Bad cat I don’t know exactly what your day job is, but you are one terrific writer.

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my 9th grade english teacher is very proud.

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How do you have time for all this over the top genius content!? Day job be damed!!!!

Oh and the cats are so funny! And the guy with two thumbs! It’s all sooo good!!!!

El Gato is THE BEST!

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Back in the good old days of genuine pedagogy

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Don't try to dogs the cat....

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Yeah and funny--we definitely need the humor to stay sane--the careening clown car mentioned in a couple of articles today got me! I only recently subscribed am enjoy the insights greatly!

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The most important part of this article is this 5-word sentence: Your fear is their power.

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This is the same gut reaction I had when I heard the talking heads saying omicron could mean covid is waning.

The whole plandemic was a dress rehearsal. We played our parts as slavish minions. They wanted to see how far they could go.

So either they have vaccinated enough minions to sit back and watch the ensuing health crisis or lab leak #2 will come in awful handy.

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That was my parents household motto. It worked until the offspring grew smarter and stronger than their overlords. Luckily for them we were benevolent (mostly). I wonder if the world wide populous will be.

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Either we have the dumbest people in the world out here in Cali (a distinct possibility) or Newsom's all-mail-in ballots were obviously fixed.

It seems completely implausible that people could be locked up and their kids locked out for a year and he would win a slightly higher % in the recall than the last election.

Of course, it could all just be the 24/7 Trump Derangement Syndrome going on that fueled the results. My mom was much more concerned about Newsom losing his job than my wife losing her's (wife is in healthcare, somehow got a religious exception).

Yesterday, I found out my wife's fat-as-a-whale 35 year-old techie nephew wants everyone to test before her family Xmas. I have to get tested for work anyways, so it doesn't really matter to me on a physicalstandpoint, only psychologically and morally, but he's opening up Pandora's box on political comments during dinner. Guess what on the menu? An opening on vaxx injuries, a main course of OAS, a nice side of BMI and death rates, followed by a desert of vaccine efficacy. Gonna be a great day!!

And about the Times. Pravda writers in 1970 had more shame.

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We can't let California stay lost. I'm starting where I live and work... Being an example of what it can look like with no fear. Sometimes it only takes one person to live her truth... Which gives someone else the permission slip to live their truth.

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yes. I bet that Christmas gathering is going to be innnnnnteresting

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Glad you have your side of the conversation covered. Please record his responses to your comments. Can't wait!

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Yes! Let us know how it went.

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Go get him! You may save his life

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Way to truth #delicious

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Cheering you on! Go for it! Report back!

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I would love to be sitting at your Christmas dinner table. I would serve as your second!

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Dec 15, 2021
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Yay, both sides! I sure know right-wingers have been harassing the living shit out of me and my family to fully comply or lose everything. And we know how much conservatives hate the Constitution.

Yep, this is a really, really balanced issue and I'm glad more people recognize that.

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yeah. Obama taught college children all about the constitution and look how they turned out. Obama's Army of idiots

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Dec 15, 2021
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gee wow, you are kind. 🙄

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That was a weird thread there. I wasn't really sure how to engage it.

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Dec 15, 2021
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I don't "believe" in anything. I just know which group I'd call for backup if I had to choose.

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Fear is the currency of tyrants.

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I think Thomas Sowell said (paraphrased), “Never give power to anyone who won’t pay a price for being wrong.”

I suppose the corollary to that is, “And if you do, you’ll have to *impose* that price upon them.“

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Kinda in the same vein as, "You can vote your way into tyranny, but you have to shoot your way out."

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Are you certain it's not "boost your way out"? At least NYT might say so

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Have you seen that new BMJ article, "the end of the pandemic will not be televised"? Refreshingly makes the point that this all ends when we stop obsessing over data dashboards and go back to living.

I think if the BMJ is making a stumble back toward sanity, that is a good sign for here and now. But the rehearsal is still necessary because we're going to run into this same issue again sooner or later.

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This is one of those strange times when the Establishment lets a bit of anti-narrative slip through. It's always a bit puzzling. One explanation is that they do it so they have some deniability on media bias. "We're not biased, look at these three articles (or op eds) that we published over the last year." Of course they're swamped by all their other coverage, and thus forgotten.

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'Some historians have observed that pandemics do not conclude when disease transmission ends “but rather when, in the attention of the general public and in the judgment of certain media and political elites who shape that attention, the disease ceases to be newsworthy.”8 Pandemic dashboards provide endless fuel, ensuring the constant newsworthiness of the covid-19 pandemic, even when the threat is low. In doing so, they might prolong the pandemic by curtailing a sense of closure or a return to pre-pandemic life...

'Deactivating or disconnecting ourselves from the dashboards may be the single most powerful action towards ending the pandemic. This is not burying one’s head in the sand. Rather, it is recognising that no single or joint set of dashboard metrics can tell us when the pandemic is over.

'As an extraordinary period in which social life was upturned, the covid-19 pandemic will be over when we turn off our screens and decide that other issues are once again worthy of our attention. Unlike its beginning, the end of the pandemic will not be televised.'

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Who's BMJ? Jeff Childers cited that article as well in his Substack today, but he didn't say what BMJ is. B-Something Medical Journal?

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B = British

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What's more, THEY agree with the headline, too.

And remember this, everyone: when the media isn't able to string COVID along any longer, that doesn't mean it's halftime for everyone. The Great Resetters know the NYT headline is true, and they're going to be spending that downtime conditioning us while things are nice and calm.

Expect to be bombarded during the "post-covid truce" with messaging from every corner of culture about how medically fragile we all are, really, we could die at any moment from a million incredibly deadly things from which we have no defense. Really, it's amazing every single one of us isn't in our deathbeds right now.

Expect the medical-industrial complex to push harder than ever before: pharma, public health, and private health will be so cozy with federal government it'll look like we always had socialized medicine in the United States.

Oh, and expect the most aggressive push ever for socialized medicine in the United States.

Expect a shotgun marriage between woke ideology and safetyism/medicalism/biofascism (all the same thing). Yes, they've been seen going out in public constantly this whole pandemic, but they'll make it official with rings and everything. Expect you and especially your children to begin hearing that "health justice (read: biofascism) is racial justice" as explicit statements irreversibly coupling support for biofascism with not being a white supremacist (and the converse).

Now that millions of us in the US now have permanently compromised immune systems, expect health care to proceed swiftly along a subscription model for EVERYTHING, and the ripple effect of this to include subscription models for all kinds of things that profit federal governments and multinational corporations (but I repeat myself) but make life harder for you: expect the idea of buying your food ad hoc at a grocery store, in the quantities and on the schedule you want, to be painted as quaint and environmentally irresponsible and, let's face it, racist. Expect the idea of home ownership to be seen as antithetical to the advancement of the proletariat and, let's face it, white supremacy.

These all fit together, because economies and globalized business models of untouchable organizations are made of millions of things that all fit together. No crazy red string necessary.

Expect, again, tens and hundreds of millions of your fellow countrymen to act as stupid and slavish as they did this time, and for escape from this trajectory to eventually require things you're a fucking idiot to advocate for on public internet channels.

Now time for my morning coffee.

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Best advice is to stay out of the hospitals and away from Big Pharma meds. Just use them to get annual blood work and then learn how best to care for our own health. Revisit a holistic approach rather than the allopathic symptom-treating Big Pharma schtick shoved down our throats by most doctors today. As for homeownership, with Blackrock buying up every single home they can that comes on the market and most people becoming poorer, we are being sold rentership as the new dreamscape in Smart cities where your refrigerator can know when it needs to order your next lab-made meal. I feel for those who have been forced to take the jabs for jobs in order to keep a roof over familes' heads or food in their bellies. As Bad Cat points out, this is not the last crisis. The WEC is already floating the idea that climate change may require a certain number of lockdowns. I love that Bad Cat has an optimistic outlook on we the people winning this immediate battle and will do my part for the future by continuing to say NO to the jabs and try and shed whatever light I can on people who are in the dark. Thanks for creating a platform Bad Cat where we can find some solace with each other. Our isolation serves the powers well.

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And we need to stop getting tested for the privilege of working or doing anything else. The testing and masking are all part of this and it's amazing to me that i still see people saying they "have to get tested". No, we are *choosing* to get tested. I realize there are bills to pay, but I've sold off stuff or whatever it takes to be able to make less money to fight this crap. Complying with *any* part of this just takes us further and further towards the ultimate goal. People were laughing at me last year when I was saying, "If a person will wear the face diaper, they *will* voluntarily give up their means of self-defense (weapons)." If we aren't brave enough to say no to a mask or a test, we will not be brave enough to say no to whatever other agenda is in the pipe.

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why do you need annual blood work? :)

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for some of us who may struggle with pre-diabetes, etc. It's a good tool to know if we're meeting our goals. I've been losing weight in order to get my A1C number in the normal range. I'm 57 y.o. My mother died at 58 from a pulmonary embolism after open-heart surgery. Her cardiovascular issues were triggered by uncontrolled diabetes. I don't mind annual lab work to gauge my A1C, tryglicerides, and other levels to avoid my momma's health issues. I also like to measure my vit D levels 2x/year to keep at optimal functional range (50-80 ng/ml).

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Ah, bad cat, I love you. You always make me feel like I'm one of the soldiers hearing King Henry V's rousing pre-Battle of Agincourt speech: "By Jove, I am not covetous for gold, nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;

It yearns me not if men my garments wear;

such outward things dwell not in my desires.

But if it be a sin to covet honor,

I am the most offending soul alive."

Every day, El Gato Malo gives me courage, and Jeff Childers' Coffee & Covid gives me optimism.

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Have you tried Berenson and/or Eugyppius as well?

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Totally addicted.

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Yes! 👍Great recommendation, both excellent writers! It's amazing how much information these wonderful writers are sharing with the world.

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And Malone, now on substack.

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Robert W Malone

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If I could heart this 1000 times, I would!

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Good news out of New York: Our legal team won a stay of implementation of Mayor De Blasio's vaccine mandate for City employees. No telling what happens next. The incoming Mayor may just shut it down... https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-14/judge-blocks-nyc-vaccine-mandate-for-detective-who-sued-city

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There's that great Gandhi quote about vaccines, but lockdowns, tyranny, evil can all be used interchangeably in place of vaccination.

"Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction."

Keep building out the structures to resist and you will expose the cracks in their structures

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I just did a search. Here's the full quote I found: “Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.

Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

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Wow! Thanks!

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Really? Did Gandhi really talk about vaccines?

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It's less surprising given the context of the time (at least these days they pretend to have ethics) and his region of the world (vaccines and other drugs are still routinely tested on poor countries, often with devastating results).

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Thank you. We all need to smile and say NO!

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And STOP getting tested!!!!!

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Dec 15, 2021
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i'm all for diversity of opinion and open debate, but this sort of endless word salad spam has no place here.

knock it off or you could have the dubious distinction of being the first commenter ever banned on bad cattitude.

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Oh I missed it! But I'm sure the warning was warranted. Bad cats getting humans in line

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I'll bet that chart from Denmark with the rising om gives Neil Ferguson more of a lift than his cross-town honey.

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You mean his "married to another man" honey . . .

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Yep. Nothing like getting down during the lockdown. Except, for him, predicting another hundred zillion deaths.

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I just read about that in the book!

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For those of you who think, "I don't have any influence. I can't do anything". Stop!!! Just by doing small acts of non compliance you can give others hope and courage.

Take off the mask. Be cheerful. Ask people questions, like "How long are you willing to wear that thing?" Or "if they ask you to wear that mask for the rest of your life, will you?"

You will be SHOCKED at how many folks haven't even considered those types of questions. This is a tough one I know, but how about getting folks THINKING!!! for a change?

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I posted the 2009 Slate article on our family thread yesterday and a shit storm ensued defending mask mandates. I pointed out to the group that wearing a mask was your personal choice. Someone piped up and said it was the law. Then I asked for the AB-CoVid requirement. I let them know a mandate is not a law. It’s an autocratic bureaucratic imposition. Crickets. Californians don’t understand freedom or choice. I responded my body my choice. The response was the virus isn’t a choice. Sounds a lot like a Democrat talking point.

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my body my choice goes for vaccines AND abortion, correct?

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I’m simply throwing the mantra back in their face. Abortion is killing an innocent human being. Forced wearing of a mask isn’t quite equal. Try killing a dog or a cat or a Condor. Pretty massive penalties for doing that unless you’re an animal shelter.

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abortion usually happens at most 2-3 months after the first signs of pregnancy are present. you are killing cells, not a human child. if a person is not able to have a baby financially, they can use abortion as a life saver. even if you just give up the kid after, there are still hospital bills. you dont decide if its the law for someone to have control over their body or not. if you want to stop killings of innocent BORN human beings, then try stopping school shootings. i dont care how, as long as that stops, then the world will be a better place. school shootings is worse than abortion. change my mind.

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