But Lord Catness, we are still ignoring the most important thing - Nicky Minaj was fucking right.

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In other news Pfizer is developing a drug for men with low sperm counts.

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"We have data that shows the vaccines continue to fulfill their purpose up to six months after they are administered."

"You mean providing immunity to SARS-CoV-2 right?


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Sweet Jesus 😳

I remember reading the FDA and Gov't of Canada approvals saying no studies were done on fertility

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OMG! I feels like all the "conspiracies" keep coming true. My mind has gone down this path for awhile:

What if - the virus kills a certain %, the Covid shots kill a certain %, reduce the life span (say 10-15 years) of a certain %, and reduce fertility a certain %? We could end up with quite a bit smaller population by 2030.

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

It’s just still so mind boggling to me that people are still trying to explain away all the red flags and insist that they’re “safe and effective”.

I cannot imagine being a parent who gives their kids these shots and then finding out years later, they cannot have children. How heartbreaking for those kids.

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"to serve man........"

poached or boiled....?

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Pfizer and the New World Order Depopulation Agenda: Anti-Sperm Antibody Is One of the "Adverse Events of Special Interest" Found in the Secret Pfizer Document

“The earth has cancer and the cancer is man” - Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point


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No amount of dysmenorrhea or cast shedding or miscarriage or stillbirth of affected women could penetrate (pun intended) the state/pharma narrative, but one peep about sperm and some heretofore unwilling to see the truth of the jabs (and pharma’s falsified trials) might just sit up and take notice.

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When I talked to my doctor back in April for our one month follow-up and she asked me why I hadn't gotten the Covid Vaccine. I gave her a number of answers.

1. The vaccines don't stop infection or transmission.

2. They haven't been widely tested for side effects.

3. I've already had Covid twice, so why do I need to be vaccinated for a disease I've already had?

4. The vaccine appears to not stay localized and is more system wide and no one has any idea of what it is doing to us because (see answer #2).

The doctor's response to the "localized" issue was that of course the vaccine would not be localized. She thought I was talking crazy when I mentioned that, and yet I had heard it more than a few times that the vaccine would stay local to the area in which it was intended to affect.

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I'm sure it's another symptom of "long covid". Like women having miscarriages or stillborns, irregular and heavy periods, menopausal women starting periods again, etc.. When will the madness end?!

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It was pretty much a given the payload would reach all parts of the body due to the lipid nanoparticle envelope.

FFS, people were saying that in summer 2020.

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

Spike highly inflammatory, travels everywhere. Main organ is ovaries in women. It would have been foolish to think the testes would be spared. Now we know. More decoding of smoke signals by Ran.

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When Dr Bryam Bridle brought up the Japanese study and concentration of spike in the ovaries and testes, he was quickly classified as a veterinarian quack. The bastards even registered his own name as a domain mere days after he went public with his findings. Completely designed to discredit him including a picture of a Mallard Duck. Subtle and not even funny. https://byrambridle.com/

They also put a disclaimer at the bottom of the site saying you should always register your own name as a domain.

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How to lie with statistics....the following are all ways to measure the average:

Mean - add then divide, mathematical average

Median - middle

Mode - most often

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Could be why 'they' are normalizing transgenders. Somehow they know that the population going forward will have hormone levels impacted. Especially when they start on the babies.

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