The only way to regulate these regulators is with tar and feathers

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i tend to gravitate toward some of the more traditional solutions such as "sewing them into a bag of rats and tossing them in the river," but, admittedly, this does not really seem in keeping with modern legal practice.

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Crucifixion in the public square is my personal favorite. Although there's something to be said for a gibbet hanging in a prominent position, inhabited by a decade old skeleton, as a means of focusing the attention of public servants on their responsibilities.

As to modern legal practice - I thought we were resetting and Building Back Better?

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if we're to use modern legal practice, they could be sent to Guantanamo for the CIA to practice their "information acquisition" techniques on, indefinitely while they're never formally charged or released from custody...

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Hey, it works for the people guilty of misdemeanor trespass that created the greatest threat to the existence of America since the Civil War...

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Who is Ray Epps? Who is the would-be pipe bomber? Why were the doors opened up for the protestors to walk into We the People's house? Why was the Nt'l Guard not allowed to be deployed?

So many questions. Easy answer though

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I honestly think we all know the answers, on both sides.

But just like covid, it's irrelevant.

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I approve of this use of precedent.

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Modern legal practice doesn't belong to us. Why the hell should we expect it to give us justice against its own masters?

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And I guess that’s one of the real problems. Regulatory capture and complete capture of our justice system. The perfect “killer” storm…

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Check out the essay, "Three Felonies A Day."

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Drawing and quartering or the Catherine wheel might get the point across.

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Employing the "heretics fork" whilst "breaking the wheel" techniques are fine with me. Then throw em' in the water and see if they float

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My only quibble is it may be too good for them.

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have them go door to door to tell neighbors they're a registered "hex" offender

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Send them to the Matachin Tower. They'll work something up.

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What about flaying?

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There should be a preliminary flaying before any of these punishments are meted out.

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You guys all have such creative solutions as to how to deal with these pond scum. It's hard to choose, perhaps we could do all three!

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How about death by injection of mRNA jabs, as many as it takes, on live TV? And then hang their corpses upside down from meathooks as they did with Mussolini. Watching Gates, Fauci, Trudeau, Jacinda Adern, Morrison, Schwab, Soros, and all the rest get jabbed till they croak would be the most watched TV show of all time and the happiest celebration ever in Munchkinland.

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Such a service to the whole of humanity also.

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I like this… Public execution of any kind would be cathartic.. perhaps “death by a thousand cuts” with a lottery for those who want to contribute… or being staked out on an anthill…

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I discovered to my great surprise, by personal experience, that rats are in fact quite cat-like, taken as individuals, and your solution therefore troubles me as using the innocent to afflict the guilty.

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I'm trying to figure out if I'm on your side today SCA?...

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I can handle divergence of opinion by friends.

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Yes, that's what I like about you...sycophancy aside

Sycophancy Can't Abide (SCA)

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The Romans did it right. Dog, monkey, snake, human. One bag. River. We have a lot to learn from the ancients.

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Tarpeian Rock. Fun for the whole family.

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Inexpensive entertainment!

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ha! It's the only way to beat inflation these days...

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bah, ha,ha. Another good one Mr. Carter!

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whatever is chosen please it needs to be broadcast on CNBC as that's where the usual suspects like to talk their books

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This is where my idea of suffocating them between the butt cheeks of obese drag queens would really shine. Imagine the ratings boost!

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Turd-eau would love that.

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Why do you hate dogs, monkeys and snakes?

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Iḿ not clicking on link because I hate snakes. Nothing personal.

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I think he means Fauci,Collins and Gates LOL

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Jun 17, 2022Edited
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Seems like it would have been more merciful to just stomp in their skulls with his boot, a second after the birth. I suppose their mothers would have objected though and thought differently about him ever after.

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Jun 17, 2022
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Some of this maybe not, really.

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I’ll take Fauci’s beagle and sand flies experiment for starters.

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I like the way you think.

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Remove their eyelids first.

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I like the idea of just giving them a series of regular boosters...you know, daily/weekly/monthly, depending on their level of sickness. :P

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And do it while they’re chained to the bottom of a swimming pool just in case.

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when do ethical people with backbones begin to compete in capturing the authorities who write the currently accepted "legal practices"

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It starts with us Lincoln, the 3-5% of us who are FIGHTER'S!

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The Enemies of the Human Race deserve a fair trial modeled on Nuremberg; followed by a speedy and humane execution. Nothing less, nothing more.

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“The Law is an ass - an idiot. “

Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist

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Why harm the rats? They did nothing wrong. A free, lifetime all expenses trip to Gitmo for "enhanced interrogation" should do the trick.

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No! Not Gitmo, that's all CIA and military, and they're all involved in this shit show

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Banishment to Australia. Subjected to all their jabs, ×10, and watched over by the women choking thugs mascarading as "police.."

Ahhh. I can breathe better, lol, just at the thought!

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But if we’re in the era of the Black Plague, can we do it then? They pretended so can’t we?

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Ugh... might not work if the rats drown first... but there are a few interesting and creative ideas involving rats in "Les Rois Maudits" by Maurice Druon...

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But it is in keeping with their modern medical practice of plague masks, leeches (aka poison shots) and willful ignorance.

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hahaha. one of your funniest comments.

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If you are going to go old school, might I recommend gladiatorial games for those convicted of these crimes? The Romans might have been on to something there, and just think how long the memory of what befalls those who betray the human race would be in the video era. People would be watching for years.

I am ok with just life imprisonment, or execution, but if you are going to go medieval, turn it up to 11 and go all the way ancient. :)

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Fauci can’t even throw a baseball…he’d last about 10 seconds.

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Perhaps something with a higher lead content.

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And a rope…

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Then Steinway components.

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Steinway is too high quality, standard cowboy materials should do the trick.

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I've said it before, after the tar and feather, then wrap them in guerilla tape. That shit will rip the fingerprints off your digits.

Permanent tar and feathering. Even Home Cheapo, sells good stuff, now and then.

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Take them to the train station.

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Too good for them, Yuri

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This has been happening for a long time. GMOs being planted all over the US while being banned in most of the rest of the world; hormones in meat animals; various other adulterations of the food supply. To say nothing of the endless crimes of Big Pharma. The US regulatory apparatus is fully captured by corporate interests who consider Americans to be lab rats.

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We do need to be a little careful here. Just because something is banned elsewhere doesn't mean it should have been. It does raise a lot of questions as to why there is a difference, however. Reversed stupidity isn't intelligence.

The real crime here isn't that something is allowed in the US that is banned elsewhere. The real crime is covering up and censoring data, mandating the thing, and well... just the FDA in general. If we were to set our standards on what to ban based on other countries, things like guns, nuclear plants, free speech would be the top of the list.

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Sure. The obvious counterexample would indeed be firearms.

The key thing is whether a regulatory body is reliable. At this point, FDA approval is practically a flashing neon sign advertising "this product is poison".

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Aye, the 21:0 vote given all the data and especially the suppression of even the fact that other countries have banned the stuff in the relevant age range is a HUGE flashing neon sign. Possibly a flashing volcanic eruption. Approval by itself isn't so bad; I would be down with everything being approved by default and only banned specifically. Approval with all the rest of the shenanigans within an organization that is biased towards not approving things, that's fucked up.

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Market solutions are the answer here. Remove regulatory power, and replace with safety auditors who provide product evaluations. Consumers can choose themselves whether to use products endorsed by one, another, or no auditing institution; meanwhile, auditors found to be too cozy with producers will be weeded out by popular distrust.

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Agreed. There is a hitch with mandatory vaccinations, but I think that is solvable, and most vaccines for things we actually worry about breaking out again seem to be very low risk. My guess is that even if all vaccines were optional the vast majority of the normal ones would still be widely used. Flu shots and COVID would probably be the ones with low uptake. (Of course there is debate as to whether they are even vaccines properly understood, but I am going to nope out of that one :) )

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Flu shots also don't work, which is why there's low uptake. If a medication has to be mandated, that's a good indication that either it doesn't work or the side effect profile isn't perceived as being a good trade-off.

Further, making them all optional, and enforcing liability for faulty products, would give manufacturers a powerful incentive to ensure that their wares are actually safe and effective.

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Uh,I think the reason those other countries did ban it,was because of the data

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The FDA has completely demolished what was left of its already tattered and torn reputation. How can any reasonable person trust any drug or vaccine they approve going forward?

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Write today! They are meeting today!! And Saturday!! https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/breaking-news-cdc-launches-sneak

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You can't. The COVID debacle is just the most visible in a long series of debacles, such as with Aduhelm. They need wholescale reform.

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truth. agreed 100%

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Burn the ships people! Until you do, expect more of this endless beat-down. Being in a Red state is no excuse. With the exception of Florida and maybe Texas, NPI's will be back in certain pockets. It' is Pollyanna'ish to think otherwise.

The Sheople will do it all over again. I've even seen it down here in Florida. Don't be fooled.

Who are we? Are we willing to allow 2nd class citizens in this country?!

Masking children is child abuse. PERIOD

Some people will say; oh well children are so resilient. Well what does that say about the resiliency of the person saying that?

Shame on parents who mask their children! Shame!

Is a little child abuse okay? How about a little child abuse over 2 years? Do you think that's affected them or had an effect on their future?

A society that "eat's" there own is doomed!

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Both Russell Brand and Dr. John Campbell express in video form what you've written here pretty much. In Canada we are just as doomed as about 85% of kids 5+ yrs old have already gotten the shots and babies are next inline.

Russell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_e2xNNUcVw

Campbell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjJoc5wqk8E

I don't watch a lot of Dr. Campbell's videos but it's the first time I've seen him be as sarcastic as he is in this one. For Russell, he's usually careful to not step on the YT censors toes but he comes pretty close here! It's good that they're spreading the word too.

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Thanks for those post and links!

Does it really even take studies to know that this is affecting peoples mental health - especially children?

So obvious. Am i missing something?

LOOK. The evidence is all around.

“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.” ― Arthur Conan Doyle

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You can always get jabbed, but you can never get UNJABBED.

Not ever fugging getting jabbed BTW.

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It's going to happen in the UK too, I just know it. Personally I favour chaining these non humans to large rocks at the low water line and leaving them there. They are beyond evil to be prepared to pump this poison into babies to save their own sorry skins.

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It seems the life insurance industry is waking up.

See this article from Milliman, the actuarial consulting firm…… https://us.milliman.com/en/insight/how-does-covid-19-impact-the-life-insurance-industry-going-forward

They know, but can’t say. It’s a start.

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BREAKING: Fifth largest life insurance company in the US paid out 163% more for deaths of working people ages 18-64 in 2021 - Total claims/benefits up $6 BILLION


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The life insurance industry could be Big Pharma's undoing. I never actually saw that coming. They're not going to like paying out $billions for a 45% increase in deaths. They're going to stop insuring people who get jabbed. This could be interesting!

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All governments are largely the same, but the exact same incentive structures do not exist in those countries.

The empire in its collapsing phase needs its citizens to be weak, sick, divided, and impoverished.

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The gospel according to Gibbon.

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LOL 'any removal of weapons is temporary'. Sounds too much like "just two weeks to slow the spread/flatten the curve".

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the silver lining is that i think decisions like this by the FDA are revelatory for lots of doctors out there that were formerly of the "trust The Science" hive, but are (finally) starting to catch wind that something is off. if a critical mass of doctors come to the same realizations that thousands of people reading subs like this one have made throughout the past 2+ years, then there may still be hope for our public health institutions.

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Many of us have woke up but so many are still like Rip van Winkle… And their children will suffer for it. It’s a really infuriating and utterly disgusting…

It’s opened my eyes to all of these killer vaccines… Not just the Covid death shot. It’s amazing how many vaccine injured children and their families that I’ve met at church. 😢😢😢. It’s truly an epidemic!

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil…

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So honestly… Why are lawyers not speaking out on this. It seems Criminal to continue giving the emergency use authorization injections when there’s absolutely no emergency and they are not doing informed consent at all.

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The lawyers can't get any money from pharma companies with legal immunity. No money. No voices. Lawyers creed.

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Which attorneys should I mail this to?

My new book, Neither Safe Nor Effective, makes an airtight case, in over 300 government webpages and peer-reviewed studies, that the COVID vaccines are definitely causing:

1) higher overall deaths

2) cardiovascular injuries and deaths, and

3) higher COVID positivity rates.

Whereas one might still be able to quibble with carcinogenicity, infertility, neurological injury and liver damage, the above three points are now irrefutable, and fraud related to those is now proven and irrefutable. I've mailed this book to about two dozen attorneys who are likely to fight this. Who else needs to see this book? Who else should I mail it to?


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I do wonder if the only thing the FDA learned from Thalidomide is "we are always right" and that colors every decision

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They still haven't learned. Thalidomide is an extremely valuable drug when used appropriately for the correct afflictions.

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"this will now allow these products to be put on the pediatric vaxx schedule and gain liability shields. "

Kill thousands of kids and maim even more, all in pursuit of those sweet 30 pieces of silver.

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How? RFK is preparing a suit, but I havent heard anymore about it? We need a sea to shining sea class action suit by the population of the US against FDA, Pfizer, MOderna, NIH, CDC etc.

Who can get it started? I know I d give $$$$$$$$$$.

Is there a judge in the land who wouldnt be terrifed to take the case? Because his family will be threatened...and not even our Surpreme Court Justices can prevail even with Roe v Wade.

Remember, the Deep State (DARPA, DOD etc. ) are all in this too

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