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I wouldn't touch Gardasil with a 200ft barge pole!! A woman's got a greater chance of dying from the 'vaccine' than from cervical cancer (now remind me, what is this 'vaccine' meant to be used for? Oh, it's meant to stop cervical cancer, that's right).

And when it uses the Meningococcal injection as a 'placebo', well, the only reason Gardasil looked good was 'coz more people died in the 'placebo' group than the Gardasil group!! The joys of an aluminium-containing 'placebo'. Stay far away from this one if you know what's good for you.

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I remember when the HPV shot first came out - they were focusing on young girls. Added it to the adolescent schedule of vaccinations, along with the meningococcal shot. Some years later they made boys eligible for the HPV, projecting throat and rectal cancers. The despicable ads use children to shame-blame parents for their kid's future cancer diagnosis. Sick sick sick.

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My granddaughter's mother forced her to get the Gardisil crap at a young age despite my son's and my protests. She was grooming the kid to be a whore (OMG!!!! I can say that on Substack and not get booted for 30 days!!!!!) like she is (I am not using that term indiscriminately. She really has worked as one) so wanted her kid to be prepared. Granddaughter, thank God, has said she wants to be nothing like her mother and will not even speak to her. However, woke granddaughter and her fiance' are both Sar Cov 2 shotted and boosted so.....

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I’m sure my granddaughter was damaged neurologically by that heinous jab. I dare not say anything. I do remember asking if she really needed it.

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