Here's what is scary. Forget about the top administrators. It is easy to see that they are corrupt and that they have huge financial benefits from their actions. But there must be hundreds of top-level managers and doctors and researchers who *must* know (and knew then) how wrong this was.

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End the federal reserve and big government

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A restaurant owner was trying to make the point that regulators are needed to ensure that restaurants follow safe food handling practices and keep their equipment clean and sanitary. She told me that once she had gone to an auction for equipment from a restaurant that had gone out of business. She told me how disgustingly dirty the equipment was. And that's why regulators are needed, she said. My reply: But that happened under the current regulatory system. The threat of health department inspections didn't prevent it.

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“and if these “vaccines” are full of self replicating plasmid loops to hijack your gut and turn it into an industrial belt of antibiotic resistant covid spike factories, well, that would sure start to explain quite a lot about post vaxx immune dysfunction and massively increased rates of covid contraction and adverse event commonality and diversity.”

This is horrifying and the reason you can’t Operation Warp Speed a very complicated new “medicine “.We never had enough time to see if the Vax interacts with other medicines and or foods.We also don’t completely understand our gut bacteria systems,how important some bacteria is and how others are destructive.I believe we see a whole new range of diseases from these vaccines,and the immediate myocarditis was only an early warning sign.At least people who have trouble with the first infection got the signal to stop,it now seems getting vaxed multiple times was equal to Russia Roulette and one of the doses could have been a kill shot (contaminated).

Gut bacteria also has a connection to well being and thought process,a bad feeling in the gut isn’t just a saying.I can say my uncontaminated gut is not feeling very well at the moment.

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Just a gut feeling

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The covid trials are an order of magnitude better than any trial for any vaccine on the childhood schedule.

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“A false sense of safety is more dangerous than knowing you are at risk.” This is exactly what have have told my college students in Japan for over 20 years. It is why, in my believe, Japan is MORE dangerous than the US. At least as things were until recently. It it easier to fall victim when your guard is down than when you are alert to potential dangers and everyone tells everyone here how safe Japan is, and it is truly a criminal’s heaven. Easy pickings AND the victims are not likely to go to the police AND if they do, the police are very likely to not take a report. Thus, the brakes sense of security is more dangerous than knowing you need to be careful.

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Let's go further - why not the SEC as well? That agency just issued a Wells Notice (impending doom) to Paxos Trust over a stablecoin issuance that is mechanically and practically identical to another stablecoin issuance by Paxos. One is apparently a security and the other is not. Ask Gary Gensler how that is possible and he'll tell you he's already told you. Which is preposterous. More likely, Gensler and his team are being arbitrary and capricious and are unfit to be the rulers of all numbers in computer code.

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Anyone else starting to get the idea that the reason a nuclear WW3 is on the horizon is because these psychopaths have come to the conclusion that the vaccines failed to do the job the clean way?

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Amen! Thank you for your excellent work! The purpose of Big Government is Big Government; all of its programs are simply marketing designed to get us to submit.

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The CDC and NIH didn't just start killing people with their policies with Covid. Read RFK, Jr.'s book on "The Real Anthony Fauci" to get chapters of examples where NIH/NIAID/FDA policies killed countless people (many in Africa where all the experiments and vaccination efforts take place). The drugs approved for AIDS/HIV were also incredibly toxic just like Remdesivir and they contstantly block treatments that work better. There is no focus on diet, eating better, clean water, sanitation, etc - all the things that really do improve "public health."

As far as I can tell, the state and national "public health agencies" are really just Vaccine Promotion Agencies. I swear the only reason the Alabama Dept. of Public Health existed (before Covid) was to promote the flu shots ... which don't work.

Can anyone give ONE example of initiatives of these "health agencies" that really saved lives. We've become conditioned to "listen to the experts" - and the experts are disposing dangerous advice and passing along dubious "guidance."

The real problem is the medical community constantly yielding to the guidance of these bureaucrats. It must make practicing medicine much easier. "What's Fauci and the NIH say we're supposed to do here? Okay, do that."

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I agree with your main points and definitely agree "public health" would improve with no FDA, NIH and CDC ... however, your fist example (football would be more dangerous without a helmet) might be false.

It's counter-intuitive, but the reason we probably have so many serious neck and head injuries is because the helmets are so thick and heavy. This conditions the players to "lead with their helmets" or not fear making their bodies into a missile when they deliver contact.

The helmets obviously prevent broken noses, which used to be common before helmets and face masks, but they probably contribute to more serious and life-threatening injuries (and those that can cause paralysis). Pre-helmet, athletes tackled with their arms and shoulders and protected their heads/necks.

Post helmet, football players struck with their head. There would probably be fewer concussions if players did NOT have a helmet. You could actually do a study and compare concussions and serious head and neck injuries to athletes playing rugby to those who play football.

The most dangerous component of football is the cumulative effect of many concussions, which often don't show themselves until years after the players are done playing. A broken neck (and paralysis) is the other big worry and that usually happens from tackles using the head.

The existence of the helmet probably makes the game of football more dangerous. Of course, if there was no helmet (and its face mask) far fewer people would probably play football - athletes don't want the broken noses.

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20+ years of TSA got us balloons, good job everyone

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Very good article, but the same logic applies to all government regulation. Because threatening or initiating government force against honest, peaceful adults it is immoral, it is also impractical.

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The postmodern paradigm of mis/dis/malinformation alarm is well constructed to put up a clay defense against this. "If people have the data, they might abuse it to mislead others and cause harm!" Iron Law of Woke Projection never misses, but funny as it is to observe, this would be my prediction for the response to any call for open-source data that gets loud enough not to be simply ignored.

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as bret weinstein always says "welcome to complex systems." anyone who thought you could jigger with a molecule and it would only have one desired effect is always going to be wrong. hubris, the fatal flaw of medicine and government.

i always look at FDA approval as a sign that the drug or device is A) probably at best ineffective, at worst outright harmful, B) will make someone a lot of money and C) will eventually be taken off the market once the body count gets too high to ignore or it's off patent. either way, B will already have occurred.

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