
nice grab. thank you.

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Big time hat tip for everyone who saves copies at Wayback my favorite site in the Internet since my discovery in 2005. Everyone who does any serious research should have a tool bar button that checks for archived versions and saves with two clicks.

Most amazing of all Wayback tools works when you get '404 Not Found Error' a Wayback pop up window asks if you'd like an archived copy... if someone saved it See something, save something.. good stuff does vanish! Try it you will love it!! :~) https://help.archive.org/hc/en-us/articles/360001513491-Save-Pages-in-the-Wayback-Machine

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I definitely appreciate the Wayback Machine but found it may have been compromised in some cases, as in a CDC page that in spring 2020 was warning about the inefficacy of masks against COVID that later was “revised” and no prior copies existed in Wayback Machine, mysteriously enough 🤔

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I try and save as much as I can for just this reason. You never know if it will be wiped from history tomorrow. This is the unfortunate reality we have to deal with as a result of our society being run evil mass murderers and their Branch Covidian foot soldiers.

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The Ministry of Truth is ever vigilant and always working feverishly to adjust/remove the past to match the current narrative.

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We need a Wayback Machine Wayback Machine

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In my experience as an obsessive saver there is a huge volume of content that is never saved and lack of backup copies can easily be attributed to lack of capture. There are mountains of material I check that has no capture including most of the Substack reporting for el gato and Crawford and links they have embedded where my capture is first and in many cases surprising to me nobody saved it sooner. This is not unique to COVID topics. Days ago I saved a NYTimes piece from 2010 relating to torture & while it seems implausible nobody else saved it in the decade plus it was live on the web with no saves. That's not the fault of Wayback & I am very reluctant to blame them for what is not there.

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Thank you for saving! And yes, I can’t prove that page was disappeared from the Wayback Machine, but it was awfully suspicious that multiple snapshots only appeared *after* the Orwellian revision of masking advice with not a single snapshot prior to that. I was linking to it in exchanges with Covidians back in spring 2020, but I didn’t have the forethought to capture it, dang it.

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Eh, there are so many references I see that are widely share but aren't saved it's a head scratcher for me that folks don't save before they share but it's far more common than you'd imagine. :~)

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Yeah I was going to say I heard they were editing archived pages. Archive.today is supposed to be better but I can't say from experience

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The Brave browser (new goto browser for security) automatically asks and then interrogates the wayback machine when a 404 happens

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got pulled from where/when? I'd like to have that info as I pass links to it around... :)

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The interviews in this podcast will tell you all you need to know https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/vaccine-researcher-jessica-rose-and-dr-peter-mccullough/id1513237951?i=1000539459117

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thank you. if you know any sources/avenues showing ways out of this madness please share the links... here is Aus it's just getting worse and worse...

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It's so mad I doubt my own sanity. I have to keep reassuring and rebalancing myself by going back to some basics:

Nearly two years of charts and stats from USA showing interventions made no difference.

Charts and stats showing (latest Ivor Cummings this month) no dramatic excess deaths.

Govt clearly refuses me a harmless drug I maintain could save my life - for no good reason!

Two years of absolutely no propaganda, emphasis, help on maintaining, improving our immune systems, none at all.

Total propaganda on presenting vaccines as 'magic bullets' when all they do is switch on the immune system!!

And clearly 'improperly' at that: giving an imperfect response.


Forcing injections of untested un-needed vaccine on little children. Without parental consent or knowledge!!

And so on.

I'm not mad, am I? It is all crazy out there, not me here?

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different corner of the wayback machine; still there as such

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I picked it up a while back from the wayback machine.

It does not fill me with hope for humanity

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Gato, uve been one of most consistent and comprehensively informed professional. The work uve done is admirable. I've been helped immensely by ur reporting. Thank you 😎

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Ditto ... my goto on Twatter until exiled as well.

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You watch. When horrible secondary effects explode among children, the same parents who rushed their kids to the front of the line to get the Covid vaccine will manage to find a way to blame those of us who haven't taken it. They'll say something along the lines of: "The only reason my pookie-pie had to get the vaccine was because filthy anti-vaxxers refused to get it."

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although it defies all logic and laws of nature and biology.....yes i agree.

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The more a statement defies logic, the more shrill the media scream it. And a surprising number of people in the audience believes the gargage they hear. Sigh.

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Tell the parents they need to lobby Congress to lift the liability shield for Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J. Retroactively. Nothing like $$$ being waived in parents' eyes to focus their attention on the real culprits.

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That is exactly what the Branch Covidians will say. Filthy vermin non-believers are at fault, lock them up.

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I would not bet against this happening.

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Yes. They'll blame "capitalism" or Big Pharma or Trump. Anyone but themselves.

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Bad Kitty,

Please look in to sarcomas. I went with a friend to have his shoulder X-rays. She asked if he had been vaccinated cinated for Covid, when and how many shots. She said they were tracking a suspected uptick in these rare soft tissue sarcomas related to the vaccine.

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Sarcomas after vax are mentioned, by some, in 'patient testimonials' on the link below. Also MANY neuro and cardiac issue similarities between the various statements made by the patients themselves. Reading them is really heartbreaking. One said she was a nurse and the radio news in her area reported packed ER and overflowing patients to be admitted due to CV. When she went to ER to be treated for her pain etc, it was empty and she was admitted without waiting. These are tragic stories but the lies being told are infuriating.


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I had to go to the ER a number of times for a number of reasons over the last 2 years and ever since COVID they’ve been almost empty. A large percentage of medical personal 40%? were laid off due to the lockdowns killing business.

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We see vaccine site sarcomas in cats commonly. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I wonder if they biopsied the site, what they would find histologically.

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Low grade means it grows slowly. He was being treated for a suspected torn rotator cuff or something similar. After the shot his shoulder really bothered him at night and the tumor created a bulge that didn’t appear until after the shot. So who knows maybe it stimulated the tumor but maybe not.

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Is it small enough to excise with full margins?

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Yes. It was 10.5cm.

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And it hadn’t gotten inside the bone yet

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thank heaven for that. sarcomas as you know are invasive and insidious.

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They said that it’s low grade but this particular low grade sarcoma is treated as a high grade sarcoma and is closely monitored with CT X-rays of the lungs and MRI’s every 3 months.

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Praying that all will be resolved as this was needless and such a waste.

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thank goodness but still, impressive size.

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Most of the victim 'testimonials' were still being referred to the different specialties, when written, to sort things out. I only saw one follow up.

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My friend had to go in for a triple bypass too and the surgeon said he did not have heart disease although he was a smoker. He had one COVID shot, felt bad from it and decided he would not have anymore. He had been under tremendous pressure by his family and his boss.

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They told him he had also had a heart attack.

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Oh my. A doc even said this to the patient??

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The X-ray technician said they were doing a study at the hospital.

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Is it a US hospital or in what country?

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Thanks. Encouraging that someone, somewhere might not be completely closing their eyes to possible side effects.

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If someone has a neurological/ cardiovascular event and has been vaccinated consider suggesting they get a D-Dimer test. They would ask their physician/surgeon.

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I wonder why it does not include the vaccination for SARS-COV2. Spike protein - which causes the clots - happens in both those who have COVID and those who have been vaxed. I guess this is a start.

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I concur...

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I heard it’s only

Valuable within the first 10 days of getting a shot and afterwards drops. Is that true?

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I actually had to clarify this with my husband. He said there is an acute problem and a more long term problem. Long term: Charles Hoffe: https://humansarefree.com/2021/07/mrna-vaccines-will-kill-most-people-through-heart-failure.html. Then there are circumstances like with Brandon Goodwin. He is the basketball player for the Hawks that got clots in his spinal cord within a month. Or other folks who develop clots shortly after getting jabbed. They should ask for a test if they get shortness of breath and feel really tired. I don't know if there is a cut off time. If you are experiencing symptoms of a blood clot, the test will tell. I think there is a negative d-dimer as well which will rule out embolism.

I think Hoffe treated indigenous folks. I wonder if they have D deficiency. Bet being up in rainy and cloudy BC sure makes you deficient. Anyhoo, I bet there is some smarty out there who knows more.

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I thought I read 7 days?

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Three of our patients undergoing vascular surgery had adverse CV events (2 strokes-one died as a result and 1 MI) post-operatively back when the initial vaccine roll-out started. All had had their vaxx within two weeks of surgery. We, anecdotally, started deferring elective cases until they were at least two weeks past their second injection. Our patient population is elderly with a high number of comorbidities, but the 3 events so close together was definitely an outlier. None in the months since we changed our scheduling practice.

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You have no idea how good it is to hear that. That you noticed and changed things up. I wish they would test ppl for antibodies before injecting. Especially kids. Paying a bit of attention to things up front might save some lives. Thanks for replying.

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The other caveat-it was myself and the other NP for the service who noted and discussed this, and made the decision to do this. None of the four academically-affiliated surgeons had put it together, even though they all knew of the complications. 🤦‍♀️ Only one was willing to consider there may be some association when we raised our concern. Just crazy.

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I wonder why that is. In fact I wonder that a lot! Glad the Nurse Practitioners were listened to.

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Thank you so much, Gato! With every single post you put out, I am that much more grateful that I haven't taken the Vaxx! Shared your posts with all my family!

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Just in case ya haven't seen it: Estimating the number of COVID vaccine deaths in America https://docs.google.com/document/d/1stq2nHFjAcMHhxJhWiXa33wl6x0Ga1qdIxodZnFixRw/edit#

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> (and VAERS is certainly undercounting this, likely on the order of 10-25 to 1 based on some cursory ratio math i ran. if anyone has good numbers on that, would love to see them. some papers claim it gets nearly 25% of events, others more like 1%. both seem extreme to me.)

I wouldn't be surprised if the undercounting is worse now than VAERS reporting pre-pandemic, because there is such a bias now. Doctors are afraid to make reports!

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There's already an under report bias for COVID because most vaccines are for pediatric use and awareness of VAERS is low/none among groups outside pediatrics. There's a hospital whistleblower talked about how she discovered VAERS and nobody in the huge hospital system ever heard of it.. there is no guidance for reporting.. wonderful insight to what the system takes and how corporate retaliated when she began doing VAERS reports for her staff. After hearing this account the notion of single digit % of event reporting seems very realistic.


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that and dont have time and many dont have the brains to recognize the link.

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Yes I think it's a psychological block: denial.

To contemplate the possibility that the cure which has been fanfared from every rooftop for so long could cause harm, the consequences of that being a widespread phenomenon, these concepts are just too scary for cult members to comprehend. The Belgian psychologist Matthias Desmet (excellent interview here https://odysee.com/@pandemicpodcast:c/compliance:2) points out that educated people (Doctors!) are more likely to suffer this psychosis than uneducated people.

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Or refuse to see it even when it’s glaringly obvious. It’s gotta be coincident. 🙄

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no wonder several eu countries have restricted the vaxxes and told younger people to not get them. the youth have too many years of life to be burdened with cardio-pulmonary, and neurology disabilities.....

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except they have not halted Pfizer as if that one was safer than the Moderna shots. Especially for the young and healthy.

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I'm beginning to suspect that Pfizer has some pull that Moderna and Astrazaneca don't.

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Pfizer lobby machine is too strong

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I wonder if they use the same loose association test when connecting “vaccines” to adverse effects that they use when connecting Covid to deaths.

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Appreciate you sifting through all the data. Glad others have found you so the information can be collated. Bien hecho…..

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Safe and Effective™

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yes, and I am a runway model......NOT..

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But you are beautiful on the inside.

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you are too kind, I try but not always successful at that!

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...and don't forget free!

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The criminal genius of leftism is perfectly demonstrated by their use of "free" to describe something that is paid for by gov forcibly stealing the property of one and then providing something to others with the loot, after, of course, taking a nice cut for themselves.

Those that use the term "free" in this way are either Community Organizers™ who know what they are doing or useful idiots who are oblivious.

Leftists have managed to corrupt the word "free" to actually obscure its opposite meaning, enslavement.

And they have somehow convinced millions, perhaps billions, to be true believers in this nonsense.

I despise the left, and will do everything in my power to defeat them, but they must be credited with the orchestrating the most prolonged, successful indoctrination and propaganda campaign in the history of mankind.

It is overcoming the almost uncanny ability of the left to drive masses of people into hysteria and to believe in utter nonsense that is the challenge of our times.

I can't claim to have the answer, but at least I can say I think I may have identified the problem.

My respect and love for felicitous felines has never been higher.

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Right, “free.” Lord knows how many of our tax dollars have been siphoned off to BigPharma for the privilege of murdering, sterilizing, and injuring the population.

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Actually, I can give you a ballpark estimate, having done that on another message a few days ago. Figures are for USA. On average, a dose of the vax costs $40. If the entire populace gets 2 per year, that is 330 million x 2 x 40 = 26.4 Billion (US) dollars per year. In fairness to the corporations, that is gross revenue, so net profit must be somewhat less.

As a percentage of total healthcare spending (drugs), it is only about 7%. Yes, they are making big money off the jabs, but money is not the main driver of the political response.

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Wow, thank you for the calculations! Wonder how much BigPharma has made worldwide and how much of those profits they'll be writing off as tax breaks.

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Scarf Woman said that Trump was responsible for 30-40% of the early CCP Virus deaths. I wonder who is responsible for the current deaths? Trump?

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How about Typhoid Fauci the government virus expert advising Trump?

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And Scarf Queen.

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Sure, why not? Trump is being blamed for Alect Baldwin shooting, so sure, he's responsible for everything bad, nothing good. So says the Cult.

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The endless series of hilarious ironies are among the few upsides of the leftist insanity we are enduring.

Hollywood leftists, who both love to make money on movies where people are armed to the teeth and shooting large numbers of people, and are nevertheless almost universally "gun control" fanatics, prove themselves to be incapable of controlling a single gun.

Because Orange Man Bad™.

Clown World.

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Are you serious? I hadn't heard that angle yet!

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The Dane’s are considering ‘completely shutting down society’ whatever that means, because of the increase in cases. There goes the Danish pipe tobacco and cheese industries.

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I’m sure you’ve seen this old report floating around by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (not associated with Harvard University, to be clear) estimating that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2021/10/26/vaers-admits-fewer-than-1-of-vaccine-adverse-events-are-reported/

Given that this report was published in 2010 (prior to the politicization of vaccination), it is highly likely the underreporting is even more extreme now, especially as medical facilities, physicians, nurses, and other medical practitioners are being pressured not to file VAERS reports, despite that being illegal.

Reiner Fuellmich and his team suspect the actual number of casualties could potentially be in the millions based on the traditional underreporting factors combined with the political pressures not to report.

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i suspect their are issues in using that as a basis for assumption on severe outcomes.

it seems likely that one would be more likely to underreport something like "pain at injection site" or "redness" but more likely to report "paralysis" or "heart attack".

i suspect a number closer to 5% reporting is more likely (or, at least, was). with all the games being played now to discourage and prevent VAERS reports (which are surprisingly hard to file BTW) that may be shifting.

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Agreed, el gato malo. I think the only thing we can know for certain is the VAERS numbers are vastly under-representative, but to what degree, who knows. Even so, the reports that *are* present are enough to trigger every alarm bell on the planet and would have resulted in these injections being pulled off the market within the first month had it been any other non-politicized product for which BigPharma hadn’t secured immunity from liability.

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For vaccine products (in USA) they have had total immunity since at least 1986. I agree with the "alarm bell" comment. I took a shot of the swine flu vaccine back in 1976 nearly to the day it was pulled for side effects. I had no bad reaction. But how times have changed. Back in 1970s, a relatively small number of severe reactions, and pulled. Today, it's clear that those standards no longer apply. My trust in the medical system is dropping by the day.

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And then the suppression / deletion of reports in the database after the fact! There was a whistleblower case about that

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The Harvard Pilgrim study doesn't actually *find* the "fewer than 1%" - it simply states it. I think that it is repeating the claim made in the David Kessler paper (https://www.fda.gov/media/78526/download), which references this study:

"Rhode Island physicians' recognition and reporting of adverse drug reactions" from Scott HD, Rosenbaum SE, Waters WJ et al, in the Rhode Island Medical Journal, 1987 (I haven't found an electronic copy of this.)

There are other studies and surveys showing that AEs are very much underreported to VAERS - I wrote about that here:


When VAERS reports for the Covid-19 vaccines first started coming in, I assumed that there would be LESS underreporting, because all of a sudden everyone is aware of VAERS. But now, after hearing so many accounts of medical professionals being pressured NOT to report, I suspect it's even worse than before.

And that's just AEs and deaths that people might even think to report - what about all of the elderly, for example, who suffer an AE, or die, soon after being vaccinated, but everyone around them thinks it's just the result of existing problems, or of their age? Even if people were reporting 100% of suspected vax injury to VAERS, it still would not capture the full damage being done here.

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Good points and thanks for the links, Bretigne.

Can you believe with all the raised awareness about VAERS, there are still some medical professionals who don’t even know what it is?! I saw a video where a nurse was talking about how, after a patient “expired” following the injection, she asked the doctor if he was going to file a VAERS report. He asked, “What’s VAERS?”

And we wonder how so many doctors could have been so bamboozled 🤦‍♀️

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Great to see you on this board.

I sure do miss reading your dad.

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Thank you! I do too! : (

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why the delay between these events and the vaccine?

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it may be a reporting lag.

or might take time to manifest.

also note that mid april was peak dose administration in the US.

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I like the “time to manifest’ issues. Take the chicken pox virus as an example. It may take 30 to 50 years to raise it’s ugly ass head as Shingles. Who knows what this mRNA manipulations can cause or will cause in the future. I know that sometimes RFK Jr. can be a whacko when it comes to child vaccinations, but he may be on to something with the Wuhan shots.

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He has been an advocate for vax-injured families from the beginning. The liberal media/CDC mafia has done a superb job of discrediting him. If you care to read about the history of vaccines and injuries and how they skyrocketed as soon as the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was signed in 1986, please check out J.B. Handley's How to End the Autism Epidemic (2018). An eye-opener for anyone questioning the current level of corruption apparent with the C19 shots.

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The rise of autism has been astonishing. The only other variable that could cause something like that would be environmental/diet. Of course the "establishment" just trots out the line "that was debunked" and admittedly I used to trust them a lot more than I do now. Question everything because what these charlatans have done to society is unforgivable. It is evil of the highest order.

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Yes, but not let's forget that woman are having children progressively later in life as age of marriage is increasing. Lots of woman having kids around their 40's.

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Look at the data, please. The majority of women (regardless of maternal age) give birth to healthy babies. These kiddos on the regular CDC schedule start exhibiting behaviors or having health issues as their vaccinations accumulate. By the time they reach their 18-month to 24-month scheduled vaccines, their autistic behaviors are very apparent. Dr. Paul Thomas commissioned a study of his pediatric practice of about 10,000 patients (ranging from fully vaxxed to unvaxxed) and found that aluminum plays a big role in developmental disorders and other health problems in children. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31846784/

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Some of it may be due to physician reluctance to associate the harms with the vaccines, which lowers after the physician in question starts to see more of the same events. That was the experience described by Kyle Warner in his John Campbell interview last week - third time he went back to the doctor for myocarditis, the doctor acknowledged the likely relationship due to seeing it in many other patients. So, after the doctors stop being closed-minded idiots the reactions are more likely to get into VAERS.

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Apologies for adding the same link twice but this hospital whistleblower strongly suggests very few are aware of VAERS and the process is technical, laborious and includes followup calls for every event reported. Most awful the input won't save a partial submission so if you have to step away during aprox 30min to complete the form, you lose all the input & must begin again. How many ER docs can do that?


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Yes, I've watched that - but for those that can make the time, there is an additional buffer in willing to even consider a causal relationship, which potentially explains the "time lag."

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Medicine is very stubborn in accepting new data. Just read about Dr. Semmelweis and how long his simple suggestion that medics wash their hands between patients took to become accepted routine. Now, to be fair, in a discipline that is supposed to be governed by the scientific method, it is actually good to advance cautiously, demanding proof when a claim is made. But a lot of that has gone by the wayside, especially with the mRNA products all in the name of some "emergency." Apparently that alone justifies ignoring traditional procedures and standards. Welcome to postmodern "health care" where politics, not true science, drives policy. This is of course incredibly dangerous. We are seeming that now, as we debate here, with the ever-more-obvious dangers of the vaxes and yet the mandates continue to expand.

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Once you're in the field you ought to be able to tell the difference between noise and signal without even trying. I think the issue less about classic scientific hubris and more that doctors are "tier 2 support" at this point - their job has turned into bouncing back what the front line tells them, until repeat exposure.

I did tier 1 support for an Apple product in exactly such an environment. One day a totally novel signal appeared out of nowhere. It was on the top of the issue tracker 12 days later because I manipulated my own reporting. 1000's of other votes within the week. That's how you avoid a 3 month lag.

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toolate - my sense is that there are a number of acute events (teenage myocarditis being one of these) that occur in a predictable timetable (4 days after 2nd dose, for example).

But if the heart or blood vessels are damaged by the spike (or some other aspect of the vaccine), then time to event will vary based on the underlying health of the person. That means it really could happen anytime. Ticking time bombs.

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I read an article postulating that one reason may be where the vaccine landed when shot in. Like muscle for slow release or accidental blood for quick release. So they should consider aspirating when shooting. Also there is some curiosity about killer and helper t cells.

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so the peak of vaccinations in the US was April 15 and it fall rapidly after that that peak seems to coincide with the origin of the uptick in the graph above

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yes. that dr John Campbell on Youtube swears it should be compulsory to aspirate when giving the injection

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Tonight at our favorite restaurant when I went up to get my frozen custard, the only employee in the place who was wearing a face diaper took my order. I asked him if he liked wearing it and he said he'd had a heart attack earlier in the year (I'd be surprised if he's 35) and his doctor told him he should keep wearing it. I said, "he doesn't read mask studies does he?" Then I asked when he'd had his heart attack and told him he looked way too young for that, were there other issues? No. Then I asked if he'd gotten the jab before his heart attack. I had to repeat the question and he said, "yeah, a long time ago." I said, "you know there are cardiac adverse effects, right?" He REALLY, REALLY didn't want to continue that conversation. I'm not living by lies and I have no qualms about throwing facts in people's faces. I wonder if I'll ever get over how underinformed people are.

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How do you input data into the VAERS system if the vaccine killed you? Now that is trick I want to see.

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I’m sure it’s not the vax. 100% sure it’s due to the excess of PFrench PFries!

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You have hospital and ER attendances in England. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-ambulance-syndromic-surveillance-weekly-bulletins-2021 and https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/emergency-department-weekly-bulletins-for-2021. What I find strange is that hospital call outs for cardiac arrest are way above normal but ER attendances are below. Are they not making it to the hospital?

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Has anyone looked at this for Australia? The % vaccinated is approaching a very high number and discussion of the situation here is noticeably absent from these intellectual spaces. I am extremely appreciative of your work fellow gato!

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In Australia under reporting is massive, I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but the reports on DAEN have ~60,000 cases and ~600 deaths (of which the TGA claims only 9 are directly related to the injections but they aren't willing to explain their reasoning behind that. Try and find the video of them in senate estimates this week to get an idea of the attitude in the agency, it's on one of the Qld Senator's farcebook page).

I personally think that the Australian numbers are lower than the 1% reporting level that has been determined by previous studies of the VAERS database, as GPs, the TGA and the governments in general are actively working to suppress this.

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bueno reporting! is there any data that shows how long post-jab these are happening? since NZ, is behind most of the world, i'm wondering at what point the nz govt won't be able to cover things up, although it already doesn't look good here. i'm not pro or anti vax, just pro informed consent which is not to be seen anywhere here.

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i'm not much for long form audio/video.

is there a transcript or a good summary somewhere?


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I’m a podcast nut. So cutting grass, working in the garage, driving to and from: a pod cast is always playing. Radio is not a form of entertainment for me.

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Also, the commercial ad right at the start made me click out of the podcast immediately.

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Unfortunately not that I am aware.

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Attkisson is definitely an anti-vaxxer even prior to covid.

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The term "anti-vax" is a pharma smear. If you're critical of a drug like Vioxx or opioids nobody calls you anti-Rx. All vaccines are not created equal & the 5 shots we Boomers got was 12 for my Millennial kids now CDC schedule for my grandson is 72. Are our kids healthier? Some of these like Gardasil are pure frauds with deadly risks. Anyone who does deep research into pharma will appalled by some of their products and practices.. it's not anti-vax it's anti-corp immunity and dying for profits.

Scan the vax schedules please ->


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Exactly! Any parent who questions the current CDC schedule is instantly attacked as anti-vaxxer. Absurd. All one has to do is look at the rise in allergies (peanut, for example), developmental delays, autism, etc. People need to start reading the pharma inserts for each one of these vaccines: encephalitis, auditory processing issues, Guillain-Barre, and worse. Other countries have a slower schedule with less vaccines. Or have separated vaccines like the MMR (Japan did this) to reduce the risk of vax injury. By the end of this corruption "episode" in our history, I hope/pray that the CDC will be dismantled and a brand new independent agency is created to monitor safety of vaccines. Also, the 1986 Act exempting all pharma from liability must be revoked. Let's see what happens in the next 12 months.

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Also Pamela from my reading of testimonies of girl's injured from Gardasil the adverse events with the wu flu shot seem to match up. Also the initial insistence that the child see a therapist because it's all in her head.

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Holy Moly! 72?!?! That's insane.

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She is not anti-vaxx per se but the only mainstream journalist who understands the controversy and has done her research. The government has known since 2006 that the flu shot is worthless for old people, so they added it to the childhood schedule to protect grandma.

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Funeral director speaks out https://youtu.be/LIWul_nbMu8

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Thanks for all your posts! 🖤

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Hey el gato, great work on your reporting and analysis of data. As a community, one thing that I think hasn't been looked at enough is the safety of the J&J vaccine specifically.

The basis of the safety of these vaccines is how well they stay in your arm versus entering your bloodstream, and the Pfizer lab animal biodistribution study is enough to be cause for concern. I've also seen some discussions about the make-up of the Pfizer liquid nanoparticle that makes it durable in the body and able to transverse the blood vessel cell walls. And we're seeing data to support that hypothesis.

But what about the J&J vaccine? It's RNA based as well but delivered through an adenovirus. Is there a hypothesis and data too support J&J entering the bloodstream as well? There were initial concerns about bloodclotting (which the Pfizer did as well but with little fanfare) but it's not clear to me whether that may be due to the J&J having the ability to enter the bloodstream or whether those were inadvertent intravenous injections.

I think more examination of the J&J vaccine would be of great benefit for those being forced to vaccine to keep their jobs and deciding to comply for whatever reasons (whether be to support their family or otherwise).

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Thanks for all your hard work but PLEASE use a capital letter at the start of a sentence. It would add more gravitas to your writing.

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@KBirb isn't a real Twatter handle

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We can still influence the CDC’s ACIP committee, please comment! https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/tell-the-cdc-no/

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Has the incidence of blood clots gone up for those who haven't had the covid shot? Wondering about results of shedding.

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Does any one know of datasets that track cardio, neuro and immunological events in the population at large? Is it possible to track if these are on the rise post-vaxx deployment?

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I'm wondering if there are Medicare statistics available via FOIA

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Dr. Rollergator estimated the VAERS data to be an underestimate by a factor of 5.

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Steve Kirsch had a number of about 40x. I suspect the truth is somewhere in between - 10-25 is likely in the right neighborhood.

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Steve has pretty good arguments and is closest to real URF, https://www.skirsch.com/covid/URF.pdf

#1 https://digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf RF~<1%

#2 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2777417 RF ~1-4%

#3 is Pfizer study itself and i.e. Bell's palsy incidence 1 in 5000 compare that to VAERS https://openvaers.com/covid-data it gets to RF~5-10%

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