the debster has been making waves this weekend over her astonishing claim about having known that vaccines were not going to protect against infection.

this has led many, including your humble narrator, to wonder as to whether this was an exercise in weapons grade revisionism or whether she might actually have known and just been such a psychopath/coward as to have said nothing against the unified talking point complex of the time.
well, wonder no more. receipts have been found!
here is ms birx (in dec 2020 just as rollout was commencing) extolling covid vaccines as the way to “truly achieve herd immunity” by getting 70-80% immunization rates. (SOURCE)
sorry debberino, but it does not get any more blatant than that.
and in march 2021, her name was still on these missives
and claims on herd immunity were still being made:
“In order to reach herd immunity, Fauci said 70 percent of the population would need to be vaccinated.”
it was all part of one giant unrelenting PR campaign that spanned agencies, branches of government, and the globe.
(play this video. well worth it.)
and they got it wrong.
and i doubt very much any of them had any idea how completely false this was.
they just parroted pharma talking points uncritically.
and the deborama certainly was not doing anything to set the record straight. she was right there in the chorus singing along and taking the occasional solo.
this was not “stuff debbie always knew.”
it’s “stuff she’s trying to make up now to distance herself from careening failure and gross miss-prediction.”
though whether she ever believes a word she says seem like a jump ball.
she’s certainly ignored a lot of her own advice.
2022 is turning into a deeply weird time.
generally, history is written by the winners.
but more and more, we’re seeing the losers seek to put fake points up on the scoreboard and erase those of the visiting team that just trounced them before they fall so far from power as to be unable to make the attempt.
it’s a whitewash.
but the signs are clear
and the receipts are in.
it’s like these people don’t realize that they live in the internet age…
every new round of runarounds is just plowing more salt into the fields of agency and personal reputation.
they are not getting off the hook but rather stabbing it into their own organs.
but hey, if they want to toss such tiny tatters of credibility that remain to them upon the fire, so be it.
let’s help.
One of the few good things about social media is how it allows so many people to hoist themselves up on their own petard. The only thing better than exposing these cowardly sycophants or midwits is to let them do it themselves.
It's always nice when the idiots confirm what we've been saying the whole time -- they knew it didn't protect against infection but talked as if it did. That was the entire basis for mandates! And now that even the dimmest bulbs are starting to realize something is wrong, the rats are changing jerseys as quickly as possible.