You have done GREAT WORK to show this pattern. More "vaccine", more illness and misery.

At this point in the pandemic, infections and severe illnesses are driven by REinfections, not by new infections, and reinfections are mostly confined to the vaccinated.

Sadly, large demographic changes will soon occur due to Covid becoming like AIDS, a repeat or chronic illness in the vaxed that is taking down their already damaged immunity.

The smart vaccinated people need to consider moving to low vaxx areas, to be protected by a wall of unvaccinated people with actual immunity still working.

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"The smart vaccinated people need to consider moving to low vaxx areas, to be protected by a wall of unvaccinated people with actual immunity still working."

if these theses pan out, it's FAR too late for that in the US.

they'd need to move to africa.

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Antarctica is lovely this time of year.

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I thought a fully vaccinated research team tried that and still got the virus. ;)

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I thought it was because they didn't allow the norwegian to shoot the dog?

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I vote for moving the vaxxed to Antarctica...

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I second that.

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Interesting how Africa, with very little access to mRNA vaccines is very much Covid-19 free. Could it be the Ivermectin that so many Africans take prophylactically/weekly to prevent malaria and other diseases ? OF COURSE NOT !

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It’s the demographic. Young population. Very few elderly people in poor health which is the happy hunting ground for CoV 2. The same is to be seen in other poor Countries - and they don’t have care homes to act as CoVid slaughter houses.

If only we understood this, all the lockdown/mask/vaccine nonsense would not have happened or continue.

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When covid first hit Africa the 'young population demographics' compared to westernized nations was touted as the answer for why there was so little incidence. When comparison was done between regions within Africa that included IVM in their prophylactic protocol (for treatment of other diseases) vs those regions within Africa that did not include IVM the data showed a substantial difference. Was this due to IVM treatment? (The areas that provided IVM had low rates of covid while the areas that didn't had high rates) Perhaps yes, or perhaps there is another confounding variable - but there was no difference in 'young population demographics' between the areas - so this can be excluded as a possible explanation.

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But also, just the fact alone of their having lower vax rates meant they could develop immunity and not have constant reinfections.

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Also many Africans take hydroxychloroquine or similar for malaria suppression.

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And I use to think this guy was a nut-job. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=4Sd5GzROISw

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They knew, and did it anyway. It was intentional.

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All of it. The trashing of immune systems (VAIDS), the shedding...all of it. You are exactly correct.

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The sunlight, youth and lack of obesity, more likely. Not everyone takes IVM all the time, it would be very expensive for them.

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Hi... Ivermectin is dirt cheap in Africa. 10 cents a weekly dose...

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And I use to think this guy was a nut-job. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=4Sd5GzROISw

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That’s a good link. I forget about him. He was soooo marginalized if I understand what happened way back when. But he’s still relevant to this fight. Probably more so now than before when he was “only” trying to raise the alarm on other vaxxes that kill less than 200 per year. Now we’ve got 24,000 per year and counting.....

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Many many people have postulated same and it almost certainly is a factor, BUt the debunkers are right on one thing, Africa has huge confounding variables, hard to prove why c19 is low in those areas. Eg Sunlight and open air, influence vitamin D levels.

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Melanin in the skin reduces sunshine caused Vit D so Africans should have higher CoVid shouldn’t it?

But: Europe, USA higher (real) cases and deaths and and these mostly (90%) with average age around 82 plus one or more medical conditions. It is clear it is a virus of the elderly, it is clear the elderly population in Africa is a small fraction compared to Europe, USA.

The factor that makes CoV 2 a killer isn’t present in Africa.

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Exactly, many confounding variables. While I accept your science related to Black Africans, not all are totally dark skinned. Plus I still say Americans are in doors so much we’ve been proven to be Vitamin D deficient in most cases. I wonder what would happen if we tested the black Africans in Africa? What their D levels are?

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The Amish in the US as well seem unaffected

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Absolutely Nicole ! Funny how there's no news coverage of that is't it ? the Mennonites are non-mRNA vaxxed and have little to none Covid-19 episodes. So... their example as a test group... sure seems to support that the repeated infections and deaths among the triple vaxxed reflects back on the mRNA 'gene therapies'... mistakenly called 'vaccines'. Thanks for bringing the Amish up.

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Because they don’t watch TV, and having a cold isn’t an emergency

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Husband had both Moderna shots and still got a nasty case of Covid. He should be good now. Oh. And he was as sick as I was, the unvaccinated one.

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I hope you're right, but what we're seeing all over the place is the vaxxed getting infected again and again. That's the problem.

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Yes and that shouldn't affect the unshotted as we have a working immune system which will handle whatever comes along just fine. The reinfections for the shotted, who are filling up the hospitals will never be our concern or problem other than the fascist edicts resulting from that insanity.

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Wow. Really? Pretty myopic. Many of us have loved ones who had to take the shots or were duped at first. Then there's the fact that so many chronically sick people and kids will need care. Families will lose breadwinners, fertility will be crushed, this has societal ramifications even for those of us who did not inject ourselves. It should be taken off the market, not just voluntary.

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Pretty myopic, because these re-infected are throwing off new variants with each re-infection, that ultimately will turn more deadly and kill us all.

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Actually, the unvaccinated have a problem as well. It's shedding and transmission. The vaxxed are shedding & transmitting the spike protein and the nanotech items. Bad news for all. And anyone who exchanges fluids (kissing, intercourse) with a vaxxed person has that crap inside them big time (sharing fluids). Maybe soon, it will be recognized that it's the mRNA vaccines that are the real problem. Not the stupid virus !

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Is there any hard evidence for shedding and that it's an actual risk for the unvaxxed? There's lots of anecdotal claims but I've yet to see any actual hard evidence it's a real threat. Plus it's not contagious and can't cause replication, unlike the actual concept of "shedding" from those vaccinated with a live virus vaccine.

Taking in small quantities of spikes from vaxxed people likely does have some very small risk. It's comparable to taking up any other toxin in a miniscule quantity that our bodies routinely clear. We aren't turning our cells into spike factories (like the vaxxed) nor are we having viral replication (like the infected). So it's inherently self limiting.

We need to keep some perspective here or we risk ending up like those in hazmat suits paralyzed in fear of the virus. Yes, don't take an experimental novel genetic therapy for a virus with a minimal risk. But also don't live in fear of those who did based on some theoretical possibility of shedding with no hard proof.

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Agreed. I’m dreading going through another booster shedding season. I avoid the recently vaccinated as much as I can but I have no choice at the gym where they shed like crazy.

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Fortunately the unvaccinated immune system is not fixated on one bit of protein so can quickly adapt. The issue is not infection - we all get infected with umpteen pathogens on a routine basis and never notice if our immune systems are working as they should. When the immune system is loaded down with CoV 2 mRNA baggage, then the infection becomes disease.

This is why unvaccinated hospitalisations and deaths are way down, not because they are nit being infected, but because they can easily neutralise the infection. Prior exposure to the whole virus probably helps too.

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Can you please share the research that shows the nanoparticles "shed"? Serious question.

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Another issue is that increased transmissibility via the vaxxed is bad for everyone. We will all get exposed more and mutations happen quicker, meaning we can catch it again once it mutates enough.

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I'd be careful here. If there is such a thing as "herd immunity", there perhaps also is the inverse of that: An overall abnormally high viral load overbearing an immune system that has evolved to work fine within a crowd of a majority of people with reasonably functioning immune systems - which then is no longer the case here.

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The UK is testing vaxxed people for AIDS & HIV. Not testing unvaxed for the same. Conclusion ?

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"The UK is testing vaxxed people for AIDS & HIV. "

Show us the source for that.

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Adverts for Numan. Get tested, we only charge you if we find anything. In NHS, bllods taken are automatically screened

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VAIDS does that to you

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The blood donor surveillance data from the UK Health Security Agency revealed that the vaxxed do not have antibodies to the nucleocapsid at the same level as they do to the spike protein, and the anti-spike antibodies are probably recalled vaxx antibodies that are not effective against new variants. The aggregate data has been rising slowly over the past few months, but the numbers remain low in the older age cohorts. Unfortunately, the vaxxed may need to endure several infections before they have something resembling durable protection..

Pages 38-44


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...then drops to almost no effect (how scientific is that? -my comment) from 25 wks after the second dose (AZ)

....down to around (again, how"scientific") 15% by 25 wks after second dose (Pf and Mod)

....dropping to almost no effect from 20+ weeks after the booster.

Am I stupid? Is this still vaxxine?

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That's from the link above my post. I'm sorry for not making it clear.

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People i know who are max vaxxed are getting very sick... unvaxxed not so much

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I am saying this in a way that is actually as a huge fan of the state though I do not live there...West Virginia has a fairly "low" vax rate, relatively speaking. I visit there often, and love going. Friendly people, living normally.

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I love WVa too!

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I wonder how many in the 70+ age cohort have gotten a fourth dose. Could we be seeing another worry window spike?

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Just heard about a former coworker who's been diagnosed with Parkinson's. She's had at least 3 shots. :(

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I wonder what could be done to mitigate. My spouse is in medicine in CA and thus boostered. Probably will be forced to have another by September the way Newsom sounds. I had one of the poison injections before quitting my job. Oddly enough we have yet to catch it despite me being out and about maskless, same for the unvaccinated kids.

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Mitigate: follow same protocols as with c19 itself. Cf FLCCC protocol. Especially anything that is supposed to mitigate vascular, cardio, intestine, sexual and brain health. Many many nutraceuticals. I like Dr Huber’s substack also. No offense to Dr Bruce Patterson (Doctor to many vaccine injured and seems like a nice guy) but I don’t trust doctors who throw Pharma at problems without at least first trying nutraceuticals that will cause subsequent side effects. ALL things, natural and big Pharma CAN have side effects but it’s extremely rare for a natural to harm in a way that is permanent or harsh, usually you just discontinue. So I’d trust Dr Huber (naturopath, check her very intelligent substack) before I’d trust Patterson.

On my end I am in control group, never had c19.

I’ve used 70 nutraceuticals, many for joint issues but many seem to have anti inflammatory properties which help with most concerns. For c19 and mitigation, I would recommend melatonin in high doses (1 mg per kilogram, yes it’s a huge amount, but even small amounts are helpful, cf Ray Sahelians (MD) blog, raysahelian.com for melatonin facts, he’s got a good site on jabs too. And Mercola had great info on the cellular impact of melatonin. Also turmeric I.e. Curcurmin (sahelian and mercola also), NAC (Mercola and FLCCC), vitamin D, vitamin C, quercetin, DGL (deglycerinized licorice, I think Mercola and Shallenberger, another naturopathic doc have published the links to why it helps), anything with Rosemarinic acid (internet search should have the pubmed article I found on that), CoQ10 for hearth health, dandelion leaf (which I haven’t used but have heard it can be a c19 fighter), any mushrooms for immune strengthening, zinc of course (Mercola had a great recent article about amount of zinc and fact it can deplete copper(esp if too much), selenium, EGCG.

I’m sure I left out something.... check FLCCC, website, especially if your husband is skeptical of naturopaths, they are MDs. Mercola is too.

Oh, zinc must always be taken with one or more of: quercetin, EGCG, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, because these are zinc ionophores. However ivermectin and quercetin have some sort or interaction issue, FLCCC posted it, those two shouldn’t be taken together.

I also personally believe in Zyflamend, a very expensive product but available many places. Look up, all natural.

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I do but my spouse would never follow such ‘quackeries’.spouse wouldn’t even touch vitamin d 😭

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Oh, that must be so hard, my heart goes out to you... My partner and I differ on a huge number of issues, great and small, but I am daily thankful that he, at 78, is onboard with me on this. We would both choose death before the vax, we both take supplements, etc. Have you pointed out to your spouse that even milk has Vit. D added to it?

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Med school taught him supplements are quackeries and you get enough from diet and sun. He spends very little time outside; way too little for meaningful D levels. My guess is he’s at or below 20. You can’t lead the horse to the water…. Sigh.

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What does he have against Vitamin D?

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My hubby follows his kidney doc who tells him Vit D is bad for kidneys. This doc is in her kidney silo. I show him studies that even with mild kidney issue good levels of D over 40–60 plus does not harm and is helpful for prevention of disease but he won’t budge on any recommendations from me—I’m 74 yo healthy as a horse had a mild 3 day Covid and unvaxxed. He got JJ. But won’t get a booster anyway.

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Love Zyflamend, works great for my arthritis, but just too pricey. I go with turmeric and black pepper. Also butcher's broom, saunas, and anti-inflammatory diet. My sister was Mercola's biggest devotee but then denounced him when he came out against the vaccines. Interesting how she was so much smarter than he was.

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Mercola has long been anti vax so he was an easy target for the other side. At least he seems to have plenty of money. I doubt it’s hurt him a great deal. I personally find him a wealth (no pun intended) of info especially at explaining the mechanism of action of various nutraceuticals.

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It's incomprehensible to me that my sister, a nurse married to a nurse, who followed Mercola religiously for years and held her MS at bay by following his suggestions, and who would not even vaccinate her kids against polio, etc., much to our family's dismay, should throw him under the bus because she got sucked into the Fauci machine. Just baffling. Brainwashed, is all I can think.

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I have never found anything on IVM and quercetin being contra indicated

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I doubted it too when I read it but found it only in one place, FLCCC. Whoever writes or maintains their basic info (Kory?) linked to something they implied was Paul Mariks Own research or something he himself had discovered. It wasn’t dangerous, the research simply showed quercetin made ivermectin not work or vice versa. If it’s not there anymore maybe the original findings were wrong?

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right I reviewed the full FLCCC protocols again, and quercetin is listed as complementary (along with C, D, zinc) for the first line drugs of HCQ/IVM

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Remember it is often asymptomatic.

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Oh right, remember you’re sick even when you are not…

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And I use to think this guy was a nut-job. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=4Sd5GzROISw

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one looks how it gets trapped in tree pollen (https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0055845) and has the possibility for jetstream transport (http://physics.ruh.ac.lk/ab/pub/443.pdf). in addition to it staying in the intestinal track for up to six months (https://doi.org/10.1186/s12876-021-01905-3) ... probably no way out for many of these folks.

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Vaccinated relative just diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. He is 60. Is that listed as a side effect in vaers? Sorry to bother.

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Steve Kirsch reported worsening of his diabetes after his shot.

Covid does the same thing also.

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makes sense as mRNA therapies are infamous for triggering auto-immune issues.

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That means they're working!

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The more diabetes, the better the shot!

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Shingles. I have been wondering if there’s an uptick in HPV related cervical changes as the shot could trigger dormant viruses?

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To add anecdotally I have heard from folks experiencing more benign skin warts post booster. Isn’t that a virus as well.

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Don't know about that, but I do check the vaccine records when I see high grade cervical cytology cases. Nearly always vaxxed. FYI, I expect to see a push to vaccinate everyone to "prevent" oropharyngeal cancers. ENT docs have mentioned this in tumor conferences lately.

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They want it for all kids nine and older. Boys and girls.

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Shingles are age-related too. I got a relatively mild case in Jan. 2020 at 70. (Vitamin C 16,000 mg./daily evenly divided doses at onset; no lingering aftereffects).

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Idk, but have just seen advertising for the HPV vaccine again. Ugh.

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I wouldn't touch Gardasil with a 200ft barge pole!! A woman's got a greater chance of dying from the 'vaccine' than from cervical cancer (now remind me, what is this 'vaccine' meant to be used for? Oh, it's meant to stop cervical cancer, that's right).

And when it uses the Meningococcal injection as a 'placebo', well, the only reason Gardasil looked good was 'coz more people died in the 'placebo' group than the Gardasil group!! The joys of an aluminium-containing 'placebo'. Stay far away from this one if you know what's good for you.

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How can they, "Gardasil" was withdrawn in the US . This is just quick google: " While the other two vaccines - the original Gardasil and Cervarix - are still used around the world, BOTH HAVE BEEN VOLUNTARILY DISCONTINUED IN THE US

(for reasons other than those related to safety or efficacy) 20 Sept 2021.

I know there is more to it, did more research a year ago but, can't remember the sources.

Btw, as you probably know, there are many meds that are "not allowed" to sell let's say in the US but, are sold and use in many countries.

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Thank you for this sentence. My 90 YO mother who I BEGGED to not get these shots just revealed to me that she did, 1st shot Nov 2021. And for the last 2-3 months having issues with her Rheumatoid Arthritis acting up in an odd way - effecting her cornea. No other changes in her joints, etc. She has a "melting cornea". Yes, she is 90. But of course I wonder... did "spike" increase/exacerbate this cornea problem? My guess is yes, but I'm a pessimist.

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the type 1 ifn effect the vaccine has on uc is interesting (https://doi.org/10.1093/ibd/izac031). ive only looked at diabetes a little bit, would be interesting to explore if other autoimmune conditions are similar pathway. the other interesting idea might be cause the vaccine is based on wuhan strain if wuhan strain is specific to type 1 ifn and if delta and other strains vary by ifn preference. just thinking out loud not making any claims.

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My relative said that none of them got COVID, so he is a firm believer in the jab. But in the next sentence stated that he was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes out of the blue 🥴. He was triple vaxed.

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Yes. People often miss what's right in front of them!! Sometimes I don't know whether I want to laugh or cry!

But it's quite awful how all these health problems that people have lurking under the surface are being brought out by the covid injections. Imagine what the health system (if anyone still wants to call it that!) is going to be like in a few years, let alone 6 months: Utterly. Crippled.

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Unfortunately a lot of people seem to be more than willing to accept the idea that The Virus, or its latest variant, is to blame for every illness since 2020. Their authority figures tell them it's Covid, (and those selfish people who refuse to get injected), and, by their silence on the subject, insinuate "the science" would never consider the mRNA concoction.

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Heaven forbid that people have any sort of self-responsibility ha ha ha! It's so much better to blame someone/something/anything else rather than search for and read the actual Science instead of the drivel the media & govts push on everyone.

16 years as a health professional has taught me that most people do seem to have some idea as to what they're doing wrong, but 90% of the time they're too darned lazy to do much about it. So as Igor has insinuated, it's really no surprise that humanity is in this pickle right now...!!

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They refer to these illnesses (including vax injuries) as long covid.

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I think I would rather get COVID.

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I got COVID, followed the FLCCC and Fleming protocols and it was basically nothing. Two restless nights was it, and that could have been cured with some NyQuil.

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@Curtis- husband, shotted with 2 Modernas, and I, no shots, both got it last November. Both real sick but did not need hospitalization. We used DayQuil and NyQuil, drank broth and ate Jello because neither of us was really hungry, slept a lot. We got over it although I'm suspecting I have lingering....things.....can't quite put my finger on it. Taste still not 100% and I've had a sore throat and swollen glands for a few months now. No, I haven't been to my doctor because he treated me as if I got what I deserved when I had Covid because I refused to be vaccinated. Funny, he had nothing to say about husband who had been treated for a blistering transient rash then myocarditis a few months before we got sick. Gee. It's as if he didn't want to admit I was correct about the 'vaccines'.

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I had a slight fever one evening and a runny nose for a couple of days. But lost taste and smell. That was January before jabs started around me. I had an antibody test the next October and had good report. I will never get those evil things. I’ve been around vaxxed and boostered who got Covid but I have not. Some of my friends are experiencing worrying symptoms. One has raging autoimmune hepatitis that requires medicine that causes diabetes so she is on daily insulin shots now. Several others with odd blood reports. One with chronic lymphatic leukemia. My sister has one sinus infection after another now. Ear infections. Chest infections. A mess. I despair.

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surprise, surprise

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The virus itself, therefore the vaccine spike protein has extensive mimicry with certain diabetes linked/insulin proteins. Plus a lot more. I have forecasted the rise of diabetes almost 2 years ago. Have some posts about it.

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Yes, Covid AND covid vaxx both cause diabetes.

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I was reading a paper on the bloods of a (small) number of subjects injected (in China) and after the jabs quite a few things went amiss in a number of bodily systems, but over time, the only seemingly permanent change seemed to be that the markers for diabetes were increased. My hubby got the link from a post by Steve Kirsch (which you would therefore know about, but for other readers not on his substack, here's the link):


If this study could be replicated on a larger scale it sounds like widespread diabetes is going to be a 'thing' (among others...). I would just expect Type 2, not Type 1, that's all. But if there are going to be heaps more adult Type 1 diabetes diagnoses, then something deeply disturbing is going on. Well, let me clarify: something deeply disturbing IS already going on! It's just going to get a whole lot worse.

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According to some, Covid-19 was just a excuse to create hysteria so that all the hysterical folks would clamor for these mRNA 'gene therapies'. It sure seems as if Covid was a scare tactic and the never used on Humans before mRNA technology was the 'destination'. Sadly, those who are double and triple mRNA 'vaxxed' are not doing so well health wise. And some claim that recent studies show that the mRNA 'vaxxes' DO alter our DNA. If true... a Brave New World is upon us.

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mRNA vaccines have been used in humans, at least in clinical trials, for over a decade, but as delivery devices for cancer immunotherapy, where the risk/benefit analysis is pretty well-defined.

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To be clear... mRNA 'gene therapies' are not 'Vaccines'. They are patented as 'gene therapies' because that's what they are. No mRNA injectable is a 'vaccine'. Until the CDC changed the definition recently... a vaccine had to contain a weakened or dead piece of the antigen. So if mRNA tech was used for cancer... it was not as a 'vaccine'. I guess it was used as 'gene therapy' ? And how did it work out ? I suspect not very well ? See link #3 @ < https://www.C-19truth.com > . Stay Healthy...

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Absolutely. Until September, 2021, they were not vaccines. Medical devices, I suppose, though they were referred to as vaccines prior to that by some investigators. It's not a dead topic in oncology, as there are quite a few ongoing and upcoming trials. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8047518/. But, as I implied, the risk of an experimental therapy when your condition is already terminal is much more tolerable compared to when your condition is currently good health, and the condition you are treating is unlikely to affect you long term in any way. And don't take this the wrong way coming from me, I don't think big pharma has a much better record when it comes to cancer therapy. Most of the time these are not curative therapies, rather than something that buys an elderly patient six months of progression free survival, or something like that at an exorbitant cost and loss of quality of life.

We don't hear much about the adenovirus vector "vaccine" anymore. I don't know why. Live adenovirus vaccines have also been around for decades, and used by the US military. They have never been FDA approved, because adenoviruses are known to be oncogenic. The virus used for the J&J vaccine, of course, is nonreplicating. One of the genes responsible for replication has been removed. I understand this vaccine uses a simian adenovirus. I don't know much it has in common with human adenoviruses, which surround us every day, just like coronaviruses, causing respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. In vitro, non--replicating adenoviruses, such as the one used in the vaccine, can recombine with a wild-type adenovirus and regain the ability to replicate. I wish I had a link, but I was reading this way back when I was deciding whether I was going to receive either of these shots, and that was what sunk in. What happens to someone who has a replicating adenoviral capsid in their own cell nuclei with the job of manufacturing spike protein? I don't know the answer to that, or the probability, but it sounds pretty damn bad.

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This was originally supposed to be a SIX SHOT SERIES!

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The jab doesn't change your DNA, badly designed paper to push... Something. And some people took it and drove their preferred narrative.

The mRNA is absolutely poison don't get me wrong. I have been against them since June 2020

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In one of the first 20 or so (IIRC) sessions of the German "Corona Committie", they had one, geneticist I believe or other qualified _seeming_ person, who claimed that the cheap mass production method for the mRNA jabs is sloppy compared to the lab products used in the study, and that one consequence was incomplete conversion of the DNA that they apparently have as source, into RNA, and such remainders could then possibly get into your DNA, or produce replicable "garbage" cells out of half baked stuff... from my very rough memory. Does that make any sense? IIRC also, the person claimed that was a known thing that Pfizer reported to the EMA, they knew about it but not much fuss was made.

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Yeah, I think it is too soon to say it doesn't change dna

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In the last 2 months I came across two fully jabbed people who were diagnosed with diabetes AFTER losing 30-40 pounds. Neither was pre-diabetic beforehand. Both are baffled by this turn of events.

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Let me guess.. Meds? So sad.

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Let's not be too quick to dismiss bad lifestyle, poor environment, or other factors. To some extent, SARS-CoV-2 like (according to some) HIV and many other viruses is an opportunistic pathogen. Some victims may simply be more at risk due to poor choices (e.g. obesity is a major risk factor for Covid-19) as much as other factors influencing immunity: environment, genetic predisposition, etc. . HIV is "officially" the virus that causes AIDS, but the problem is that many people with symptoms called AIDS show no trace of the virus. I don't think this is the case with Covid, however.

If the [mRNA] jabs really do depress immunity, then it would explain a lot of that, wouldn't it...?

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RFK Jr's book talks about this.

AIDS symptoms + HIV-positive: AIDS

AIDS symptoms + HIV-negative: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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By taking megadoses of Vitamin D, I practically cured my Type 2 diabetes. HbA1c down from 6.4 to 5.8.

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Are there stats out there that can be used to compare the rates of these developments due to infection vs due to vaxx? As far as I am aware this is all anecdotal at this point correct? (If this is being tracked I doubt any data is publicly available)

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Type 1?! At 60?! That's pretty rare...

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Yes. I even said. "type 2?" And he said. No. Type 1. Sheesh.

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Maybe they should call it "breakthrough" diabetes...

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Maybe it will be as rare as breakthrough cases of Covid? A home nurse was seeing my mom after mom broke her hip. She told me a similar story, a patient of hers was recently diagnosed with type 1. I think she said the person is 47.

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auto immune attack on the pancreas would be my guess, inspired by the Spike protein.

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But also consider direct spike protein attack on the beta cells through their receptors.

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The article noted by Making Waves, above, explains it quite well.

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Diabetes is mostly a disease of advancing age, which is why there is more of it because of our ageing population. So why the surprise?

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Type 2 is adult onset, due to acquired insulin resistance. Type 1, which this 60yo claims to have, is normally childhood onset and is due to pancreatic autoimmunity.

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Cases have been written up, example:

"Newly developed type 1 diabetes after coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination: A case report

...Because patients diagnosed with COVID-19 have been reported to develop diabetes more frequently and might be at increased risk for hyperglycemia, vaccines that produce virus-like proteins could similarly make recipients develop or exacerbate diabetes, and have recently been reported to worsen glycemic control."

The authors further discuss plausible mechanisms, mostly autoimmunity implicated.


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"Covid-19" is a family of symptoms, as is AIDS. Based on my admittedly limited reading, there is far better grounds to believe that SARS-CoV-2 causes Covid-19 symptoms, as opposed to HIV "causing" AIDS. Many people test positive for those viruses, yet neither show nor develop the expected syndromes. In stark contrast, many "AIDS" patient show zero trace of HIV.

Another factor that was very much in play with AIDS patients: the majority of patients had exceptionally poor self-care. For instance, most of the early homosexual men who developed "AIDS" practiced unsafe sex with many partners and used "poppers" to excess.

Poor self-care may not be as blatant with serious Covid-19, certainly obesity is a risk factor, as are several other chronic conditions (including diabetes!) which may at least partially be laid at the door of lifestyle issues: poor diet, lack of exercise, environmental toxins, perhaps others. SARS-CoV-2, like (perhaps) HIV and many other viruses, may be to a large extent an opportunistic disease that afflicts victims who are in a bad state, whether due to their own fault or mere bad luck.

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Diabetes is not monolithic. Type I is typically found in childhood and is autoimmune. Type II is adult-onset and results from lack of self care and environmental factors. However, Type I is suddenly turning up in older adults after vaxxing, and those who had it but well controlled are seeing it blown up out of control after the vax.

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AIDS is not specific to one cause. List includes: pathogens; pharmaceuticals; genetic; other diseases; malnutrition; vaccines. It is misleading to that HIV has become synonymous with AIDS, just as it is misleading that CoV 2 has become synonymous with Common Cold & ‘flu symptoms.

‘Certainly obesity is a risk factor…’ Certainly? As determined by what clinical data? ‘Risk factor’ is weasel-wording. Everything is a ‘risk factor’… and when everything is, nothing is.

Plenty of obese people have not caught CoVid, or caught it and had mild symptoms, many have not died. So that falsifies the certainty.

Most obese people don’t have diabetes, most diabetics are not obese. Overweight in some cases is caused by diabetes, it being a physiological disorder.

So-called obesity with its attendant ‘risk factor’ is just to provide more plunder for the medical-industrial-complex.

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My BIL was diagnosed with diabetes a couple weeks after his first shot. He blames it on the case of covid he had a few months prior to the shot 🤦‍♀️

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Getting a shot AFTER recovering from covid makes zero sense, immunologically speaking. I think some people do it because they had a terrible experience and think the 'vaccine' will stop it from reoccurring. For others, it seems like an act of attrition.

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I've seen a number of posts in various places (I spend too much time on Substack and Facebook) mentioning friends or relatives who have gotten diabetes after the spikeshot.

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I think a lot of us could say we too spend too much time on Substack!

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Practice for the Metaverse.

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Common with shots. Type I is autoimmune, shot was thought early on to trigger it or make controlled diabetes become wildly uncontrollable.

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I know of two people diagnosed out of the blue with type 1 diabetes after injection. Both fit and healthy.

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Most likely reason for mRNA vaccine-induced autoimmune disease is E. coli proteins that contaminate the vaccine being similar to human proteins.


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Yes, there are research papers showing the spike protein causes this in COVID and post Covid jabbed.

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'Smart vaccinated people'. Really? What strange beast is this?

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Years ago, I used to joke that the dominant strategy for people that did not want to get vaccinated (ie., for polio) was to live in highly vaccinated areas. It is morbidly funny that the opposite has become true.

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It is very much NOT funny, although I share your sentiment and outlook and I love all your substack posts. I am seriously weirded out by what is happening. For the last 2 months, this thought about vaxxed people getting infected endlessly and being taken down by the seemingly mild illness, has been my huge worry.

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My two beautiful adult daughters are vaxxed. My soul aches with grief. I hope you a wrong and all will be well for them. This is how I survive the worry each day. :(

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Vaccine derived polio

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The other kind of herd immunity thus: the weaker protected by the strong, until the strong catches a virus mutated as to overcome their fully functioning immune system: the strong gets a cold, and the vaccinated gets dead?

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And I use to think this guy was a nut-job. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=4Sd5GzROISw

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My sisters still do. Me, I was starting to doubt (teaching in school seeing so many damaged kids) and then found him...now I am a beleiver. Vaxxines are to be avoided.

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A mass prophylaxis of safe antivirals like Ivermectin etc may reduce the infectious pressure with covid, rampant, especially in UK. But it ain't a solution to the destruction of the immune system and its consequences

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That would unfortunately drive resistance to IVM, and then the CDC would be correct-"It doesn't work."

For a comparison, look at the experience with HIV antivirals.

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I have read claims (IIRC even John Campbell quoted something like it) that IVM attacks viral reproduction in 8+ different ways (whereas the new Pfizer drug only in 1 way). It must be a lot more difficult to mutate around such a minefield, I guess.

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Friends of ours had covid then they both got tripled up on the jab after the fact... they are always sick when we do video calls with them.. same again the other evening -- except now they mentioned having swollen neck lymph nodes that won't go away...

They got antibiotics prescribed but that did not help... they had that look of CovIDIOT confusion about them (kinda like my other hockey mate who has a lung injury -- definitely due to the vax... they are safe - right? they're safe.... right?)

Wondering if they are early stage VAIDS ....or worse.

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"had that look of CovIDIOT confusion about them". :) Good line Fast Eddy.

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It's so sad to see, infuriating how they can't see it. Total lack of reasoning. Events are now unfolding at a faster pace. Delores Cahill was right

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Perhaps the unvaccinated could adopt refugee vaccinees, give them a room and keep them safe from those contaminated with the Novel™️ mRNA-Plague.

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I know one such young relative who I would take in, already thought about it

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I thought that John Bowman was joking.

What a responsibility.

And for how long.

In my warped experience taking people in doesn't leave them grateful but resentful of their status.

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please explain what a "reinfection" is. I have a basic understanding of immunity and had thought that once a person catches something (like flu), we are immune to that particular virus, but maybe not variants. In other words, I had thought that it is impossible to become infected again with the same virus my body has previously dealt with. I'd like to understand this better and more correctly. If you or someone can offer a brief explanation of the difference between a reinfection and a new infection (particularly with respect to COVID), that would be helpful! Thanks.

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El Gato (and I to some extent, and some others) wrote extensively about "Original Antigenic Sin", that is fixation of immunity on the first variant encountered, in the vaxed case the Wuhan spike protein.

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I want to see if I understand to OAS: So, in a person who is vaccinated for the original virus, they have two problems: 1) they may now have vaccine-induced immunity to the strain which is no longer around (worthless) AND 2) they have damaged their immunity towards NEW strains, making them MORE susceptible to new infections (with new strains) than if they had not gotten any shots.

I may be misunderstanding you, but that sounds to me like a new infection (new strain), rather than a re-infection.....? Or, is the CDC saying that people can "catch COVID" more than once (different strains, not reinfection with the same strain they previously caught)

Or, are you saying that because the immune system is now damaged (which damage may be cumulative, the more boosters one gets), a person so damaged now has the VAIDS and can actually catch the SAME strain more than once, because they have lost their ability to train their immune system to have functional immunity towards future variants? I'm thinking of the example of people who already had some partial, acquired immunity to COVID-19 because of their prior exposure to the older SARS virus many years ago.

Forgive my elementary understanding and questions for what may be obvious to you -- I truly want to correct and cement my grasp of this concept of REinfection. If it is easier, please post a link to your earlier substack article on OAS.

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Your first paragraph is 100% spot on.

The problem is that in the unvaxed, the immunity is much broader and more robust. In the vaxed, antibodies wane quickly but the memory remains, to future variants or variant vaccines do not work.

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Right! "All the ferrets died ... "

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Did you see the latest study (n of course below 50), saying that unvaccinated folks who got omicron only produce antibodies to omicron but no other Covid? The vaxxed supposedly have them to all the strains post omi.

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Well, it would make sense as in most folks omicron could be mild enough not to elicit an adaptive immune response. So if your definition of immunity is antigen-specific antibodies then that would be true but in reality immunity to a respiratory pathogen is a complex interplay between the multiple aspects of innate and adaptive responses. The focus on antibodies is myopic.

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Tigerkatze, what "latest study" is that? I watch Dr John Campbell's talks (or most of them), and he has expressed that Omicron seems to provide protection to prior variants, mostly because of its high transmissibility and the commonality of non-spike viral proteins..

"The vaxxed supposedly have them to all the strains post omi." Sorry but this makes no sense. What "post-omi" strains are there? I thought Omicron in all its glorious subvariants is the strain du jour.

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Please don't be sorry. You're demonstrating needful logic and a yearning to learn amongst " your own". Others will have the same questions and will have gained by your thoughtful asking. I hope you saw the re-posting of one of the stacks on OSS by The Goat. Have at! :)

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Isn't that what ' Science' is supposed to be about? I find it insane we aren't told of stories of injured. Like ' Everyone' who took these are without one adverse event. Only of you seek, shall you find.

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Seconded! Without questions, there are no answers, right?

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Strive for excellence and be courageously curious!

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Thank you for finding and posting this up.

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Thank you!

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This bit is correct, or seems to be: "..because the immune system is now damaged (which damage may be cumulative, the more boosters one gets), a person so damaged now has the VAIDS and can actually catch the SAME strain more than once"

And each time you get it, the immune system is damaged further.

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I guess that's possible, but in the broader sense a reinfection just falls under the umbrella of having Covid again. When someone tests positive their swab might be sent out to evaluate the strain so the health department knows what strains are circulating in a particular area, but AFAIK they don't tell the patient which strain they have.

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It depends on the virus. There are some like Measles which remain largely unchanged over time, so a single exposure or vaccination gives most people lifetime immunity. But respiratory viruses have a very fast mutation rate and can quickly develop new strains so diverse as not to be susceptible to the programmed (by previous infection) immune response. So your immune system has to start from scratch.

It can be the case, the immune system response is fixated on the initial version and does not adapt to a new strain. In this case the immune system can be so preoccupied making antibodies which don’t work, it is less able to fight the new version. This is the fear about them mRNA vaccine.

Imagine a newly hatched duckling which the first thing it sees is a hen. It imprints on the hen. So if a duck comes along, it will ignore the duck and follow the hen.

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Excellent and concise explanation and analogy!

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Your mind learn the face of your cousin. It will remember your cousin for the rest of your life.

But your cousin, at some point, went through extension reconstructive surgery.

Reinfection is getting infected with the same variant twice in a short timeframe.

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New face, who dis?

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[Not a doctor, but...] I think you are being too absolute here. Yes, in normal people (with healthy immune systems) having "caught" a bug (infection) normally produces a lasting immunity, possibly lifetime. But always? No way. Note I said "healthy immune system." What happens if your immune response weakens? This might be due to a chronic illness, stress or perhaps a side effect of the mRNA experimental gene therapy. Immunity is a very complex topic and I make no claim except to speak in the most general terms. Having been exposed to one sort of pathogen, say a cold virus, yes one's body develops some immunity to it, for a certain time. There is more protection short-term that slowly fades, but memory cells remember the pathogen. Similarly, a prior infection will "help" the body's immune system to recognize a future similar, but not identical variant. While it's unlikely that a healthy person will get re-infected with a pathogen identical to one he previously was immune to, it is not impossible. We live in world better described by probabilities than absolutes.

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Immune system can also temporarily weaken drastically by something most people don't take seriously: SLEEP, or lack thereof. See Matthew Walker PhD, Ted Talk: "sleep is your superpower", where he has a graph showing T-cells doing down to 30% after ONE NIGHT of only 4 hours of sleep. If the day thereafter is an unlucky disease contact day, or perhaps already the day before the night, collecting some on the mucous membranes, not being wholly eliminated in time, and on the next day, you're not as strong as you'd normally be...

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Yes, I recall in 2020 gleeful reports of an old woman who had "caught Covid twice" and died, in Belgium I think. The message was that NI doesn't work, be Very Afraid. But she had an advanced cancer of the immune system. There will always be those kind of exceptions.

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"re·in·fec·tion ( rē'in-fek'shŭn) A second infection by the same microorganism, after recovery from or during the course of a primary infection."

Lifted from [medical-dictionary.thefreedicitionay.com]

Caveat: I'm not a doctor, nor do I have any knwoledge as to the veracity of the quoted page.

However, it gels with what I know from relatives who are retired healthcare workers - an infection which comes back even though you seemed to be rid of it, and thus immune to that variant (if viral). Reason for this could be many and varied - I have personal experience of a never-ending niggling cold with flu like symptoms which would flare up every four weeks. Reason for this? A bad tooth, where a teeny tiny infection returned again and again simply due to me unknowingly "feeding" it when eating.

Re: Covid I guess it means that the immunity you should have from an infection is instead cancelled out by the mRNA shot's side effects?

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New York is good at eldercide

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Sometimes called 'euthanasia'

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They didn’t apply it to Cuomo yet

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Spoke with an older "vaccinated" lady recently who is suffering incredible side effects from the Moderna "vaccine". Her satement? "I will *never* take another shot as long as I live and have thrown away my prescription medication." Keep pushing pharma... you are killing your customers and also driving people away from your evil products.

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That's great news for her...she finally woke up! But most people keep taking their poison until they have a bad reaction to it. And then most will be coaxed into taking it again, anyway.

The sad truth is that most people will never wake up :-(

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What has been happening in the UK over the last few weeks is that the oldest people have been offered and given a fourth dose.....just a coincidence right??

I managed to provide enough evidence to my father (late 80's) such that he decided on balance he would not have any more. Instead he has taking up cycling and has discovered broccoli is not poisonous (as well as taking high dose vit D, anticoagulants, vit C). Demonstrating that it's never to late to start eating veg or increase exercise or to be red pilled.

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Regarding US stats...this is why we cannot believe a damn thing anyone says that is inside that DC beltway.

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EuroMOMO not showing anything unusual as yet for 2022.

Even England alone lacks a signal of concern at present. 1Q2021 we see a huge spike, likely due to c19 vaccine rollout into the most frail, and a moderate though grinding increase through much of 2021, consistent with numerous other reports.

From late 2021 to present, it appears nothing sizeable is happening. As usual the do-called COVID deaths are substantially misattribution (unless what caused that is also reducing deaths from all other causes).

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tricky to use as 1. that data lags by 8+ weeks and 2. i do not trust euromomo's baselines.

i have struggled to get their data to align with data i know to be accurate throughout this whole period.

there is just something iffy about them.

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Fair dos. I didn’t appreciate the huge lag!

I also wonder to what extent any data can be relied upon.

That said, in U.K. last winter, I recall being told of hundreds of COVID deaths daily, yet when the ACM data emerged, there was no sign of a notable excess.

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Second the unreliable data comment. I won't belabor it in great detail here, although I often do. Unreliable tests (PCR), inconsistent standards of diagnosis (just what cycle count constitutes a "positive"?) Is a person who has zero symptoms of Covid-19 but still tests positive really "sick" with the virus? Incentives to reduce cases (presumably face-saving) or to inflate them to get more government money? I would be very skeptical of any data, perhaps giving greater credence to that measured by a consistent methodology, in one political zone, relatively short time period.

Without a clear agreed upon standard, it's problematic to discuss anything. It's sort of like reporting a temperature in "degrees" but failing to note that there are several different standards. I have an old (1958) science reference, that shows Fahrenheit, "Centigrade" (now "Celsius") and "Reaumur", a term I've never seen. It also mentions "absolute zero" but does not use the modern term (Kelvin.) "Twenty degrees," then means enormously different true temperatures, depending upon the scale. There are at least four (maybe more) temperature scales; but the "standards" for measuring Covid-19 infections are myriad and for all practical purposes, inconsistent and all but useless.

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Dr Yeadon, I know this has nothing to do with this post, but we all need to decompress with laughter. If you do, please see Gatos last one on lucky charms, blessings. It’s LOL at its finest.

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It’s good 😎

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We have rarely been informed of daily Influenza deaths either. Possibly 2009 to enhance uptake of Tamiflu.

The real excess deaths of 2021 followed the injections, and precipitated me into the "Seasonality Theorist" camp. The summer mortality was ridiculous, and as has been pointed out previously, the assignment of "Unvaxxed" for 2 weeks after injection was designed to corrupt the diagnoses and data.

In 2020, the Covid deaths were mainly in the cohort who would have qualified for the answer "No" if the question asked was "Would you be surprised if this patient died within the next twelve months?"

I would now restate the query: "Would you be surprised if the patient died within three months of injection?"-now all ages and health statuses are eligible.

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This is all easy to understand. There are no "variants" or "reinfections" or any of the assorted Covid lies. Immune systems are being vaporized by poisons being injected into bodies. Reducing oxygen intake and increasing CO2 levels in the blood while creating a petri dish on ones face by covering ones primary breathing apparatus doesn't help matters.

The mRNA injections are genetic weapons falsely called "vaccines" and are causing reduced immunity increasing over time, producing hyperinflammation and WREAKING HAVOC ON THE DNA REPAIR MECHANISMS. The "vaccine" proteins penetrate cell nuclei and wreak havoc on the DNA repair mechanism of cells, suppressing DNA repair.

People who have received mRNA injections will experience suppressed DNA repair, increasing damages from harmful exposures to radiation, mammography exams, chemicals in food products, and carcinogens in personal care products etc. as they will not be able to repair the DNA damage caused by those exposures. In other words, after relatively small exposures, they will begin to mutate and develop diseases and cancers.

The more of these poisons one pumps into their body, the closer they are to their doom. Not from any fake Covid, but from their immune system crashing into dust. Those spiky little proteins get into the blood and destroy cells and wreck the protective layer inside the main arteries that help create nitric oxide for blood. This is in part the cause of the major heart problems we are seeing.

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But...but...but my vaxxed friends told me a year ago that the NYT assured them that 97% of Covid cases were unvaccinated! (Narrator: of course, that number counted all cases from the time before there was even a vaccine). The only way this changes is when the bodies choke the crematoriums, whereupon they will say, "I'm glad all the dead people were vaxxed. It would have been so much worse for them if they weren't."

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Social Security is unaffordable - something has got to be done - it is being done.

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I don't have the confidence in the competence of the Powers That Be to plan and execute a scheme to which you allude. But I sure do appreciate the sentiment!

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Bob, I think you need to rethink...ask yourself why did all the western democratic countries (Aust. NZ Europe SCOTLAnd UK Canada US) all adopt the same pandemic policies that had been PROVEN to not work and were not in their PANDEMIC POLICY as previously iterated?

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Hi, Duchess,

I think the "why" of it all had to do with politics. If there was a nasty disease threatening to kill a lot of people, politicians figured they'd better "do something", because the political cost of doing nothing while people die is enormous: you get voted out of office.

Lockdown, "shelter in place", in an easy strategy to mandate. Sadly, we can't all just "shelter in place" for 15 days. People have to eat, plumbing fails, police have to work, and so on. A lot of people have to keep showing up for work. What do we do for those people?

Masks and social distancing! Yeah, that's it! Never mind efficacy. It's the theater of protection that counts. The politicians want to keep their jobs.

Some officials might dream of a plan to depopulate the world and reduce the social burdens. I just don't think they have the organizational skill to pull it off. Or even make a start. And few of them think beyond their next speech or fund-raising event, never mind the next election. Long term thinking is rare. Long term, we're dead anyway.

I just don't buy the social control conspiracies. Holding onto their jobs seems the more likely motivation. And as the political winds have shifted against "restrictive measures" the politicians have changed course. Their jobs depend on it.

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Well you could be right. But have you noticed how many indpendent food processing factories have exploded or burned to the ground lately? 1 is an accident, 2 is coincidence, 3 is war...and we've had six or seven...and it mainly is crippling grain for cattle and meat processers, and that, coupled with no fertiizler, leaves the field clear for soybeans...aka fake meat, and who owns the fake meat issue plus much US farmland?

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Netflix has lost a 'shocking' amount of subscribers:


Is it REALLY due to 'competition' or the great 'die off' from the jab?

How many other online venues entertainment/shopping/etc. will see a strange loss of patronage/consumers?


How many homes will go into foreclosure en masse because one of the 'forced to get a jab to work' breadwinners is dead? How long will it take for supplies to run dry for the grocery stores and food banks when a huge swath of employees are deceased?

But, let's focus on Ukraine. 🤡

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No more lockdowns

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Apr 20, 2022
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Wow. That's chilling.

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Until the triple+ crowd all get covid over and over again, some ending up in hospital some dying, they will not admit they have made a very big mistake. A mistake they cannot reverse/change. Until they witness everyone they know triple + vaxxed getting covid, just like what happened here in the UK, they will not admit they made a serious mistake. Brainwashed so severely they can no longer differentiate fact from fiction.

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Wonder if vitamin D status is influencing this. The elderly being least able to make their own D3, the places affected being northerly, the season being the most likely to find us vitamin D deficient. That could add to the decrease in immune function caused by the shot. https://www.grassrootshealth.net/blog/vitamin-d-supplementation-prevention-covid-19/?utm_source=newsletter-main&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Newsletters

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Negative efficacy as a result of a non sterilising out of date, experimental etc so called vaccine with unsurprisingly little durability or efficacy. The spike protein enters the nucleus of the cells and down regulates DNA repair and the immune system. These repeated shots result in antibody dependent enhancement. (makes the virus easier to catch and worse) obviously the “boosters” gotta stop. The life insurance industry doesn’t like it either.

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Life insurance industry: thankfully, someone else with real skin in the game. They have been fairly quiet so far, but as the covidians run for the shadows, I expect to see quite a bit of data (their actuaries are all about data, which they validate extensively) coming from the insurance industry, and it will not look good for Fauci, Gates, Pharma and friends.

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I think that the Insurance companies will be the beneficiaries of more government largesse to keep them quiet. In other words, they will be paid off also with our money to keep their mouths shut.

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"I guess every form of refuge has its price..."

Eagles, 'Lyin' Eyes,' from One Of These Nights (1975)


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Esteemed Mr Gato, I was wondering if anyone has estimated what the data would look like if we defined a vaccine death as "Death for any reason within 28 days of vaccination" in the same way we define covid deaths?

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Just like flu shots/flu season. A good experiment would be to change up the yearly Flu vaccination schedule.

Right after fall Covid vaccinations, a huge wave of “seasonal” infections and death will occur, right on schedule.

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One important paragraph and one important statement. Start with this: "if we have antigenically fixated large groups, the US data is likely keep getting worse in the old whose generalized immune responses are least potent and will be most visibly affected by being locked into sub-optimal or outright infective antibody response."

This is important because while it looks awful for the elderly (and I have many elderly loved ones, some who were vaxxed, so I'm still not feeling warm and fuzzy about this situation), we can have hope that we have not damaged the young or even middle aged too much and *if* we can get people to pay attention we can ameliorate the damage, so it's probably the best outcome of a bad situation. Now we just have to worry about the heart damage and cancers the spikes will cause, but we won't have to worry about a variant that will wipe all the vaxxed out.

And then there's this: "the US data is a mess and is both incomplete and adulterated in many cases." Given how COVID cases are counted, are we really sure we're seeing an increase in COVID hospitalizations *or* just hospitalizations in general or those counted as COVID.

But even at that, I'd say what we're seeing doesn't look good for the vaxxed nor for our ability to shake COVID as a political cudgel for years to come.

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