
Oh boy Gato you got my blood boiled.

-I was spit on twice,

- disinvited from two family holidays

- still have thousands of dollars in mask fines levied on my business

- disowned by an Aunt and Uncle for trying to take my 96 year old grandmother on a walk OUTSIDE

-I lost two dear friends

- my wife was ostracized by friends at "clubs/activities/volunteer work" she was in

- my children were banned from their playmates houses.

- my twins were kicked out of school for refusing to wear masks

⁃ I was shouted down in public by mobs of 10-20 people many times. Total hysteria; they were so angry the didn't even realize they were shouting at me after pulling their masks diwn

⁃ I was escorted from the airport for not having a mask over my nose

⁃ I walked off two planes because of flight attendants harassing families simply because their 2 year old was having a bad day. One of the incidents involved the passengers throwing candy to the flight attendants, as an applause, for their abhorrent behavior.

⁃ accosted by police twice

⁃ Iost a shit ton of money because I couldn't operate my business at full speed.

⁃ much more


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I'm glad you wrote this. But I wish I could get through at least one day in any week without getting mad all over again.

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And they wonder why we're "sensitive" to being told to get over it and for wanting to get to the bottom of it!

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yes. My sister "I do not want to talk about it"

My son in law is still an arrogant prick

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Is that a slight improvement with your Sister?

Your SIL sounds a bit egocentric. Probably doomed to be taken by the covid poison shot. We can’t save everyone even though we continue to try.

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Linda, Joyce has always been an NIH worshiper. She worked there (30 years?) and loved Collins and Fauci. She never advanced in pay grade bc she was a dimwit nurse. She is a space cadet. example: Two weeks ago hubbs and I went to her house in Maryland to write some checks with the estate and trust accounts.... She does not bother to learn anything, so we have to go to her. At one point, can't remember the discussion, she said "I don;t remember when you went to college for a nursing degree. when was that?" Well, she is older than me, but I went to school first while she was working at a car dealer and doing drugs. Anyway, I try very hard to be good to Joyce. There is no reasoning with her. She will call me out of the blue to ask a question about the legal paperwork and then spend an hour telling me everything about her, her friends, what the neighbor said to her, just on and on. She just floats along

I mentioned at some point hither and yon on substack, someones blog, that my estranged daughter called me. I see now that she calls me when she is not home. She is walking exercising, or out someplace. So it is obvious she is calling me mostly without the presence of Jerome the husband. I asked if she could send me pictures of the kids. She has not. It is weird. After two ++ years I am just moving on. I know I am not alone. My son in law is disrespectful but also this shunning behavior is very common in his family, I believe an action he learned from his mother. She has blocked out both of her brothers, and for at least 25 years she blocked her father and mother in law from any communication. Both of those in laws have died. Too bad. Jeromes family is weird hahaha

That said, Linda I hope you had a superb summer.

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Oh goodness, i guess we all have a sister like that! 🙄

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I can relate......

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Oh. I thought I was the only one. Oh yeah, that was part of the whole evil plan

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You nailed why I am still angry. I try not to be, but like a geyser, it shoots up from time to time.

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Injustice makes me nuts. Every time I hear another lie or slander bad things happen within my circulatory system. If I didn't keep my arteries clean with all that Vitamin C there'd be some geyser indeed.

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Shiiiit....me too SCA

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Ryan, I was so shocked reading your list, and I thought, "you know, maybe Ryan has a real right to his intemperance whenever he wants to be intemperate."

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Yeah I came in guns blazing after reading your guys' comments here for the first 6 months...and then I said eff it because I really thought people needed encouragement and some a metaphorical slap upside the head. And I told Gato that in so many words when I started here.

I know I was a little rough around the edges...but I had never participated in social media until gato started his stack.

I think the most astonishing thing that happened during the bullshit is we came together and pulled each other through this, because we all know that other peoples freedom is one in the same as our freedom...even though these were the same people that ostracized us and/or caused untold despair.

And you know what SCA?

I wouldn't hesitate to do it all again. The "cost" to do right and be an example to my children is a reward worth the price my wife and me paid.

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If I hadn't had this place to share and relieve some of my anguish during the four years it took to kill my friend, I would have gone mad, truly, no exaggeration. As it was, my auto-immune blepharitis that makes me appear to be suffering from a Toad Curse whenever I'm really stressed out--well, my right eye belonged to her and then when my kid had a week of the Plague, my left eye belonged to him.

Everyone beloved to me has taken the vax. Any time any of 'em is feeling peaky, my eye starts going real nasty.

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this too was my first participation in social media and comment sections. never saw the point until Covid and then i needed the collective disvelief of other sane people.

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Spot on. When you answer to God instead of to people, then your heart's in the right place!

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My own rule about social media from 2016 when it became far more political was that "people did not "friend" me to hear my thoughts on politics. And from 2016-2020 it was something I stuck to...until they forced me to participate in Covid. Then I would comment on other's posts. And was "unfriended."

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But that desire to be free of the anger risks everyone being ok with “moving on”. I agree that we CANNOT forget until all has been exposed to the light and people are held accountable. We can forgive in our hearts, but that doesn’t mean release from accountability. The only way to ensure this never happens again is to wake up those who were and still are asleep.

I hope none of you that went through these things ever let anyone forget. They have not acknowledged they were wrong and hurt you yet, and without acknowledgement there can be no forgetting.

My blood boils for you and all your stories.

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You should understand, though, that those in the younger generation most beloved to me have been vaxxed, are comfortable masking, but nevertheless are very deeply loving caring people. They were truly afraid of harming anyone else by relaxing precautions. In the very earliest days even I thought masks were a reasonable measure. But I never trust any innovation in medicine until, say, 10 or 20 years have revealed all the possible repercussions. There were vaccines I felt appropriate for my kid when he was young, and those I did not trust.

There are some things you only learn because you've lived long enough for life to have schooled you good. You have to hope to get through with scars but not, say, brutal amputations. I was always a reasonably skeptical person but now I am that in spades.

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That's why it's not an "othering." The government weaponized our best intentions. My Aunt and Uncle who got the vaccine did it as a condition to visit her brother who was recovering from back surgery. He made it as an ultimatum to visit. And he made this ultimatum not for himself, but to protect his wife who was suffering from ailing health issues as well. All these good intentions for an experimental injection.

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Each of them made a choice, and they were not in the same monstrous position of those whose ability to feed and house their families depended on acceding to blackmail.

If someone demands you forswear your own common sense about what you are willing to do to your own body, and you do so when your life does not hang on it, then you must live with the consequences.

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Personally, that isn’t possible, sadly.

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If I didn't have my two crafts to keep refining most waking hours of every day I would be in grim shape.

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oh that reminds me, I have 4 teak chairs of mom and dads. They need to have the caned seats replaced. So I can remove all of that today since it is nice outside

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That makes sense. No doubt soldiers wish they could go a day without having to be ready to fight.

For what it is worth, we all want to be in a good mood and it is a common human coping mechanism to wait until you are mad to take a strong action on boundaries or communication. (We often feel like we shouldn't HAVE to disrupt our mood to clarify truth. It should just stand...)

The other option is to process the sadness behind the anger, then to recognize that we are surrounded with Matrix bots who are going to flip out even worse--in direct proportion to the denial they've been enforcing.

The more casually we "drop truth" into our daily interactions (without malice , rage, or convincing anyone) the more welcome truth will be in our lives.

All we want is the truth to be out. We should not have to pick between truth and love, nor truth and survival. Yet, here we are. The depth of discomfort for all of us is based on how long we've allowed lies and conformity to reign.

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I deeply disagree with that Matrix bots thingy.

We discovered during this our neverending Plague Era that a Good German lives in the hearts of everyone and some people really thrive on the permission to let him out.

It's normal human nature that fucks with us.

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I had an election worker try to keep me from voting because I refused to mask up. But I was prepared and knew the law and was allowed to vote - as little good as it ultimately did...

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Nice work Ludwig!

This would've all been over in two months had folks just done easy/soft resistance

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I'm lucky - I live in NEOH where there is some modicum of mid-western common sense that still remains to offset the petty authoritarianism of the compliant. Our Gov DeWine (R) showed his penchant for grasping power and autocratic rule for the better part of 2 years. There's no difference between Rs & Ds when power is available...

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Well my opinion is that not only does DeWine look like a rodent...but he also behaved as rat.

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Mr. Gardner, please. Such an insult to rats!

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The 15 days (or 2 weeks) to flatten thecurve played a big part in this. A lot of businesses thought they could hold out for 2 weeks, but then it kept getting extended over and over again. And became harder and harder for people to break out of the cycle. If they had said it would be months right from the beginning, many more business owners would have resisted. Also, some businesses loved getting those "coronabucks," as I called the covid relief funds.

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And the employees liked getting "coronawages."

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Right on.

That's the trick:

You will all get a 1 hour break from masks next Tuesday at lunch. And then 1 hour before that lunch told it was canceled and the "privilege" would be allowed at a undetermined time in the future.

Straight out of totalitarian 101. And as Gato pointed out, the Sunk Cost Fallacy

Oldest trick in the book.

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Your boldness did have an influence. Maybe not immediate where everyone threw down their masks but as a signal to others even if they didn't comprehend it. It is like Dr. Seuss's book Horton Hears a Who. Our dissident voices together turn what the media deems a cacophony into a symphony whose music can't be ignored. I am reading Professor Jonathan Turley's book on the First Amendment. It is a relatively easy read and highly recommend it. I now know that our free speech is linked to men willing to have their ears cut off or nailed to a structure as punishment for speaking against the king.

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Non-compliance can only get you so far in some circumstances. When I had my Misadventure of the Wrist last year, I declined to mask in the ER but when they called me in to start treating the broken bone, they first sent over the security guard to make clear to me I needed to comply.

And then in the halls of the hospital some people were masked, and some weren't...and same for the people performing that bone reduction.

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I was never kept from votiing..but that day was telling. Here in Georgia...to vote...we all had to line up socially distanced. About 95% of the people outside were masked...and everyone but me was masked once inside the voting facility. At least when I was there.

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Holy shit, Ryan. I was able to navigate my job/life/family a little easier. I still got the public hate and the screaming, but your list really does get me pissed off all over again. And all of the people who violated your rights were patting themselves on the back for being the "good people". Sickening. Kudos to you for staring it all down.

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Yeah it's still surreal to me. But I'm nothing special. I just refused to compromise...and it costs me and my wife.

But again it was worth it.

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But, aren’t you fortunate that you and your wife shared the same view! I know that is what kept hubby and me afloat, we saw the same and thought alike. That is our biggest blessing in all of this. But everything else you describe, bar a few like getting spit on, is so recognizable! So disappointed in what i thought were good friends who would personally drag us off the icu should we happen to end up there while their family would need a bed. And no apologies later when this incredibly lethal disease which was to be overcome only by getting vaccinated, is now turning into a run-of-the-mill ‘get your annual booster’ story! Anyway, we are done with those friends. And on the brighter side, you do meet other like-minded people and being on substack with all of the kindred spirits here is a good experience!

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Yes. Indeed. Well said

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Ryan G, that is a kind of courage that is mostly lacking in our days. Refusing to go along with something that goes against you. If the medical community had your courage, this would have never flown. They let it, and now we are closer to the cliff.

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But at least they were doing it for your own good.... not!

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that is disgusting on such an epic scale, Ryan. All of us have been scolded, humiliated, shunned and "unfriended" by friends and family. It sucks. Your experience sucked on massive levels. The masks are what tipped me over the edge and close of businesses, holy shit. Seeing my daughters and loved ones being so obedient to a hideous sham, a worldwide lie.

My sister that has two more years of nursing degree (than I was willing to wrestle with)

was a literal idiot, but no surprise, she has worked at NIH for over a dozen years.

This whole set up has to end. The experts need to go to hell

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i think a lot of us have made a lot of new friends and perhaps forged some new (and previously unlikely) alliances and affinities arranged around some different axes than previously governed our associations.

i certainly have.

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Hell yes. And we are all individually stronger and have a voice as a group.

And most importantly we are making a difference/ impact.

We are no longer disjointed, rather united despite disagreement on other issues.

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That might the silver lining. We are not alone.

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I think I was the only person in the world who's parents asked me to watch MORE television news.

I got a degree in media and took classes on propaganda. But no one listened to me. Voice in the wilderness.

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✋🏼 my 97 year old father told me to watch the news, and questioned/tested me frequently on my knowledge of the updated crisis news.

I did not engage with him bc, he is old.

My sister in law told me I was a selfish stupid fucking bitch. I just ignored that

My son in law is still a prick.

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No, my parents encouraged me to stay educated and to know what was going on in the world, and this was reinforced in school. But this was back in the seventies when there was still a veneer of objectivity.

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Rosemary - part of the reason I experienced a lot of this is because I had no choice but to be exposed due to trying to operate my biz.

And dozens of times because I would deliberately go to big box stores to show people that you could resist (and encourage) by refusing to wear a masks. Many people asked me how I was doing it.

I said:

The solution is the same as the problem; the masks come off just as easy as they are put on.

So in a sense I went looking for "trouble" by virtue of trying to encourage people.

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yes, I would go into stores and doc offices and not wear a mask. I would claim I forgot. Or I did not have one. If ppl came to my house, we had a NO MASK policy.

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Well done.

My wife and I decided early on to tell everyone we know that our family does not accept this nonsense in our lives.

The meaning is clear. It "burns the ships" and holds you accountable.

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my sister in law told me I was gaslighting.

I spent 4+ years in pre med and nursing school!!!!

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I was told last week that my dissent of the narrative was "trying to get as many people as possible infected."

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STILL?!...goodness...freaks imo

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You did your job, thank you for being strong. Are you in CA, NY or MA? They were really bad states.

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They were all bad, I have offices in CA, KC and STL.

I was shocked at the totalitarianism in the "show me state".

The good news is we abandoned CA for Florida in May of 20'.

No way was I going to subject my kids to a spirit of fear caused by cowardly adults.

But I had to travel to my offices dozens of times during the c19 abomination. Every one of those incidents happened in those 3 cities.

AND ZERO in Florida

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Parsons is completely ineffectual.

He recently banned products containing Delta 8 due to lack of scientific evidence.

I wrote him and asked he didn’t banned the covid poison shot based on the same grounds.


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Protecting children from the madness must have been hard, but was one of the most important things to do, I think. How many young people were absolutely traumatized by what took place? Many of them even took their own lives. I know of at least 2 who did in the Michigan county that was my home at the time.

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What finally got me is when they spray foamed the all the equipment at the children's parks in our neighborhood so they wouldn't use it.

Nobody raised a voice. I raised hell with the HOA...but Nobody would back us up out of fear of social tyranny...or irrational fear of what was essentially a flu.

The cruelty is totally lost on these people. I have never been so disillusioned with my fellow-citizens.

Still gives me a heavy heart knowing what people did to children DELIBERATELY.

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It really showed the cowardice. The things done to kids. It's okay if we are afraid, and single, we should be able to isolate in place wear, a mask, and wear a moon suit if we want. But when we steamroll children, that's when authorities should step in...except the authorities were the ones that perpetrated these ridiculous restrictions. And they still are trying to make people believe that "someday" the Long Covid results will roost in kids.

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Am so sorry to hear of your losses, you and thousands of business people were deeply hurt by governement thugs who would rather burn the house down than pay people for the harm done.

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Wow you are up there with attorney Mark Oshinskie who writes Dispatches from a Scamdemic. I am so grateful that my best friend and I were on the same page from day one. As for family, we've had so many deaths in our small family that we weren't going to ruin what remained with discord.

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Two of my best friends from high school bought into the narrative. And when they tried to feed me material from the narrative, I dissented. They stopped talking to me about it. We still talk though. My perspective is that they, like many, succumbed to the fear and panic narrative. But how could they not? It's amazing that I made it through.

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That's because Mark is a "fighter" as well and had the courage to stand behind his righteous convictions...despite the costs.

Bravo to him.

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Edit guys:

I reread this and I don't want to give the impression this was all about me...or looking for credit.

I know many have had worse experiences....but I wanted to share mine because I don't want us to give up.

I'm nothing special...just a dad trying to do right by my children.

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When you tell of how you handled it, it inspires us all to be braver. Thanks for your original post.

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Trying and succeeding!

Bravo to you man.

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I'll never forget. We need justice.

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I hear you, Ryan. I was also one of those who refused to enter brain-death. Your list sounds familiar.

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I would probably be in prison, if subjected to even a part of that.

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Never Forget AMEN!!

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I got spit on twice in high school. When the guy did it the first time to me, I warned him not to do it again. He did a few weeks later and we ended up in in-house suspension together. He never spit on me again.I don't remember what happened because I went "red." Only time in my life it has happened.

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Bravo, Ryan

This choir loves good preaching no matter how many times they’ve heard the message. Keep on keeping on!

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You need to find a better place to live. Here where I live, the masks were useful for telling who were Democrats (they’re about 8% of the population). No one else wore masks. The county refused to enforce the Governor’s orders, with the marshal’s office pretty much saying “go to hell we ain’t arresting or even ticketing anyone over a mask.”

We’re an outlaw county, always have been and always will be. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.

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Very similar to the area I live in here in the Midwest. But we live fairly close to a major city where the crazy did go on.... Unless you were a BLM protestor. They were as free as a bird during the poop show.

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Read my comment above somewhere about how we ended up in Florida. Didn't take too long.

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Ryan, I had no idea. I am truly sorry fir you and all who have dealt with this BS in that manner.

I’m mad as Hell and none of us should take it anymore. Courage.

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If the news is fake, imagine how fake the history is. “Historian” Heather Cox Richardson is the #1 writer on substack because she regurgitates regime propaganda. Ruth Ben-Ghiat is an “expert” on fascism and is represented by Hollywood agencies to be an MSM talking head.

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exactly this.

the primary dimension of history is fiction and allowing the state to decide what history is taught is like playing close your eyes and open your mouth with jim jones.

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A populace that ignores history (or is taught false history) not only has no "future"...but also no past.

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You seem to be on a roll today Ryan.

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I'm just fired up. All the credit to our host.

Let's keep the fire going so we can take back our liberty.

If we don't it'll never be given back...but I'm preaching to the choir, friend!

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In the last few years I've from the raging fire of anger, to the slow burning coals of vengeance. When the enemy is at their most vulnerable moment, I will unleash hell.

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My thunder……… turned into one hand clapping

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Thanks. It's true tho if you think about it.

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“The only thing we don’t really know is the history we haven’t been taught.” Pres. Truman.

Two must read books for our time: ‘Oath of Evil’ by George M. James, and ‘The Great Controversy’ by Ellen G. White.

Would love to know what you think when you’re done.

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Open your mouth and close your eyes and you will get a big surprise.

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Yes! I remember waiting for History Heather to write an article about Fauci and the aids years. Still waiting!🤣🤣

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Try Judy Mikovits

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Yes, I have noticed that Heather Cox Richardson and Robert Reich are always the top trending stories in "politics" on Substack. (Are they really? I hope not!)

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This...over the last four years has brought about a questioning of many things...and yet still find I have many notions that still need to be questioned.

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Brilliant analysis, Gato.

Surely you're familiar with Dante Alighieri and his Commedia. His benefactor and protector, Cangrande della Scala couldn't understand it, so Dante left him a letter explaining the levels of the story from the literal to the allegorical to the anagogical. It still holds true, that above us is God and we must muster our strength and love to move towards Him.

When humans become atheistic (no god), agnostic (some god), satanic (devil as god) or lucifarian (I'm god, or some created god) evil comes in to fill the void that God's love should fill. The US has become a mix of these spiritual approaches, and the West has slid into chaos as God has been rejected, so smarmy petty criminals like Birx, Fauci, Daszak, Strzok, et al. are the personified demonic that fill the vacuum.

Thank you for this great analysis and putting together what should be obvious to everyone, but sadly is not. Cat on, Gato!

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"When humans become atheistic (no god), agnostic (some god), satanic (devil as god) or lucifarian (I'm god, or some created god) evil comes in to fill the void that God's love should fill. "

I am a low-key intellectual type of Christian who favours the work of C.S. Lewis....and I couldn't agree with you more. Even long-time celebrity atheist Richard Dawkins (British biologist) is changing his tune, now that he sees the actual consequences. The no-God troops mostly thought they were being cool and progressive.....there were zero smarts involved in their decisions.

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"The Great Divorce" and "Screwtape Letters" might be good places to start for many.

There are a lot of smart people out there in public/private schools and colleges that reward rote learning but don't have time for critical thinking. Those who didn't buy into the Plandemic were at either end of the educational bell curve: PhD's and HS diplomas. The HS diploma crowd are and were some of the brightest lights.

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In his 1895 book "The Crowd", author Gustave Le Bon discussed this potential mind-blindness of the highly-educated sorts.....who should know better.

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Thank you - adding to reading list.

We get blinded by our own cleverness. Better to be humble.

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I am one of the well-educated, but I have always been astute enough to be humble too. Those who are not, will fall.

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And yet you guys keep making God in your own images and thinking you found truth.

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All you guys? Or gals and guys? Or kids? Monks? Nuns taking care of lepers in India? Sisters of Life in NYC (physically and spiritually beautiful young ladies who gave up their families to help young moms start theirs https://sistersoflife.org/where-we-are/new-york/ )?

Is it the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo? or Ghana? or Niger?

Sister Agnes Sasegawa in Japan (RIP)?

Father Rabala in India who begs for money to care for abandoned children on less than a dollar a day?

Or the people of Cross Christian Outreach working with the poorest of the poor?

Or the missionaries in the Diocese of Fairbanks, Alaska, helping people to build greenhouses and feeding their bodies and spiritual needs often in great hardship?

These are some of the most humble people I've met, pouring our their lives to serve, love God and neighbor.

If that's making God in their image, and if Christ is the Way the Truth and the Light, then I don't see a problem. They give their everything, are better people than I am, and inspire me.

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Yes, all of them imagining a cult and a dogma has anything to do with God.

Mother Teresa with her addiction to pain as spiritual enlightenment so she denied pain relief to the people she was purportedly saving from horrible deaths.

You think people need dogmas in order to do good in the world? People who believe that took the playbook of Christianity and turned Communism into a religion too.

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Lolol! You just can't help yourself, can you?

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I help myself mighty fine, in my view.

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I know the Sisters of Life. Wonderful order. My support goes there.

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I'm familiar with your views on religion, and while I don't share all of them, I do appreciate you. 🙂

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My views on all cults no matter what we call 'em.

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You left one out. Apatheist (if there is a god, so what?)

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Why have I heard absulutly nothing in the last two weeks, about what niel Scumbag Tyson is now saying here, trivially joking and laughing to humanity with his retarded comedian buttboy, about the supposed non-significant shape of the Earth we all live upon! Wakey² Sheeples! This should be just as important as Hoax Viruses to everyone on earth!

What do you want to bet, Gato, I will get no positive response from any of you, on this very current indoctrinational, jew, programming, and Brainwashing, Delusional, hoax, that 99% of humanity still BELIEVES!

You all will probably even delete this Drivel after you read it, right? Just to let you know, he is now telling a new story to save his sorry ass!!!

It ain't a fuckin' Oblique Spheroid no mow!

https://substack.com/@merrick1/note/c-70036743 🤔😉😎🤡🌎

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Neil Tyson has always seemed over-rated to me, but maybe that is just my opinion.

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Absolutely agree. If you dig down deeper, below the level of politics, this is a spiritual battle. This is what Nietzsche warned about when he spoke of "the death of God" and the horrors that would be unleashed. I wrote about this on our Sub a while back: https://pairodocs.substack.com/p/in-defence-of-the-christians

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The cool crowd crowed hard about "God is dead" thinking it was a triumphant flex rather than the lament it was.

Those whom the gods would destroy they first drive mad.

Stick around, we can still work together to wake up some more lions.

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The fallout form "the death of God" is not just figurative, as I think you realize. There are very concrete repercussions to society.

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Do you appreciate Jordan Peterson's talks on religion?

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Yes. More than anyone, he has reminded us how important those old stories are--at least psychologically--and perhaps metaphysically, although you don't have to go that far to appreciate what he is saying.

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Is there a parallel between the <virtuous masked demonizing the maskless> and the <virtuous God-believers demonizing the godless>? Can there be no recognition that some atheists can have a personal morality not imposed from above, but for example based on the Golden Rule, or simply the absorbed values of their culture?

I have always found it curious that religious people assume atheists to be amoral. And yet religious people commit their share of sins.

Odds are good that a significant number of "Birx, Fauci, Daszak, Strzok, et al." count themselves among the God-fearing.

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Religious people don't assume that atheists are amoral, only that they don't understand or acknowledge the source of their morality. In the case of Western atheists (most of whom call themselves "rational humanists" or something of the sort) they fail to understand that the basic assumptions of liberalism and humanism (e.g., that every human being is equally worthy and should have the same fundamental rights) are fundamentally Christian assumptions, assumptions which would have seemed absurd to citizens of the pre-Christian world. We have forgotten just how radical these ideas were--and we risk sliding back to pre-Christian "might makes right" morality if we are not careful. It is no coincidence that liberalism and humanism arose in the Christian West and it is no coincidence that these things are dying now.

As for the ubiquitous human tendency to demonize the "other", it is certainly not any more common among those who call themselves religious, although they are not immune to it. As Carl Jung insisted, we are all religious--we all worship something, whether it's money or fame or science or God or something else. Everybody has something which they put at the highest place and which determines who they are and how they act. At least when you embrace a tradition with 2000+ years of wisdom behind it, you stand a better chance of acting morally than someone who is trying to figure things out for themselves--or who is subscribing to one of the new deformed partial religions like wokeness or climatism.

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Certainly religious people commit sins. As long as one is human, that potential is there. And there is a difference between religion as an identity and religion as a real faith. There have always been plenty of one-hour-a-week religious sorts.

I direct you to a writer such as Iain McGilchrist to understand why the "God-hole" in human beings is so detrimental.

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deleted3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago
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The hypocrisy is there for all to see. Humans are humans and act according to their lights, and personally I don't see any flavor of god having much to do with it. The casual arrogance of the god-fearing virtuous is something one learns to ignore—"You can't argue religion" is a cliché for good reason.

That said, a little tolerance would sure be welcome.

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I find a great hypocrisy in the religion of the leftwing WOKE. Massive hypocrisy there. Not to mention the mind-numbing levels seen in the "global elite", preaching their Net Zero while using more resources on the planet than many small nations. It's almost comical.

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Well yes. All cults are bad.

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Cults are totalitarian. The religion of WOKE is also a version of totalitarianism.

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You left one out. Apatheist (if there is a god, so what?)

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One of the most infuriating experiences during the pandemic was being denigrated as a "denier" or "antiscience" by people whose entire base of knowledge about key issues was regurgitating easily disproven talking points. Their confidence was only exceeded by their ignorance.

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“But man, proud man,

Dress'd in a little brief authority,

Most ignorant of what he's most assur'd—

His glassy essence—like an angry ape

Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven

As makes the angels weep; who, with our spleens,

Would all themselves laugh mortal.”

― William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

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I've said dozens of times that the most striking aspect of this period is that the more obvious something is...the more illusory it became.

There has to be a psychological term for this.

Truly shocking.

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It's called denial (and it's also a river in Egypt BTW). It's a psychological response to dealing with realities that could threaten your worldview or deeply held beliefs. The psychological rupture is too great for many people to deal with. I always remember a film clip from WWII during the Battle of Berlin. It features heavy house-to-house fighting between the Russians and the German defenders. Right in the middle of the battle, a middle-aged Greman Hausfrau in her hat and coat, carrying her bag, comes out of a building and begins walking across the street as if she is about to begin her daily shopping, seemingly totally oblivious to battle going on around her! Halfway across the street she is shot dead. As a child watching this I was shocked. "Why would anyone do that?" I thought.

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Their only defense was "there's soooo much dis information out there!!" 🤮

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The Harris campaign is requiring employees to be "up to date" on their Covid boosters. This is the only data point I need to make my voting decision.

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And she pushes her abortion stance as "The right to bodily integrity", with no recognition of the irony.

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Yes, that man really did hire the worst people or allow others to hire them, and once any bureaucrat gets a taste of the whip hand, that is some unbreakable addiction.

You've said it plenty: Nobody relinquishes power they've managed to grasp by whatever means unless somebody else is stronger.

And you know what? Trump doesn't like to hire people he suspects might be stronger than he is and that's one of the reasons for his choices. I wish he'd picked for VP one of the two people I don't trust at all but admire for their political cunning and brilliance in framing arguments. But he didn't, did he? Let's hope he gets in and puts them in an administration that becomes a real tight ship.

So everything is really on us now. We sure better stop electing morons on the lower levels because they always slime their way higher.

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that, i think, is trumps greatest failing as a leader.

he's such a staggering narcissist and his demands to have his ring and his posterior kissed are so intense that he will not tolerate any good, capable people working for him because they threaten him and such people all avoid him because they do not want to work for a guy like that. it's a sort of perfect push/pull to attract weak, incompetent toadies and rapidly push away anyone useful. you could see it in his cabinet turnover.

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errare humanum est

At least T45 is a human and not a lizard-person (I think)

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Trump is a business man, I think he was not imagining such a trick like this. I know he has been trashed for years now, but business men rely on TRUST. He is not a doctor, and he at one point got pulled in to this sham. It is difficult to respond as a leader, when you have been set up and bullied and taunted for 4+ years. Yes, he was fooled, that is human. but to say "nope, not USA, we're not doing this shit" in front of the entire world that has been reminded about how horrible he is.

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he's not even a business man. he's a trust fund baby that has run an awful lof of businesses into the ground and profited from scalping people in BK. working for him is as bad in private sector as public.

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Trump spent his tender years adoring at the knee of Roy Cohn who was one of the worst human beings ever, and as a builder Trump worked with the mafia-types and not the boardroom types.

And he was a relentless crusher and destroyer of littler guys long before he perfected his shtick on The Apprentice.

The thing about karma, she comes around whenever she feels like it. Unfortunately Trump getting big doses of his own medicine has harmed us badly too.

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You make me think of Angels in America, Pacino playing Roy Cohn in the last stages of AIDS---

Angels in America - Belize describes Heaven


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So funny you should mention that because I always think of that play when I think of Roy Cohn.

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TDS is a real thing.

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Facts are real things too.

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were grennel, gorka, bannon, miller, navarro and many more, yes men?

it takes courage to work in a trump administration.

does trump love america?

who could have withstood what trump has withstood, nobody i know of.

are you saying he only did it for himself?

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So now he has RFK Jr, Musk, Vivek, Gabbard all on his side. They are all dominant personalities. Do you think he can work with them?

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If we could just start with the bureaucrats, the whole damn thing might collapse on itself

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Nothing disheartened me more in recent days than that nice man I know who knows and likes Fauci.

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I read a lot about psychopathy. One outstanding trait of psychopaths is that they can be very charismatic. Of course there's the temptation to project psychopathy onto many people who don't deserve it, but for someone who has caused as much harm, for as many years, and to such great personal benefit as Fauci, it may be appropriate.

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I think the sorts of experiments he found worth doing are a pretty clear signpost of psychopathy.

Certainly many successful people in many fields requiring any degree of ruthless focus are likely to be sociopaths of the lesser orders. But Fauci is a bureaucrat, not a leader, and found his niche where he could do very bad things for the sake of being Science.

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Take something for the nausea, keep your patience. Maybe you can awaken him.

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No, he is one of my betters and it is a social circle in which I am only an occasional guest and the experience just clarified for me that I do not belong in that world.

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But even if Trump wins the trials are ludicrous. I watched the Fauci one in June with bated breath and turned it off in fury. The rot is too deep.

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Treat cancer by cleaning the diet, sometimes surgical removal, whole foods... and sometimes an enema (fauci's case probably needs all of the above)

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Scientists discover those who do their own research may find more truth than those who just swallow regurgitated overcooked propaganda.

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trump FAILED the test: A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.

Douglas MacArthur

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did he pass the test on how to handle getting shot?

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I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect.

Edward Gibbon

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"Public Health Agency of Canada releases first report on psychological manipulation of citizens

Under Chief Medical Officer Theresa Tam, the Public Health Agency of Canada has launched a behavioural science office and released a report on persuasion tactics for compliance, raising ethical concerns about transparency in how taxpayer money is used to influence public behaviour."

Rebel News | September 27, 2024

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Trained in brainwashing techniques by Beijing? The CCP are world experts in this specialty.

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Pretty sure all the DEI stuff is written by CCP as well. Never heard so much nonsense in my life.

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5 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

The DEI concepts are from a modern remake of Communism.

Chris Rufo's book, "America's Cultural Revolution" is a good introduction.

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American Marxism

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yes, that is it exactly.

Try "sad north korea" gosh those poor sods

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They're making up diagnoses so that everyone gets one! Another malady created by our "circumstances".

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1930s!? The propaganda, lies, deception and all of the deliberate falsification to dupe the public began at least far back as the 1800s, especially the mid 1800s; that's when the major frauds took place as revealed by the historical evidence of medical science; ironically, that was an epoch when real scientists performing real evidence-based science worked towards seeking scientific truth; but the fake legacy we inherited which was the birth of allopathic medicine gave us today's Fauci's and Birx's and so many other "scientists" carrying on those inherited lies to this day; the frauds won out because it was about power and control even back then and promoting lies at public expense for profit and fame and not for the sake of human health; Pasteur alone was the greatest charlatan of the time, a mediocre chemist who falsified the results of his own experiments and KNEW that his germ theory was wrong even when publicly arguing on its behalf (although he relented on his death-bed); the false paradigm he promoted led directly to the growth of the vaccine industry and today's big pharma's domination in all areas of health care; who remembers the real geniuses of medical research such as Antoine Bechamp or how much Florence Nightingale discovered and has been ignored, not to mention the genius of Royal Rife and his Universal Microscope...mostly forgotten but also vilified and destroyed in their own time and written out of the history books to this day so that their truths will never be revealed...

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I posted the letter I wrote to Governor Ron DeSantis about Birx on my Substack two (?) years ago. I called out that lying scarf lady using many of the citations used here.

Of course, DeSantis got bamboozled -- or allowed himself to be lied to by a liar. I pointed that out in my letter. That said, he did start to unwind the bullshit by May of 2020, but by then, our free and brave fellow Americans were well on the way to donning their snot pouches if it meant getting into the Publix.

And here was the sack o'cat turds in August 2020 saying the quiet part out loud: https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2020/aug/18/birx-notes-harm-of-virus-fatigue/

"When people start to realize that 99% of us are going to be fine, it becomes more and more difficult" to get people to comply," Birx said.

Uh, huh.

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Trust no one. Fuck them all.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Yep, we were all played bigly.

Even here in the DR these evil asshats made life miserable for those who didn't buy what they were selling.

You could not go to a food store without either a vaxxxx card (which were massively faked since doorkeepers were minimum wage low-IQ stooges), or a (bullshit) PCR test less than two days old which cost US$80.

We. Did. Not. Comply.

But as luck had it, the only PCR result we got was sent via email in PDF format. UNFLATTENED PDF format. Which meant that with Photoshop changing dates was totally easy. So at least we could buy food.

I had a widely worldwide recognized motorcycle tour business that died under the lockdown and onerous covid restrictions.

I will never forget what they did to us.

If the Bolsheviks win the POTUS we will NEVER find the truth about Covid, the jabs, the plots against Trump, and America as we knew it will be over. If the Bolsheviks win the POTUS as well as House and Senate, the filibuster is dead, the courts expanded and packed, dissenters will be sent for re-edumacation, and the US will officially be over.

I cannot believe I'm the only one who sees this, and I can't believe that so many, maybe 45-50% of the country WANTS America destroyed.

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It's been painful to have some of my illusions burned away, but I believe the truth will set you free. And make you angry.

One bit of pain was the discovery that libraries weren't the defenders of freedom that I'd always blindly assumed they were. I was chased out of a library in Jefferson County-- west of Denver--for wearing an 'inadequate' mask. It was a flutter of fabric over my mouth. Even as I was leaving, the little librarian was literally chasing me, trying to get me to put on one of the paper muzzles. JeffCo is one of the Karen Kapitals of the nation, I wouldn't recommend ever living there.

I've since moved to a much more freedom loving place; there were active protests against the jab here. I've no doubt we're still in the minority, but I feel like I'm back in America.

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I was born in CO, live here now( Lakewood. . .four blocks from that Library), grieve at its fall from grace. . .but stubbornly refuse to cede an inch of ground to those post modern, neo marxist, social justice zombies. . .a bibliophile with my own personal library and no need to visit that den of iniquity

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Fantastic summary and call to arms (figurative arms of course:)

Concatenation of crimes is perfect.

The disbelief you experienced from the first moment of it all was precisely mine. I just couldn't believe people would fall for the bunk...but they did. Everyone around me. It was surreal.

You really saw who the independent thinkers were and how so many of your radical friends were "good Germans." The most stark moments were in the airport. Sometime circa 2021, me and a young, in-shape guy were going through security maskless, he with an "unvaccinated" tee shirt and me with my "Control Group" tee shirt. We smiled and said nice shirt near simultaneously while out of shape folks scowled and grumbled behind their masks.

Thanks for keeping the real history alive.

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