"Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity."

- Yeats

I'm not "spiritual" by nature...but I do think ordinary people are no longer paying heed to the old social and political leaders. It seems there's an awakening where many are listeneing to new movement leaders instead.

Seems like we're getting close to an "uprising"....but normal people don't seem to know where to direct these "emotions"

Perhaps we're "put" here to help?

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We ordinary people need to remind everyone we encounter anywhere during any discussion of anything to *listen to your instincts and if you let them go to sleep then wake them the fuck up.*

The most idiotic things I did, listening to my instincts, they all turned out right in the end. Every single time.

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Yup. Nailed it. Takes conviction tho....which this country is def lacking these days

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Not conviction. Common sense. Just because our whiskers are all contained in our heads and not visible on the outside don't mean we ain't got 'em.

All this full-body deodorant age we're in, it's to undercut all the primal signals we need to smell out the sick and the lying. So to speak, more or less, etc.

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Conviction, common sense, and I would add intestinal fortitude.

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My temperament has always been "you might crush me in the end but I'm gonna go down fighting."

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1000% this, SCA!!

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Yes. Just so.

The three legs of personnel sovereignty.

Doesn't matter what's put on the "table" without all 3.

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Agree. But try to be nice when someone is giving you a compliment!...:]...

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As we used to sometimes say back in my whiteboard days, "we are in violent agreement."

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I don't want no compliments. I want extreme precision in language because every word has its own little meaning.

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Well like I sad last week:

Good old fashion horsesense is EARNED through the experience of separating hay from horseshit.

That takes conviction. Common sense is neither a birthright or "free".

And realize, please, that not everyone is as articulate and precise with language as you are, including myself.

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Once having been a word interpreter I can relate to the value of being as certain as possible as to their true meaning. I came to know firsthand what “lost in translation means” 😩 but that’s another somewhat embarrassing story. However, one must not get so involved in the nuances of meaning that one neglects to act at all (except to perhaps raise the local room temperature) and suffer those regrets SCA points out.

In short (which I can never be apparently), “lead, follow or get out of the way.” To cleverly paraphrase😏, “Put on the full ghillie suit of vengeance )or whatever motivates you) and make their heads explode figuratively speaking of course.”

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We are indeed. And to fail is unthinkable. And, so we will not -

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It does seem as though it is a "spiritual" battle to some extent

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Given the mental capabilities of our adversaries, it is certainly not intellectual.

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I'd hate to see it get to a physical battle. But in 'these ... times that try men's souls' - can anything be ruled out?

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No. Nothing and i mean NOTHING would surprise me at this point.

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Agree. All the more vital to prevail. Since strong in my faith, I know good destroys evil. (Even in End Times.) In my opinion, we are not there, but the testing is fierce. Which means we are over the target…

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I think of it as Psycho-spiritual.

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That is a good way of putting it

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More of “the best” need to gain conviction. That might only happen at the height of the Turning. I must admit, though I am certainly not the best of us, I am increasingly willing to lost it all for this cause.

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It's a hill to die on...otherwise we are slaves.

And I mean that with all sincerity.

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yup, cause death is inevitable so you may as well have some principles that you're willing to die for. I think it shows a sense of respect for the act of being.

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Honestly I think a lot of us aren't really tapping into local groups and connections that are also feeling the same way. I know I am guilty of it. Why am I sitting here reading and typing to randos on the interwebs?

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Masks. Most people knew they were BS. But most went along with them. Feeling an obligation to not frighten those who did. Kindness. Compassion. Those poor little old ladies, frightened by bare faces. To wear a mask was just being nice to your fellow man. Not a big deal. But it was. A "big f'n deal."

"Masks mandates aren't my hill to die on."


"Free speech isn't my hill to die on."

All who said the first were actually saying the second, whether they knew it or not. And by making that declaration, followed by the widespread compliance with mask mandates the authorities have predictably continued to strip away our First Amendment protections.

Masks were always known to be unsupported by medical science, ineffective, worthless facial decorations. But the *symbolism* of them had value for the behavioral scientists. They helped "amplify fear" (aka terrorized) of disease and spread awareness, acting as "nonpharmaceutical interventions" that scared people apart, changing perceptions and resulting in behavioral changes in social interactions.

Symbols. Symbols are speech. The oldest form of speech. Communication even the illiterate understand. Like flags, crosses, mascots, colors, cave drawings, etc. "Show you care." "Be afraid." "I'm protecting you." "I'm taking this seriously." Speech.

And to mandate speech, "Show you care" is the other side of the same free speech coin from censorship. To show a bare face when masks were mandated to "follow the (behavioral) science of "Fear Amplifcation" was to contradict and ineffectuate the NPI. How dare you shout "calm down, there is no fire" in a theater where those in charge screamed "fire" to clear it?!?! That was their thinking and rationale. So much so that even a baby without a symbolic mask on his/her face was grounds to toss entire families off of planes, "Your baby isn't amplifying fear sufficiently with a free face, others might get the idea that we have nothing to fear. And we can't have that!"

To not wear a mask was to speak "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" against the state as it was demanding our fear - for our own protection and safety, of course!

But, masks weren't the hill to die on for most of our friends, families, neighbors, employers, business owners, teachers, lawyers, judges. That told those of us who were making this argument all we needed to know about how little most people truly care about free speech and how few will even fight to preserve it.

The Land of the Free, Home of the Brave? Apparently not. Not brave enough to fight for free speech. Which was what mask mandates were all about. And here we are four years later. Predictably for those of us who saw the implications to the First Amendment of mandating symbols, speech. They get people to give up essential rights and liberty, the most essential right of all, as an act of "kindness."

In the words and song of Nick Lowe, there are times that require us to be cruel to be truly kind. They convinced most to believe it's kind to terrorize each other.


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Tell it like it is FF!

Love this post!

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Thank you for this. 1,000%.

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It was unreal - and we've never recovered. Lately I hear "Better to be kind than right." Get ready for Part II.

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"Nice" societies are rarely free. Remember when Americans would be characterized as "ugly Americans" by Europeans when they travel? We were known as being rude, selfish, overbearing, entitled, etc. The continental elites would tsk-tsk us, the effete Americans would look down at their fellow nationals, embarrassed to be American, wanting to be liked, seen as the "nice" American, contrasted with the typical Neanderthal.

Very much like those who've called other Americans "deplorables" and "bitter-clingers." Same people. Well it's that deplorable bitter-clinger American DNA that once kept us free. And it will be the deplorable bitter-clinger American DNA that will set us free again...once we stop caring about being "nice." It may sound counterintuitive, but it's nicer to be rude as a society than it is to be "nice." A free society is the nicest society there is. "Selfish freedom" is the only type of freedom there is. It's a virtue, not a defect.

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I believe millions of cruel Boomers born of the cruel Greatest Generation are going to do our part in November.

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Mark Ruffalo had to throw "weird" in there. 🤷‍♀️

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Mark Ruffalo.

Who cares what he has to say?

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Also, "entitled" - because Mark is not, somehow.

And "billionaire" - because Bernie now believes millionaires like Mark are okay; it's just the billionaires who are evil.

And "tech bro" - because I guess that is an insult in Mark's circle of play actors.

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Mark Ruffalo is a semi-talented actor who himself is quite weird.

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Don’t sell Ruffle short on his acting abilities. He got his platform based on that. Just remember what group he comes from, the Hollywood community. Those guys are always acting.

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It's the word-du-jour right now. With Kammy-Wammy's "JOY!" coming up a close second.

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The Kamala Chameleon and Ruffalo are cringe.

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“..he’s a free human with free speech you intolerable popinjay muppet of a totalitarian.” 🤣 Keeping this one

Kamala: “… speaking to millions of people without any level of oversight and regulation … and that has to stop.” That is NOT in our Constitution! This is the best reason (of many) to vote her OUT of office. I can’t believe that sound bite has been out there since 2019 and there are still people voting for her. 🤦🏼‍♀️

“free speech is the cornerstone of free people. and anyone who says otherwise cannot be allowed near power.” Exactly. You say so many things perfectly with the least amount of words. ❤️

Love the free speech going after the balls. 🤣 Let’s do this!!

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My sand is running out so to speak ⌛️ so I’m enhancing that remaining time’s effect by putting verbal itching powder into their mental shorts at every opportunity. Old age experience has provided the knowledge of where and when to stick it. Memes are a vast improvement over the old political cartoons for that purpose (except Pogo, nothing beats Pogo. “We have met the enemy and he is us.”)

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“…putting verbal itching powder into their mental shorts…” Great wording love it! 😆

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Aww, shucks Mam ☺️.

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Nothing beats Pogo

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We need more folks, like you, with earned wisdom to stand up.

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Kamala was the recipient of being in the right place at the right time having the right connections being the right ethnicities & gender having the outsized pulpit of a complicit media. Who COULDN'T succeed will all that?

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amongst other ass•ets apparently….

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That is the most frightful concept...

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Let's try this one: "The state has decided that abortion is illegal, and the law is the law. So, that's that," said no progressive ever.

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The law is not a moral compass. The people who hid Anne Frank were breaking the law. The people who killed her were following it. 🤨

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Obey the law and get your ass to the gas!

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Very true. Good point.

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I'm sure Ruffalo obeys sodomy laws.

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"Well obviously it doesn't apply when the law is in the wrong!" is the normal response, to such a challenge.

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Good point.

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Keep Elon Weird.

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Well said. 👏🏻

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Reminds me of a fellow I knew who lived in Canada, and spent his life telling everyone (and himself) that he was "fighting the Establishment"; guess he hadn't figured out this was a passé claim by his middle-aged years.

Anyway.....he developed one of the indolent Cancers at some point....doctors gave him 15-20 years before it would turn serious. What did this "freedom fighter" decide to do? He applied immediately for the MAID regime under Troodo (yes.....you actually fill out paperwork for the state to kill you).

He got the go-ahead on that. This lifelong anti-Establishment freedom-fighter, in the end, asked the Establishment to kill him. They obliged. I don't think he ever saw the irony.

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ohhhh wow. just ..... what if they were wrong? and a lot of cancer markers disappear.

Wow. I guess he just was not happy either way

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Aug 31Edited

Well Rosemary, in Canada under Troodo's MAID regime, there have been approximately 60,000 individuals state-killed now, since its introduction in 2016.

Largest suicide cluster in the world.

People "apply" for MAID for all kinds of non-legitimate reasons. It is not really about saving the terminally ill from pain; never was.. That was just the hook that pushed the legislation through. Much more common to be used for saving state dollars in the localized healthcare system, or for sinister family members receiving an early inheritance. Common now too to convince the elderly to use MAID instead of having the family pay for elder-care.

The predictable slippery slope became a cliff within minutes. Parliament in Canada has even debated whether to open the MAID requests to minors and the mentally ill.

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Had no idea that there have been that many deaths/killings AND that it started in 2016!! Yikes to both of those. 😳

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Aug 31Edited

Canada has long been a very quiet country. Until recent decades, the numbers there were around 25-30 million.. Of a mainly introverted population. Next to a large extroverted elephant south of their border.

So Americans generally do not know what actually goes on in Canada. And Troodo is happy to keep it that way for now.

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Canada is becoming Jonestown without the Kool-Aid.

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Aug 31Edited

Yes, indeed.

Miklos Lukacs, author of a new book on transhumanism, was recently interviewed. When asked about Justin Troodo, Lukacs did not hold back: "I think Troodo is the worst you can find in politics. He is a mean, evil, idiotic, and sub-intelligent human being. I believe he has no limits when it comes to power. He will do whatever it takes for power, even if it means destroying his own country and his own people. I think he is one of the worst human beings on the planet."

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And then the doctor just needs to get the patient to realize that the patient’s idea of treatment was wrong and what they really need is oblivion. In America this happens when the healthcare mega complex has bled the system dry and there’s no longer a financial incentive to keep the patient alive. Then we call it Compassionate Care.

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The trickery always gets covered with labels of kindness......

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Aug 31Edited

P.S. I think the medical professionals out there who are Psychopaths -- not terribly rare, unfortunately -- must be in their glory! The state pays them for killing. And the victims come along docilely.

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And then the doctors can convince themselves they were following the "do no harm" ideation because it was the "will of the patient."

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But when the patients in Canada come to them wanting actual treatment, many of them are not too keen on the will of the patient!

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Oof. This is depressing.

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Darwin at work.

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The number of articles I'm getting about this on Substack is so encouraging. (I'm writing one, too!)

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Get it out!...:)

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Thanks Ryan, btw, for your support. Appreciated.

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Well thank you!

I'm more than happy to support fellow freedom fighters.

After all, there's nothing free about fighting for liberty.

Those old white dudes who founded this country were pretty clear on that.

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Aug 31
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Well we can use all the female insight we can get these days.

I just asked wife and she concurs!...;p)

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It should be ready today....that Erceg/Vinnie play the other night forced me to stop writing and start weeping into my booze.

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No doubt! Arggh

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The trigger-words concept is from me. I know my way around Behavioural Science.

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"Free" Speech is only worth what you are willing to give up to defend it...

And you won't know it's lost until it is gone... The rest of the world has done a "marvelous" job at moving the Overton Window so that now people are either afraid to say anything or they are jailed when they do... Coming to a country very near to you...

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Yes. Like Britain. Churchill is rolling over in his grave.

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Great link. Everyone should see that. Shocking.

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Agree, love Mike Benz. Fear for his safety.

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I was just watching his interview with Tucker Carlson 4 days ago. Literally jaw-dropping stuff. And yes, he is in danger.

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They're trying to make, "weird," the new, "racist.

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I’m curious how the libs/progs in Austin are responding to this. Austin’s liberal motto is “Keep Austin Weird”

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Lula saw what Two Tier Kier has been doing and said, "Hold my beer".

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Question - Glenn Greenwald was a huge supporter of Lula's & a harsh critic of Bolsonaro's - read "Securing Democracy: My Fight for Press Freedom and Justice in Brazil". Has the story now flipped? Is Lula the baddie & Bolsonaro the hero? Any thoughts?


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I too am an outlaw.

"I am Spartacus."


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Speaking of words...the Democrat slogan-word "JOY!" is the trigger-word they installed at the DNC. It is meant to work like the bell for Pavlov's dogs. When an indoctrinated Dem supporter hears this word, they will react as they were conditioned to react during the DNC.

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And how many of them know the connection with the Nazis slogan of "Strength Through Joy"?!

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Which would be worse?

That they know it was the slogan of the NSDAP-controlled national union, or that they don't?

I'm halfway expecting the US Democrat party to launch some "employment means freedom"-campaign any day now.

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Actually, it's "Basic Universal Income means Freedom". Actual work is no longer necessary. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the slogan "You will own nothing and be happy" was changed to "You will own nothing and feel JOY!".

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"Basic Universal Income means Freedom"

It sounded better in the original German.

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My inner high school-philosopher is tickled pink by the concept of "owning nothing"; is [Nothing] then a commodity that can be owned? If so, it can be bartered, rented out, and sold (and stolen!).

For the semantic acrobat it opens a grand vista of opportunity for silly shenanigans by jumping between literal and figurative.

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Consider becoming a squatter. Find an empty house, move in, and have the locks changed. You own "nothing" and you're joyful because you didn'thave to pay. "Owning" nothing is not the same as "possessing" nothing. Ownership is a legal term, not a philosophical one. Just ask a former Soviet citizen.

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Yeah. All systems have their own version of eminent domain, and screws to turn if the little guy is being a bother.

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"[T]otal disrespect for Brazilian sovereignty and/ in particular, for the judiciary, setting himself up as a true supranational entity and immune to the laws of each country".

~ de Morasshole

This is exactly what we all should to aspire to.

To hell with these bastards. All of them.

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Aug 31Edited

Technical solutions are available in the form of true peer to peer networks like TOR & Qortal. Does anyone know of any other P2P networks that could be used?

"You have the right to free speech. As long as you're not dumb enough to try it." - The Clash


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Yes folks could boycott Google and use P2P search that's been my default since 2015 and has lots of spiffy tools the uber-cyber types love & results ranked like it's 2008 again.. no clue if browsers other than Firefox are as good since those can have wonky user effects!


Also peertube alt for Screwtube https://joinpeertube.org/en_US/faq

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