrative pain and a process filled with easy trip wires that permit EEOC and other lawsuits. For small/mid size companies it is especially a net negative risk/return even if they agree that they dont want to hire illegal immigrants.

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I used to work in HR many moons ago when E-Verify was first rolled out. I hated it back then and I hate it now. This is exactly what I thought of when I read that DeSantis is making this mandatory in Florida. What a train wreck.

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eVerify would be unnecessary if the borders are sealed, and DHS Prime Objective is to deport all illegals and visa violators.

Cleary, you can't have tryanny and freedom in the same society. So seems tyranny is the easier ideology to implement.

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Umm...E-Verify was implemented in 1996. It's alive and well.

So, on the one hand, the Feds have a program in place to keep you from hiring illegals. On the other hand, they are busily helping millions upon millions of illegals enter the US. Which leaves me wondering how all the illegals in this country are supporting themselves.

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recently I watched a film about Albania. A person stated his daughter had lost her employment because she did not have the right party card. Imagine that. You are a rep and the dems are in the WH. You lose your job. And vice versa. Everyone would be a govt employee in some way. And if you are independent forget it! No job for you!

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Get rid of the welfare state. That would solve a whole host of problems.

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This is a false framing. We already have government requiring proof of right to work for decades. E-verfify only makes it harder for illegal workers.

Only who wants illegal workers, big business like the Kochd who use libertarians as their tools. When Trump raided the chicken plants in Mississppi, they were full of illegals and owned by the Kochs.

The Kochs are not our friends. They have zero concern for America and just want open borders, free trade, low taxes and freedom to cheat.

Massie is a decent Congressman, but is carrying water for the Kochs here.

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My grandfather was 20 when the 16th Amendment (which made an income tax legal) was passed.

When I was a teenager, he told me that the pro-tax faction promised that it would only ever affect the very richest Americans.

So: How did that work out?

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Florida has had a version of e-verify for a while, maybe since Jeb was gov. It has been touted as the best way to discourage the hiring of illegals, but I’m thinking it’s just one more tracking device. Florida has a surprisingly high number of those devices. I would guess that the many military bases here have something to do with that.

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