I honestly try not to fall into the “this is intentional” but it’s getting harder and harder

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"it was intentional" -narrator

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Conspiracy theory: what if they planned for covid to be much more dangerous (initial WHO guess was 2%-4% mortality), but it turned out that the human immune system is a miracle in and of itself and can fend off even the best engineered viruses. So they had to pressure everyone to get the jabs to achieve their population goals.

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A deadly virus is an unsuccessful virus. It does not spread because it kills its victims and doesn’t create an epidemic, much less a “pandemic.” The virus was created to be exactly what it was--contagious but not deadly. Fear mongering, medical malpractice, and the misuse of the PCR as the supposed gold standard test to create cases that were not verified to be sick people were weapons to force uptake of the vaccines as well as the other devastating measures like lockdowns, masking and social distancing. The planning was perfect. It is a giant con job. And as usual, convincing the victims that they fell for a con is very difficult. Nobody likes to admit to being fooled.

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I think we can stop worrying about those who can't quite face reality just yet.

The train is rollin' and there's plenty of us on it, who continue to shout the truth from the windows, and who can provide the evidence...

FREEDOM is coming, and it's gonna be a lot of HARD WORK, but the BEST kind of work we've seen in a long, long time.

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Yep. I have been called a conspiracy theorist many times, but again I haven't been shown to be wrong on anything (except catching covid more than once), so I really don't care.

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I’ve been shouting the truth since 2020. There’s nothing stopping them!

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One of the best short synopsis of our current situations I’ve read, Candyce!

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The black death was pretty good a spreading. I know, not a virus. Smallpox was also quite deadly and good at spreading.

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The health of the host is the important factor. Smallpox spreads when living conditions and nutrition are abysmal. That’s why our corporate overlords are destroying food production and distribution, water treatment and housing. Flooding us with dirty electricity, neurotoxins and endocrine disruptors. And insisting we become vegans to “save the planet.”

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They could never have pulled this off 20 years ago, because our diet was better & we were less divided & the internet was much less of a distraction & the family unit was stronger. People would have been much harder to hypnotize & convince to stay home without Netflix & Insta-Delivery & online learning & remote jobs.

Dare I say, this was Trump's main purpose, to divide the country, and he performed the role beautifully. I also reckon the whole metoo cancelculture thing was brought about in order to censor doctors & scientists who objected to the narrative.

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I have an actually crazy theory-the first strain was more deadly, and took hold in December 2019. We don’t have any samples of that actual virus. It had high case fatality. Initial reports were 3-7% CFR. Then a more mild version was released by China’s government, our Covid A, and a genetic sequence published. This was more contagious and less deadly, and served to inoculate, by contagion, many people from the worse virus. By analogy, it is like setting a back fire to stop a forest fire. Why think this crazy idea is true? Early Wuhan strain genetics were uploaded to the global database and subsequently delegated. Wuhan A is from a prior lineage, and has a much lower CFR.

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I seriously doubt that China did jack. There's yet another example of the US doing some nasty thing and then pointing a finger at someone else... kind of like the "gassing his own people" thing in Syria they tried to pin on al-Assad. I think the US military did the "release", if that's what it was and not 5G... The US has a lab in Wuhan, and they had soldiers from Ft. Dietrich there at the time, and they had bio-weapons being created at Ft. Dietrich for years, among many other locales. And again, Wuhan had a lot of 5G towers going up just then.. Click, click, click.

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University of Chapel Hill, NC led by Ralph Beric

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This is one of my "Exhibit A" research papers: Baric et al at UNC. What's described could be described as a prototype for whatever got loose in late 2019:


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Yep, there, too.

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Oregonian: Interesting. I've toyed with a different crazy theory that might or might not mesh with yours. Early on, I think about late February of 2020, I was reading an article, possibly on the WHO site, by a Chinese team. They reported that there were actually two varieties of covid recognized in China at the time: an L strain; and an S strain. The L strain was more common, more contagious, more virulent, and more "highly evolved". It killed a higher proportion of people, but it was actually declining in relation to S, because it tended to put people down before they could transmit it. The S strain was more primitive, with less modified spike proteins, and closer to that of the original bat virus. It didn't necessarily make people sick, so it was spreading more effectively by stealth.

I read "more highly evolved" as "genetically modified", and expected to hear lots more about the L and the S strains going forward. But I've never heard anything about them since, on either side of the debate. However, I have heard the argument that the virus doesn't exist, because we've never isolated it.

Is it possible that the virus has never been isolated (purified, to be able to look at it), not because it doesn't exist, but because we have more than one significantly different strain in play, both or all of which are invested in the narrative as the official SARS-Cov-2 virus? Perhaps that more deadly early strain you mention was the L variant, and the later, less deadly Covid A strain was the S variant? If so, might someone be trying to memory-hole a genetically engineered strain that was deadly by replacing it with the basal bat virus which is not so deadly, while still keeping everybody under control based on the deadly reputation of the first? Keeping us focused on a single named virus when there are actually two different ones would be necessary to maintain strategically leverageable confusion. In that case, they wouldn't want anyone looking at the virus itself too closely.

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I remember reading that, very little was made of it. One strain was like a live attenuated vaccine essentially.

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Your speculations sound possible, but probable? As somebody already said, a virus that's too deadly will quickly burn itself out. A truly "successful" virus is one that doesn't kill the host and is most likely to pass on baby viruses to other victims, or simply remain dormant in a host (It's my understanding that a normal human has dozens of such viruses in his body; usually they cause no harm unless the immune system is weakened for some reason.) Simple evolution theory would tend to select for less deadly mutations. I'm not sure how rapidly that would happen, but it's certainly an important factor in a pandemic and the mutation of a virus.

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Yes, and of course I'm just tossing the hypothesis out there. My knowledge of that time isn't as detailed as I would wish, but I'm sure I read that article, and that it was outstanding compared to the usual fare. I was hoping someone else would remember something about the L and the S strains of covid, and add to the bit that I think I remember.

I agree with you that viral evolution should generally trend, by natural selection, to "more contagious and less virulent", for the reason you raise, though that wasn't so much a consideration on our minds at the time. But the gradual displacement of L by S, even though L was said to be more contagious, illustrated the principle even then, before Delta and Omicron.

But this fact also ties into the question of the origin of the virus. The fact that S was the more primitive one, closer to the original bat virus, yet nevertheless outcompeting L, the more "highly evolved" strain, suggests strongly that "more-highly evolved" was a euphemism they used in dangerous political waters, for "genetically engineered". To change S to L in the first place, supposing a natural origin, we would need to imagine a plausible pathway for natural selection to run it that way, even though in fact it was driving it the other way at the time of observation. The alternative is that L was the result of intelligent design.

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Thanks for sharing those! I'm not up on lab techniques enough to follow either side of the argument very well, but appreciate how they speak, especially Dr. Kaufman. I'll have to think about it for a while.

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Oh, and on the second one, click on the little gear icon bottom right and speed up the video-- I put it on the next higher speed-- because it's quite slow, and also kinda longish.

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Your speculation is very interesting. China's behavior early on was very much a "tell," but of what? In my opinion, embarrassment and "saving face" explains most of their actions. It need not have been an illegal military virus; they just wanted to erase any evidence that the latest bug from WIV had escaped because somebody fucked up. If you read about the earlier SARS and MERS, they had quite high CFR* too. But even the "academic" stuff that labs worked on and published about may have been quite virulent; they were not supposed to get loose, at least in theory.

*CFR and similar is one of those metrics you must be cautious about. What does that mean? It means the rate is OF KNOWN CASES!!! It's possible, and I would assert even highly probable, that for a disease like SARS, the true fatality rate is much, much lower. Just as with our currently tame Omicron variant, the majority of cases were probably relatively mild and were never seen by a medical professional and thus not tabulated. This is only one example of why one must be a skeptic and "de-program" oneself for a lot of the lurid claims in the media.

Ron Unz, for one, writes that Covid-19 was a covert bio-warfare attack, perhaps by rogue US "neocons," against China. While it's certainly possible, I discount it as being overly complex. Accidental lab release is much more probable. Or, for that matter, a deliberate release of a relatively mild bug.

But relevant to the reports of serious fatalities early in the game, Ron Unz's conjectures are very tantalizing, especially so the claim that the March 2020 outbreaks in Iran were a covert bio-war attack, again, presumably by US interests.

Of course, there is damned little proof of any of this one way or the other. In fact, it's rather amusing that Ron apparently gives credence to various news reports of supposed "intelligence leaks" that, of course, support his claims. Yet some people in the voluminous replies to such articles point out that his news reports should not be given any more weight than other reports that, for example, support the lab leak hypothesis, which he generally opposes. Pot calling kettle black assed, methinks!

Here's a link, and there's many more on his web site, which is so controversial most social media forbids any links to it. Unz.com is a strange egg: Wealthy American Jew of European ancestry, hosts a web site rich in antisemitic articles, among many other radioactive topics. He's written extensively on the Covid-19 pandemic, yet claims to be vaxxed, trusts them, and holds no opinion on the various anti-vaxxer conspiracy claims.

Nonetheless, he allows dissent by his contributors and in comments. Particularly taking into account the seeming contradictions, only two of which I just cited, it's within the realm of possibility that he is some type of a plant (e.g. a covert operative and/or collecting data for intelligence agencies.) Even if that's true, the diverse articles are often polemic and even if some of them are lies (as I believe is the case), they are definitely food for thought and alternative views of complex issues. Most definitely NOT stuff you will read on "acceptable" social media. Peek at your own risk. So there you have it: at best, alternative views on many hot topics perhaps, with optional secret government file started on you.


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It's often difficult to decipher who is talking to who on SS...

I'll just throw this into the mosh pit: SARS COV-II is patented. To me, that is a very clear indication that it is a bio-weapon. There are many, many ways to "loose" things that shouldn't be loose at all. It's very interesting to me to know that the symptoms of Covid are the same symptoms as EMF poisoning. That said, it's also interesting to know that in those long-stemmed swabs, in the blue paper masks, and in at least some of the jabs, is a metallic substance known as "graphene." It has been shown that when graphene is "activated" inside the body using an EMF (electro-magnetic field), and I don't know if the strength of that field makes a difference or not, but the activation causes the graphene (and perhaps also aluminum, mercury, and/or other metals found in "vaccines") to react in such a way as to sort of assemble into formations that basically shred the insides of the blood vessels... if I understand it correctly. I'm not sure, either, if this action would cause the clotting that is going on all over everywhere, too... I forget the smaller details sometimes... If I don't have it right, it's still something very unhealthy that is being deliberately made to happen to people. And regardless of whether we are exposed to EMF's (you have to work hard to avoid them entirely), heavy metals in our bodies is not a good thing. We've known for a long time that aluminum and mercury, for example, are toxic when inside of us. And yet, STILL we find both of these substances in "vaccines" and not just the Covid jabs...

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I remember about 10 years ago, talking to some random person online. He said the reason for chemtrails in sky & GMO foods & mandated vaccines & antidepressants & fluoridated water & weather modification & aluminum in deodorant, etc, was all part of a coordinated effort to "advance" the human race.

He didn't say the word back then-- & I wouldn't have understood it if he did-- but he was describing transhumanism. Duh.

I kept asking, but WHY? Why poison our water? Why spray chemicals in the air? Why not just kill us all & be done with it?

He said I was missing the bigger picture. They want/need us (afterall, we are their cattle/property/slave labor) -- but they are trying to gradually upgrade the human form, so that they can completely control us & destroy free will.

And they must do that secretly, and gradually, over generations, so no one catches on to the biological drift.

He said they will teach our kids not to think or ask questions and they will wear down their curiosity & independent spirit, until they finally submit to the system, and conform just like all their peers.

His main point was that various metals were deliberately being leeched into our bodies & they were VERY hard to remove once settled, esp in the brain. And their existence in our biology made us more complacent, and thus, we would unknowingly consent to this human "enhancement".

He said once the metals are in place, they will form some sort of infrastructure that will be able to recieve signals, and block out our own thoughts, and eventually be able to influence, then control, our own behavior.

So it has been quite a trip for me to see these amyloid fibrils & blood clot scaffolds from post mortems. Supposedly the GO is what causes the internal vibrations/tremors inside the body? Or perhaps its the EMF activating the GO's, which could basically be the assembling of the clot that the patient is feeling inside of them. It's truly disturbing. BTW, I heard Magnesium & NAC are supposed to help reduce the internal vibrations & the clots.

*pinches self*

I can't even believe we are having this conversation.

"What a time to be alive."

We are all watching in horror as this shit unfolds.

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The initial CFR were bogus. They were 3-7% true. And those were true. But the seasonal flu also has a 6% CFR if all you look at is those who end up in the hospital. They extrapolate way out assuming millions have the seasonal flu and some even go to the doctor. The hospitalized deaths were similar to a cold or flu. They didn’t extrapolate many more having had it.

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Ethical Skeptic does a lot of digging in that sort of area on Twitter (I can't follow him there now as my accounts are locked and I won't give them my phone number). His posts are kind of hard to follow though.

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I have thought the same

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But they were ready with the jabs, and had patents on lots of things for more than a decade before...Bioweapons are clearly complex and multifaceted.

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I've always marveled that they were able to create a "vaccine template" in48 hours (for lack of a better term), yet have never been able to replicate that parlor trick in all the variants that followed. This implies planning from the start.

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There is already a mRNA jab based on Omicron that they are seeking to get approved.

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Always have a backup plan! (vaccines)

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The "vaccines," better known as a Genocide Delivery System, were NOT a "backup plan," but rather THE MAIN EVENT to get this bigger project underway, and continuing, as we're seeing now, for YEARS.

The "backup plan" would be something more like burning our food supply...

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You know, it is awful funny that I never heard ONE WORD about these vaccines in all the years I worked in preclinical pharmaceutical research. Then, all of a sudden, we have several vaccines rolled out and ready to go? Something's not right here.

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To some extent that's true, but you must keep in mind these viruses (SARS and related) were known since about 2002 and there was prior research for vaccines. I'm not sure if mRNA specifically. Leaving aside the more paranoid conspiracy theories for the moment, one of the claimed benefits of the mRNA platform is that changes can be rapidly made, much faster than with older vaccine methods. In fact, the faster out-the-door feature is one of the touted benefits of "Future Framework," which if I understand correctly, also relaxes testing standards if a new product is substantially similar to an already approved one.

Of course, whether or not the mRNA is a safe or even effective product is open to doubt (at least here!) I don't doubt it offers much promise for health uses, but being conservative, I'd prefer to see several years of proof of safety data. Alas, as we know, it seems that the powers that be are going in quite the opposite direction, covering up. "Nothing to see here, folks! Move along!" is not exactly conducive to confidence in a product.

Also, let's not get too hung up on biological warfare. Genetic research, viruses, and the like are dual-use technology. The virus doesn't care whether it's intended for killing people, plunging an economy into chaos, or simply an academic project for somebody's research paper. Yes, some intents are "evil" while others are "good." My point is that the technology and the virus are tools that lack agency. On their own, they can't be "good" or "evil" any more than the knife in your kitchen drawer could be, even though that knife would serve equally well for slitting someone's throat as it would for slicing tomatoes.

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Um... "conspiracy theories"? Really??

I think biological warfare is a HUGE issue, since DARPA and Fauci, et al, and surely plenty of others, have been working on bio-weapons since at LEAST the 2000's. The mRNA, however, has not been used until now, hence the outcry when this fake "vaccine" was on "warp speed." Any vaccine takes YEARS to develop and properly test for safety. The only time an mRNA has been used, on animals, all the animals died. So this is a giant experiment at BEST, and it could well be seen as a deliberate form of genocide, and there is a lot of evidence for the latter.

The very idea that a "virus" even exists in the way we've been trained to think about it is very questionable, since the process used to "isolate" a virus is laughable, when it's explained.


I am HIGHLY skeptical of what we are being told as opposed to what the evidence, lots of it, is showing us. We are seeing a die-off, and there is also a LOT of evidence about just why. Hint: Very high overall death rates suddenly began a few months after the inoculations (NOT a "vaccine") began in 2021, and appear now to be escalating.

You sound very confident when you say,

"My point is that the technology and the virus are tools that lack agency. On their own, they can't be "good" or "evil" any more than the knife in your kitchen drawer could be..."

Okay, give us some evidence. I will if you will.

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A more apt comparison is a gun. It lacks agency. Where your analogy falls apart is the gun lacks agency but when it has shot a couple of rounds into you, plus a booster shot for good effect, agency of the gun is immaterial. The gun handler has the agency we can judge. Also; a poison is a poison. Saying it lacks agency is not relevant. It never is neutral, ever, if it can only do harm.

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The answer for delta variant which caused the panic was fueled by confabulating people dying with Covid not of Covid by CDC statistics and was Increased by doctors telling patients to go home take aspirin and go to the ER when pO2 drops for Intubation oxygen and remdesiver $$$ a totally worthless toxic drug. This answer was better addressed by the Barrington declaration to protect the elderly and most vulnerable outrageously openly suppressed by Fauci and CDC Director (FOIA strikes again) and Governors like Coumo. Very early at first symptom antiviral therapy Such as HCQ and ivermectin might have mitigated the deaths we will never know. Lancet study was a perfect example of deliberate design even fraud of clinical trials results and prostitution of science to Political ideology. Now we know about fluvoxamine which works better than Paxlovid but definitely less lucrative. This started out with priorities in the wrong place by the very people we pay to protect us and who have been preparing for many years for the coronavirus pandemic. Worse yet the same people are doubling down and hope to continue with monkey Bucks .... er I meant pox of course🥶

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I’m sure they’re spraying it on the population -there’s no way this thing spreads over the entire world that quickly.

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This made me cry! I had seen similar ones but not the Chinese in Italy. I love Italians!

<3 I had planned to do this on the corner of the street where I live, but never did.

I did participate in a protest in downtown Miami. I made signs and handed them out.

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I have other even more suspicious looking clips I found on 4chan, if I could only upload them here. The lack of censorship there makes it both a shit hole and a goldmine at the same time.

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It's a bioweapon manufactured in China, so has the associated quality control issues.

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Manufactured right here in Chapel Hill, NC!

Exported to China.

I believe they are spraying this on people. Wuhan is a scapegoat. Nothing spreads like that naturally.

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If you quit worrying that other people might call you a "conspiracy theorist," it gets easier.

Sticks and stones....

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Conspiracy theorist = researcher.

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Conspiracy Analyst...

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Love that! I'll be borrowing that.

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And, Complicity Theorist...

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Love it!

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Conspiracy theorist = critical thinker

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Indeed. And while sticks and stones might hurt a bit, when thrown by the blind, it's not usually too hard to dodge...

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It takes a lot of mental gymnastics to be a coincidence theorist at this point.

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Proudly proclaim “plot spoiler”, Tom 🤣

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I sadly realized that last august. I tell you after that lightbulb moment I was an utter mess for several months. Everything I believed in was blown to smithereens. I had to go to God for my center and support.

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Our own spirituality will keep us sane. Avoidance of a situation through drugs and alcohol never works. The concept of impermanence has really helped me. The fact that no storm lasts forever always gives me hope.

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I have noticed that the least spiritual are the most likely to believe the nonsense

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That has been helpful as well now. I know that what I see, feel and think on one day or longer will change eventually—and usually for the better or the emotion softens and creates less pain or anxiety. I thank God for that built in ability.

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What a great description of being "deprogrammed"!!!! That reaction is EXACTLY why so many people simply refuse to accept the truth. Thank you !! And bless your heart! xo

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I realized it in 2020, but the same thing happened to me as you Janet. Then I started digging and digging and the more I learned about the history of this country and what it has done to it citizens and other countries, the more I became distraught!

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Which is a vicious cycle, because waking up to the truth makes it harder for us to get along with the normies. Esp when we were already struggling to "go along to get along" with friends and family. Or find meaningful employment.

Some days I have to remind myself:

- Just act like you belong.

- Don't say anything weird.

- Just play dumb.

- Try to fit in.

I was getting in too many heated conversations with my loved ones, just trying to share with them all the disturbing things I had learned.

There is a time and place for debate, and not everyone is open minded enough to bother engaging with.

I have had to come to terms with the fact that my loved ones prefer to live in willful ignorance, and as much as it saddens me to see them line up for more jabs, I have to respect their decision.

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I agree about the willful ignorance but refuse to play dumb, try to fit in. It would not work and I will not betray myself that way.

I’ve always been an independent thinker, not a herd follower. When the herd is going in one direction, I’m usually going in the opposite direction! People know me as such.

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I'm curious as to how the possibility the virus was man made got the moniker 'lab-leak theory' which in it presumes it was accidental. Nice fall back position which smuggles in an assumption of innocence.

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Lab-leak story, gain of function story, wet markets, experimental vaccines… all designed to get those taking an interest marching down cul-de-sacs distracted from the main feature - it was a fake pandemic.

A real pandemic caused by a fast spreading, dangerous virus affecting all ages would have resulted in tens of millions of sick people in January to March 2020. Not necessarily hospital cases but housebound cases too sick to go to work, school, shops, etc with the concomitant effect on economic and day to day activity.

There was an obvious absence of these sick people, and day to day life and economies carried on as normal… until lockdown. This was quickly introduced to produce exactly the results a true pandemic would produce, and distract everyone from the absence of sick people but feed us a daily diet of the thousands of ‘cases’ and hospitalisations and deaths and computer modelling of how much worse it would be if we did not do as we were told.

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I knew no one who had it for months and months. Just some hearsay accounts. No one close to me or acquaintances. Not until the jabs did some cases show up and it was increased during omicron in jabbed snd boosted people around me. I had a mild case in January 2021. Healthy since.

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I knew quite a few people who were sick w/ a mystery illness in Fall-Winter 2019. In Feb 2020 I had ~3 weeks of what I assumed was a bad bronchitis. Didn’t see a doctor, just rode it out. I believe the “virus” was here by summer 2019 & there was an article about a mystery illness @ Ft Dietrich as well as @ least 1 nursing home not far from there

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From the beginning I was trying to catch the virus to help with herd immunity. It took me almost 20 months and an infected vaccinated friend.

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I had the 1st round in Feb 2020 & then pretty bad pneumonia (not hospitalized but on home 02 for a couple weeks) Dec 2021-Jan 2022 for a solid month. Feeling bulletproof now!

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I recall reading that the WHO changed the definition of pandemic ten years or so ago to exclude the traditional part about “bodies everywhere stacked like cordwood.”

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And changed the definition of vaccine from producing immunity to a specific disease, to having an effect on the immune system. So that’s just about anything other than saline solution.

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Read this article to see how yogurt qualifies as a vaccine. Did you have your yogurt today? Well, then your vaccinated! Author is an anti narrative Canadian professor of virology and immunology.


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And when did we all vote to remove the 1st Amendment from the Constitution?

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And while we were all cowering in our houses, the installation of many, many, many 5G towers was going on.

Interestingly enough, the symptoms of radiation poisoning, in gradual degree to severity, WiFi, 3G, 4G, 5G, etc, are the SAME as "Covid."

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Yes, but if you already had a frame work in place that would spring into action in the event of a pandemic, what would be an ideal virus? How about a scary sounding one like SARS-CoV-2, related to the relatively severe SARS and MERS from years prior? If you were going to deliberately seed a pandemic, you could not pick a better candidate. While its actual fatality rate was very low, it was fast-spreading, had obvious symptoms, and the already-captured media, WHO, CDC, FA etc. were all set to fan the flames of panic, essentially selling the pandemic, the lockdowns and eventually, the jabs to a gullible public.

If the above hypothesis is correct, the virus probably was seeded. The people who perpetrated the whole plandemic, if such it truly was, are clearly the most evil that can exist. Trillions of dollars have been made, freedoms crushed, governments compromised, and the party's not yet over. What's a few million or even a few hundred thousand dead or crippled? Just part of the cost of doing business.

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You seem very sure that virus theory is proven and valid. There are a fair amount of qualified people out there who are proponents of Terrain Theory and have very good explanations for what is being called "viral contagion," including environmental toxins, EMF's, nutritional deficiencies... What's your take?

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Virus deniers are simply fools. Lanka and his followers are total morons, nothing else.

I have personally seen, witnessed and experienced viral transmission to and from me, my friends and children so many times. I saw chains of Covid contagion/transmission in our community, it is absolutely crystal clear that infectious particles are being transmitted. Viruses.

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They have descending layers of fictional narratives to deploy as the one above becomes unsustainable. It isn’t coincidence, imo, that this is the mark of intelligence tradecraft.

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Same with the term “novel “virus There isn’t much novel about it

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In defense of the default to lab leak theory there are many who have tracked BSL virus escapes for a long time and there has always been a caveat that an individual has the power to make an intentional release but generally safety is so lax that accidents are routine as the denials and coverups that follow.

2007 Sunshine Project Texas bird flu ~ https://web.archive.org/web/20070504154021/http://www.sunshine-project.org/ibc/bb21.html

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Another fake "pandemic," but slaughtering all those birds didn't bother them, either. Are we not just "cattle"?

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One word, and it's very useful: Propaganda.

I wonder how many people are aware of the fact that when the NDAA came up for its vote in 2012, and was re-upped in 2013, there was a new little bit added in to the old law... It became legal for the US Govt. to LIE to the American People. Propaganda was legalized. Ironic, really, because We the People are being censored-- not allowed to speak OUR TRUTH, while the govt. is able to LIE TO US.

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With obvious results.

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Fuckin' A.

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In Britain a murder verdict can be brought in if the defendant knew that death or serious bodily harm was a virtual certainty as a consequence of his actions.

So looking at the released Pfizer documents, does the company meet that definition?

Seems so to me.

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As I've mentioned before, I know someone who manages clinical trials for Pfizer. She is 110% convinced that c0vid is fatal, and that there is no other treatment for it besides vaxxination. In her mind, she is doing God's work and saving lives.

How many others are there like her in Big Pharma?

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She is only a foot soldier. The ones who command the cartel know what they are doing.

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Corporate manslaughter is the UK legislation. But not just Pfizer, Government, bureaucrats, doctors or anyone administering the vaccines.

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Yes. But the humans involved would meet the mens rea for a murder charge, were that possible.

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This is a planned GENOCIDE. It goes beyond simple murder. But, YEAH.

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Seeing what's going on in Europe with the farmers has eliminated any doubt that I may have had about this being intentional. It's a depopulation agenda plain and simple.

Canada is doing some travel digital monitoring (WEF inspired) along with Holland so I'm just waiting for the attack on farmers here.

I'm all for being kind to the environment but not at the expense of being cruel/lethal to those who live in it.

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We can be VERY kind to the environment, and it's good to know there are MANY good, astonishing things we can do, THAT ARE BEING SUPPRESSED.

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'Sign, sign

Everywhere a sign

Blockin' out the scenery

Breakin' my mind

Do this, don't do that

Can't you read the sign?'

- Five Man Electric Band

I gotta believe all the signs are to confuse us to where they're going with this.

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Big time. Misdirection is their middle name. Great song reference, btw.

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Yeah. And this one:

C'mon, people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together and love one another right now.

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I’m thinking the old Beach Boys tune “Barbara Ann” could easily be reworked into a new national anthem called “Propa Gand”.

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"You got me washin' and a-masking

Hidin' in my basement Propa Gand"

Needs some work, but I like where you're going Jim.

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Went to my doc, asked for Ivermectin,

He said "not allowed, but try mRNA injectin'...."

Propa Gand, again and again,

You got me stumbin' and a reelin'

Left side of my face has lost it's feelin'

Propa Gand...

(Not half bad, for a half-assed attempt).

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Works for me, too. ;)

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I think there were multiple parties to this diabolical scheme, each with different, but in some cases overlapping, intentions.

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Oh yes. A concatenation of intersecting and inter-dependent interests even if individual aims are seemingly at odds, they are mutually supportive. Of you are not familiar with it, read up on Baptist & Bootlegger theory.

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Nobody does anything without a motive. Just because the motive for an action may not be immediately obvious, it does not mean there isn’t one.

Error stops being error when it is serialised, then it becomes intentional.

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Starting with the premise of “who benefits” was and continues to be the best way to analyze an event and particularly a crime. Shame we don’t seem to do it any more.

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Oh, yes, we do. :)

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It always worked for Columbo!

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Yeah! ^_^

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RD, did you read RFK's book on Fauci? I certainly found it eye-opening in terms of what level of evil is possible in the human heart. His manipulation of the AIDS response in the 80's and 90's is psychopathic to a degree I didn't think possible. And it's all documented. The book is 400 pages with over 2200 footnotes, the majority of which refer to scientific journals and studies. It's enough to wash the word "unbelievable" from your vocabulary.

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That book was quite a masterpiece.

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Very much concur. While I'm not a bookworm, I speculate that it's extremely rare for a book to be a multi-million bestseller, yet major media, based on a couple searches I've done, won't touch it with a ten foot pole. What little main stream press it's had has been more or less of the variety "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. must be mentally ill. Such a shame, and a Kennedy too..."

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I read it and think its probably the most compelling, highest stakes conspiracy I've ever heard of. It could probably be made into a trilogy of movies. Fauci vs. Duesberg. Gates. Covid. Unreal. The fact its written by the son of an assassinated former attorney general and Senator only adds to how unreal of a story it is. And now I'm left wondering about all the othere vaccines on the schedule.

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Do your homework, brother, and think for yourself-- but I'll NEVER willingly be jabbed... Haven't had a "vax" for maybe 40 years or so? Can't remember the tetanus, but it was loooong ago. I am very healthy, likely because of that fact.

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The piece where RFK Jr I believe cites Celia Farber on her analysis that Fauci basically invented cancel culture in science should be mandatory reading. ooh..found this which may be a nice summary of it. https://www.bitchute.com/video/zw8Yc0Oul98Y/

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Oh, it goes back decades, indeed centuries before Fauci.

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Your review should be on the back of that book. And I agree with everything you say!

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Watch Plandemic. It's been planned for decades. I knew it was intentional by May of 2020.

Anyone who hasn't realized this yet needs to turn off their TV and sit in meditation.

Read every MD and scientist writing on Substack and listen to your gut. There's a mountain of evidence waiting for you.

Once I learned how many patents this government holds on diseases, I could not stop laughing. They have tried to kill us off for decades, with a multitude of viruses and bioweapons.

Look up David Martin, PhD.

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David Martin has the goods. The patents alone should shut this fraud down but…. We are in a new very sinister world now. They can’t hide that in the end. If it will matter by then. We need to make it matter.

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Their plans are in place no matter what or how much is proven.

We need Divine intervention.

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Unless God intervenes this earth will perish due to mans actions. He will intervene. I have that hope and faith. It is His promise—like the rainbow.

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Agreed <3

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Pre meditated mass genocide is a big pill to swallow.

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Coordinated panic-mongering aimed at herding people into taking risky vaccines is easier to swallow. Discovery may lead to accusations of mass genocide. But that will end up being a matter of time and degree. Maybe five years from now things will be clearer.

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It's not a "vaccine." They can change the definition, but shit is never gonna be chocolate.

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What? You mean even though I stuck this flower up my ass, I haven't turned into a vase??? 😁

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Stickin' flowers up yer ass just solidifies my suspicions about you... ;)

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brilliant. can i quote you?

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Sure! Thanks. I kinda liked it myself, lol. Out of the mouths of Conspiracy Nuts, lol.

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All due respect you decide when you

Take the big pill. Take 5 years. I’ve

Seen enough. Risky vaxxines that’s not a vaccine. For a panic pandemic

That’s not really a pandemic. Based on a fake test. Tom you take 5 years

To decide. When they started herding

Infected hospital patients into nursing

Homes. That was all I needed.

Take the vaxxine roll the dice

Chicken soup and all this would be

Over now. Maybe 5 years ?

If you are paying attention and you

Day maybe 5 years what more proof

Do you need?

Truly go watch David Martin

On the patent of Bioweapon the

Ones “risky vaccines”

Make up your own mind.

Take as long you want.

Ask a Nurse

An undertaker

A Hearst

A salt shaker

Lol let me know what clears up in 5


God Bless.

Take your time

I am 110 certain in my mind.

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The Final Solution of the Jewish question; Stalin and the Ukraine; Rwanda; Pol Pot; USA 150 year Indian War.

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Yes, but they don't need to have said it out loud. They don't even need to have admitted any such intention. It could happen that really bad things resulted, but they didn't set out to kill very large numbers. They didn't sit down and go. "let's kill 10 per cent of the population." They said: "This is a great opportunity to introduce rna vaccines which could cure cancer in the future! It's a great help to mankind! Some people, sure, might die on the way, that happens with new vaccines, but - you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, guys. And they'll mostly probably be old. And we can enhance the pensions of everyone in the company. And salaries - they'll be soaring. It's in everyone's best interests. OK, so that's a yes to a great opportunity going forward."

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It's beyond obvious that this is intentional and it involves extermination

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It's been obvious to me since May 2020.

I don't care how many studies and how much data folks put out. I do not need them for me to know what I know.

We are dealing with a finely planned killing machine.

Now we need to figure out how to survive in a parallel society, assuming that is even an option.

We may have to live in caves. LOL!

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I'm not ready to say it was a bunch of bad guys in a smoke filled room and everything is going exactly as they planned it.

With Fauci you can chalk it up to greed and megalomania.

With Gates...as the vaccine programs continued on and on in Africa despite clear data showing more harm than good, the other less evil motivations don't seem to be enough to explain it.

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Watch Plandemic.

There is a mountain of evidence all around you.

Look up DAVOS and WEF. It is all in plain sight! Event 201.

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This excellent piece by Margaret Anna Alice may change your views:


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It crossed over into 'this is intentional' back in May 2020.

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For the companies like Pfizer and Moderna I suspect it may have been even earlier.

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Feel free to substitute "Conspiracy to consolidate power and make trillions of dollars" and it's a lot more plausible. While of course deliberate malice cannot be ruled out, nevertheless Hanlon's Razor should not be dismissed (Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by accident.) Yes, dead is dead, but there is a chasm of difference, in the eyes of the law, between accidental or negligent homicide and premeditated murder. The standard of proof for intent is very high, as it should be.

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In Britain this is the standard of proof for murder for people.

I understand the difference between manslaughter and murder - that's my point.

For some reason corporate murder does not exist as a crime in Britain, alas, so they cannot be charged with that. But had they acted like this as individuals, they passed the threshold for mens rea, intent, for murder.

They also wanted and got power and trillions.

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New Pfizer TV ad: "If it doesn't kill you, at least you won't be able to reproduce".

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Side effects may include bleeding from the ears, seizures, and cannibalism

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A real eye opener is to see a covid vaccine commercial right before or after a commercial for any other drug.

Other drug: Do not take if you have this or this or this, or are allergic to this or this or this. Side effects may include this and this and this and in rare occasions this or this. Call you doctor immediately if you experience this or this or this.

Covid Vaccine: Get your booster now to protect you and your loved ones. Safe and effective.

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This literally happened to me listening to the radio in the car:

"Hank Aaron died shortly after C0VID vaxxination."

A minute or two later, a state sponsored PSA:

"The C0VID vaxxine is safe and effective."

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As I studiously avoid most media, I can't say that I've heard any such PSA. However, my retort is as follows:

They're not safe. They're not effective. They're not even vaccines.

Actually, if the PSA are really phrased like that, it's a perfect instance of the Soviet level of propaganda our nation has sunk to. In the Soviet Union, dissidents had rules of thumb, such as "Don't believe anything until it's officially denied." In a similar vein, it appears that the propaganda has hit absolute bottom where a wary person should simply assume that any statement is a lie unless it is a plain truth. So for simplicity, if you see a claim by The Regime, merely negate it, and chances are you have the truth. Viola!

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Fuckin' A. They ARE brazen. It points up their utter contempt for us.

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THANK YOU! I have been pointing this out the whole time. Regular drug ads are half side effects, but the jab commercials are 100% rainbows and sunshine and you'll get your life back and save grandma!

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We're in Ohio. This commercial would throw my husband (a chemist) into a near rage every time he saw it:


C0VID injections? Just sugar, water, fat and a protein. Completely harmless! Just snips and snails and puppy dog tails!

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Great observation. I record most programs and FF. I just can’t tolerate this crap anymore.

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If women can't get pregnant, then there's no need for an abortion.

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And a feeling you need to change your gender, if you're a teenager.

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Creating a consumer testing group for the new fake meat that tastes like human flesh...

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And how do they know what that tastes like, we might ask...

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So that’s the reversal of Roe v Wade sorted. Voluntary abortions will become a thing of the past, replaced by spontaneous abortions.

CoVid mRNA vaccine… the new unisex contraceptive.

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hahaha...maybe I shouldn't laugh...

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ND Iis only down 12% on baby births. So there's still a chance.

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And Canada sees the mRNA worship in the US, considers it paltry and quaint, and says "hold my beer - how does every nine months sound?"

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Ya I’m willing to lose my job over that 9 mo. Thing if it comes down to it

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Zero chance it remains at 9 months. In 6 months that 9 months will be 5 months.

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Only for those that go along with it - me? I’m out

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Today's news: Hospitals are understaffed due to covid illnesses (fully vaxxed staff, all others laid off) and ERs are shutting down in some places, it's the unvaxxccinated's fault! Get your 2nd or 3rd booster NOW!

- The brainwashing runs deep in Canada.

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One only has to look at the insane runs on toilet paper in 2020 to know that if something is good (and works), people will clamor to get their hands on it...

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Even single-ply was flying off the shelves.

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Paper towels gone too.

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In my opinion, people were doing that because they feared martial law, aka a lockdown that meant they would NOT be able to leave the house under any circumstances.

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I was instantly on notice about impending food shortages for this very reason. Started some low-key “prepping” for the event, which may come yet.

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Meanwhile NYC is looking to mandate the jab for all school children. From nursing home murders to private sector mandates to toddler masking now this, its leaders seem hell bent on destroying the city.

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The company I work remotely for is located in NYC. They are happily jabbed and boosted, and it's all well and good because they can go to the theater and people are acting so much saner now.

Yes, that's what I was actually told.

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It's insane.. in April 2022 our new idiot Mayor Adams mandated jabs for all NYC volunteers so my refusal means my longtime role as NYC Parks photographer was terminated. Millions of residents and visitors can now feel safer my images aren't uploaded to official accounts!

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As a New Yorker I try to be hopeful that miracles are possible .. we managed to find someone more inept and corrupt than DeBlasio to inspire unity in opposition when the day of reckoning comes. It is rapidly approaching as we await the first pop-up free jab tent & sidewalk crowd witness infants w adverse reactions & just a matter of time for an undeniable public horror show.

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Whoa. I’m getting horrible sinister vibes from that. It will happen. My daughter lives on Long Island. Clueless and hubby has a job that requires shots. Works in MLS. I worry every day.

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“Escape From New York” is looking more and more like a how-to manual.

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We have lots of data that was forced out of the FDA on what Pfizer knew these murderous jabs would do. As an aside I spoke to a friend who is head of radiology at a hospital. Lots and lots of 20 and 30 year old jabbed women showing up with breast cancer. Lots of cancer patients considered cured now relapsing. I know a number of them. And it's going to accelerate. Agenda? Ya think?

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Dr. Ryan Cole has been reporting on the significant increases in many types of cancers he has been seeing in his laboratories, since last year.

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"this is what democracy looks like" -hides all pertinent data and refuses to look at it

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The people stonewalling the data - they must actually know. They know that kids are being effectively killed and go on to facilitate it by actively hiding the truth. How do you call such people? What do you do with them?

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Evil exists and it is an entity. No doubt some are NOT really humans. Or humans no more.

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It is curious to see the good doctor take so long to get to his point. He does not want to believe it. He knows his listeners do not want to believe it. He can barely let himself show his anger, but he is seething. It is a kind of breakdown of everything he has believed in, it is like a wound to his identity as a serious person. Sad. But the more like him who let themselves feel the anger, the weaker Pharma and their handmaidens in gov and media become. Go Doctor!

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"coinciditis"...had to do a double take on that one! Watch out, they will come up with a vax for that next....

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The saddest part is none of it makes any sense unless you add a different reasoning for the vaccine. If the reason is health, NO. If the reason is safety, still NO. If the reason is to force it on everyone to end reproduction and cause long term health crisis in recipients for profit, starts making sense. I just can't see it any other way anymore. The intent is harm and control, absolutely nothing else

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I love it when they get soooooo close to figuring it out and then the lightbulb shuts off

For example

seems like everyone's getting covid

seems like everyones struggling with fertility

seems like everyone has long covid.

seems like so many people are dying

Like give me a flippin break you're almost there people keep THINKING

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EUAs by definition are for products not yet shown to be "safe and effective."

But apparently full approval is not what it used to be anyway.

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When what you hear and what you see don't match, trust your eyes.

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I mean, killing other people's kids is normal, been so since the beginning of history.

But killing our own kids just doesn't strike me as smart. I didn't think, at least in the Before Times, that you could offer someone enough money to do that. Gonna need bigger better gibbets, and maybe a rusty guillotine so it ain't a clean cut.

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Some would argue that we have been killing our kids since 1986.

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It's called "playing to win a Darwin Award."

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Somehow I feel this isn't something to lean back in our recliners and laugh about.

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Mocking sheep is both fun and useful.

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Show me the utility part, if there ain't any further action to follow.

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Debate, logic, data, argument, .... haven't convinced many people to look. Perhaps mocking will open some eyes?

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I'm a big fan of ridicule. What's the next step?

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El gato, what do you think is going on with the increased number of twitter suspensions in the last few days? It’s alarming how many so quickly.

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Purges have been going at a steady pace for years.. Twitter banned me in 2020 and many went before me unnotices.. shadowbans and bans for WikiLeaks, whistleblower & hactivist accounts were documented by me ongoing with vigor from 2014.. counts of likes and shares were rolled back & pinned tweets by folks as diverse as Thomas Drake and Kim Dotcom were rolled back like a Diebold voting machines with K-Street's hackers while propaganda accounts flourish.. none of this is new it's just whittled down to so few critical voices and alternate narrative supporters that as a percent of total truthful accounts it's impossible to hide.. kinda like sudden death in young healthy folks w jabs.

Guardian 2011 ~ Military's 'sock puppet' software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda ** note prohibition on propaganda for US citizens ended in 2012


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And yet, the Highland Park shooter was allowed to post HIS shit on social media right up until the time he did his dirty deed. Then, and only then, were his posts taken down. Whereas, you and I post something someone doesn't like and bam, we are tagged and banned. What gives?

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The only threats that matter are words that impact toxic profits and power.

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