I am starting to think that you getting kicked off "The Twitter" was actually a good thing. These posts can develop and convey subtlety and solid science without worrying about 280 characters. Works for me...

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And however resilient children are, there will be scars from this episode.

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And just watch how people wear them in the real world. Constantly screwing with them, pulling them down to talk, etc etc etc. They're filthy face diapers.

I think by the time this is over, the data will show that masks prolonged the crisis.

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Everything here is backed-up by sound research, Gato. But these bozos of the "official narrative" keep pretending they "follow the science". I think I mentioned this in another article. You show that a mask won't work if the person wearing it is infected. In real life, the majority of people walking around ARE NOT infected. So, it is even more ridiculous to require everyone to walk around wearing a dumb mask.

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Very well done. I feel like this info has been around, sort of federated, in various locations. But it is nice to see a consolidated piece. The virons floating for "weeks" was new to me. Very good.

I do miss your DANMASK twitter thread from November (the one anticipating it from October was good too).

Keep writing. I will keep reading.

Love, Anne Frank

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When you got bumped off Twitter, I felt like I had lost a close friend. It really bothered me. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that you are here and that I found your work again. If anything, I prefer reading you in this long form, but I know that you are not getting the reach and traction you deserve though.

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"BecauSe your mask protects me" (with only the capital BS in boldface) would have been a better title. I'm here to help :>). Seriously, since being turned on to your BADASS BLOG, major props for the wisdom, wit, impeccable data research and overall snark. You are a feline force fur sure!

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The mask morons need to stay at home, refuse to leave, and they will be safe and the rest of us from them forever. Problem solved. Cheers>

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This is such an underrated article. I have yet to find anyone who describes mask science more clearly and articulately than this bad cat.

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Fantastic post which I´ll share as much as possible. Actually my main fight here in Spain is double: First, make people understand that any cause of death whatsoever becomes an official"death by Covid" if it was preceded by a dubious positive PCR, which is the basis of the whole Covid scam. And second, the inefficacy of masks.

Here in Spain, masks are the main religion after 2020. People wear them driving cars alone, behind the bike´s helmet, walking alone in the wee hours, some wear them at home!, indoors, outdoors, with or without mandate (Right now, the mandate is for people indoors only, but basically 99% still wear them outdoors...). And although now the situations is very good (which doesn´t translate into a back to normal AT ALL), we have been world leaders or top-5 in infections and deaths per population for months, while living through a goddamn mask. People are pointing at the masking usage as one of the main factors of our extremely low Covid numbers, ignoring what I just said: they didn´t worlk when it mattered the most.

Regarding studies, I´ve read many, and know of many more, including metastudies (I hope that´s the word in English...) that comprised dozens. But the most compelling evidence is that if one watches the graphs with ordinate axis showing infections, hospitalizations or deaths, and abscissa axis showing the temporal line, it is IMPOSSIBLE (I will say again: im-po-ssi-ble) to point to the moment when they become mandatory. There is no flattening of the curve anywhere in the world. Not to speak about Sweden, whose mortality between 2020 and 2021 has been of absolute normality, and masks were never mandatory, not even indoors, with the late exception of public transport, I think.

And of course, there is something much more important that if they work or not: It is called moderation and common sense. You could prevent millions of deaths by closing roads. You just don´t fucking do it. You could avoid big numbers by drowning if you just fence off beaches and swimming pools. You just don´t fucking do it. Etc. And this takes me to the last point:

Be very careful with the "they don´t work" argument. We know they don´t. But if our argument is only "they don´t", they will work on them until they do. That´s a guarantee. We mustn´t wear one by force because it goes against everything that means restraint and common sense, in the same manner that we don´t wear a helmet when we walk around the city, and maybe we´d be avoiding deaths in fights, random accidents, etc. Be careful, because they are waiting for those kind of magical masks, and they will appear sooner or later.

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This is so good I'm left purring in delight.

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You have a new subscriber. Well written, well said, well done.

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You need to stop reading my mind before you write these articles. :-)

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Curious if you have any thoughts about the Slate Star Codex literature review on masks from around last April. It ends up slightly more sanguine that there might be very minor beneficial effects for masks (and especially fit tested N95s in the healthcare setting), though the real takeaway is the absolute dumpster fire quality of every mask study to that date. This was around the time that idiotic "peeing on each others' pants" meme was going around with unquestioned 30%+ effectiveness numbers, so it definitely sparked an interest in looking more independently at mask policy claims.


Also reminds me of a great facepalm moment last spring where stores started specifically denying entry to people in N95s because they "had valves, so they didn't stop the spread of Covid".

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I absolutely love that I found you on Substack. And thank you for this article.

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Worse than useless, harmful to millions!

My 13 year old granddaughter came for Easter dinner. We warmed up a large shed and set up tables inside. We had 4 households and because 'she who must be obeyed' double masks after being fully vaccinated, and voted for Biden.

Granddaughter is a very bright young lady and an excellent student. I noticed after we ate she put a mask on. She is in person school at a parochial school and had a quarantine when exposed to another middle school class mate.

The inhumanity of the malfeasance penetrating the official covid "response".

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