The humility to accept you may be wrong, the wisdom to listen to others, and the honesty to admit when you made a mistake ARE the ingredients of science, and it is the absence of these qualities that has created the corrupted industry now known as $cience™.

Plus, if it results in sharing that agonizingly adorable pic of the darling ginger kitty washing his face, it makes for a blissfully happy accident 😻

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I loved the pic.

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Realizing, admitting, and learning from one's mistakes is the only path to wisdom. One cannot truly progress without failure.

We are all fallible. But we all do not have the courage and character to admit we are wrong. This is among the few fundamental differences among people.

Gato admitting he was in error is an act of virtue and a reason to respect.

Unfortunately, we suffer under a system that celebrates and elevates those without such courage and character, but who evade responsibility and honesty by whatever means necessary, and who inhabit a society that allows them to do so.

We are ruled by people who lack a scintilla of honesty or honor, and that this failing is ignored or even celebrated rather than reviled is in my view one the the fundamental issues we must overcome in order to regain our freedom and civilization.

The solution is not to replace or reform the people, it is to remove the power these sociopaths have over us.

"All power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely."

~ Lord Acton

Moral: Remove power from the government.

"To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be place under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality."

― Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1851), General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century, translated by John Beverly Robinson (London: Freedom Press, 1923), pp. 293-294.”

Moral: Remove the government.

In my younger years I was of the former persuasion.

Knowing what I know how, now I am of the latter.

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What's missing in this is recognition of the fact this was all known and understood a long time ago and that's why we have democracies - government of the people by the people for the people. Specifically to deal with the problems Mr Proudhon identified.

The problem then becomes when people inhabit a democratic system but do not participate in it. Do not fulfill their own obligations to that system.

And that's precisely what we've got here. All over the world.

To roll up once every four years or so and cast a vote for one of two prevailing parties on the basis of your general 'loyalty' and then go away without a backward glance and never any more interaction is not participating in a democracy. Is it now?

It is casting a vote for which autocratic rule you prefer. It is a serf choosing between two masters.

In all it is a clear indication of desire to be ruled underpinned, we might suppose, by some faith in god or fate or something to make everything turn out right...

Pathetic, really. That's what we are. Pathetic. And now pathetically looking for someone else to blame.

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The data is still incorrect because it includes the unvaccinated 0-12 population (approximately 600k, or 10% of their population) when attempting to calculate the vaccinated/unvaccinated population. I believe the unvaccinated group is off by nearly 100% (I believe it is around 10% of this 12+ group, not 19.3%)

This is a fundamental error on top of the questions and limitations correctly pointed out at the end of the previous analysis.


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Children would still be counted as unvaccinated *cases* though, no?

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The Danish data sourced excludes those under 12 in the case counts.

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They have bars for them on the graphs in the report:

https://www.ssi.dk/-/media/cdn/files/covid19/omikron/statusrapport/rapport-omikronvarianten-16122021-fk3t.pdf?la=da (pg 7)

I'm not seeing anywhere that they are excluding this demo from their total case counts; where are you getting that from? (It does say that they are excluded from the vaccination status tables, but as they are almost all unvaccinated it seems like gato's correction for this using total population is mostly valid?)

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They are excluding it from the Omicron By Vaccination table (table 4) that is the basis of the charts in the article. It mentions it in the Table 4 caption as well as a comment directly below table 4. I know this is where the data came from because I was able to recreate his stats.


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OK -- I find the language a bit ambiguous, but assuming you are correct, looking at the bar charts the number of cases in this group seems very low -- so including them seems like it would not make much difference in the numerator of cases/capita; possibly to the extent that it would not show up in your recreation, and certainly not having much impact on the overall results.

Has gato said anything about this?

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That's right. I looked up the number of 0-12s and it is actually 809k. (Ok, maybe I should have excluded 12 year olds). I came up with 89.1% vaccinated >12 in DK. The SSI.dk website is not clear about <12 vaccinations in the totals but it has a bar chart showing age distribution starting with 12-15, so I think you are right about excluding <12.

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Yup. My calculations are 87.9% for over 12, which is probably an underestimate considering the age brackets for vaccination I have are for 10-14 (40%) and there should be a hard distinction for those 10 and 11 (~0%)

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Looking at my data, there are 742025 0-11 year olds as of Oct 1, 2021 in DK. So I get 88.0% vaccinated for 12 and up (same as you) with the poor 12 year olds inclusive as vaccine targets. But I think they have started vaccinating the poor 5-11 year olds; it just is not recorded in the stats as of now.

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Also, could you tell us the adjusted numbers, so that I don't have to do the calcs. The twitter figure is too small.

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Latest update with additional clarification and data from December 15


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"science is about honesty, even and especially when you get something wrong."

It also involves integrity which is why profiteers and deep pocket lackeys claim infallibility on display w Fauci claim he is science and run from debate like a house on fire.

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And this is why I disposed of Corporate media about 15 years ago. The independent "media" is almost always transparent and willing to correct when incorrect. Good luck finding this kind of humbleness and integrity anywhere but in the independent media circles. Thank you!

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Not only is your content great, but the graphics! Oh, FFS! Brilliant. You're a treasure of the inter-wires. Thanks Bad CAT!

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What will boosted look like in 2 months? Israel looking at 4th shot, so doesn't look like lasting efficacy

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They'll be boosting every 3 months now.

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Something is RIGHT with the world! A journalist/scientist/researcher who appears to be a living, breathing human being. Thank you!!!

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That’s one of the reasons why I listen to you—your willingness to be corrected and your best attempts to be accurate and clear. Thank you.

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Admitting to an error, correcting it, putting it in actual context? You’ll never work for MSM.

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These numbers are mind boggling. -275% VE in double dosed? That can't be the difference between natural immunity in the vaxed and unvaxed. This virus has to be selecting for the vaccinated.

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typo in vax rate chart ("signle"), but i know typing with paws is challenging

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How many cat pictures do you have?

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To infinity and beyond, I pray! 😸

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I love cats. I identify with cats. My late badass tuxedo cat could give a "F you" look that turned large dogs into blithering mush. He passed into the great beyond earlier this year after 21 years on earth.

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😹💔😭🥀🤗 I’m so sorry you lost your beloved badass friend. 21 years is an admirable lifespan, but it can never be long enough given the aching chasm they leave behind in their wake!

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Your cat sounds just like the one I had years ago. A total badass. Huge black and white tuxedo cat too. He lived for over 18 years. I've never had another cat like him. He chased dogs out of our yard and ruled the roost.

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I am so sorry for your loss. But what a great age! Tuxedo's have a personality all their own, don't they?

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that's what science is about

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I love you man, but learn how to use the shift key ya fucktard.

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That's how it's done!

Keeping this flame alive is the only hope of ever having back science's guiding light.

It's turtles all way down and trust all way up.


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This is why I’m on team reality ….the ability to say I was wrong. 💯

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We forgive you because you put that adorable orange cat at the end.

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