why eliminating the FDA and CDC would probably make the public safer
a false sense of safety is more dangerous than knowing you're at risk
i’ve used this analogy before, but it remains germane, so bear with me while i frame this:
playing NFL football is dangerous.
playing NFL football without a helmet (when everyone else has one) would be far more dangerous.
but most dangerous of all is this: playing while THINKING you have a helmet when in fact you do not.
that is going to get you killed.
like, immediately.
even if you had no helmet, knowing it would change the way you behaved, the risks you took. maybe you wouldn’t play at all.
but thinking you’re protected when you are not? that’s how you make your very last bad choice…
having a fake helmet made of paper mâché is a literal recipe for quadriplegia.
pretty much anyone can see that.
and yet oddly, very few people seem willing or able to rotate this shape and ask “hey, are our regulatory agencies maybe working just like that?”
and i think it’s time we did.
because they have become extremely dangerous and trusting them to protect you is like riding a roller coaster with a safety bar made out of stale easter bunny chocolate.
they are now the problem. they are siloing and sequestering the data and not only letting drug companies get away with outlandishly slipshod and dishonest practice, but they are aiding and abetting it, moving goalposts, and telling everyone “this is fine.”
and people are placing trust in the untrustworthy and reaping the bitter fruit that comes from it.
these agencies have failed to do their jobs, rigged the data collection to make it all but impossible to see adverse events, and even gone so far as to discredit and demonize effective and safe medications used for decades in order to push some of the most dangerous and ineffective drugs in history. you can read more HERE and HERE.
this is all going to come out.
the trial designs for these vaccines were unsound
the trials themselves were executed poorly and likely riddled with fraud
the drugs were manufactured, shipped, and stored badly and to unacceptable quality standards
notions of sterilizing efficacy were almost immediately invalidated
every safety signal was ignored and goalpost moved
and no one did any of the work to see it coming or stop it
whatever the job of these regulators once may have been, it certainly seems like they have long abandoned the idea of ensuring safe and effective products around which one can make informed choices.
their abrogation of even the most basic and fundamental safety standards has become so complete that their monopolies must be broken.
there is no other solution.
here is the latest and most glaring example:
this was written by long time gatopal™ and top genetics expert kevin mckernan (aka anandamide) and is, frankly, one of the most important pieces of work in recent memory.
building on the idea that the mRNA integrity in the covid vaccines had dropped to a shockingly low 55% in commercial batches and that the regulators had responded to this by simply lowering standards to make that a passing grade while accepting a set of implausible looking western blots as “evidence” that all was OK with wildly low fidelity copies of CG enriched protein coding instructions the fearless feline anadamide went out and actually did what any real regulator should have done and sequenced the drug in the vaccine vials. what emerged was terrifying.
this piece is technically dense and complete and includes the actual sequencing results and libraries. this is information that should have been in the public domain BEFORE the drug was ever launched, not gleaned as a rear guard action to try to clean up the mess of mouse data biomarker approvals.
the technically inclined really ought to dig in on this and read it closely.
this is what safety assessment ought to look like in proactive fashion.
i was getting ready to summarize it for those not in the “deep genetics nerd” pool but then found to my great pleasure that gatopal™ jessica rose had already done so. her piece is excellent and covers this well.
i recommend also reading this closely, it’s important stuff.
the upshot is this:
the vaccine vials are riddled with contaminants and these are not just any contaminants. it’s not just something toxic, it’s something outright pathogenic. and that is astonishingly, shockingly bad.
this vaccine is actually full of self replicating dsDNA that codes for antibiotic resistant spike gene. (and a CG enriched one at that)
let’s talk about what that means.
a plasmid is a circular set of instructions to replicate proteins and can be easily generated from things like bacteria to turn them into biological factories to create lots of something you want. this is really cool tech, widely used, and incredibly efficient. you’re basically getting a small wet factory system to make you piles of the precisely genetically altered thing you want.
this is not sinister nor surprising. it’s common lab bench and production technology.
but it has NO place in finished product and can be shockingly dangerous if included therein especially if as in this case, you’ve been adding genetic coding for antibiotic resistance. note that this is also not inherently sinister. it’s done for purity. you add abx resist to whatever the goal of your production is then use abx to kill everything else so you get nice, pure outputs. (more HERE)
her words:
i’d like to add one thing here: the EMA limit of 0.33% is, best i can tell, utterly arbitrary and nonsensical. it’s the sort of limit you place on a toxin. but this is not a toxin, it’s a pathogen. and pathogens REPLICATE. so initial dose is not necessarily that relevant. it’s what happens once it starts making copies when the factories kick into gear that matters.
and NO ONE studied that. the EMA let this slide on some made up limit with no foundation in science or safety and then never even noticed that pfizer missed the mark by 10X on the bivalent vaxx.
but hey, at least they looked. best i can tell, the FDA never even asked about any of this. they just said “safe and effective” and kept making approvals and indications easier and broader until and especially after their top vaccine people quit in disgust.
and absent one brave and talented online cat, we might literally have never known about this.
but seriously, tell me again about how we need regulators to keep us safe.
the theory here is this is some sort of monstrous process problem where the dsDNA is getting into the same lipid nanoparticles (LNP’s) use to encapsulate the mRNA payloads of the vaxx.
and that is horrendously bad.
it’s like having every new batch of alleged coast guard come with its own army of somali pirates.
these sorts of lipids are going to colonize your gut biome. (and if you happen to take the wrong antibiotic (kanamycin, neomycin perhaps to monopolize it.)
your gut biome is a set of useful/vital symbionts that you carry around in your intestines and that regulate all kinds of things from digestion to metabolism to serotonin to immune function. it’s one of the most important and most ignored aspects of personal health and self care.
the sonnenburg lab at stanford university has done lots of wonderful work here and it’s well worth reading.
and if these “vaccines” are full of self replicating plasmid loops to hijack your gut and turn it into an industrial belt of antibiotic resistant covid spike factories, well, that would sure start to explain quite a lot about post vaxx immune dysfunction and massively increased rates of covid contraction and adverse event commonality and diversity.
this could cause 1000 problems, many serious and enduring.
it looks like a significant portion of the “vaccine” may well literally be instructions for pathogen infestation left over from a sloppy manufacturing process.
this will require more study and replication to be sure, but the fact that we are even having this conversation much less seeing this as the odds on hypothesis is such a staggering indictment of regulators as to beggar belief.
this is WAY past just negligence. this is the sort of thing they should shut you down over. you are clearly unfit for task and having you around and lulling people into the belief that some serious people must have done serious studies somewhere and assured that this was safe presents a far greater clear and present danger than not having you at all. at least people who know there was no testing would behave with circumspection.
trusting these people is like watching your credulous grandmother say “well, they would let them put it on TV if it wasn’t true!”
and now, as then, we need to outgrow that idea.
the FDA and CDC are not a solution. they are a problem.
but hey, prove me wrong.
open up the data and let us all see it.
all data collected by public agencies and regulators must be wholly open to the public.
that’s it. simple, sensible law that seems like it ought to be attainable.
massive reach.
no data may be siloed. you collect it, you share it. apart from anonymization to remove personally identifiable information, nothing may be withheld.
if the FDA wants to approve a drug, we get to see every record used in that drug trial.
if the CDC wants to collect health data and use it to make recommendations, we ALL get to see all of it all the way back to the source material.
if the EPA/NOAA want to tell us the temperature or the harms from some purported pollutant, every scrap of raw data right down to the serial number on the thermometer, every study, every adjustment, and every rationale must be made public.
all private research funded with public money must be open and transparent to the public. no more “we pay, you keep” gold giving and no more “hide the dodgy stuff in places no one gets to see/oversee.” if this is work in the public interest, let the public be the judge of that.
we get to see every analysis, algorithm, and statistical technique, every raw reading and datum.
we get to check everything.
open source or get lost.
congress will instantly defund any agency that fails to comply.
and let’s go head to head.
let’s let these agencies compete to show us that they are better than what would privately emerge in their absence.
i’m willing to give them a chance to fight for their lives, but they have to do it on a level playing field and prove that they add value relative to what would come to be in the private sector if their monopolies were broken.
let’s see who is better at telling us what dishwasher to want, consumer reports or the federal bureau of soapsuds.
let’s see if the FDA can actually keep the pace on assessing safety and efficacy for real.
competition breeds competence and open data breeds trust.
so let’s put the “informed” back into informed consent.
let’s pit these erstwhile “experts” against the open assessment of the real stakeholders.
or did you need another lesson in hide the ball regulatory crony capture?
Here's what is scary. Forget about the top administrators. It is easy to see that they are corrupt and that they have huge financial benefits from their actions. But there must be hundreds of top-level managers and doctors and researchers who *must* know (and knew then) how wrong this was.
End the federal reserve and big government