"Progressives" are anti-human, the opposite of environmentalists. They gave Sri Lanka a high ESG score because it collapsed from nitrogen caps on farming. South Africa has rolling blackouts that are lauded for reducing carbon emissions. New Jersey is slaughtering whales off its coast for wind turbine farms.

Calculate your ESG score here: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-raise-your-esg-score

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“Environmentalism” = Neo-paganism. Humans must be sacrificed to appease the gods of forest, river, sea, animals and elements and to atone for their sins against the gods. Everything must be protected except Humans.

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I Just lifted this comment from a SimComm commenter... “recent real headline by the New York Times, “Is it Safe to go outside? How to navigate this cruel summer.” Thought it was parody.”

It’s JULY people! Always the hottest month, didn’t we learn that in 7th Grade science? More people die from the cold than from the heat. I tortured myself last night and watched the NBC Nightly News... their weather map went from neon pink to orange to red to burgundy... with pulsating “ waves”... “ brutal temperatures ravaging the country”..... actually this summer average temps no higher than last year or the year before.... Rant over.

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023

Climate is indeed the new Covid: the same mix of lack of critical thinking, alarmism, hypocrisy, and authoritarian impulses.

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Allow me to summarize the thrust of the green movement

Last year Biden went to Bali. And I guess a few other world leaders showed up too

They offered these leaders the use of electric carz, to show how green everyone is

The charging stations for the electric cars

Were not hooked up to the grid, couldn't handle it

The charging stations were planted right in front of shipping container sized diesel generators

But it's ok

Because the diesel generators had these nice banners covering them with proclamations about clean air or green energy or something

so we all get to feel good, and in the end isn't that all that really matters?

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As an electrical engineer, anyone who talks about lifting a country out of poverty with intermittent energy sources (wind and solar) and not utilizing baseload power (oil, gas, coal, hydro, and nuclear) should not be taken seriously. Industrial facilities need power 24/7 to keep operations moving and they cannot be turned off with the flick of a switch. Look at any industrial facility or hospital and you will find all critical systems backed by either a diesel or natural gas generator. No plant or hospital is erecting a solar farm or wind farm to provide critical power to loads that rely on it for human safety. Imagine if you had a family member in the hospital that will die if the next day is overcast and cloudy - that would be madness.

Thanks for all you do, Gato. The humor and cat memes help too.

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My woketard mama refuses to look at anything that I send her Covid related. However, I did get her to bite on an article from the Guardian about how lockdowns would starve millions of 3rd world children to death. Her response “well that’s just the 3rd world”. The compassion is overwhelming. As long as she “feels safe” in rural New Hampshire, let them eat cake indeed. And the truckers and people like my family who support them “need to find somewhere else to live”. Because those expert mitigation efforts were such a smashing success. Sparring with these people makes my brain cry.

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The environmentalism of the 1970s is NOT the environmentalism of the 2020s.

Al Gore is to green energy as Bill Gates is to vaccines and public health. It's a great big money maker for the already wealthy. Full stop.

None of the "green solutions" they are trying to shove onto everyone will ever provide enough energy. Wind, solar, heat pumps- none of these will ever provide the needed energy at scale, they are supplemental only. The nuke plant nearest me was taken offline and decomissioned before the pandemic and I just recently heard of another one in Pensylvania going the same way.

Think of all you have heard and keep hearing about the sorry state of the electrical grid in the US. How old it is and how desperately needs to be upgraded, etc and etc. Now imagine what would happen if even just half the population were to come home every evening and plug in their electric car to charge. The whole concept is a joke. Even better, go look into what making batteries for electric cars does to the environment.

It's all just a big money making flim-flam for people who need more money like you need another hole in your head. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the environment.

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How timely is this Substack - 2 minutes ago I was searching for biodegradable dog poop bags. Sounds silly, I know, but someone brought it to my attention (because it had never crossed my mind) that picking up dog poop and placing it in plastic bags is detrimental to the environment. It's funny how we don't think of these small things - or at least I didn't, and I consider myself an environmentalist. I am trying to become more aware.

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"it’s poor countries that strip and slash/burn them....

Rich country don't do this."

Rich countries "do this," but only in parts of their country inhabited by poor people.🤢

That being said, when the environmental movement was captured by "sustainability grifters" their predatory intentions shifted to commodifying every aspect of the natural environment, as a way to revitalize a limited neoliberal economy.

These desperados will stop at nothing when they fantasize about the money hence power such a venture will yield.

Thus MSM and social media platforms are once again deployed to terrorize populations, not about the scamdemic or the Ukraine mess, but this time about climate change.😵‍💫

Are you getting tired of these pyschopathic shenanigans? Well start saying "no" and stop complying.🤨

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I have worked as an environmental engineer/ consultant since 1987 and before that as a nuclear engineer for several years. I wish I could explain the magnitude and counterproductiveness of the absurdities enshrined in federal and state environmental regulations. Much of it is "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin" nonsense. Meanwhile, real solutions like monetary incentives for habitat preservation are ignored and the same government that tells you that miniscule concentrations of endocrine disruptors are one of the greatest environmental hazards we face is telling you to that it is A-OK to inject these same compounds into children's veins at concentrations thousands of times higher.

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Purrfect! Surely one of the most important pieces you’ve posted.

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"Eat first, poetry later" is a timeless aphorism. I do think, however, that the wealthy too have their blind eye to their personal impacts on the environment, as seen on the tarmacs at the various "eco" summits around the world. Unless you feel the private jets' global hopping is less of an issue, more of a distraction, than we're led to believe.

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Thank you. I am an environmentalist as well. One of my fields was environmental toxicology. I am actually embarrassed to say these days. I also like wacky colored hair but won’t do anymore (not that that really matters, it was a phase).

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"putting a little more plant food into the atmosphere"

Yes, why exactly are we supposed to be worried about the substance that makes plants grow? And why is the solution not just to plant more plants rather than to reduce carbon dioxide? And more plants equals more food for humans, right? How is that a bad thing?

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"you cannot fix the environment by keeping poor people poor and “green energy for the 3rd world” is just a nasty new way to say 'let them eat cake.' ”

Ha yes. It was hilarious, the attempt to introduce solar cookers to places like Pakistan. Instead of an hour to cook the pullao in the traditional way, it took six...

...and electricity outages--common in the worst of the hot season and the worst of the cold season (houses built to repel heat are horribly cold and damp in even moderately cold weather)--kill the poor in droves. You try being a peasant woman trying to keep herself awake all night to hand-fan away the mosquitoes and heat from her frail babies when the juice gets cut off.

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