of course we’re gonna get more mandates. how else are they going to run another mail in vote scam?

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Mandates only work if the sheep comply. Don't.

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In this case, however, they only need the mail-in rules on the books. It won't matter if nobody at all listens to the restrictions because the goal is the mail-in voting.

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Mail in voting is not supervised, has no chain of custody and allows fake voting ie votes impersonated or simply made up and added to the machine counts. Please everyone vote in person on Election Day, and insist on a paper ballot. No machine or mail in voting! They must allow in person voting on paper even in emergencies. Stand in line if needed!

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As I say - Democrats don't need voters, just ballots.

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The state of Washington is 100% mail-in/drop-off voting and has been for probably 2 decades. No in-person voting at all.

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And Republicans haven't won since. Weird, isn't it?

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Yup. =\

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So one cannot vote in person at the county offices in WA? Don’t you have same day registration/voting?

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For the right party we have weekend-after voting.

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Jul 12, 2022
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Sigh, Oh how I long for the days of dangling chads.

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I know a guy who knows a guy who worked in Florida during the dangling chad fiasco. He said the machine techs hadn't emptied the bins in years so they were full of bits of paper and so there was nowhere for the punched out bits to go hence the dangling chads got stuck.

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If you really want to learn we can't trust anyone, check out centerforaninformedamerica.com. Will burst every bubble you might still be holding on to. It's a shame the investigative journalist died in 2015.

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While it is my contention that McGowan was a bit of a gatekeeper of information, holding fast to certain pillars of the official stories as truths instead of ever asking "What if the fakery goes deeper than even that?", I still would encourage a read of some of his write-ups. They really helped start me on my own journey of awakening (in particular the Wagging the Moondoggie series) and his light writing style, with the jokes mixed in, was enjoyable reading to me.

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They will BE the dangling chads, perhaps.

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Jul 11, 2022
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The don't need no stinkin mules - they just make up numbers. This latest from Emerald Robinson is exasperating - https://emeralddb3.substack.com/p/exclusive-fulton-county-still-cant?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Mi, I think we can reliably say that no one on this site or any of the other substacks complied the 1st time or resisted as much as possible. But the sheep all did. It will be instructive to see if critical thinking & common sense have been found in how many of those now

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Love ya guurl, but, that's not true. Sorry Cindi.

I've been following the stacks for 1.5 years, before I commented, for the first time ever on social media.

I've seen the word "powerless" WAY too many times.

If you need examples I have a folder with that word and synonyms of it.

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I'm a guy that organizes stuff. I've been following the stacks' for a long time. I have a folder of comments, that I've saved, where people say "I feel powerless, etc."

Two yesterday as a matter of fact.

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👋🏻 Ryan! I can identify w/ feeling powerless, wondering what pressures will be brought to bear next. And they will be, w/ a vengeance because the whole plan might be spinning out of control.

But in the last few years, even feeling that way, I remain unvax’d, avoided masking 90+% of the time, withstood pressure & derision from family, friends, employer & government & I feel defiant & angry. But that doesn’t mean I don’t feel scared & powerless too, even now. There will be a lot of death & destruction b4 we come out of all of this, if we do.

So I was never a sheep & I think most people here never were either, or have awakened since.

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Same. I'm right there with you Ryan. You should start a substack and podcast. I think I'm going to start a podcast here soon.

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Sorry, I complied for a while. I also did not resist as much as I could, both before and after my compliance ended. Next week I will comply again to ensure that I don't have colon cancer (I have to wear a mask in the doctor's office). I comply as little as possible, but those of us unlucky to live in localities that still mandate masks in locations I must visit must continue compliance.

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@Susan- first, let me say I pray you're clear. Second, husband has had serious side effects from the shots and that means lots of doctor appointments. Masks are required STILL and the one won't let me in because I'm not 'vaccinated' so we make the medical staff come out to talk to me. The people of science refuse to follow it. It boggles the mind.

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Thanks for your prayers. I have a history of polyps so am not overly concerned, just cautious. I was not asked if I was vaccinated, nor was I questioned about the status of my ride companion. I still cannot believe physicians are denying entry to their offices to the unvaccinated. I am disgusted with the profession. I am sorry this physician is denying you access. I would think the patient's welfare should be paramount, and thus the necessity to fully involve the spouse of the patient. Further words fail me. Good luck to you both.

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@Susan- they changed their policies! They've seen the light! 'Vaccinated' status was no longer necessary and the mask mandate wasn't really enforced. It's not the doctor. This cardiologist doesn't believe in all this crap, either (either does my dermatologist but because his building is owned by another hospital, he has to comply. He never wears his mask when we're alone) It's the hospital where his office is located. HE'S the one who told husband NOT to get the booster, that it may very well kill him. #winning

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Susan, the good news is that you have resisted as much as you could, w/in your circumstances & locality. None of doing what you have to do is any cause for apology or thinking you didn’t & can’t do enough. You know the truth now & are doing what you can to keep going. Best wishes w/ the colon cancer monitoring!

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Thanks, Cindi. Appreciate your support and good wishes.

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No, she didn't.

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Ki 😅

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Unfortunately, the silent majority is truly silent and compliant.

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nope - we're just waiting for the right leader and the right moment...

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I won't comply. But the 17,000 Mules out there will.

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Expect it!

In business you are most at RISK, when you THINK a deal is closed.

This deal is NOT closed.

Count on no one else. It is up to each of us. No one is coming to help. We're it!

You'll get sick of this, but I'll say it again:


Think about it.

Be a closer!

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put that mug down. coffee is for closers.

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Yup, it's been the biggest Glengarry Glen Ross con job of all time.

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Yeah, and you started that meme here! Ha!

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Sometimes the squirrel gets the acorn...

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You took the words right out of my mouth, Bob.

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Don't forget... usher in The Great Reset.

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no kidding. according the WEF, gas prices need to go even higher to “save democracy”

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And the new liberal word order 👍🏻🥺

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The rules based liberal new world order.

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Correction: "crush democracy"

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Shibumi -

That's why we're all here, right? We're gonna fight that shit, tooth and nail.

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I cannot decide if it will be just before, for the mail-in voting, or just after, if they think they found a way to stay blue. So far the J6 news and the laptop news seem to cancel each other out in a way.

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Pedo Pete --- What a way to refer to your dad. It makes me sick to think about him knowing and doing nothing, to make millions. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?

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my thoughts exactly about that apple-ism.

The whole bunch of them are the ultimate of family crime and dysfunction.

It is disturbing to know the past 6 years that a guy like Trump has been raked over the coals for EVERY SINGLE THING the left and the Bidens are guilty of... FACT

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Makes you wonder how many other politicians have a multi-national graft ring set up for their families.......

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Well, we know Pelosi, Kerry, and Romney do. They had kids working in Ukraine, too.

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Can’t like, so commenting: LOVE!

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🙌 Preach it!

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I agree. I guess my vote symbolized I’m done with the idiocy but as I keep telling people: ‘It’ll end when people stop making money off it.’

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And people start losing money because of it.

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They gonna do it again.

Too much momentum to stop it.

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I believe that, people will be more careful against election fraud this time.

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"Precisely, my dear Watson..."

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They'll try. If we allow it, that's on us!

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Ungovernable - You have me so pumped up, that I'm pacing around my office!

I'm no softy, but I'd give you a big hug, right now, if I could.

Thanks man!

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Yea we've discussed before!!! We're the same. We need more like us!!

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Let's recruit them. They are RIGHT HERE!

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Do not comply. Tell all your friends and neighbors and anyone within the sound of your voice.

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It's very simple. Stop complying and do not force others to comply.

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connect dots for me... pace me through it... how do we stop them if they choose to put ballot boxes all over... I'm with you 100% but I need coaching. HOW do we disallow it?

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Any tactics on convincing the majority who over the last two years have taken everyone else's false words over ours?

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One definition of intelligence is the ability to learn from the mistakes of others.

But some people have to make their own mistakes in order to learn.

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I don't think there's anybody on this stack who's gonna wear mask again, RIGHT?!?!

The answer is:


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Went to a funeral Mass today and more than half the attendees were voluntarily masked. Ironically, the decedent met a “sudden and unexpected” demise likely from his 3rd you know what. People really are quite naive.

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Exactly. That's why I'm keyboard-shouting

People think it's over. It's not.

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Jul 12, 2022
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I hope. We will see.

It worries me when people think its over. I don't assess it that way yet.

But that's an opinion

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Jul 12, 2022
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Uggh. Do you live in Maine? I'm in Portland 3-4x/year.

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The irony and sadness are a abundant. I am sorry

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My coworker’s husband suddenly has abdominal pain thought originally to be gallbladder but discovered spots on his liver. 3x jabbed. I am having to remind myself that it was their choice to get the shot and refrain from asking his wife if they have life insurance….

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Oh Jocelyn, how sad. Holding one's tongue is going to become a national pastime, I'm sorry to say.

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Feckin amazing, it really is. Condolences. I'm sick of the bs and echoing silence when people just drop dead. It's like you're out of line to even think the "v-word".

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Heartbreaking and infuriating . 😢

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I have no intention of doing so. It's very stressful living in a very blue county of a very blue state, but I refuse and if I get yelled at I suppose I will deal.

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Same here. It is, as you say, very stressful. One grocery store, we may have a struggle. My workplace won't enforce masks again, we have a new manager with some sense and balls. Previous manager = Scandinavian far-left liberal Karen woman who hated me because she couldn't force me into the vax. Masks, limited number of people in a given space, spraying hands, I just won't do it again. Beyond that - who tf has the gas to go anywhere, anyway? Still plenty of maskers here, including in their cars. I just laugh, figure they'll be dead soon.

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You my friend are strong. I understand how hard it is.

But it's important.

Keep going please!

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Thank you! Currently, the mask mandate is dead, but I have approximately no hope that Inslee/the King county health person will bring it back in the fall. At least I got some practice before it went away!

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I think I may identify as a full face respirator. A male one, that's Indonesian and chartreuse, and possibly knocked up by Elon Musk.

What are they going to say??

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We all need to identify as N95 ,like you said! Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣 whatever will they do? Poor babies!

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Choose full face...much higher rating of protection than a N95, that way your identity is superior to what they're suggesting. One-up those bastards!

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Blah, hahahaha

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Excellent! We wear the cheap blue masks (I have never, EVER BOUGHT a mask, it will be a very cold day in hell when I do) around our necks and say we self-identify as frogs, fish, etc. "See our gills?" What can they say?

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Love it!LMAO!

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Yasssss! I like it!

Become Ungovernable!

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That is very brilliant, we have to beat them at their own game 🎯

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It's the Musk baby-daddy that sold you, wasn't it??

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No way. How did you come up with that. Brilliant!

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I've been called " special" before!.

( usually paired with the on-pc qualifying, " short bus" prior...)

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I may go with theatre. I may make a papier mache head that attaches to my neck so that I am two-headed (see "A Canticle for Leibowitz"). My "sib" will be masked, I will not. I think this will cause such an uproar that few will have the presence of mind to ask me to put on a mask. It is easy to get away with things just by acting insane.

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I like it

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Never wore one in the first go around

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You and I are one of the few my friend.

Let's lift people up.

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well here in Commiefornia they don't let me see my doctor without a cloth muzzle. yeah , I know , "move out" but it's not that easy.

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They do in PA too. I’ve lost so much respect for doctors. I know . I know . Their livelihood is at stake. But so are our lives and if enough of these spineless automatons had spoken up years ago ( including regarding the bs pcr test) things could have turned out very differently . But degrees do not confer courage. Often the opposite .

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Tons of medical offices in PA have not required masks for quite some time.

There's literally always a good excuse for complying that you have to be an asshole not to say "of course, I understand."

I'm an asshole.

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Where in PA? I’m in the Philly burbs and the cult here is just as bad as NYC. The docs I’ve gone to for years are all affiliated with Jefferson or Penn and like most academic teaching hospitals they are knee deep in federal funding that perpetuated this crap.

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I'm west of you in a rural county. Most of our facilities are UPMC or Wellspan and they haven't required masks for about 6 months now.

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That’s great to hear!

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I love that song!

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I'm in pa too

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Me too. Looking forward to masking up next Tuesday. And hoping I don't sneeze in the waiting room. I have allergies but dr. instructions say procedure may be rescheduled if patient has upper respiratory symptoms.

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Yep, tell me about it. I'm thinking at least punish them - an "FJB", "Let's Go Brandon" or "Trump 2024" mask.

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Oh yeah, a snotty mask will definitely show them who's in charge.

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Yeah, right. No, I don't think I would really do it. Just a fantasy. I don't need the aggro.

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We all need fantasies of doing the bravest thing we can think of, after all.

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nah, it's like saying "the end is NOT GONNA HAPPEN" to the TheEndIsNear cult.

Not going to punish them, just generate religious zeal and indignation (at best) or aggression (

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Not a mask; a hat or something like that

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Oh no, it has to be the mask, because after all, they are the ones demanding the mask, right? And, they can't make me remove it, right? Yeah, it's not subtle, but so what, they aren't subtle.

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My doc as well. Then she crowds extra people in the small room. She has a scribe that types on a rolling computer then the doc types in on her massive stand/rolling computer presumably the same thing.. And sometimes a med student joins us for good measure. ( usually decline the med student now). Point is if it’s so transmissible why all the extra people in the room? I do want to find a new doc but dread the process.

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Transmissible? Did Mr. Ferguson from Imperial College who scared so many s***less with his models, fear that when he was busy shagging another man’s wife? That was early and should have been a big red flag.

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My choice now is to not only become ungovernable but also maintain my health in a manner that I never have to see a doctor again. I don’t trust or respect most of them. I can read a science white paper and ask questions they refuse to. And irony of ironies? I just finished paying for my sons med school degree. 🙄

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No, it's not easy. I sympathize.

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They do all over the central valley. I'm originally from San Diego.

I was just there for two weeks.

Go there and support those small businesses when you need to see a doctor.

It's a small price, unless you want to see the children kept in bondage.

That's a challenge, Friend.

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I can understand in those instances.

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Waiting for the substack folks to start organizing....because I sure can't count on my local population...

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Yeah that has to be addressed. Honestly I'm thinking about starting my own stack just for that.

I don't want to, but I don't see anyone else doing it.

I would pay a younger person very well, if I were to manage a stack, at my direction, on this issue.

But I would want control of the top-line message and call to action

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Well, I can guarantee I'm not younger than you but if you want some assistance, I have time and will .

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I figured you were arounds my age. I'm 51.

I should listen to my elders if you're older...

But I would never ask a Gurl how old she is...:)

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We're not too far apart in age, but I have a couple on ya. You're light years ahead of most! 😉

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This would be the only mask I ever wear. Saw a guy in his big Tahoe SUV driving alone with the windows down and mask on. I mouthed to him "You look like an idiot" 😂

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every subsequent answer gets another exclamation point.

And it ain't about likes. It's about closing the deal.

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We cannot let them lock us down, in any way, again. EVER!

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Here is my concern; perhaps someone can tell me why it's wrong:

Leaky vaxxines spawn variants

Variants create cases.

Cases mean more leaky vaxxines.

Leaky vaxxines spawn variants

Variants create cases

Cases mean more leaky vaxxines

And so on.

I don't see this EVER ending. The vaxxes will keep getting sick and the sick will want more vaxxes. The government is not going to stop, and Big Pharma won't stop.

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Sterilization of the vaxxed population will end this, good and hard.

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It will end it, but how long until the ill and quackcinated realize the downward spiral they are in? Some are healthy enough to overcome the pollution in the jabs and appear to have no negative consequences. For now.

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My small street. We are the only unjabbed. 16 homes. Last 3 months: 1 lump under arm likely due to immune overreaction, 1 myocarditis, 1 new case Addison’s disease. Everyone previously healthy. So, ….

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I believe this will be the scenario for our country……we are still in the early days….

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Dr Peter A. McCullough thinks the reason not everyone is injured by the jab is because some people are not getting the full mRNA/lipid nanoparticles dose due to the handling of the multiuse vials.

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For now......well said!

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Considering sterilization is one of the jab side effects, that should take care of it.

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I see it slightly differently:

There are multiple causes of disease.

The tests only test for genetic fragments not full intact viruses.

These fragments appear when people are ill/healing.

Public Health's response is a quackcine and few other treatments.

The quackcines have only increased disease.

More quackcines = more illness, both acute and chronic.

This is a downward spiral until people take back responsibility for their own well being.

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Simplest explanation of what’s going on. No need to presuppose any virus, new or old, natural or lab-concocted, original or variant.

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I really like your comment on taking back responsibility for their own well being.....why on earth one allow politicians or doctors to make decisions for us????

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We have been conditioned to turn to doctors and/or pHARMa to remedy our ills. Once this becomes the dominant paradigm, it becomes more difficult to shift back as we have to make lifestyle decisions more thoughtfully.

Big Food and Big pHARMa have come to depend on our dependence, which means we have the power to shift it away from them and back towards farmers and local wholistic health practitioners.

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💯 Rockefeller is the one that called natural healers and natural medicine "Quacks and Quackery" He did this to bring in his monopoly by using petroleum for medicines. When you really look at the big picture, natural has always been better. It's going to take a lot to undo what has been done. It can be done though. I was able to come off of several medications including blood pressure meds and that's just using the right supplements. It's not easy but it's well worth it. Accountability is a major part of it. I know there are some things beyond control but many conditions can be corrected with diet and supplements. IMO, I would rather get to the root of the problem rather than throwing pills at symptoms in turn to deal with more side effects. They want to keep people sick because it's good for business. We've been conditioned to want that quick fix but it doesn't exist. For instance, on BP meds they tell you not to eat grapefruit. That's because grapefruit lowers blood pressure.

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"on BP meds they tell you not to eat grapefruit. That's because grapefruit lowers blood pressure.".

They might say that they don't want you to pass out, so don't interfere with the drugs. If you eat grapefruit a lower dose may be adequate, but how to measure it? There may also be liability issues if they don't tell you.

It gets complicated so it is easier to tell people what to do/not do than to try and anticipate the various scenarios that may arise. It is a dependence and compliance trap.

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That is true, thank you for clarifying.

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Grapefruit contraindicated for statins too I'm fairly certain.

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So true Becka! It mystifies me how people see through the jabs but are still somehow drawn to pharma pushing, lying "doctors ".

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Love your story!!!!

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Thank you!

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We could give up?

I will die on this hill!

Literally. For. My. CHILDREN!!!!

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Watch the excess deaths keep ramping up. Buy popcorn and ammo while you can.

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I ask my husband often if we have enough ammo.

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Ammo, booze, food, fuel, medical supplies - currency of the NWO. All these years watching dystopian sci fi are finally paying off. 🤣

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Speaking of movies, I watched the latest 007 last night with my husband and it's like a blueprint for 2020 to now with a slightly different plot. A small pox virus that's weaponized and then they talk about nanobots and gene editing. It's insane!

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So true!! And I worry excessively about running out of essentials like Calvados, gochujang and anchovies.

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Oooo! I'll ask that of my sig oth in front of guests at our next party. Great conversation starter!

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I wonder - how many rounds does it take to heat the barrel enough to pop the corn?

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That's funny shit. We'll have deliberate shortages of both. Fun Haters!

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After multiple boosters and multiple reinfections, a person's immune system will be totally destroyed, and that's the end of the road for them. At some point, you'd think the pro-vax folks might see the light when many of them become chronically ill/die.

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Most will never see the light, I predict. They’ll blame their illness/death on anything but the vax.

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However gruesome their outcomes, most will say they would have done worse without the vax.

“My house fire would have been so much worse if I hadn’t sprayed gasoline on the walls.”

Whereas the unvaccinated are just lucky, or something.

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The cognitive dissonance generated by admitting they allowed themselves to be injected by a EUA that is killing them would drive a lot of people to the edge of sanity if not insane.

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It seems they are willing to tolerate a certain amount of injury and death for the 'benefits' and 'protection' of quackcination. The question is when will the risk outweigh the perceived benefit. Every day we are closer to that point, but many will die believing that quackcination was the right path. It is also a matter of when they are ready to take responsibility for their own well being, rather than relying on the State/pHARMa. That is a big step and one many won't take.

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Dead men see nothing, say nothing.

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Yup , let's see how long it takes!

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@shibumi EXACTLY! There was a soon-to-be-censored chorus of real virologists and epidemiologists (and historical record) that warned of just this!

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You forgot the secondary loop: Vaxx caused clotting, immune suppression and/or tumors = identified as long covid

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And the sick going to their god like drug pushers to be "cured" of their new incurable disease will not end either, until all the vaxxed are put in the ground

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You are thinking rightly in my estimation. It will take a wake-up by enough of the vaxxed to end this. And they may not have the energy or immunity for the fight…..

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More a die-off than a wake-up, IMO.

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Jul 11, 2022
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The good news on shedding is that it's a different pathway and dose.

The bad news is that the mRNA spike is not the same as the Covid spike, so we don't know how that works in the airway.

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They will try but, as a parent, the tides have turned. Parents aren’t playing these games anymore. And I don’t think they can do it without cooperation from parents.

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Unfortunately I work with 2 young women who can’t wait to vax their babies. It is heart wrenching. I believe it is up to parents of college aged kids to teach their kids to fight back against to college vax requirements.

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Yep, FB is overflowing with virtue-signaling parents who can't WAIT to stab their infants with the clot shots. Never mind that a) the kids' risk factor for COVID is statistically zero, and b) the kids' risk of severe side effects and death from the jab is WAY higher than their risk of becoming seriously ill with COVID. They're determined to "follow the science" all the way to their children's funerals, at which point they'll sigh with relief and proclaim, "Thank god he was vaccinated; otherwise, it would have been MUCH worse."

The level of delusion is astounding.

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the stats suggest the opposite. the uptake on children's covid vax is low last time I saw a number--yesterday? what you hear are the nuts and virtue signalers. vocal minority.

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TY, that's what I read yesterday.

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YW ~ thought I'd put it out there for others to read, it was such good news!

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I’m well aware they exist. My 3 year old niece is vaxxed and her 5 year old brother is boosted. These nut jobs are vocal but the stats show they are vastly outnumbered.

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5 year old boosted? That's insane.

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None of it makes sense. My sister in law had custody of her 13 year old granddaughter at one point. My SIL just turned 70 and has a masters degree. She's not stupid. She got her granddaughter vaxxed, much to our horror. Our SIL is vaxxed and boosted.

Her daughter [prior substance abuse issues] has custody of her son, SILs grandson. Her daughter would NOT get him injected. Which makes no sense, since my SIL is exponentially smarter than her daughter, aka our niece.

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Susceptibility to the mass formation process does not correlate with intelligence. In the most-studied historical case, Nazi Germany, affluent and educated people were MORE susceptible to Nazi mass formation.

The same rule seems to be holding in this current mass formation. Your intelligent, educated SIL fell under the mass formation hypnosis. Your less intelligent and less educated niece wasn't hypnotized. That's in like with historical precedents.

Full disclosure: I'm highly educated and I was hypnotized by the mass formation for a few months in 2020. A trusted childhood friend did an intervention and helped me break the hypnosis.

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I think there's something else there too besides education. I think there is a general conformist/ non-conformist [agreeable/ non agreeable] thing going on as well. I have two step sons. One graduated from college, one did not. Both are non-conformist and both decided NOT to get vaxxed on their own.

I'm glad you got out of it. I'm pretty... non-conformist and don't even take flu shots. Plus I did a lot of research before the shots even came out and found out things that have since been removed. All the side effects were known in mRNA injections beforehand. All of them.

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Yes, something like that. I'd think of it this way. Smart, friendly people tend to be leaders in their local groups. As leaders, they get things done by working with other leaders up the chain. They are socially invested in the system, and therefore tend to trust it.

Others of us are not leaders, either because we have no gift for it, or because we have been burned by authority in the past. We have no investment in the system, and may feel in our gut that it is the enemy. For us, breaking with it is no loss. We have no followers, and no leaderly reputation to consider, so we can decide for ourselves, on our own.

I think we non-conformists are basically right on this one, but we do suffer from lack of leadership. We can't do much but grouse, and say no. Our natural leaders, on the other hand, by their intrinsic gifts, have been sucked helplessly into the Borg, and are on a suicide course. How we pull ourselves, and them, out of this predicament, is hard to say.

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On a previous Substack comments were made along the lines of a “skeptical” nature of people at play in their decisions to not vax. There was even mention of childhood trauma or chaotic backgrounds leading to this skepticism. I identify with this skepticism and can see that it has proved helpful in this decision. I waivered in early February/March 2021, but something in my gut told me it wasn’t right. To her credit, my doctor said “we don’t have enough information.”

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Could you please give more details on the intervention and breaking of hypnosis? It sounds very interesting.

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Sure! I fell into mas formation hypnosis in May 2020. I'm super-educated. I tend to be very media-literate and actively resist propaganda. That said, I seemed to have a weakness around doctoring and medicine - I considered it a 'privileged field' and I trusted doctors implicitly. I guess now that's why I was vulnerable. Presumably I was in Mass Formation Group B, the lightly hypnotized, as opposed to the unreachable Group A, the deeply hypnotized.

In November 2020 I continued ongoing conversations with a childhood friend, Robin. Robin was not hypnotized and and was clearly in Mass Formation group C, those not hypnotized. Robin figured out what was going on with me. I had already found evidence of bad behavior from the Health Authorities, specifically the suppression of Ivermectin and other Early Treatment medicines. Thus, I was already experiencing some cognitive dissonance: I was 'ready' for someone to break the hypnosis.

Robin asked me a series of leading questions over several weekly phone conversations. I'm pretty sure that realtime voice communication was key - I'd not have responded as well to email.

After the second or third such conversation I though about the last of Robin's questions. I did some internal analysis. I realized I was caught in a state of cognitive dissonance: trust the health authorities or trust the scientific evidence I had already parsed. I did an internal search for evidence regarding which side of the dissonance was most likely the correct one. I realized there was LOTS of evidence that the health authorities were lying about pretty much everything, evidence that I did not want to consider because it contradicted my existing bias to trust health authorities.

I felt an internal 'snap' as my brain rejected one side of the dissonance. I was mentally stunned for the next couple minutes. I've been hypnotized before & know for sure that I am quite susceptible to hypnosis. This state felt very similar to snapping out of hypnosis. When I recovered I realized that the cognitive dissonance had completely dissipated. Thereafter I was able to think about these issues much more clearly. It felt like waking from sleep.

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Master degree doesn't make you street smart!🤔🤫

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Everytime I see the virtue signaling 🤮

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I wish, too many parents in liberal areas beg for it

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A couple weeks ago Illinois Dept of Health updated their COVID guidance for schools in the fall. Quarantining/testing/close contacts having to quarantine. Business as usual. The only thing different is masking (which continues to be highly recommended in schools) because JB Pritzker lost in court.

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K.B.M -

I hate to disagree with you, but, well, I do.

Go take a poll of your friends, with your poker eyes on, and see if you believe they'll resist.

They're not willing to pay much of a price.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

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it is always this way. a minority of colonists faught the british. most just kept their heads down and wait and see. a related point--it is important for those of us who resist this crap to be public about it. people are sheep if they feel alone. but when just one other person breaks the mold, normies will tend to be empowered. (you will see this phenom in both the MIlgram obedience and Ashe conformity experiments.) fwiw-my approach is to simply say I follow these issues closely and my clear choice is to avoid vax, resist BS like masks. no persuasion attempt-that creates an resistance. just set the example, plant the seed. you won't "checkmate" the other, face is too important. let them stew on it. if they want proof, send them to boriquagato.substack.com.

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Agreed. For 2½ years I have been calmly informing people, "Our family is not participating in the covid mass-hysteria." I don't shout, I don't argue, I don't get angry or try to persuade. People underestimate the power of a calm, simple "no". I've been kicked-out of stores, had the police called on me. Doesn't matter. Don't care. The answer is no.

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Exactly. I point at the sign and announce that I don't play stupid games. Then I walk out.

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Some encounters stand out as exceptionally absurd. Buying paint one time in the United States at a Miller paint store. I walked in and the employee at the counter immediately barked-out "Sir! You have to wear a mask in the store!" I said, no, but how about if I stand outside the store? He said, OK. So for the next ten minutes I (no mask) stood just outside the open door while the employee (masked) stood facing me a foot inside the store as we conducted our business. Childish silliness.

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OMG, Corey. I can't believe you just said this.

It is exactly what we say;

"My family chooses not to have mask, etc., in our lives".

The meaning is clear to our friends and acquittances'.

As far as the stores, etc.. EXACTLY

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"MIlgram obedience and Ashe conformity experiments"

More like the Stanford Prison Experiment. Power corrupts.

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ok, lets' get wonky. RE The Standford Prison Experiment, in Zimbardo's book, Lucifer Effect, he wonders about the fact that some guards seemed to withdraw from the action. much of the harassments was conceived and conducted by only a couple. but none of the others attempted to right the ship. they just went along. my point is that it would only take one to resist the flow and that might stop the flow. btw--the SPE wasn't really an "experiment" in the technical sense. it was simulation/observational study, albeit the most interesting one in history.

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I believe you were (and are) correctly applying the Milgram and Ashe findings to the populace, whereas I'm clumsily throwing a cure ball here by applying SPE to the various politicians and bureaucrats who were effectively the guards during this grand experiment. Unlike in SPE however, almost all of the newly empowered -- and enriched, thanks to endless streams of pandemic "relief" funds -- gleefully went along for the ride and utilized all of their newfound, near limitless authority.

Either way the momentum of group think, madness of crowds, or whatever you might call it is too powerful for most to break out of.

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Jimmy Johnson - I agree with you. But I think it's easier than the Lucifer Effect:



A 3rd grade teacher conducted this "experiment" in the late 60's

Maybe one person in 20 schools of 3rd graders would've called it out.

That's the threat.

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that is a classic as well. and you are correct. although "it only takes one" person to stop the riot, lynching, gang raping, shaming "others", it is hard to do for most people. it is a form of nonconformity that at the neurological level is the same as stress/anxiety. go along to get along is the norm for human beings. in psychology experiments on this issue, the experimenter simply uses a "confederate" to the be the non conformer and then sees if that causes subject to stop useless behavior. I don't know for sure but I guessing many kids sit thru CRT bullshit and privately think it is such. but to take that stand publicly is risky, painful. always remember, we are just very advanced chimps but chimps non the less. Jane Goodall's books show some chimp behavior that is identical to human behavior. for those of you into the New Testament, St. Thomas the doubter, is usually kind of seen as a loser. but in reality he was the only one to not succumb to group think. (not trying to pick a fight with that one; sometimes group think is correct but it takes brass ones to question it).

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"Maybe one person in 20 schools of 3rd graders would've called it out"--are you talking about one of the 3rd graders or an adult in the school? Because, while it is useful to see how this sort of authoritarianism affects people, it is a comparison of apples and oranges. That experiment was done on children and the wider experiment of the whole Covid catastrophe has been done on all of us, but the adults are the ones who are calling it as BS to the other adults "in charge" (power-lusting-psycho-acting autocrats). Kids instinctively know that they don't have as much "power" compared to their teachers and other authority figures, who have been recognized as such. So, while I can see that learning the lesson the kids were taught has some usefulness in combating Covid totalitarianism, the stakes are terribly high, now, but us ordinary people can win as long as we don't comply with the "rules".

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That was certainly an interesting way to take an hour out of my afternoon. Very enlightening. Brave teacher. Today she'd probably be fired for violating some woke taboo.

(as an aside, this was apparently broadcast in the late 60's - early 70's as it's 53:00 in length, what an hour long program was back then. Today an "hour" is 42:00 of content with the rest commercials).

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That is my second favorite posting CowBoy.

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Perhaps it’s because we’re at a private school with mostly conservative parents but I do not see other parents being complacent if they try to make our kids wear masks again. I can tell you that when a student pops positive with Covid, the other parents are pissed that people are still testing kids. People are done.

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I wish this were true at my school. In May, we still had parents calling into the school informing them that: gasp! Little Johnny has Covid! 🙄🙄

After four or five kids had it in the same class, they shut down the class (4th grade) for a few days.

Later, the administrator was overheard telling someone:

why do parents keep telling us that their kids test positive??

If they keep telling us, the onus is on us to DO something about it.

Plenty of liberal parents and a liberal – slanted school board…

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FWIW, my grandson is 4. He is in speech therapy because he doesn't speak; part of it his the fact that he could not see people speaking due to masks. Speech therapy for kids is a booming business now.

That being said, I know his Mom would occasionally mask him. My guess is that they do it simply so they don't get hassled.

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Idiots, what? Are they wearing masks at home too?

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"Your" people are done. The rest aren't. This is true, even in Florida...where I live.

My wife and I have been all over the country protesting this shit. The people are not done, down deep.

They'll do it again. It's a diabolical trick-box.

But, I understand what you're saying.

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You’re right, I’m afraid.

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Amen! We live in Orange County and our school district said they were not pushing the vaccine mandates for children. Too many parents shared their thoughts on this matter....

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A group of mothers here got the state health department to drop our school requirement too. I participated and send dozens of emails to our legislators.

It doesn’t take much - a couple thousand moms banding together. I continue to believe that the buck stops with parents.

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Don’t mess with Mamas!

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This shit has to end, but the WEF clones will extend the "emergency" until the pitchforks & torches are at their front door.

Anyone who thinks extending this "emergency" is warranted is a fool.

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It's gonna be an epic battle: pitchforks & torches vs hypodermic needles & masks!

Hmmm.... What does that remind me of..... Oh yeah, this....


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I'm in North Texas and my area has been done with Covid for quite some time. I'm sure there will be a few dense leaders who try round 3, but I don't see many people falling for it a third time. As soon as I typed that sentence I reminded myself that I also never dreamed that Covid fear would last past mid April 2020.

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I’m in Central Texas and if it weren’t for woke Austin I would say we were done 2 weeks into it.

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I’m in Central TX, too. I saw 2 masked people last week and couldn’t’ believe it.

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Jul 11, 2022
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I can't hear them either - to my great relief. I usually fix them with a cold blank stare and say, "Sorry, but I can't hear a word you're saying." One of the little things that bring refreshment to my day.

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The November election is what keeps the US as a outlier. COVID combined with massive mail-in-voting is what got Joe Biden elected- it wasn't COVID by itself- it was the voting method that did it. So, facing a rout this November, Democrats need a repeat of massive mail-in-voting everywhere, but most states haven't expanded the mail-in-voting, and many have restricted it explicitly back to where it was in 2016. Democrats had planned on forcing it through the House and Senate, but Manchin refused to break the filibuster rule. So Plan B is to declare a COVID emergency at the national level, get the courts to, once again, order massive abesentee balloting and hope for the best. I don't know that this Supreme Court will once again go supine and allow it, but it looks like the Democrats best chance.

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It wasn't just mail-in votes that put #NOJOE in the White House -- it was also all of the electronic vote-flipping that occurred in the Democratic primaries. #NOJOE and #KorporateKamala were two of the LEAST popular candidate (she didn't get even ONE delegate), yet magically hundreds of thousands of votes (already tallied and posted on news shows) suddenly flipped from Bernie Sanders to #NOJOE. I still have screen shots of one of the most egregious examples, in which more than 300,000 votes disappeared from Bernie's "bucket" and reappeared in #NOJOE's. And just as magically, nearly all of the other candidates suddenly dropped out after getting a midnight call from O'Bomba. MAGIC!

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We have faith based elections. The fact results are not allowed to be audited, the black boxes and their algorithms are not allowed to be audited = assumption of fraud until proven otherwise. It's auditing 101.

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Infj here. Totally agree.

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Never doubt the inclinations of government types to seize power, especially in an election year, and tell us it's for our own good...

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No so sure about the winter, but you can bank on that from now until the November elections the fear porn machine will be running in overdrive. And it will have nothing whatsoever to do with public health.

Fear is all the Democrats have to work with. Their policies have utterly failed the nation and the world.

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Live in Los Angeles, travel often to red states for family visits and camping trips. It’s over in red states - OVER, full stop. Los Angeles is still in full hysterics, and will be for years. I’m at a clinic, getting a Covid test so I can enter another building in a few hours. Blue zones will never give it up.

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Y'know, with Adobe Acrobat you can turn a single negative covid test result into a pdf and then edit it continually with new dates and times...

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Cheating is just compliance under subterfuge. Which does nothing to take liberty back, leaves fewer people standing valiantly who are fighting authoritarianism. Still gives money and power to those businesses and entities acting as enforcers. Must break them by boycott, not conniving. I know the instinct, I was tempted first time around to fake compliance, makes life easier to navigate. But I can't live a lie that empowers my oppressors.

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"THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine

patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands

it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not

easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict,

the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper

price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as

FREEDOM should not be highly rated." https://thefederalistpapers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/The-American-Crisis-by-Thomas-Paine-.pdf

Some people only have it in them to "cheat", although cheating a tyrant is hardly compliance, it is still an individual act of resistance. It does not embolden others, unless that act of resistance is made public - perhaps by burning the vax card, fake or not, in public, much as draft cards were burnt in the 1960s.

What achieves freedom is the overthrow of tyranny, by direct action, by throwing a wrench into the gears, by destroying the machine, that's what gets the goods. As Mario Savio said - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu9AoQgtOCA

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Tell that to the Resistance who opposed the Nazis and who used fake or forged papers in the process.

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And how did that turn out for them? They often got blood, sometimes subjecting entire communities to murderous retribution. And they helped disrupt the Nazi war effort. But did they secure their own freedom using fake papers? Or was it an invading army of allies who freed them? And what army of allies is coming to free us?

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"But did they secure their own freedom using fake papers? Or was it an invading army of allies who freed them?"

False dichotomy. It was both. The disruption caused by the saboteurs surely played a role. Heck, Viktor Laszlo escaped with forged (signed under duress) papers. ;-)

You can "cheat" with fake papers AND remain in the game so you can work to defeat or destroy the enemies of freedom from within. Unilateral disarmament rarely if ever benefits the disarmed.

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During the mask mandate phase if only more people would've refused the masks instead of complying (under subterfuge?) the mandates wouldn't have lasted. Those silent supporters lurking under their masks, stealthily planning the overthrow of mask mandates were as useless as a eunuch at an orgy.

You don't understand authoritarianism. Authoritarians don't care if the people obey out of fear of being punished, obey so as not to upset others even though they know better or obey because they are true believers. They were fine with you wearing your FJB/MAGA mask, as long as you wore it. While they would like them, they don't need your heart or mind, they simply need your obedience. They need the hearts and minds of the children. So they obey out of habit. Like a crate-trained puppy.

Those who wore the mesh masks, masks below their noses, masks with middle fingers printed on them thinking they were doing something to push back on tyranny only gave their power to the tyrants, they submitted by their actions, whatever was in their minds was of no concern to authoritarians. They complied with the show, the theater. As fake vax cards do. Fail.

You draw false conclusions. Without an invading army of allies those saboteurs who complied to disrupt and even escape secured no freedom for the communities they disrupted, only hardships imposed on them. And those who escaped had places that were free to escape to. But they secured no meaningful freedoms by themselves...and never would have if not for the existence of a powerful external force that was able to sweep in to free them, greeted as liberators. No, the armies of liberators probably would not have freed them without the help of the saboteurs. Who's only play was to stall and harass their oppressors until others liberated them. What army of liberators do you imagine your strategy of subterfuge will be able to stall and harass our oppressors until we are freed? Your strategy is hopium. This time it is on us. Civil disobedience only works when there's sufficient numbers of disobedient.

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Obviously not you, you phony Quisling liberal... As for "army of allies coming to free us", consider these words: "The general sentiment of mankind is that a man who will not fight for himself, when he has the means of doing so, is not worth being fought for by others, and this sentiment is just. For a man who does not value freedom for himself will never value it for others, or put himself to any inconvenience to gain it for others. Such a man, the world says, may lie down until he has sense enough to stand up. It is useless and cruel to put a man on his legs, if the next moment his head is to be brought against a curbstone.

A man of that type will never lay the world under any obligation to him, but will be a moral pauper, a drag on the wheels of society, and if he too be identified with a peculiar variety of the race he will entail disgrace upon his race as well as upon himself. The world in which we live is very accommodating to all sorts of people. It will cooperate with them in any measure which they propose; it will help those who earnestly help themselves, and will hinder those who hinder themselves. It is very polite, and never offers its services unasked. Its favors to individuals are measured by an unerring principle in this—viz., respect those who respect themselves, and despise those who despise themselves. It is not within the power of unaided human nature to persevere in pitying a people who are insensible to their own wrongs and indifferent to the attainment of their own rights. The poet was as true to common sense as to poetry when he said,

Who would be free, themselves must strike the blow. ... If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.

This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. In the light of these ideas, Negroes will be hunted at the North and held and flogged at the South so long as they submit to those devilish outrages and make no resistance, either moral or physical. Men may not get all they pay for in this world, but they must certainly pay for all they get. If we ever get free from the oppressions and wrongs heaped upon us, we must pay for their removal. We must do this by labor, by suffering, by sacrifice, and if needs be, by our lives and the lives of others." https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/1857-frederick-douglass-if-there-no-struggle-there-no-progress/

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Me thinks your hostility is misdirected. The Quisling liberal would be the one who complies and gets the vax, the Phony would be the one who complies and produces fake papers when asked so they can avail themselves to all of the privileges without making sacrifice. The free man who makes sacrifices and makes principled stands taking incoming fire for doing so is the man who won't oblige to producing papers, even fraudulent ones, standing with other free men for all to see. Cowards fake it. I saw plenty of cowards behind masks in stores who gave me thumbs up while I refused with barking employee dogs nipping at my heels while I shopped mask-free. Cowards. Who's own civil disobedience would've made my exercise of freedom less difficult if they would've openly joined me instead of just giving me thumbs ups. If you believe faking a vax card is a greater contribution to preserving freedom then I can't help you.

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Yeah, we've had that discussion. I don't see a reason not to.

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Somewhere in the above video (GVB and Clas Silversten conversation), Clas says you can assure a negative test if you dilute some alcohol and squirt up nose before they swab. I believe he said he owned a PCR machine and tested himself this method.

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Chris, You seem to be a bright guy (no offense meant), is there a reason you stay?

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Bandit, some of us have to stay in CA. Jobs, family, etc. At this point, there aren't any good reasons to stay here. The Golden State has fallen (to leftist policies).

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Family obligations, or I would have been gone many years ago.

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My guess is that the October surprise will be... War.

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Agree, but before that, they want to starve us.

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Nuclear war is plan B. Plan A is to push people to the limit and provoke some good ol' boys (and Fed provocateurs) into picking up their AR's and doing something, somewhere, that can be made into insurrection 2.0. Then the state seizes control over everything. Coronavirus restrictions will pale in comparison to real lockdowns and checkpoints. Voting will be 100% mail-in and the results will heavily favor the regime.

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There isn't enough jack boots on earth to lockdown one city by force, much the less the entire country. No matter what they try, they lose because we are done listening.

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They will try nonetheless. You know that my scenario is exactly what they are longing for.

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No doubt, they will try.

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Not too hard to imagine all that.

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I'll take my place with the good ole' boys. Them folks got wisdom.

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Better vet each one first to make sure they are for real.

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If that's the case, then all the military should identify as pregnant birthing people and refuse to go to war. 🤔

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Well, those left in the military after the vax mandate are very compliant, so they’ll go smartly. More concerning, is that the Flag Officers would more than like paint a picture that will all but guarantee war.

Imagine if JFK listened to his Joint Chiefs of Staff especially Curtis Lemay -AKA “Dr. Strange Love” we would probably have nuked Cuba. We were on a path to war but for the sage advice of his Attorney General-RFK and JFK’s temperate style of evaluation and the use of no more force than necessary to deter rather than escalate the situation.

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Well, after their 4th booster I guess we'll see if they're able to comply!And if they're still standing after that, then they have to learn how to address their enemy with the proper pronouns! We're screwed. 😏

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In NYC, the Office of Emergency Management just started playing a Public Service Announcement on what to do in the event of a nuclear strike:


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What a joke our subway still does not have radio communication for the engineers or crews in most of the underground lines nor is there cell service except big tourist hubs. All the post-911 "homeland security" money has been spent on idiotic stop and frisk and high tech surveillance toys.. nothing to solve the problem that cost Ground Zero first responders their lives & get radio communications for working problems & emergency use. Drivers shout to passing trains!

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And if it's an EMP type attack, there won't be any working circuitry to support their Wireless Emergency Alerts...

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Yes. Saw that. How long for other states to start that fear porn?

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Bet it won't be long...

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I don't know that there is much that can be done - don't look at the flash, remain in-doors, open windows after the flash then close them after the rush of air, seal your ventilation systems, duct-tape windows to seal leaks... .


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Interesting site that can project % mortality by distance from Ground Zero:


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Interesting, thanks for sharing. Note that a Russian Severdvinsk class submarine can launch a tactical nuclear weapon via cruise missile from international waters with 1000 mile range. It can hit any city on the east coast and as far inland as Chicago. It can do this unimpeded and without warning.

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Yeah, those war-mongers will find another Ukraine.

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The only way we get rid of the covidiocy is to vote out the politicians responsible, and remove the financially interested technocrats who backed them up. This is not a medical emergency. It's a political one, and it has a political solution.

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Yep. Once (new) politicians are politically benefiting by going after lockdown politicians, that's exactly what they will do.

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Isn’t this just to keep the EUA for the shots they bought?

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I bet you're right! No emergency, no EUA. Wonder how all that changes when they get the COVID "vaccine" on the immunization schedule for kids...

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well, that's the goal. if they can get it on the childhood schedule, they win the immunity from liability jackpot and then they can get rid of the EUA

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And the second they do that, Comirnaty miraculously/suddenly becomes available in the U.S.

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exactly! all those fools who think they've been taking the "approved" product didn't read the fine print

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A month or so ago phizzer said they will never make comerinety (or whatever). Ever.

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I remember that. You'd think they'd have to offer the FDA approved version for it to be on the immunization schedule...

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I, personally, do not think the EUA will ever go away. At least not until the NWO takes over.

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It will never end, not by choice of those currently in power. It’s just too much power. They actually get off on it.

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How many states will actually go along with this? I don't see DeSantis being too keen.

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That's my answer too--it depends upon where you live and who controls your state. Mine is very, very red and I hope to keep it that way in November. I know a few registered Republicans who are jumping to vote for a Democrat for governor this November because they didn't pay attention to how much more oppressive and restrictive states with Blue governors played during 2020. Memories can be short. It's important to remind people of who did what to whom.

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How dumb do they have to be to vote dumbocrap, when they see what the dementor-in-chief and his prop peeps are doing?

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It’s people who are embarrassed in front of their east and west coast friends and think electing a democrat governor gives us “legitimacy”. This state will always be looked down upon and viewed as flyover country by elites but that really grates on people who seek their approval and access to the “right” (read, left) cocktail parties.

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The handling of Covid is one of many factors that, I think, will have the population of the states shuffling and resettling. Between this, gun rights, and the legality (or not) of abortion, I predict we may see many more families choose to move in the near future. I’m currently in the purple area of Virginia…

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And unfortunately there will be a whole lot of poor people "stuck behind enemy lines" who simply cannot afford the rather large expense of moving somewhere there's not a job or a place to live waiting for them. That's going to really suck. I'm just south of you, which is at the moment, also a "purplish" state. If it goes blue, I may become one of the "dispossessed" too. Oh how I wish there was at least one permanently Libertarian state at a nice comfortable latitude (LOL, like 36) that would welcome with open arms and jobs, all those of us who are sick to death of both the DemonRats and the Rethuglicans :)

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