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Mitigate: follow same protocols as with c19 itself. Cf FLCCC protocol. Especially anything that is supposed to mitigate vascular, cardio, intestine, sexual and brain health. Many many nutraceuticals. I like Dr Huber’s substack also. No offense to Dr Bruce Patterson (Doctor to many vaccine injured and seems like a nice guy) but I don’t trust doctors who throw Pharma at problems without at least first trying nutraceuticals that will cause subsequent side effects. ALL things, natural and big Pharma CAN have side effects but it’s extremely rare for a natural to harm in a way that is permanent or harsh, usually you just discontinue. So I’d trust Dr Huber (naturopath, check her very intelligent substack) before I’d trust Patterson.

On my end I am in control group, never had c19.

I’ve used 70 nutraceuticals, many for joint issues but many seem to have anti inflammatory properties which help with most concerns. For c19 and mitigation, I would recommend melatonin in high doses (1 mg per kilogram, yes it’s a huge amount, but even small amounts are helpful, cf Ray Sahelians (MD) blog, raysahelian.com for melatonin facts, he’s got a good site on jabs too. And Mercola had great info on the cellular impact of melatonin. Also turmeric I.e. Curcurmin (sahelian and mercola also), NAC (Mercola and FLCCC), vitamin D, vitamin C, quercetin, DGL (deglycerinized licorice, I think Mercola and Shallenberger, another naturopathic doc have published the links to why it helps), anything with Rosemarinic acid (internet search should have the pubmed article I found on that), CoQ10 for hearth health, dandelion leaf (which I haven’t used but have heard it can be a c19 fighter), any mushrooms for immune strengthening, zinc of course (Mercola had a great recent article about amount of zinc and fact it can deplete copper(esp if too much), selenium, EGCG.

I’m sure I left out something.... check FLCCC, website, especially if your husband is skeptical of naturopaths, they are MDs. Mercola is too.

Oh, zinc must always be taken with one or more of: quercetin, EGCG, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, because these are zinc ionophores. However ivermectin and quercetin have some sort or interaction issue, FLCCC posted it, those two shouldn’t be taken together.

I also personally believe in Zyflamend, a very expensive product but available many places. Look up, all natural.

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I do but my spouse would never follow such ‘quackeries’.spouse wouldn’t even touch vitamin d 😭

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Oh, that must be so hard, my heart goes out to you... My partner and I differ on a huge number of issues, great and small, but I am daily thankful that he, at 78, is onboard with me on this. We would both choose death before the vax, we both take supplements, etc. Have you pointed out to your spouse that even milk has Vit. D added to it?

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Med school taught him supplements are quackeries and you get enough from diet and sun. He spends very little time outside; way too little for meaningful D levels. My guess is he’s at or below 20. You can’t lead the horse to the water…. Sigh.

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I find it so sad and daunting that the training for a license in general medicine has in some respects changed so little over the past few decades. To my mind it still seems behind in its approach to diet, supplements, in fact most pathways of holistic health and wellness. Which is why I so appreciate those doctors who are "bridges" between allopathic and alternative medicine - people like Christiane Northrup, Deepak Chopra, Andrew Weil, Joseph Mercola, etc. My best friend was a surgeon who, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, actually turned to me as a layperson with a lifelong interest in holistic health for suggestions on how she could create a complementary treatment plan for herself. I was so honored, but it felt surreal having her, for once, be the person writing things down, as I rattled them off - supplements, foods, herbs, Ayurvedic and TCM treatments, etc. When I in turn had breast cancer, I stunned my oncologist by asking if I could continue to take polysaccharides while undergoing radiation treatment. He had never been asked that before, and didn't know the answer. And he was a Stanford man. It's still not mainstream, and the changes come slowly. It's wonderful when I do meet medical people who have open minds and hearts, they seem to be in the minority. Your husband's not alone with this. But it must be incredibly frustrating for you.

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I lost trust when I learned about the cholesterol and statin scam. After that it’s been a tsunami of bad medicine and duplicity plus fraud in the current allopathic medical system. My job number 1 is to stay out of conventional docs offices and especially hospitals—which I consider death centers of the SickCare system. If I break my arm—ok.

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I'm of much the same mind. I think my friend the surgeon was remarkable (she has since passed on) because she was open to holistic treatments and she also gave her patients some credit for knowing a little bit about the bodies they lived in. Towards the end she declared that if she had not ceased practicing because of her health crisis, she would have done so anyway, because allopathic medicine to her was like "going to church, when I am no longer a believer". Most MDs can't begin to give you any credit, they are all too often condescending pill pushers. I've beaten my poor doc into submission, he now knows to STFU about vaccines and meds and just give me a diagnosis; I get to make the decisions - and take the responsibility - from there. There was a learning curve. Do I sound obnoxious? I hope I'm just very proactive, and participate in all my health matters, not led around like a lamb to the slaughter. I acknowledge that they're good for surgeries, diagnoses and writing referrals to specialists. Maybe one in ten is different - a pearl beyond price. If you have a doctor like that, hang on to them!

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What does he have against Vitamin D?

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My hubby follows his kidney doc who tells him Vit D is bad for kidneys. This doc is in her kidney silo. I show him studies that even with mild kidney issue good levels of D over 40–60 plus does not harm and is helpful for prevention of disease but he won’t budge on any recommendations from me—I’m 74 yo healthy as a horse had a mild 3 day Covid and unvaxxed. He got JJ. But won’t get a booster anyway.

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Love Zyflamend, works great for my arthritis, but just too pricey. I go with turmeric and black pepper. Also butcher's broom, saunas, and anti-inflammatory diet. My sister was Mercola's biggest devotee but then denounced him when he came out against the vaccines. Interesting how she was so much smarter than he was.

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Mercola has long been anti vax so he was an easy target for the other side. At least he seems to have plenty of money. I doubt it’s hurt him a great deal. I personally find him a wealth (no pun intended) of info especially at explaining the mechanism of action of various nutraceuticals.

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It's incomprehensible to me that my sister, a nurse married to a nurse, who followed Mercola religiously for years and held her MS at bay by following his suggestions, and who would not even vaccinate her kids against polio, etc., much to our family's dismay, should throw him under the bus because she got sucked into the Fauci machine. Just baffling. Brainwashed, is all I can think.

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I have never found anything on IVM and quercetin being contra indicated

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I doubted it too when I read it but found it only in one place, FLCCC. Whoever writes or maintains their basic info (Kory?) linked to something they implied was Paul Mariks Own research or something he himself had discovered. It wasn’t dangerous, the research simply showed quercetin made ivermectin not work or vice versa. If it’s not there anymore maybe the original findings were wrong?

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right I reviewed the full FLCCC protocols again, and quercetin is listed as complementary (along with C, D, zinc) for the first line drugs of HCQ/IVM

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I did myself take quercetin when I took the prophylactic IVM, and when I got covid (sick - mildly - less than 24 hours)

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are you saying FLCCC changed it? That’s good if so, as I said I don’t think either IVM or Quercetin is a problem but I Sincerely (not jokingly) don’t want to post misinformation on any either pharma or nutraceuticals. Twitter idiots not withstanding: there are Twitter trolls saying they are MDs attacking Paul Marik and his use of high dosage IV vitamin C in combo with pharma drugs to combat sepsis. I was appalled. If the troll is truly an MD he ought to be ashamed of himself and I told him so.

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I believe he is right about the C/sepsis; I read about that in pre-covid times. I have followed FLCCC since Nov 2020. I cannot find the article you mentioned now, but on the latest protocol PDF (Jan 2022) they updated for Omicron and recommend the 2 x 500 Quercetin along with iVM/HCQ

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