2 years ago, i created this meme.
i would go so far as to say that it wound up aging like a bottle of “chez snootay” from some super-secret bordeaux valley where poor people are not allowed.
it just kept getting better and better.
the question is: have we reached the point where it stops being a “cellar” vintage and we ought to drink it before it’s past its prime?
or will this fall and winter again sit us down in front of dealer who smiles sharkily as he once more flicks us cards from the bottom of the deck?
we’re starting to hear rumblings of “more state of emergency.”

but people seem pretty fricking done with this and the popularity and credibility of leaders has imploded, fallen over, caught fire, imploded again, and is still getting worse.
i’m honestly very curious as to what people think.
so what say you, feline fanciers:
is this over or are we in for another round of technocratic tyranny?
be honest. it’s for science.
(also, i just kinda wanted to check out this poll function.)
of course we’re gonna get more mandates. how else are they going to run another mail in vote scam?
They'll try. If we allow it, that's on us!