Good God PLEASE can we let cats decide this election? Pretty please?

As a certified cat lady, this delightful turn of feline events could not make me happier.

I wrote about this yesterday, too. My opening line: It’s virtually guaranteed that if Donald Trump is talking about pussies, the press is going to have a field day. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)


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You know what's funny to me?

It's that Boomers and many GenXers talk like this.

I just love it when my lib friends I went to college with feign outrage about the Hollywood Access "pussy" tape.

These are the same guys that would brag about how many girls tooshes they grabbed at the bars in college.

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precisely, Ryan.

I honestly enjoy watching the left constantly get pounded with payback.

They start these huge fires. Memes allow us see them incinerate right in their front yard

These people are at this point professional criminals just robbing our country.

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What's hilarious is asking these robots a question and then following it up with the same question...and them not even recognizing its the same question...yet they give a different "pre-approved" answer.

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non stop comedy...

where are the karens?

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Which is why the young or old the demorats cannot be allowed to have comedy unless it is driven by the narrative, and MUST NOT have a sense of humor for any other reason. To laugh at your own view point is to allow yourself to THINK of the verboten other side's view... and this is hugely hugely destructive to the 'narrative' There must be NO THINKING but what is scripted and allowed.... thinking, is dangerous.

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I forgot, I just saw the Eat the Cats song and dance that blew up on Tik tock. The demorats are wroth.. the more they protest the more it grows.. and it makes PEOPLE THINK! Thinking is something demorats wish to stop.. just obey, flow with the MSM, don't worry don't think! Shades of George Orwell there...

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“...young or old, the demorats cannot be allowed to have comedy unless it is driven by the narrative, and MUST NOT have a sense of humor for any other reason”.

Love me an Epiphany. And Unagnu your first sentence of your first comment insightfully reveals the failing formula for why the Left can't meme.

‘Bleak’ and ‘scripted’ within a box does not a meme make.

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LOL. I’ll have to try that, Ryan.

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Wasn’t it the left and DNC that recently went after RFK for eating a dog?

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You are correct!!!!!!! Gotta remember that. He put out a hilarious response. I should dig up some memes for that.

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Yeah, it's funny when you see some liberal Karen squawking about Trump's misogyny and the Patriarchy, then recognize that she was that drunken college girl that banged you and a dozen other guys on spring break in Daytona 20 years ago.

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You'd be a Karen too if you were coyote ugly

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So those are our options? Coyote Ugly Karens or Drunken College Girls?

*gazes lovingly upon Mrs. Pi downcouch*


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We're lucky we have wives that put up with our shit. That's my story and I'm sticking with it...or I'll be sleeping on the couch.

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Married men live longer, we women can give men purpose.

It's going to be 44 years for Mister fuzzi and me this month.

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It's the self-righteousness of Karens that is so vexing!

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Which is why I didn’t buy that Feinstein produced/directed Ridiculous testimony of Christina Blassey Ford still traumatized by being drunk at a high school beer bash and being pretty certain it was Brett Kavanaugh dry humping her….

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I call them "Born Again Virgins".

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I call them “ big fat liars with a brand new ocean front vacation home”.

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She was so pathetic! And the Dems playing along with her was sickening to behold.

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And the Republicans so worried they’ll be called “sexist” remained mum on what was clearly a scripted stunt. Ford was “ afraid of flying” so it took her four days to get across the country ( prep time) , testifies sounding like a fourteen year old and then magically hops on a plane and flies home. I’m so angry and exhausted at the crap shoved down our throats daily.

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@Ryan- that's been my argument all along, especialy with liberal men who keep bringing that tape up: "You mean to tell me you've NEVER used locker room talk? EVER?" Usually shuts them up because lots of people 'like' the comment and they know I've called them out. Shoot, even women use 'locker room' talk.

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One guy who claimed he was in the military said he never said a bad thing against women ever.

Yeah, right

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Good one. Trump mentioning pussies...Hahaha! Let's make hats.. Pussy shaped ones that say "Don't Eat Me!"

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Vote Vagetarian!

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OMG….that’s a good one. Lol lol

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Both a party and a lifestyle. Twofer.

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You are so funny!!

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We’ll see if Michael Douglas will do a PSA warning about eating too much pussy.

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*sidesteps "you would too something something Katherine Zeta Jones" comment*

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OMG…I am dying here. Not really, but my stomach is hurting from all the laughing. And street tacos.

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Same here. I think it can't get any funnier, so I read further, and it does.

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That's what I love about SS - esp EL GATO MAYO - HE'S funny but he also has the wittiest subscribers I've come across. EGM's posts have always been good - the Commenters are a terrific bonus.

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Sep 14Edited

Save the cats hat “Grab me, don’t eat me.” 😹 edited. I heard too many times how DJT’s hot mic grabbing comment was so disgusting. Like the worse thing ever said by a political figure…and on and on. Now it’s a good laugh!

Thank you.

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I'm pretty sure no one can top the Kennedy clan menfolk for disgusting behavior toward women, and being idolized anyway. DJT is a choir boy comparatively.

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Yes. He never drove a car into an inlet in order to drown his pregnant mistress...

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Ah, remember it well, Sir Edward of Chappaquiddick. Mary Joe K. picked the wrong moment for a bj is my favorite theory…

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OMG…we are all so clever. DJT needs us. Quite the marketing team we could be. Lol lol

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No doubt. Maybe my ass wouldn't pucker every time he gets off the fairway with stupid comments.

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Roi "grab me, don't eat me" towers over, and destroys one of the Left's most beloved slurs.

Entrapped now by the meme onslaught, trying to use "Trump grabbing pussies" is going to bring up entirely different imagery. It's a Catch-22.

This whole thing was hilarious, spontaneous, grassroots, psychological genius.

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No way! My cats would vote to legalize my indentured servitude.

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If cats could text you, they wouldn't.

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lol, like

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I’m not sure if they would, I just asked my cats and they ignored me 😂

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It's not just a good idea, it's the law!

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Welcome to the home of rabidly spreading toxoplasmosis, Jenna!

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LOL! I need a cognitive test, I totally missed that Trump was just being polite……🤣🤣🤣

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when WE talk about immigration, we talk about sporadical, legal immigration. I came here 21 years ago, first on green card and now citizen, paid all the dues and filled out all the forms. That is how it should be in this crowded world. When there were only a few million people, free movement could be let go, but not now. and those that like you say, want immigrants come in droves, confiscate the Vineyard - they are almost all second and third homes and will be plenty for them. In my neighborhood live quite a few former Mexican families, all hard working and not profiting on the tax payers. That are the immigrants you want. It were of course better, if one could ameliorate the situation in their home country, so they could stay there. I left my crowded country because I am a loner and cannot live without the woods. As to cat : Bad Cat for president !

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Transfer the 20,000 (20,000!) Haitian immigrants from Springfield to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket right away (before it gets too cold). Drop them off with lots of tents and set up some food kitchens (you know what they like). See how many will fit in a large unused 2nd home. Give them lots of money to spend in the local shops. Give them vouchers so they can choose what school their kids can go to. Let them vote in the local elections.

Diversity! Equity! Inclusion!

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I wonder if any of these Haitians were flown into Springfield by Biden…..

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I've seen a graph that illustrates how illegals have been transferred into deep red voting areas.

Nothing to see here, folks.

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Locals say they’re coming on bussesz

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Perhaps via DeSantis Airline once again?

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Reminds me of what Mayor Goodman of Las Vegas was infamous for; His office paid for one way bus tickets to various cities in Commiephonyia for the bums when their numbers got too high. I dubbed the practice the Bum Barrage.

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My former Commie city (Bloomington Indiana) was one of these. Had some social supports, the "Commie Kitchen" (yes, the locals call it that) and food banks, as well as "compassion for diversity," including drug use. Cons from 5 states around - Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, and sometimes Missouri - were bussed into our town. This was after I moved out, but I still have friends on the ground there. I hear things like: "They shit in my park, they leave needles around - this is horrible!" And that was well before the Biden wave.

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Likewise, although I arrived (legally, with my green-card carrying family) as a child in 1966. Everything I am and everything I have is thanks to the US letting me live the American Dream. And cats rock!

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Lol! Hell yes, Ingrid. My husband is German, now in his 50s. He first came to the USA at 19, through a program run by the US department of Ag as an exchange apprentice in the Equine Industry. He ran his own training stable for years, occasionally in the US, Canada, sometimes Europe or the Middle East, but most often here.

Despite that long involvement with the USA, when we married, we had to jump a thousand hoops to get his green card.

Ugh. We paid plenty, filed reams of documents, waited ages, and then got abused by some little girl in US Immigration who designated him, "inadmissible" because he refused to be vaccinated for childhood diseases he had had as a child.

Go figure.

In the end we jumped all their bars, even the last one.

But it took a year or two off of our lives & royally pissed me off, as well.

This mass invasion of criminals & Foriegners who are provided free transportation, free housing, free medical & endless gift cards for food & beer, when my millennial daughter has no home & cannot afford to buy one, despite 2 college degrees & working 12 hours a day, when she finds work, is a DISGUSTING state of affairs. Now these criminals in Oregon & California are giving 30K to 150K for down payments on homes to ILLEGALS!

Our Nation is run by elite WHORES. They whore for Bezos, for the War Machine, the Pharma Murderers, the Cabal of Internatuonal Banksters, and they have being doing so for so very long that they do not understand this is NOT NORMAL!

Time for 1776, once more. I pray more Americans, new ones & old ones, figure it out.

🙏 🙏 🙏

PS- When even Bobby Kennedy says to vote for DJT, you KNOW we are in TROUBLE!

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There are no critics of illegal immigration like legal immigrants!!

I’ve gone through the process in the NL and I am a model immigrant if I do say so myself; so no, I don’t have any patience for people who don’t follow the same path.

My husband went through the reverse process in the USA and it was even more difficult, so same story: Do it right or don’t bother.

Oh, except for the vaccine requirements. That shit is tyrannical!! We didn’t know better at the time and a special immigration doctor dosed him up with literally every required shot all at once because he didn’t have proper records. Can’t be harmful because vaccines are magical serums rather than medical interventions with very real side effects…. He fainted. Fortunately, nothing worse. But looking back, that was a first step on the path to becoming a vehement anti-vaxxer. Unbelievable negligence in public health.

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Trust me, negligence doesn't even begin to cover it!

There is a reason every violent communist/stalanist/maoist type "mass murder followed by Totalitarianism plan" begins by attacking the educated, the intellectuals, the business owners, and the honest. They are the people with enough brains, money, & common sense, coupled with humane or ethical principles, to stand up & say, "Hell No!"

"What do you think you are doing? Stealing people's children and indoctrinating them against their parents? Why did you just shoot that man, his horse, his dog or his cow?.

Wait a minute here, you cannot close his business, it's how he earns his living!

Or, are Pharma's products actually safe? For whom? Safe for pharma you say? Effective? Effective at what? Giving us cancer, down the road, or a stroke, today?

Why is my child always ill? Why can't Johnny make any friends? Why can't Sally breathe? Why is Timmy allergic to peanuts when I was raised on peanut butter!

Wait a second here, I NEED my car, my house, my job, my LIFE!

It's mine, not yours, lol!

Just hold on a minute- you're saying the seas will rise & we will all burn up tomorrow, you say?

But I remember when you told me there was a coming ICE AGE, lol! Or that "DDT, it's GOOD for me!" Or that smoking doesn't cause lung

cancer, COPD or pancreatic cancer either.

Just hold on a damn minute!

We HAVE Freedom of Speech, Property Rights, self determination & Bodily Autonomy.

It's not yours, it's mine!! Read the bloody Constitution. Grow up.

You don't run the World, we do."

Sigh. They always go after those who can call them on their BS first. Now, because we are awake to them & their machinations they are importing non-Americans who they can control to finish the Grand Theft of an entire Nation right out from under us!

Traitors they are, and not above sparking off WW3 to cover their crimes. Makes sense to me, 'cause if I could get my hands on these rank Traitors they'd be in Leavenworth INSTANTLY and all facing the long drop not enough got in Nuremburg.

Time for 2.0.

Pray. A lot!

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Awarded Excellent Comment. 🥇🏆

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Thank you, Sez!

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Bravo to both of you!

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Being vaccinated was apparently not a concern for the multi-millions of border jumpers.

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You may go to the head of the "I followed all the rules & still got screwed" line. The whole world needs a '1776 Moment'. I hope to God we can git rid of WEF, WHO, UN... and all the other alphabet bad actors pontificating pushing their agendas -

"WEF Demands Limits on Car Ownership Among General Public" (May 17, 2024)


"Full List of WEF’s Most Disturbing Plans for Humanity" --(March 27, 2023)


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The $150k for illegals down paymentv as not signed by New some.

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As an American, my experience with immigrants was largely positive like the Irish-born boss I once had who would vociferously argue down any criticism of America (and taught me some interesting life skills like not touching stray bags on the street...), being in the restaurant biz for so long, I met many hard-working people from all over the place, all of whom seemed to be productive and happy to be here.

I even remember what the 'sanctuary movement' in the big cities was originally for- at one place I worked with men who had been doctors, journalists and scholars in their own countries whose life was at risk for opposing the juntas of 80's Central and South America.

I'm sure now all of them are just as aghast at this turn as my BF's South African husband who spent years getting a green card here. He's pissed at what they are turning the country into and what is being given to the worst people that law abiding working folk must jump through nearly impossible hoops and hurdles to get.

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Mrs. Pi and fam are all Salvadoran. Sponsored, citizens.

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My spouse and our son, came to the US ~37 years ago. We jumped through the hoops of Immigration then, aided perhaps, that I was in the military and my spouse and son were from the UK, a 'friendly' country.

For various reasons, they have not applied for US citizenship. One reason being, the US requires repudiation of any other citizenship. Repudiation sounds good on the face of it, so you'd think, right? Especially if said legal alien is from North Korea, or China.

But does it really matter? How many CCP spies, now claiming US citizenship, are in the US today? I think it's more than a hundred, a thousand, more?

But since my spouse and son have not gone for US citizenship, they have to endure the now extremely convoluted, DHS driven, renewal of their resident alien status. Not only is it convoluted, the costs are not trivial.

Meanwhile, the B-H-O cabal continues to allow a steady flow of illegal aliens (no, they are not migrants or 'dreamers') across our borders. And coming to light, the corrupt B-H admin has been flying illegals into the US, of course on tax payer dollars. And, once here, the dollars are heaped upon these illegals.

My spouse and son have been here, legally, paperwork to prove, since 1986. They have paid the same taxes as any natural born US citizen. They have paid taxes on top of that to maintain the 'resident alien' status (why?).

They won't register to vote because they know it's not only illegal, but it is unacceptable from a moral viewpoint. Could they, in these northeastern states, actually register to vote? My research tells me yes they can, even after years of living here and multiple times re-registering for resident alien status.

So, tell me, show me, that a large percentage of the ~10 million (being conservative) illegal aliens that the B-H-O admin has let come across, are not 'registered' in some way, to vote in the US elections.

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The only people who can be Americans are Europeans. This nation was built by us, for us

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Totally agree. I'm happy to share the abundant wealth we have in this nation with anyone seeking a better life. If they need a hand up, I'm happy to participate. But I draw the line at those who consistently and continually take advantage of our country's largesse and generosity.

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They should just eat DeWine and help the cats out.

He looks like a rodent to me.

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That there'll feed a whole Clowder of Cats.

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My husband just sent me this - one of the best video memes on the cats. I wascrying. https://x.com/PapiTrumpo/status/1833605627928514875

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Nature’s most perfect creature.

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And most beautiful!

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😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Hilarious! Thank-you!

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kitties. They are so good

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🤣🤣🤣 Priceless! Thanks for sharing.

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Most people see Haitians and only see black.

I live in a country with 1,000,000+ illegal Haitian immigrants. Having been to Haiti several times, I DO understand whay they'd want to leave. Here Haitians are routinely rounded up in big truck jails, dumped at the border in Dajabon or Jimani, but 20,000 pesos later (about US$335) they are back.

Haitians are not just black. Their culture is bizarre by western standards. I won't go into details, but the average Haitian has a western IQ of under 80, and what looks like catholicism is eally voodoo with a "catholic" veneer. See, the French hundreds of years ago told their slaves in Aiyti to either convert to catholic church or die. So they put a veneer on their religion, and formed an African language that sounded vaguely French, and weren't killed. But make no mistake: the majority of Haitians still hold the old religious beliefs. In fact, stained glass on "catholic" churches also have voodoo symbolism along with the Virgin Mary. And cemeteries have an idol of Baron Samedi to "protect" the graves.

One sacrament of voodoo which is supposed to give special powers is to drink the blood from a live cat. I am not making this up. Don't search for videos because they can be very disturbing.

I lost a neutered male cat to a Haitian construction crew who were living on a construction site a couple of blocks away. One confessed that they tracked him down, killed, and spit-roasted the poor guy for food. I lost another young cat but don't know what happened.

When they catch a cat, they break it's neck with their bare hands. Again, disturbing videos.

They honestly do not understand why anyone would be upset over killing cats or dogs for food and religious sacrifice.

These people are NOT worthy of integrating into western culture. Go to Little Haiti in Miami if you want to see what Springfield OH will look like when the dust settles.

You think Jamaican or Venezuelan gangs are dangerous? You have not seen Haitian gangs. Jamaican and Venezuelan gangs will kill you. Haitian gangs will kill you and drink your blood in a weird sacrifice.

One can only hope eating cats by illegals is the true turning point for anti-illegal immigration political policy.

This s#!t needs to stop NOW!

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I said this on Taibbi's site in longer form, but IME most blacks I've met from varying subcultures in the US do not like Haitians. Most do not trust them and a few people I've known were positively predjudiced against them. I even knew a Nigerian who hated them, he was nuts himself, but would talk about them and say "Voodoo no good!' (this became a meme of sorts at the restaurant I worked at at the timek..). Nah, I don't think anyone wants unvetted Haitians in this country, even other immigrants from the Caribbean.

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It’s called Santaria.

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No. Santaria is different from vudu.

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Yes, I know. It combines voodoo with Catholicism.

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Feline memesmith: it’s the part you were born to play, baby! (Another Simpsons reference. Epic Simpsons memes floating around since they live in Springfield and have a pet cat named snowball.)

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We are in for decades of reveal on the immigration gaslighting and grift.

My tired refrain: End the Fed. When the dollar dies, this ends.

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It's odd how these politicians have never heard about self-deportation.

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When I lived in Brooklyn 30 years ago we often saw signs of what I was told were Haitian voodoo ceremonies in the parks leaving animal skulls and remains. Funny that the dogs we were walking always avoided those places.

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Make no mistake about it, voodoo is a real thing.

The anthropologist Wade Davis wrote a book called The Serpent and the Rainbow, investigating the modern-day voodoo practice of Haitians. From the Wikipedia page about the book:

"The Serpent and the Rainbow: A Harvard Scientist's Astonishing Journey into the Secret Societies of Haitian Voodoo, Zombies, and Magic is a 1985 book by anthropologist and researcher Wade Davis. He investigated Haitian Vodou and the process of making zombies. He studied ethnobotanical poisons, discovering their use in a reported case of a contemporary zombie, Clairvius Narcisse."


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Book was great. Movie sucked and was completely unrelated to the book. Wade Davis withered after that movie. Actually it may have been a way to make him look academically ridiculous, because - you know, beliefs & plants - they don't do much, do they?

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Not quite a cascade event but I'm beginning to think we'll see the media/institutions in more predicaments like this where they have no win options.

Institutional credibility is at all time lows, everything the MSM did worked but at some point it will all be destroyed by cat memes

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give it a minute. cascades tend to work by doublings. they can go from "huh" to "holy crap" awfully quickly.

this is why MSM and mainstream politicos are so wet pants terrified right now.

if they cannot suppress this, they're done for.

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C'mon man...it's a catscade!

You be slippin'...;]

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A torrent of toxoplasmosis!

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a catastrophe!

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Good one.

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Good I hope they are done for.

it’s unbelievable how stupid people who just hate Trump have to stick up for people who are eating cats, swans, geese, ducks. And they supposedly love animals. Not enough, I guess.

Their are hatred for Trump is stronger than their love for animals.

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Their hatred is dogmatic.

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You might be surprised.

It could become a "kinderbox"...:)

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Omg great puns!- Ginger

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Or a litterbox

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So simple, yet so devastating.

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But the cat came back

the very next day

the cat came back ya know we thought he was a goner

but the cat came back

He just couldn’t stay away

Oh no, no no no no….

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Cats, cats cats ,( said to the Marsha,Marsha,Marsha jingle ), why is it that us beagles can't get the recognition we deserve ( think fauci flea experiments ).

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Amen. Maybe because he is sanction by the corrupt, blind supposed government?

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"the internet is made of cats"

🤔 But I thought it was a series of tubes. And you gotta understand those tubes...


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Oh my gawd...that's totally tubular, Becky

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How do you find this stuff? An enormous amount of tubes.

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"the Internet is tubes" used to be fairly ubiquitous, although not nearly so much as cats of course. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Series_of_tubes

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"How do you find this stuff?"

I know a guy.

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Plus, _frackas_

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With real border security and real vetting of migrants, the USA would be +85% "white". Nations in Europe, such as France or the Netherlands, would be +98% "white".

The proper word isn't migration, but invasion. And the purpose of the invasion is?


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I'm wondering if the Rambo cats who have retained most of their hunting skills and live outside are seeing what's going on right now and have had enough. Humans are the ones who have taught cats to trust other humans and the result is that now they're being lured to their deaths by deranged sickos with cat treats and a bowl of tuna. Have you ever tried to catch a cat who doesn't want to be caught? It's not easy. We take care of an outdoor cat, and if he even hears a weird noise, he runs at cheetah-level speed and he's climbed 20 feet up a tree in about a tenth of a second.

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Come to Australia, where cats are devolving into mega-cats. So far, just domestic cats which are lynx sized - but the wallabies are tasty and plentiful, and it only takes about 20 years (40 breeding cycles) before you get mega-cats. https://scienceblogs.com/tetrapodzoology/2007/03/04/australias-new-feral-mega-cats

this one has some photos:


They are actively hunted.

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Wouldn't the hot, arid climate play a role in limiting their size?

Australia must hold the record for number of invasive species.

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Felines originally evolved in Egypt & Africa....so....desert....hot....

Why do you think kitty likes to sit in the sun? She's subtropical, which is perfect for Oz.

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I like to sit in the sun too, and I'm a skinny kitty from frigid Canada.

Body size in relation to climate is addressed by Bergmann's and Allen's rules:


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It is definitely a truth that the left cannot meme. They tried to get traction with the "RFK Jr ate a dog!" thing, but Bobby neutralized that with his hysterical video of him reading his St. Francis children’s book to his dogs. And now all of the left’s attempts at Trump Cat-Eating derision is being reversed back at them with 100% more successful truth funniness. It’s no wonder they are doubling down on Memes as Hate Speech as a a political platform. It’s too far gone to stop now. Even if the tyrannicals manage to wipe us off the internet, I envision meme pamphlets being dropped by freedom drones.

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Dead people always manage to vote...so why not cats and dogs?

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"Naturalized Citizens"

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