One of the few good things about social media is how it allows so many people to hoist themselves up on their own petard. The only thing better than exposing these cowardly sycophants or midwits is to let them do it themselves.

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Love that you used this idiom!! For the young people out there who haven’t heard it, “hoist in your own petard” means to blow yourself up with a bomb of your own making. I first heard the phrase from my 76 yo mother-in-law.

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Ahh, The Bard lives on...

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Yes, Birx has "played fast and loose" and is "in a pickle," as the "truth will out" and "the game is up".

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My English Lit teacher, Ms Morris, loved that phrase. That may be where I first heard it

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My grandmother used the term “ass over tin cups.” When she said that she meant she was going to smack your butt if you didn’t straighten up and act proper.

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Mine said, “Ass over teakettle.”

We have to make sure these saying get passed along. It’s our culture. 😂👍🏼

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My mother-in-law also uses this one.

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“I’ll tell your Dad”. Worked for me although my moms spanks hurt more. I’m old. Mom threw stuff too. Bless her ❤️

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I like that “the worm has turned”.

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Jul 25, 2022
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It is a kind of mortar, the first of its kind I believe, invented during the age of castles. It could lob a heavy ball at a high angle and thus could pound down a castle wall or tower.

Being a first, it gave the a distinct advantage to whoever had one. In fact the inventor demonstrated it to a local big-wig who was so pleased with it, he ordered the inventor tied across its muzzle (hoist), the ball fired evidently killing the inventor somewhat spectacularly so he couldn’t sell his invention to anyone else.

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Jul 25, 2022
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Yeah if we give her an atomic wedgie she wouldn't need that scarf anymore.

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Lol. Minimum punishment. But you are in the right body area.

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Thst is hilarious!!! You made my day! 😂

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My first guffaw of the day. Thanks Janti. 😂😂

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Not exactly but that does give a brilliant image!

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Jul 24, 2022
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It actually doesn’t give me that option, just to delete... I wonder if I would see the edit option from the website, rather than the app? I’ll have to test that.

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Hmm. Don't know. I spend all my time on the Internet on a 55" Samsung TV monitor!


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Ahhh, I can edit when I access via the website instead of the app!! Thank you for motivating me to find out!

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I think that’s true. I normally respond on the internet browser page. 🤔🤔🤔

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Maybe, I get on my phone. I see 3 dots and exit is there

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Michelle: you can correct your own comments by clicking on the ellipsis tool and then on the "Edit comment" link. FYI. ;-)

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Yes, but Lord grant us the patience to wait for two years for it to come to fruition (and how many unnecessary disabilities and deaths?).

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I had to post this girls story, I cried for her, it’s awful.


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This poor young woman. My, goodness.

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There’s 100’s of 1000’s of people just like her with different symptoms and not written on their skin. I’d be out in front of FrankenFauci’s house parading around until someone listened. Maybe she should glue herself to his driveway and the media might give her the attention she deserves. Instead our media is paid by Big Pharma, owned puppets.

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And she is learning such a hard lesson right now. It is heartbreaking to hear her even say "I know correlation doesn't equal causation and I'm not saying the vaccine caused this..." The vaccine might not be a singular cause, but it appears to have been the match that lit the fuse to her suffering. Did anyone even caution her as someone with a life-long autoimmune condition (her eczema), that she might want to hold-off on an experimental injection? Of course not, because they were handing these things out like candy and had absolutely no long-term data. Not a single person who received these shots gave informed consent. Not one. It is criminal.

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I think she knows it was the v. She's just doing the disclaimer thing. Lots of people left comments(myself included) offering her options that she can try to help with her situation and none of them are going to cost 1k a month like dupixent. I just hope she doesn't resign herself to this situation and she tries some of the options. With each passing day, I more and more loathe the mainstream medical industry and just large parts of society in general.

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Question: is that URL CCP?

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And after the cowardly sycophants have exposed their own lies, misdeeds and crimes, the next best thing would be if they were held accountable with an appropriate degree of punishment.

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I say exile. Take all their assets and use them for helping the injured + families, then exile to all parts of the globe along with their families. They need to be treated as pariahs.

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Exile is too good.

Cement block walls, with coiled razor wire atop and “smart” sensors delivering highest dial tazer built into facility perimeter design, including 1 mile radius on exterior in case of a Shawshank dig. Monitored internet and phone privileges for compliant behavior. AI robot guards, no chance of manipulating thought or gaining sympathy from human guards. You get the picture. Turn Big Brother on them in their confinement. No freedom whatsoever, no chance of parole. Maybe even chip them and monitor their thoughts/neural firing patterns. Electric shocks for straying from the acceptable. They are unreformable, no “corrections” even attempted, as if they would somehow no longer be a danger to society.

Only way exile would work would be drop the lot off on an uninhabited island surrounded by 300 miles of ocean in all directions. Lord of the Flies. They’d kill each other. How fitting.

Yeah sometimes the anger gets to me. Could you tell?

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No, literally that's what needs to happen. I always had this idea that the most dangerous criminals that could not be integrated back into society should be dropped on an island to fend for themselves instead of being imprisoned at the taxpayers expense.

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Hell. Not just take their assets but their heads.

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Amen with gusto

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I agree with you, but astonishingly, these people don't even care when they are caught red-handed.

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That is why they need more than just to be exposed for their lies and crimes. They will care when they are prosecuted and sentenced.

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It's always nice when the idiots confirm what we've been saying the whole time -- they knew it didn't protect against infection but talked as if it did. That was the entire basis for mandates! And now that even the dimmest bulbs are starting to realize something is wrong, the rats are changing jerseys as quickly as possible.

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the funniest part, to my mind, is how much more damage the media can do to these people by simply asking them to share their thoughts with the audience than haranguing them in some 9 box yell fest.

the cure for stupidity and dishonesty is always "more speech."

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the thing is they all betrayed themselves early on. Most gov people said to stay home, get the jabs, mask up, then rented halls and holiday houses (or used their own) and threw parties. Boris did, Pelosi did, several others did. The Belgian and Austrian gov did. Pics from the Austrians circulated when the country turned full nazi. The Belgian politicians said, but it was only a few people. It were I think about 10, when everyone else had to choose 'a bubble of 4'

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Gavin Newsom threw a party at the French Laundry high-end restaurant in Napa Valley. No masks. Partying it up. The rules don't apply to these people.

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Don’t forget SF mayorLondon Breed… dancing the night away.

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Yes, another certified hypocrite. Rules for thee but not for me. Same with Lori Lightfoot in Chicago and countless other political puppets.

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I hope that's not a typo and you're not going after Lori Lightweight. She's my hero and I shall not have some hooligan cat lover tearing her down. She'd rather do it herself!

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Surely the virus will respect the sanctity of a Toni, Tony, Tone concert!

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Exactly I was going to add


Party for me not thee

While he and pelosi I believe made the staff wear mask 😷

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Of course, arrogance at its best.

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Truly ….not an ounce of humility do these people possess until stopped

Stripped of their title positions.

That day will come.

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I just read that Newsom is going to be a candidate for president. If he makes it I give up on the US and I will move to a smarter country. I f there is one !

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He won’t get very far

He has been a ruthless tyrant

The democrats got nuthin

Except he ought to chose Trudeau

Bundle Canada USA as one WEF

Hell hole ….. if if I am going to


I despise him lost as much as gates

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Apparently he is immune O wait. . .

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his face doesn't show much, but only seen 2 photos so far.

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Remember it's not hypocrisy, but hierarchy. They get to do anything they want; you - you dirty plebe - don't.

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Rank has its privilege...however abuse power power is taken away...they are living on borrowed time soon the little freshman kid grows to be the senior...soon the bully is faced "king of the heap" the higher they are the farther they fall ....simple Power of Inner Truth comes ....

men of title hide behind title badges goons hi anarchy NAB Catma knows they are shallow hollow they have no roots no love they exist on sucking the good. like the viruses they release

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Of course the rules do not apply to them, they are the rulers. That is how ruling works. But to ponder for a minute....these are the folks who told YOU to mask up, isolate, not gather with family, all to protect YOU from the deadly virus and or course to protect your loved ones. So....what do we conclude from these same dictators ignoring their dictates?

1. It wasn't really effective protection in the first place

2. They don't care about their health or their loved ones

3. They all have another means of immunity from the deadly virus like being non-human imposters!

Let's go with (3)....far more entertaining than 1 or 2.

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That’s an interesting take.

I figure they have no soul.

Could be AI

or it could be they’re just F with us

To cause as much suffering as possible

So they get to suck all the negative energy.

In any case they think highly of themselves

We ought not cave to their tyrannical

Idiotic senseless souls rules

People just do not challenge


This gives these reptiles aliens

Vampires all that much more


I am not impressed with their arrogance

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And when I questioned on Twitter if the Alberta politicians knew something we didn't with their vacations during The Pandemic, I was jumped on by hordes of true believers in the Narrative. Funny how it's all coming out now.

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I’m glad someone else remembers that! In the Museum of Covid Hypocrisy it won’t get a huge emerald plinth (too many other worthy entrants), but that little incident stuck with me because of how Canadians responded. Instead of, “hey, if they’re traveling then I should be allowed to as well”, it was, “they need to be stuck inside and miserable just like the rest of us!” It really drove home how deep the psychological damage was in Canada, and how their minds could somehow get so close to the truth yet still remain immune to it.

It was never “let’s expand our freedoms so that we all have the same rights as the politicians”, it was “let’s reduce everyone’s freedoms so that no-one can do anything more exciting than walk two blocks and go to Sobey’s/Shoppers/Timmy’s/whatever”.

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it was so obvious that even true believers noticed. Dad noticed, he said for them the rules don't apply, but then he did not think any further, that it was all a farce, and if there were any real danger, these people would be the ones to lock up and stay away from everyone. Like the rich did in the Middle Ages, hide away in their towers and leave the plebs to perish.

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Yup! Have never met a politician who would walk into danger. Might be an occasional one but generally they play it safe.

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More a character problem than a psychological problem. Inheritors of the greatest feature of Western tradition -- individual freedom -- tossed it overboard as if it meant nothing, cost nothing, choosing instead simpering obedience and sanctimony.

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But are the true believers coming around?

Not that I can see. They seem to be doubling down on the vaccine mandates, the masks, and of course blaming DT.

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Some progress in my area with fewer masks and less panic when they see my bare face. I've talked to a few who say they won't get another shot either. The health czars are trying to stir up the fear, of course, although I suspect they won't have quite as easy a time convincing the crowd. This winter will be interesting.

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The full court press is on. The Ad Counsel (taxpayer funded government "information" agency) and CDC are running adds in prime-time advocating promoting vaccination of children down to 2 years old and characterizing any parent that hesitates as "bad parenting". All over web media we're seeing "trust in the science" and "trust the experts" meaning trust the government. There seems to be an inverse correlation between the efficacy and the insistence.

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All you ever have to do is observe what THEY are all doing. That tells the story of what is true and what is not.

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the vax trials were poorly designed, the end point was 90 days 'did the placebo group have more infections?'

the proper test would have been two years and investigated every death (fewer in placebo in 90 days).

the continuous assertions of science/truth when the probability their conclusion was false but accepted was far too high for rational decisions!

does anyone even know the alpha and beta risk of the tests?

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the test period in fact, runs until end of 2023, according to Pfizer person. All that have been jabbed are guinea pigs

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As I understand it they destroyed the placebo control group by offering the "safe and effective vaccine" to everyone enrolled in the trial. So everyone being injected has been and will be a guinea pig for the rest of their lives.

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I think that is right. A few months after the test, all the placebo people were injected, so now there is no control group at all. I read an article that Pfizer has asked patent on 27000 people that have been injected, but could not find verification of that. There is also evidence, that not all shots had the same ingredients. Several sources, I think trustworthy, reported on it. Some batched had so many side effects they had to stop giving them (I think one of the worst was in Oregon, where many people suffered severe side effects) This is part of a comment someone left on Substack Craig Paardekooper = https://www.bitchute.com/video/keoCmPh3vuiG/ LINK-#3 = (written analysis of #2) James Hill, MD, JD Dec 5, 2021, vaccine batches vary systematically in toxicity and are distributed to unsuspecting Americans by three companies = https://hillmd.substack.com/p/vaccine-batches-vary-in-toxicity?s=r

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It is very hard not to think of a conspiracy, IMO.

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And they "blew up" the control (placebo) group - there IS no control group. No way for the trial data to assess long term outcomes - vax vs no vax.

"Blow up" means give the treatment/vax to those formerly in the control (receiving placebo) group (which in some very limited circumstances may be the ethical thing to do); not here - there were only looking at / finding - mild cases of covid. The trials were not blind either - at least in some arms, the clinicians knew who was vaxed, who wasn't - that's why many "mild cases" of covid in the vaxed group were written off as "mild adverse reactions" to the vax.

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And remember, in the USA, the FDA has given the thumbs up to a combo original/ omicron vaxx that has had NO CLINICAL trials.

Each one has separately gone through what I'm guessing are limited trials, and the FDA is OK with that.

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Not to mention mixing/matching vaccines. In a sane world, we would AT LEAST be keeping track of differences in outcomes for each of the vaccines!

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This is a truth known by trial lawyers: It’s often best just to let the liars talk and talk.

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Same with interrogation, psychotherapy, and hosting spoken/oral exams - let the subject talk.

I don't know if its universal irony or what it is, but the methods used in interrogation et c are based in the techniques for questioning developed by the inquisition under Thomas de Torquemada.

It's scary how a little kindness and sympathy is much more effective than threats - make them think you actually care about them even little and out comes the full confession without them even realising it.

Or as a lawyer said in a lecture posted online: "Never talk to the police. Never offer up information, not even the time of day. Never admit anything." and the police interrogator brought in just nodded along knowlingly and agreed with him. I used that one duting my last year of teaching, as a example of how to let the opponent dig themselves deeper - just hand them a shovel and show admiration for how deep a hole than can make, and off they go, so to speak.

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Seems like the cure is delayed a bit. : ) My Dad always told us the truth was easier and better than a lie. Lying only makes things worse.

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They are wrapped up in a web of lies at this point.

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That is why trans activists go apoplectic when you broadcast what they say to normies

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Here in Canada, they are mostly still blaming and vilifying the unjabbed. Seems like the truth doesn't matter and is definitely not starting to sink in.

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pure gaslighting

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70% vaccinated was the absolutely explicit target for when a lot of states would stop requiring masks.

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And then those goalposts got packed up and moved to Indianapolis in the middle of the night.

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The goalposts have been on casters since March of 2020.

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That's because they know there's an invoice for lumber for scaffolding.

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I never believed this nonsense.

Before the shots were even available, I went to the Pfizer site. It said right there--for anyone to see—that the shots would not prevent people from getting COVID. They were only supposed to reduce the severity for those who DID get sick.

And given the 99+% survivable rate for people in my demographics, I saw no reason to subject myself to the potential risks of an experimental treatment with unknown side-effects.

Why anyone would just accept what a bunch of lying politicians and hangers-on said baffled me. (Well. It really didn’t. But you know what I mean...)

Two-minutes of research proved how BS the claims were.

Oh, well...

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Went to a whole foods today for an Amazon return. 7 out of 10 were wearing masks...so, you know...

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Maybe 1 out of fifty people I see out are still wearing the masks. Even the Low infos have determined that they are useless. I think now it's only down to the hardcore virtue signallers who wear them for effect. Then again, I live in Georgia, where people have had it with this politically motivated crap.

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What do you mean by low infos? That is an old term used by NYT commenters during the 2016 election to describe anyone not supporting Hillary. I went to a supermarket yesterday in an affluent suburb. At least half were masked. I am sure that these folks access “ info” constantly. They are misled and too afraid to think for themselves.

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I went grocery shopping at Aldi today in a Chicago suburb, saw 2 women and 1 male cashier wearing masks, one woman walked in to the store with the mask under her chin, she kept it there the entire time. I wanted to walk up to her and say WTF! Why do you even have the damn thing on?!!!! I just walked by her and shook my head. I think it's just part of her wardrobe now. Soooo! F-ing sad 😥. I just don't get it!

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There is a large percentage of the population that completely ignore political news and how it can affect their lives. The only stuff they watch on TV are shows like the Kardashians. Their internet use is limited to celebrity news or porn. The problem is that they are woefully uninformed and easily manipulated by politicians promising 'free' stuff. I don't have any stats, but will take a guess that these people make up about thirty percent of our population.

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You seem to know more about these folks than I. You did not address my comment about the mask wearing by others. And, isn’t LA about to mandate again?

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A good percentage of maskers are wearing them under nose or even under chin. What ‘virtue’ is THAT signaling?

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I confess to having done this in a few places that insisted on masks. Once, in GOODWILL of all places, 2 employees harangued me into wearing one, so I wore it below my nose. How ludicrous is it to insist on masks where 100s of people donate junk from their attics and basements, they’ve no doubt touched/breathed upon, and where dozens of people pick through it all day and night, but you must wear a stupid mask.

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I hear it's a current victimhood vanity trend to now claim to be immunosuppressed, esp with young adults.


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Yup! WTF?🤪

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Jul 25, 2022
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GA as well. What's bizarre is what I've seen I'd say that 70% of those still wearing masks are minorities. I can't understand why they are the ones still buying into the hype given that they've been one of the most maligned groups by the gov't in history. I think it has something to do with the fact that blacks refused the vax en masse, but still clinging to masks is bizarre.

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pfear pressure...an acquaintance might cross their path in the produce section...

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And they will never give their security blankees ( um , er safety masks) …. Up


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You’ve got it right with blankees. I asked the checkers (whole foods and young) about their masks - if they were bothered by them at all and they giggled, said no - they feel good, they like them. To each their own but I’m afraid it’s going to affect ME come cold/flu season when I’m betting masks mandates will be all the rage again. I can’t see any resistance/change ahead with this attitude. There’s just too many here still wearing these things. Argh!

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Sad. Such incredibly low levels of independent thought and critical thinking skills... Are we truly "the last generation"?

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My impression is that they think it feels good. They get to hide behind them, etc.

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Yes... masks are the new security blankets! Wow, serious mental delusions going on.

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Haha - yes! You must live in Cali

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I was just at a wedding.

They were a minority, but there were people outside wearing their N95’s taking them off to eat and drink. 🙄

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Wow, we are in the northeast, but not seeing that at our Whole Foods!

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Russ thank you, I was beginning to doubt whether I really saw it. Seems like except for us, very little people remember that.

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I should have captured a screenshot of it...😉

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I have to find the first journalist who saw it ! I contacted Berenson but he must not have seen it either. People are so lax when it comes to health ! Luckily a few of us still have working brains !

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Deborah Birx is a long time HIV researcher and has a lot of blood on her hands.

She knew everything, starting from the origins of the virus, to HIV gp120 inserts in SARS-Cov-2, to insanity of covid vaxx that would not work just like HIV vax.

She led us along the path of misery.

Thank you for exposing her.

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Yes, but what she had no experience with was *mass* vaccination: what excited her (a needle in every arm as a panacea) was precisely what a more thoughtful scientist would have been worried about. Simple-minded thinking about the mechanisms of vaccines and viruses and the human body has ruled the day for our industry-captured health functionaries. They lied, yes, but their incompetence may be the bigger story.

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Birx, Fauci, Redfield, etal are bureaucrats. The skills required to succeed and advance there are not those required of thoughtful scientists. If they ever were thoughtful scientists, they gave it up years ago.

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My son who is by his own admission in pretty deep with the various conspiracy theories out there, has been telling me for months soon it will be ‘vaccine bad.’ He says it’s all been scripted. There’ll be a great reckoning , heads will roll and then a new government proposed. You know the one..the new world order coming out of the shadows in recent times. The Dr B’s and Dr F’s of the world are according to him, all either useful idiots, puppets. blackmailed etc. basically irrelevant in the grand scheme.

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Look up Event 201. They gamed it all out. This is how they will explain vaxxine failure:

"We were at war with C0VID. Our best weapons were vaxxines from Big Pharma. They did their best, but unfortunately, there have been problems. Every single individual who has died after C0VID vaxxination is a hero in the war against C0VID and should be treated as such. They gave our lives so we didn't have to die of C0VID."

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I can't handle the truth? I live in world with public health directives due to emergency powers and those restrictions have to be guarded with persyns with white labcoats and certifications? That those public health officials, whose lives are grotesque and incomprehensible, save lives? That they are not interested in nor have the inclination to explain themselves to someone who lives under their rules, and questions the way they came to those conclusions?

I am just supposed to say thank you and go on my way back to the small box of society these rules bind me to?

Maybe I should get prepared to stand post to defend what I think I am entitled to, instead.

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I think he might be right. I wonder that might be the reason Putin is making a fuss.

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Yes possibly. He says Putin was possibly compromised by the agenda in the past, but for some reason he seems to be doing his own thing. You can’t find his connection to the WEF anymore, which previously was present online. But its still hard to say for sure when there is so much control and controlled opposition. (As in he could be controlled opposition.) He tells me last week Putin came out and said the west is done for. I guess in time the truth of his allegiance will be exposed-especially if one is receptive to it.

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yes that interview was on the net. I don't like to say, but I agreed with him. But we will have to see, because words are easy. Hitler had a nice story but that ended in a terrible disaster too.

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The Event 201 scenario went with when the harms were too much and finally Pig Harma was stripped of liability but covered first no liability and no Court of Claims eligibility ("Vaccine Court")

201 covered the propaganda stages everything

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I believe that's called the vaccine rug pull theory. I think it's very plausible.

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They lie. We know they are lying. They know, we know they are lying. And still, they lie.

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Doesn’t hubris arrive right before they fall?

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These people are MONSTERS. Birx has admitted the shots weren't effective, but has yet to admit they aren't safe. In fact, I have become convinced that the WEF has been intentionally poisoning the masses with these so-called vaccines.

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I can only recommend to you also to read the book 'Limits to Growth' from club of rome.

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I haven't read the book, but read the summary years ago; members of this Club of Rome have spoken at Davos. They're all monsters, who see most humans as 'useless eaters.'

If you really want to give yourself nightmares, watch Yuval Noah Harari , Klaus Schwab's sidekick, talking.

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So if she knew even then that it wouldn't prevent transmission, why are we even now having people fired from jobs and kicked out of the military for not getting it? Can someone *please* ask one of these giant a-holes that question?

I know she's between a rock and a hard place, but personally I don't care if she gets crushed, her and her pretty little scarves.

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What about Djokovic being kept out of the US Open. Lotsa tennis fans seem mighty dumb. They keep posting about “following the rules” and “saving lives,” despite the fact that Americans can travel from abroad without the vaccine, and US players can play unvaccinated.

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Seems like this is our “aha” moment...but we will wake up tomorrow to the same day as yesterday. It’s like the “Groundhog Day” movie.

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whoever you are, you are providing a vital service and it is much appreciated.

u deserve the Congressional Meow of Honor (sorry!)

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Love your clever pseudonym!

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I love your kitty! 😻😻😻

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Thank you! He’s not very bright, but he’s a cutie!

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hey thx kitttay!

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Oh, goodness. I'm glad we kept the receipts. 🤣🤣🤣

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Just so you know, my moniker KB has a meaning. We went on vacation in Arkansas, yes Arkansas, and this skinny little kitten moved into our cabin with us. We brought him home, a four hour drive. He never made a sound. We moved from Missouri to Florida recently and I packed the cats in the back of my pickup and made the 17 hour drive. Again, he never made a sound or complained. His name is KB , went from scrawny little cat to a cross between a Maine Coon and a Norwegian Forest Cat. He is majestic.

Oh, his name, KB stands for kitty boy.

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I love that story. He sounds gorgeous.

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He definitely is. He loves our female golden. I don’t know who has more hair😀

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Whaaaat? I'm so envious....Maine Coon or Norwegian Forest mix.


It's my dream to have enough land and resources to have a farm and a viable population of Rough/Smooth Collies and Maine Coons.

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Too bad I couldn’t post a pic. He is majestic

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I was thinking the same. You could try making him your profile pic.

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I just did 😀 He is sitting on top of our chiminea at our log home in the wilderness 😎

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MEWOW 😻. Those eyes 👀

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credibility died jan 2020

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It died a long time ago...we just did not know. The whole disaster of the last two years just served to expose the rot that has been there for a long time.

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Yes, decades in the making….

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& was cremated on 4 nov 2020

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Isn't there an Elton John song called "The Birx is back"........ oh, no , it was "The Bit_ _ is Back"..... same thing I guess.....

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The lyrics are forever changed now, for me🤣

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Me, too!! 😂

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to stop another covid mania we need a nuremberg 2.0

to get to the bottom of all the fallacies of logic and down right lying.

then some hanging!

no cyanide pills!

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Did Nuremburg really help? Look where we are less than 100 years later

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This was going around quite a bit as we entered the mandates/passports phase....

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it applied justice

law and order like freedom demand constant attention

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It did, but it doesn't appear any lessons were learned

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Eternal Vigilance.

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PREP Act did away with Nuremberg protections as have the rest of the covid related acts and ARPA

I'm not saying that legally Congress can take out the Constitution (they have with the Patriot and other Acts) but they have.

And PREP, CARES, Covid Relief and ARPA gave HHS the power to grant "exemptions" to the hospitals to blow off Patient Rights s with no notice to patients, no due process, hold them against their will and kill them, even withhold nutrition and fluids while killing them or trying to enforce compliance. The hospitals say well even if it works HCQ/IVM doesn't after the virus clears (it does for a lot of things including inflammation, but they don't care) yet they use the remdesivir long after the day 2 or 3 it has any effectiveness (if it does without maiming or killing) and give it for 10 days at a time or more. Even if there is a court order they lose the meds, don't give them, refuse anyway.

There will be a reckoning even though we will be in the middle of the tsunami of deaths and scarcities and CCP/WEF Overthrow. So many dying healthcare professionals now.

They will not allow the midterm elections to happen.

WHO is preparing a world pandemic government signing September 27-28th.

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There are many reasons why those acts won't save Big Pharma's hiney. The Brook Jackson lawsuit has brought much of this to light - she's the whistleblower who worked for the company Pfizer contracted to run the clinical trials. In addition, there's numerous US laws that still apply - I haven't done an exhaustive search, but for instance - 45 CFR 46; 21 CFR 50; 21 CFR 56; etc.

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I'm a retired attorney, also former prosecutor for my county, did state and federal criminal defense, agency stuff and lots of other stuff.

There's RICO and certainly with a lot of $$$ and fighting can press the fraud etc. that can remove liability immunity. It will take years. The fastest way to strip the immunity to liability via Congress but real Rs have to be in control of both houses with a sustained very public thorough hard lobbying campaign and use of every tool to embarrass, persuade, hassle and push them to do the right thing.

I try to donate to the cases underway though my means are very limited. The attorneys cannot do the cases for free, just the costs are immense themselves. If everyone could donate SOMETHING... Thomas Renz and Sidney Powell's cases are making headway too.

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I'm praying for a MUCH sooner result than "years"... We the People of the world NEED to see these psychopaths/sociopaths pay for this, and ASAP. I'm glad to hear you're doing what you can to assist these cases. I did not realize that Sidney Powell had a case against Big Pharma, but did w/r to Thomas Renz. Brook Jackson's case is being handled by something like 20 lawyers! Robert Barnes is one, and I follow some of his posts on Locals - https://vivabarneslaw.locals.com/

There's also a case involving George Wentz (and I think Dr. David Martin, also) - https://www.thepostemail.com/2022/07/19/no-decision-yet-in-case-challenging-vaccines/

There's a group you might look into, if you haven't already - the Corona Investigative Committee, run by 2 German lawyers - they've been investigating the Plandemic since July 2020 - they've held interview/informational sessions w/ experts in almost every field imaginable related to the Plandemic and the psycho Globalists behind it. I usually watch their sessions on Odysee - https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5 - but at least some are also available on GETTR - https://corona-investigative-committee.com/. Their last session was Friday, and did NOT disappoint w/r to being packed with information. LOTS coming out now re. the multitudinous fraud in the clinical trials - by not just Pfizer, but also by FDA knowing all that & approving the EUA anyway.

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Thanks for the links, too!

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@Potatodots I sure hear retired. Younger boomer, (not attorney), just when I was looking forward to slowing down, wham! Universe has something else in store. Just wanted to chime in thanks for contributing what you can. Your erstwhile career gives you insight most of us -who did not study law- lack on the nuanced and obfuscating system. If you’re following items in all the news that’s not news, and there are plenty, may I suggest, request, you continue to drop in and offer your decoded(?) sense of what’s up? For the rest of us. Anywhere you can/where it’s appropriate. Best: create your own space. Potatodots substack. (Or something more serious, like el viejo toro... el viejo buldog? ;) Probably too much work for a retiree. Collaborate?

Ah well. It was worth the ask.

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Scott Atlas’s account of his time interacting with Birx and Fauci repeatedly shows she had no idea what she was talking about then or ever!

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She did know better but the POWER and influence was too intoxicating

She got stupid when it suited. Actually, looked for stupid.

Redfield made me furious with his crap once he was out of his position.

I thought Oh No You Don't get to try and rehab yourself for the cameras! You KNEW!

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Image you have two options one is appear to be incompetent the second is to appear to be a psychotic liar. Now image choosing psychotic liar.

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