self-styled “experts” are always very sure of themselves, but most of their advice ages like a fish head i once left under the sofa.
(and never actually made sense in the first place as this is basically impossible.)
and when it all goes sideways, they will then duck the blame and claim they never said that or go full “shaggy defense” and claim that it “wasn’t them.”
they’ll tell you “mistakes were made” and act like it was unavoidable.
the NYT puff piece out today trying to play at “even handed” is a hilarity of such.
yes, very clearly something went wrong.
and you and others like you were the reason.
don’t forget that early on, tony knew lockdowns did not work, covid was not high risk, masks were useless, and that people should not panic. he said every one of those things. they were true when he said them and they are true now. then he turned on a dime and said the opposite for entirely political reasons the moment debbie birx rode in on her security state horse and took charge.
he became the loyal spokes-hobbit for partisan pseudoscience, lied over and over about everything, then lied about lying and keeps on lying to this day.
he speaks of divisiveness, but what divided us was our “experts” and their endless hectoring and harangue to do everything wrong. they came after lives and livelihoods with known garbage science that they still try to whitewash to this day.
they made EVERYTHING political, sought to subvert choice and judgement at every turn and killed people in droves by turning our response into something far more deadly than covid ever thought of being.
the evidence that most of the “deaths” they claim using hyper-overstated counts with preposterously inclusive criteria were iatrogenic is extremely clear. there has never been a seriously dangerous respiratory pandemic in a post antibiotic society. this was an own goal. (read HERE and HERE for primer)
if these folks want to see who caused the death and undermined public trust, well, here, let me help:
this interview is just horrendous.
yes, you shilled for a completely rigged a set of trials and then pushed a barely assessed vaccine into 200 million american arms based on entirely false premises of “safe and effective. it’s a dead end for a virus”
and you were completely wrong. but you did not change course even when this was obvious.
this was not “a communication” issue. it was purposeful, bald-faced lying or incompetence so staggering as to disqualify one from being taken seriously on such topics ever again.
it was not a dead end. it did not stop spread and likely accelerated it. it was never even tested against transmission. and you knew or should have known that.
but “experts” said the opposite at every turn.
and my oh my the receipts we have on that one.
just who is tony trying to fool here? (perhaps himself?)
then you tried to hide the adverse events both by making them hard to find and failing to even look until forced.
so please, no grandstanding about the problem being the politics or the public or the public trust.
the problem was you and yours.
and you just keep lying.
this implies impossible numbers. it implies that covid would have killed 1.5% of americans (wildly off IFR estimates) and that the vaccine was over 80% effective vs deaths. none of it is remotely true and the case that the vaccine caused more all cause deaths than it prevented looks far stronger than the case it saved anything.
when we rolled it out, it bent the curves in the US the wrong way on covid alone.
the all cause deaths issues have been stark.
this has been an atrocity.
and the buck never stops here, does it? watch teflon tony pass it:
(and note that he cannot stop lying even now, the man is pathological)
it’s like watching idi amin say he just made policy, he never machine-gunned anyone (if “dr jaffa” was congenitally incapable of keeping his story straight.)
and “never criticized” well, let’s have a contest in the comments to see who can find the funniest proof of the towering mendacity of that statement. (seriously, do it. best one gets a free year of bad cattitude, maybe i’ll collect them all in a post.)
this is that classic “the CDC followed fauci and birx who claim they followed the CDC and no one is following any actual science, just politics and profit” washing machine/reputational laundry. it was always one unified edifice of talking points. there is no daylight between actors here.
it’s just buck passing and it’s nonsense.
this whole “expert class” of regulatory reprobates and public health harridans was in complete lockstep the minute debbie b swept in and made it a national security matter. they all got in line, lied their little faces off, and savagely stifled dissent to the obviously deliberate falsehoods they were spreading on origin and response.
everything about this is a whitewash.
covid is a coronavirus. there has never been a vaccine for or sterilizing herd immunity against a corona virus. they mutate. it’s what they do.
i mean, what did you think was going to happen when you deployed a leaky vaccine vs a mutating virus and generated herd antigenic fixation?
yup, this.
if this is what’s passing for “expertise” then i really have to ask:
because you failed at public relations, ethics, virology, epidemiology, biotech, vaccination, statistics, non-pharma interventions, and even basic math.
then you lied about all of it and your role in creating this pathogen in the first place.
there is no basis to trust you or ask your opinions on how to respond to the next pandemic. more so than covid, “the experts” were the actual plague on our house.
and no amount of these tawdry rehabilitation tours will change it.
but not all complex problems require complex solutions.
meet my one point plan for fixing US public health agencies…
Guys like this are very, VERY lucky they belong to this era and not one from mankind's less forgiving past. I'll leave it at that.
Well at least we don’t have to worry about that kinda thing with environmental, energy. and climate policy.
So, we have that going for us…