Guys like this are very, VERY lucky they belong to this era and not one from mankind's less forgiving past. I'll leave it at that.

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You mean like the illegal alien invasion at the border? Because all it takes is one shot - and it's over.

Yes. I know that libertarians (which I am dedicated to - but also a pragmatist), believe in open borders...but not at the expense of sovereignty.

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I think the Dave Smith in "Part of the Problem" explains the border thing fairly well.

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He does.

In short, open borders are ideal but only in the absence of a welfare state, which converts all the benefits into liabilities.

In previous waves of immigration, economic and personal freedom drew only those with the wherewithal and fortitude to get themselves across the pond and the confidence to know they could figure out how to make a living once they arrived, even, as in many cases, they were penniless upon arrival.

These are just the sort of independent and resourceful people one wants as countrymen.

Welfare turns this on its head, drawing many unskilled, dependent people who will become a burden on their new countrymen, and of course, vote to continue the gravy train.

A distinction must be made in this regard between those who enter illegally or under false pretenses, and those who followed the law and go through the lengthy and tedious immigration process.

Jacobin Joe has made chumps of these people, and every one of them I speak with about this is outraged.

Just as he wants to make chumps of those foolish enough to have paid off their entire student loans, made the sacrifices necessary for home ownership, and just generally busted their asses only to find half their income looted to pad Ukrainian oligarchs' bank accounts, pay legions of meddling bureaucrats and assorted apparatchiks, and, of course, for payola for the providers of the legalized bribery known as campaign contributions and PACs.

But I digress.

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Rope, tree, Fraudci. Some assembly required.

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Maybe, but I want to See Hotez vs Fauci in a cage match - no rules.

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Plague Match - Rumble in the Bumble

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* Personal shot experiences may vary.

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Tar, feathers, rail, Fauci. Definitely needs assembly; requires some running and much jeering.

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I don't wish for this, but don't underestimate the ability for a crumbling society to revert back to historical means

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ye' old'e shvt and fvrt?

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I have the pikes if you bring the heads!

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"Leave it at that" is right. Saying anything close to the wrong thing now gets you redflagged with feds at your door.

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There's time.....

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That was a nice way of saying that the group has "short term...or no term memories" about this stuff.

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Well at least we don’t have to worry about that kinda thing with environmental, energy. and climate policy.

So, we have that going for us…


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And dietary, educational, military training, military strategy, military procurement, monetary policy....

All in good hands.

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Indeed. Why does our food compass lead more people into getting diabetes? Well, i must be because we didn't stress enough how well these experimental foods work.

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Ugh… 🤦🏽‍♀️

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"...then he turned on a dime and said the opposite for entirely political reasons the moment debbie birx rode in on her security state horse and took charge."

You do remember that Fauxci was put in charge of the combined civilian, military, and intel bio resources under Bush II in the wake of the Anthrax attacks don't you???

Yes, I would love to know who gave Fauxci his orders.

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Birx has always been the chief villain of everything going on. Read Scott Atlas book for chapter and verse. Yet she seems to have skated the best. Must be something REALLY special about being the ultimate Deep State operative. Or maybe it is the scarf. If there were Nuremburg trials, she would be where I started. Fauxi was always just a banty-rooster pawn.

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Everyone should read Dr. Atlas's book. I got it from my local library. Be prepared, though. You can only take the malicious incompetence in small doses.

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I did read it, and it was excellent. It was an interesting experience too, because as a recovering liberal, I had this knee-jerk tendency to view anyone who worked for Trump as pure evil.

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Why do you think I don't watch the MSM? The drivel I hear when I roll out into the main area where people are listening to it is bad enough. They drone on and on.

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I used to work in local tv on the news. When I left, I stopped watching all local news and then all cable news. Best thing I ever did. Highly recommend that everyone ditches local/cable news and instead just uses the internet. Cuts down on the propaganda/programming.

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It won't work in the UK after the Online Censorship Bill, so sorry, the 'Online Safety Bill', passes.

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If you still want propaganda...just ask ChatGBT about anything Coronavirus.

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Except that Birx literally started by working for Fauxci's lab and later running the corrupt trials for HIV/AIDS vaccine under Fauxci. She also worked for the CDC, which was also nominally under Fauxci, on HIV/AIDS. Note that MIKE PENCE appointed Birx to be the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator. She was a loyal fellow traveler, not the boss.

Where did she end up?? With the George W. Bush Institute in Dallas, Texas, as a senior fellow, working on initiatives to reduce health disparities and prepare for future pandemics.


Wiki is good enough for this...


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I know all that. But it all rings false from beginning to end. She was the dominant player in all of the White House meetings. Fauxi was just a Greek chorus. What we don't know is what is hurting us. As I said, Scott Atlas wrote about this extensively (he was there) and it is fascinating. And her traverse has been too smooth, too convenient, and, since she is really not qualified for anything, too suspicious for me.

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i bought the book, I haven't read it yet because I know i am going to be furious.

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I think she'd look better in a balaclava prior to Nuremburg...I mean she likes masks so much...:}

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Maybe a birka...let's send her there...

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A Birxa™ with a medical mask sewn in.

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No Birka, and air drop that ho into Iran.

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Holy shit. I might have to give myself the Heimlich maneuver!


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ho, obviously stands for House Operative ... -Peter's Cat. More funsies 2moro

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A very long scarf could save some money there plus the optics--delicious.

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The scarf. Isadora Duncan had a big problem with a scarf and a sports car. Hmmm. 🤔

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"You do remember that Fauxci was put in charge of the combined civilian, military, and intel bio resources under Bush II in the wake of the Anthrax attacks don't you???"

You are so perfectly correct. Winner winner, chicken dinner.

Read this obscure book for the details - "U.S. v. Members of the Armed Forces: The Truth Behind the DoD's Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program" by a JAG lawyer who defended anthrax vaccine refusers in the military in 1999-2000, then helped sue FDA & DoD in 2004-06.


Answer - it's the mil-biodefense mafia behind this. They've been driving this since the Gulf War (the first one) in 1989-90. The historical legal antecedents have deeper roots. Ask yourself, exactly who went to jail over MKULTRA when it was revealed in the 70s??

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And the banksters are in cahoots with the military industrial complex. Slavery never went away. It is just that the whole world became the plantation.

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Excellent point!

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My money's on the DOD/MIC

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100% correct and it's a matter of public record. See my comment above.

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Ever notice how Fauci slips in that there will be "the next one"? Most of the elites are already talking about "the next one", which they already practiced on 23 October 22.

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When government 'fixes' a problem there is always a next version of it and it's always worse than the last.

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That's how the government becomes the behemoth it is today. Every problem begets another department to study it or "fix" it.

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Except the pendulum is beginning to shift. After decades of government largesse and expansion, it’s becoming more and more useless by the day. They are incapable of doing the most basic tasks, and more and more people are realizing this.

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Fix with commissions.

It's "fixed"

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What is their thing for the month of October? October 2019, October 2022....

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"Winter" is the point. And I fear 24' is going to be one for the ages.

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Especially with all the destruction of natural immune systems brought on by the injections.

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Immune escape...

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keven, the cat at peter's house.......

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Bro, i'll take your left-overs of steak.

My 2 lb.er is marinating now, going on grill in 15 mins ...


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Where's Paul? I have the day off.

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I said yesterday that I eat meat everyday. It's the only way to keep my kitty from being a rascal.

I'm feeding her bacon leftover from my blt as we speak. She doesn't seem to concerned about the fat or salt levels...;)

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That was funny

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Didn't they game plan for 2025 recently? I really hate all these people.

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Yes. They love us.

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Hahaha. And it seems it's been scrubbed from the John's Hopkins site.

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Gonna be a bumpy 5-7 years...maybe 10


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I did a bit of digging. Not much, but I found the exercise Atlantic Storm took place in Jan 2005, AND Clade X took place in May 2018. Interestingly enough, I found that the Rockefeller Foundation very elegantly uses the words "population science" instead of population control for its birth reduction programs. In the 1970's this department was headed by Sheldon J. Seagal, the inventor of Norplant (birth control).

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It might be a pattern. We'd have to go back about 25 or so years to see when they practiced all the others. I think they practiced shortly before the swine flu breakout and the MERS breakout. But don't hold me to it, because I'm getting old and my brain is in information overload as of late.

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I can relate 😉

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Of course. A plague rat knows such things.

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On to the mendacity: it's like Pol Pot saying he was democratically elected, tried to do his best, had no control over the Khmer Rouge, and no idea how 1.5 to 2 million people died while he was in power. He was just doing his job.

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"I just wanted to promote gardening. Things got out of hand!"

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Good one!

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I just wrote about a perfect example: Trudeau and mandates in Canada. Spoiler alert: he says he never forced anybody to get the shots!


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He gas lights like my abusive ex.

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Of course didn't force anyone! People were always free to just lose their jobs..

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Oh my goodness! Saw this video this morning and was glad I was alone when the cursing started.

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He’s so despicable.

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Great post. Second video didn’t play for me.

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Should work shortly!

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Yes forcing means the police hold you down whole a government doctor sticks you. Everything else is free choice.

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Where's the Resident Turdeau fan. Who writes:

🏹Duck Low, Turdeau 🎯

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Generally speaking I tend to assume stupidity rather than evil as the reason for people’s actions. In my day to day life stupid is the rule rather than the exception so that’s generally my go to. However as someone who knows how a foreign disease outbreak should be treated and how to handle respiratory disease outbreaks it was clear to me quite quickly that we were dealing with something malevolent. The advice given and the steps taken were too harmful to be attributed to stupidity, that level of stupidity is just simply not possible. I mean a group of monkeys throwing darts at a list of possible interventions would get at least one right. Everything they did was for power and political gain. Everything was about stoking fear, creating division, increasing their control over our day to day lives. Evil intent is the only reasonable explanation for what occurred.

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Doc, I'd suggest a slight amendment to your "stupidity rather than evil" assumption. If it's coming out of your TV, assume evil.

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It would definitely be evil because that would mean my tv is possessed since it’s not hooked up to anything...

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nay, not stupid.. Planned evil. bet on it.

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Evil prevailed, however. Pure, in our faces, evil. It took over people.

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My feelings as well

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THANK YOU for courageously calling it out, el gato, and saying:

Mistakes Were NOT Made

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: One Poem to Wake the World” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-one-poem-to)

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That was the best MAA, watched five times....got choked up five times! Tess did an awesome job too!😥😡

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Aww, thank you, Porge! 🙏

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There are some new rules for life we have learned:

1. Never go to the doctor unless you cannot avoid it. If you go, they will find a drug, preferably lifetime, to give you.

2. Use your doctor as access to a hospital should you have a serious problem.

3. Cut all sugar and carbs (cf. Dr Robert Lustig's Metabolical) and many of your problems will at least be mitigated if not cured outright. Many chronic diseases are related to dysregulation of your endocrine system. This is NOT just about losing weight. READ THE BOOK.

4. It's probably worth trying to find a old fashioned doctor, perhaps some type of naturopathic doctor, but insurance issues can play into this.

What ever happened to the kind of people, our founding stock, who would realize "I've been had"? Fool me once, etc.

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Most doctors (not all) are drug pushers; shills for big pharma.

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I see a functional medicine doc. She is Unvaxxed as I am. Only uses an Rx if no other alternative. I’ve gotten great results with supplements and other programs there. She takes time to listen and takes a comprehensive history and blood work. I feel saf3 there.

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Experts are the worst. In my own field, childhood has been ruined by experts! Because experts have tunnel vision in the one tiny area of their expertise - say, playground injuries - and no perspective on the bigger picture - say, what childhood is like without playgrounds.

There’s no experts on “normal childhood” so all the experts on water safety and playground safety and toy safety get together and… destroy any chance at a normal childhood.

Plus the experts are frankly idiots, a la Fauci. Again in my field, how can you be an ADHD “expert” and put children on meth daily… with absolutely zero idea about the changes in the classroom over the decades? Don’t you think you should spend five bleeping minutes looking into how the school environment has changed before “expertly” drugging children to conform to that environment??? Ugh, drives me nuts.


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Adrian, you are spot on. As a retired special educator of 25 years, I witnessed exactly what you are mentioning...my thoughts were often, "If you want to know what's REALLY going on, come to the schools and spend some time...not just a random, pre announced visit from time to time!

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Could you distribute more copies of the "Lawn Darts" essay to counteract some of the nonsense?

My Godson was being cast as ADHD some years ago. I suggested to his father that the teacher and the boy both be given IQ tests and see which was deficient.

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Facui, like all liars find it impossible to remember their lies. They hope we forget.

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In this interview we see the essence of why a man like Dr. Fauci can ride out multiple such crises, exercising questionable-at-best judgment the whole way, and yet remain in the good graces of the establishment by the end of it. As long as you can couch it in media-friendly, diplomatic terms that smooth any jagged edges of responsibility, you're destined for long-term institutional success with the current incentives the way they are.

"They have healed the wound of my people lightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace."

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he will be thrown under the bus

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If perts are people who are pertinent to a topic or subject, then experts must be people who no longer are pertinent.

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Just when I start to entertain the thought of moving on from Covid, I read something like this outrageous, despicable, insulting piece of gaslighting journalism and think, "Nope. Not now. Not. Ever." Let justice roll like a river....

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And righteousness like an everlasting stream

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Amen! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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It wasn't me, It wasn't me, It wasn't me, but it really was me.

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...AND here's the fiscal coincidence to rule them all: Fauci and all of his criminal, psychopathic friends in government also GOT OBSCENELY RICH off of it.

Quelle surprise! Who could believe such a thing?

I'm certain none of these things are related at all. In any way.

Steve Hahn was *the Trump Guy* at the FDA, so I'm sure there's nothing to see when he makes a regulatory approval as FDA commissioner in Moderna's favor... and then joins the Board for the company that owns Moderna 197 days later.

It's all just a giant series of misjudgments, mistakes, and profitable coincidences.

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