
Take it away before he Dick Cheneys someone!

Hunters and anglers want to support Harris-Walz as much as the fish and game want to be eaten.

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yeah, his muzzle disciple leave a lot of be desired

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Its truly unbeerlievable!

"Ive been shooting a lot of trap"...shades of Elmer Fudd!...lolol

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Be vewwy verwwy quiet...heh, heh, heh,...

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

It's wabbit season....

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Wepublican season! Wabbit season! Wepublican season!

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Leave the wabbits alone.

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Oh goodness. This funny

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Reality: If elected, it would take about 13 seconds for them to be "hunting" conservatives.

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I think he was meaning to say "I've been shooting a lot of crap." ( particularly about being a hunter) Too bad advisors weren't telling him real men take up skydiving.

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Real men hang glide over hazardous waste dumps. 🙄

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on windless days

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You know... I'm thinking they're trying to capture the influence of the ad campaign by Budweiser many years ago "Real Men of Genius", while trying to rope more women towards them.


But it went to the absurd with knock-offs like this one: The Silent Killer Gas Passer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGKt6ClPQ18

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At least those ads were supposed to be funny. 🤔

Back when ads could be fun to watch. 😢

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And Bud Light went so so wrong after those genius, yes, genius commercials.

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Real men "dump" their waste while hang gliding.

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ROTGL . . .

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Without a parachute.

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You so mean. But, I am told that part of the thrill of parachute jumps is the ground rush. Actually, you don't need a parachute. Only need one if you are going to jump more than once.

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"Crap" is where MY mind went.

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good one Swabbie Robbie

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If "shooting a lot of trap" is a euphemism for talking bullshit. His awkward handling of that shotgun would not instill me with a lot of confidence that he knows what he's doing (ie gun safety, muzzle control). I wouldn't want to go hunting with that.

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Well that probably gives us an advantage for the impending Civil war

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Amazing he didn't pull a "Dick Cheney". I seriously wonder if they have him blanks instead of real ammunition.

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You would think that given he has that much trouble loading a shotgun, he would have practiced a bit under the supervision of an expert before the camera started rolling. Many lefties who have no formal firearms training are simultaneously contemptuous and intimidated by guns, but when given one they think "How hard can this be?". The odd thing is he HAS had formal firearms training.

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All true. But the deal is it isn't that "hard".

I think my uncle ran me through all the basics when I was 12 and then handed me the gun...and said let's go kill some deer!

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Yes, it's not hard. It just takes practice, but you can tell when someone has spent a lot of time using firearms and when they haven't.

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My dad started me around 8 or so. Mostly 22's but I did fire some larger calibers for the experience. It absolutely does not translate to now. I have my husband's shot gun and a couple of boxes of shells but I would not look very smooth loading and firing. Walz is, from what I can see, not very experienced at all, or perhaps someone who did this as a kid but hasn't in 40 years.

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I think he’s extremely nervous and he’s not a guy who handles being nervous very well. Since being declared Harris’s VP, his life probably feels like one big panic attack. It’s one thing to have your skeletons in the state capital, quite another when the entire world, along with whoever is really running the show, are watching. And you haven’t been doing so well.

Not exactly the guy I want as second in line to run the country.

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You wouldn’t know from this video.

If he were in a gun fight with say duck duck dick Cheney he’d be dead.

A Comanche would of given him a full scalping and 7 arrows before Elmer Fudd loaded his damn gun.

Shout out F the voting





Elmer Fudd

Last team standing Wins


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If that Trump was Eric, it wouldn't even be a contest. To make it fair they'd have to give him a pellet gun.

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My sixteen-year-old grandson just shot his first deer (archery season currently in PA). It's hard to believe anyone would really fall for this.

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Congratulations to your grandson! There’s about 20 standing around in my pasture right now 🙄

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It would seem like a Trap Club would not be a place those charged with the fellows security would let him go? The Trap Club and those that frequent such a venue would EDUCATE the guy about GUN SAFETY!

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He was a former Master Sargeant. He should be able to teach gun safety.

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8 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

I don't think Walz ever actually expected to have to employ "weapons of war."

I mean, just because you're in the Military...

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But, obviously, he couldn't.

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Those types are called REMFs.

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"Walz and Kamala

Walz and Kamala

We're voting Walz and Kamala you see.

They're spineless and dumb

But we only vote for Democrats

Come, vote for Walz and Kamala with me!"

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Though I've never handled a gun, what impressed even me when I watched the full video evidence from the Rittenhouse trial was that kid's muzzle discipline even under the most awful pressure.

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Impressive every single time I think about it.

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The way that kid was described in MSM was some alternative universe horror.

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This is pretty funny if you haven't seen it yet.

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Very funny 🎉🇺🇸🙏

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It's the video equivalent of John Kerry going into a gun shop in Ohio and drawling, "Where can I get me a huntin' license?"

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Or Dukakis in a tank!...:)

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Oh shit....you already said that. Sorry Username

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No worries. GMTA 😀

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Yeah that was good one!!

Real men drive tanks

And go bird hunting

And John Kerry playing Clint

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Difference is, Cheney did it on purpose, allegedly.

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If memory serves me didn't John Swift Boat Kerry did something along these lines. The people running these campaigns are very far removed from The Deplorables so, in my opinion, as you say they will not be able to reach them.

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Or Dukakis riding that tank wearing a helmet 5 sizes too big for his head.

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He looked like Dark Helmet

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"I see your Schwartz is as big as mine."

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Helmet head Space Balls 🏀

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Yeah, he was talking about deer hunting in one of the debates.

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Dick Cheney - vomit.

I can’t believe I actually liked and supported that POS. Same with W. absolutely disgusting

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On the same thought track re Cheney.

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Yeah! No doubt! 😂🤣😂🤣 Dick Cheney's first name says it all.

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I like the way he snarls his lips.

He must practice.

Ole dick ever invites ya hunting decline.

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Well ya know he ain’t good at shooting if he can’t load his own gun! Elmer Fudd

VP Coach Teacher makes Homer Simpson look competent. Must be the picking a VP dumber than me result.

Tampon Tim with the one legged kick

Too much ivermectin me thinks.

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Nah just brain rot from leaving the window open to get high sniffing the burning tires.

Just say no to inhalants kids!!!!

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"if there is one lesson i have learned lo these last 5 years it is this:

never, ever assume you’ve seen the bottom of how stupid or how crushingly cringeworthy things can get.

you haven’t. you can’t. this is some sort of singularity that has ripped spacetime asunder, a wound in reality with impossibly infinite slope and there is simply no limit to where it can go."


Believe me, I'm baking blondies to counter it just as fast as I can.

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I have a friend who refers to this as Rage Baking.

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I am never angry at my dough.

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Me? Only at true-dough.

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Well played

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Took me a bit…..😂😂😂

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I am 🍁, you see.

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When does Pretty Boy get voted out??

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*golf clap*

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The downward spiral of Dumbness in America is about to hit a new low.

Hunter S. Thompson

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Apparently, there is no bottom…

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After the Covid Hysteria and the Color Revolution of 2020, I'm forced to agree!

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I am reading Ian McGilchrist...a man who knows.

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There is no Peak Stupidity.

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Last week I put the last of a jar of dried cranberries into the batter and let me tell you...

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What are Blondies? I need a laugh…. TIA!

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They're like brownies except blonde...

...no chocolate or cocoa. Made with brown sugar. Have a lovely butterscotch taste.

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Huh,,, so as they say in Minnesota , they’re “ BAHRS”….

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Yes. Mostly because unlike as with brownies, underbaking doesn't make 'em better.

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We always called the chocolate chip cookie dough baked in a pan, instead of cookies, blondies.

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I myself really like the contrast of dried cranberries to balance some of the sweetness ('cause of course I don't want to cut down on the sweetness...)

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I don't want to cut down on the chocolate. 😉😊😋

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When I make brownies thems is some chocolate dream. When I make blondies I want a different kind of rush.

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The woman of my dreams!

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I saw that video... I now suffer from Low-T...

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That "And Tim!" video made me say out loud "What the hell is this?!" Babylon Bee couldn't outdo its utterly satirical quality. That it's not satire is deeply disturbing.

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I write love letters to my wife... Because I'm not at all gay.

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Oof. I’m a woman so it took points off my IQ instead

There are lots of ways to interpret that and I laughed at all of them.

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My wife saw it as well... She said always wondered the day when her ovaries would stop working... She said THAT was the day...

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I need to be unburdened by what I have just watched.

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No you don't because the rest of the sentence: "What can be" is going to be hellacious. You want to remember what you have seen and spread the word.

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I’m not that altruistic.

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I'm afraid you're out of luck!...:]

Sometimes stink don't wash off.

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"the morality of a cane snake raised by lucrezia borgia"

Best description I have seen yet! Thank you.

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Yeah I bet he shares his tool with the boys.

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Interestingly enough, I saw a comment this morning on another ‘Stack that someone (male) has come forward alleging child sex abuse when Tampon Tim was a coach back in the day. I haven’t seen or heard of this elsewhere (so far) & asked the commentator if there is a link but haven’t heard back yet.

It could certainly be someone looking to undermine that campaign (even though they’re doing a bang up job on their own) or seeking their 15 minutes of fame. However, given the party’s track record of domestic abuse (Emhoff, Clinton, etc), rape, pedophilia, trannies, murder (abortion & assassinations or attempts), & misogyny, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if it turns out to be true.

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apparently a number are coming forward.

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Between him and Biden’s penchant for sniffing little girls and showering with his daughter, the Democrats seem to have a type

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

And at this point, it's scary as hell. I've followed a few recent links here to articles on psychopathy. Many people seem to think that there are the ones who are angry and can't control it who murder and get caught. And there are the ones who eschew that and become successful CEO's and influencers. Huh? Like Epstein and Diddy? Like all the people on those tapes and black books, etc. The jet set who had the ability to lounge for weeks on private islands? Nah, I'm thinking the differences in psychopathic outcome have more to do with income and intelligence than some ability to keep their hands to themselves. A lot of these people have come out heavily endorsing the D's for years. Make of that what you will.

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I have heard this also, and the first time I saw Timmy, I got strong pedophile vibes. Teacher, coach. One radio talker who has lots of inside info won’t come out and say it, but he calls Timmy a “defrocked priest.”

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Word is that's why he *had* to leave teaching.

And of course he went to politics where this kind of activity is acceptable.

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YES! Thank-you! It's not just me thinking that! 🙌

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I called it last week with a new nickname for the candidate: Kidfucker Walz

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Or The Great Walz of China!...;]

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I just haven’t heard it yet until today from ‘Stack commentators; do either of you have links?

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Black Insurecctionist is supposed to be posting vetted stuff on it today on X.

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Yeah...why would that young man's parents let him go to a concert with his coach? And apparently also a gay bar? Wait...yeah,they may not have known about that last stop...

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The concert stuff was 'proven' (admitted), but that's the only interesting thing we've 'learned' -- and that was actually covered two months ago.

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The other tool...err!..shoe! might drop?

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This is the guy:


He's dropping his 'info' right now, which so far has included one useful piece of information but proves nothing.

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Hahaha. Classic

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On a more serious note, a real working man never, NEVER, shares his Snap-on tools with anyone. When working with someone else, even my own brother, at the end of the day I make sure every tool, socket, and fitting are returned to my toolchest and accounted for. I'm not a mechanic or tradesman, I just like doing my own automotive work.

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Plenty of these allegations. Seems to be rumors and innuendo. If there is a/several victim(s) they should come forward, they will have ample legal representation pro bono. If school board meetings records of disciplinary action exist they should be produced.

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Listen, I just want to comment on one thing: "I love sharing my tools..."

Uh, no I don't "love" that. You wanna lose your tools? Wanna have them never come back because you forgot who "borrowed" them? Well, then by all means love the hell out of sharing. I'll grudgingly lend them, if you need them and if I trust you, both otherwise I only have one thing to say: Lowes is right next to Home Depot, and between the two you can't really go wrong. Buy it your damn self.

But the deeper, more meta, point is that "And Tim" thinks sharing is the just the bees knees! Because that's all socialism is, "sharing." But the fact of the matter is that NO ONE will treat "your tools" with the same sense of dignity and respect that you will, and all this "just sharing" for the sake the sharing ends up being mandated by statist assholes like "And Tim."

Sharing is inevitably enforced by the barrel of the gun, and not just tools. but every possession you own, including your life. Ownership matters, and The State will never respect that.

Sorry, "And Tim," but i only share with those who have earned my trust and I absolutely do not trust, nor will I ever trust, The State or it's representatives.

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Sharing, and the next line is about how real men love following the rules.

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I suspect that was because it rhymed.

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Rhymed with the Dems' platform, that is.

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Tools, rules.

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tools, rules, 2000 mules, schools

It's like why rappers love Glock's so much; it rhymes with far more words than Smith & Wesson.

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It's an iron rule that others will NOT take sufficient care of your tools. Even your best friend.

Hence this:


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I will say, my best friend has lost/abandoned some tools I have lent him, but he always replaced them with something far more expensive. He has free access to all my tools as a result! (Save maybe for my 2x72” belt grinder.)

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Now THAT is a good friend!

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I realize I like order more than many but, I should stop being so surprised that, whenever I lend my circular saw or power washer to someone who doesn't own one, they always comeback dirty and wet, with the cords all in a rat's nest, accessories that literally fit/stow on the tool itself handed back separately.

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Exactly. Smart people do not loan out their tools.

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Who would let their 15 year old son go anywhere with Tim. Trips to China? Who are these parents?

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My 4th and 5th grade teacher was a pedophile, prosecuted and imprisoned 10 years afterhe was my teacher. Thankfully, my mom wouldn't let him anywhere near me. The teacher preyed on single moms who were looking for a break in doing all of the parenting, and since my parents were married, I was mostly outside of his aim. And we all knew, even at 9 and 10 and 11, we knew the guy was bad news.

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My 7th grade gym teacher was too

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My 7th grade Social Studies teacher was arrested for kiddie porn some years after I was there. He was extremely odd, spoke in a strange sing songy voice while lecturing and wore sandals every day to show off his ugly fat feet. During his summers off he would follow the Cincinnati Reds all over the country, going to literally every single game, and he honored Pete Rose by adopting the same bowl haircut. (This was in the late 70’s and the school was in Chicago) One day one of the 8th graders who didn’t like him went out to the parking lot during lunch with his steel toed boots and kicked the shit out of this guy’s car 😂

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And he was preying on them in the US too, it would appear...

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My sense is that somewhere in their path to destroy masculinity, they realized that the average American is, is married to or wants to be married to someone who possesses masculine qualities. And in so doing they lost an important voting demographic they can’t get back. And yes, the Steve Buschemi meme perfectly fits. They can’t hate American men and expect them to vote for you.

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The argument I've heard as to why the left hates Trump so much beyond any reasonable degree is that he's basically your Stern Dad running for office, a traditional male from decades past who still makes sure you dress up when you get on an airplane.

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11 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Why doesn't everyone just drop feminism for starters?

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Because some women don't like being sexually harassed at work, don't want to have to put out to get or keep a job, can't look like a supermodel to get or keep a job, get sick of the obscene comments, don't want to be stuck in lower level, low paying jobs, but being expected to work harder and longer hours, than any man in the company...

Get the idea?

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Bandit, I take it that you believe feminism was/is actually about women and their rights? You sound as if you do.

Women (and everyone else) are less happy in 2024 after decades of this ideology than they were in the 50s. According to all the complaints and outrage in society.

And yet look how many are still flapping their gums with the same old platitudes they had been indoctrinated with for so long. Sheesh!

Why do you suppose a major pillar of DEI is about pushing feminism, unless the feminist ideology is part of WOKE totalitarianism? I can never find any feminists to answer me on that one.

Feminism was never about women. Or about what the cover-story told you. It was a Neo-Marxist ideology produced in the 60s/70s in order to help the Marxist cause of gaining political power. They knew that appealing to the vanities of a large group would get them far. And it certainly did. Look how many dupes jumped on the feminist bandwagon! Not me. Never me. Even when I was a girl. I could see through the con-artistry from the word GO.

Feminism was as much about women as Jim Jones and his ideology were about Christianity. Both of them just fronts for power grabs.

As the modern Marxists say, "The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the Revolution".

I sincerely hope I have enlightened you on feminism now. Let it drop....take a walk on the wild side! The air is good over here.

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Btw Bandit, those things you mention here have never been my experience as a woman. Not in the least. I am well educated and hardworking. I moved up through merit. Most men I met were respectful. In fact, it was other women trying to prove their might whom I found to have been very difficult people. Some were seriously difficult.....

I think that part about women being forced into lower paying jobs is one of the feminist un-truths you have been taught to mouth at every opportunity. I have heard the same litany a thousand times, using the same bogus complaints the feminists were all taught to believe and to parrot.

It becomes really stale and predictable after years of this. I can almost shout out their canned speeches before they do.

Merit. You need to focus on merit if you are having a hard time with low paying jobs. Do you have any training at all? Do you offer potential employers value for their buck? Instead of simply trotting out the tired old tirades about women-as-victims.

I don't buy it. I am not a victim. And no one offered me either a hand out or a hand up. Did it myself. Try it.

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Speaking of working hard, I really doubt that you do. People like you, that look down on others as much as you obviously do, don't work much other than their mouths. Badmouthing everyone else in the organization trying to get them in trouble, written up, or fired. I've worked with A.s like you. I've quit jobs to get away from suck-ups like you. You don't work hard, you're jealous of those of us who do, and you're jealous of those of us who do our jobs well. I can usually do 16 hours of work that you MIGHT actually get done in less than 8 hours. I figure you probably "work" in some really "hard" field like HR. Someone who sits around on their copious ass judging others while doing nothing that actually moves the company forward. You don't know what real work is, you look down your very large nose, on everyone that actually produces things that make money for the corporation. That includes information needed to run said corporation. Every one secretly hates you, but is afraid to say or do anything, because they know you'd just go ballistic and make their lives worse than you already do. I feel sorry for every single person that is near you for any reason, because you think you're the shizzle, but you're really what it comes out of, A. H.


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BTW, B. I have experienced some of these things. I was taught to parrot nothing. I have friends like you, that because they haven't experienced it or seen it happen, it doesn't exist. You're closed minded and probably young enough to have not had to deal with men that want favors, or you're too ugly physically or personality wise to have to worry about things like that. You quite obviously think you're better than I am, because you haven't seen something that I have. Which makes you a bigot of a different kind. You should really switch over to being a dumbocrap, as you'd fit in really well with their f'd up ideology.

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You can't make the election about gender solely because married couples are a package deal

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"Manly" Kamala Ad Wins Gay Media Award

The male-centric campaign ad, aimed at boosting support among men, won the coveted GLAAD "Glammy" award celebrating excellence in queer cinema.


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Because the majority of the actors are gay, maybe. At least according to that list in this article.

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You mean, you just can't tell? Or at least get the vibe from them?

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StellaMais. Laughing.

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That Tim Walz is governor makes me think that "Blazing Saddles" was actually a documentary.

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I didn't get a Harumph out of you!

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Doo-Dah Doo-Dah

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Makes me laugh.

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And--how did that man spend all those decades rising (somewhat) through the ranks of the National Guard and yet he can't handle a gun like he ever met one?

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Uh - a legend in his own mind?

Unsure as to exactly what Tiiiiim's role was in the National Guard, but I suspect it had more to do with counting paper clips than handling weapons.

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AndyinBC - or polishing up the handle of the big front door. He polished up that handle so carefully

That now he is the Ruler of the Queen's Navy!

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Knob? Handle? Whatever. 🤷

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We know where the knob is...

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Gilbert & Sullivan, living in a more genteel age, said "handle".

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Keeping the entrance to their MPS airport facility clear of snow … he’s an excellent shoveler

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What you did there, Mrs. McF, it was seen. 😉

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You have read my mind.

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Most people in the military only handle rifles during basic training, and in his case that would have been probably before I was born. Unless you are military police or have been deployed to active duty in a warzone, you can go your entire military career and never handle any firearms at all. I am pretty sure that all bases are gun-free zones, you are not permitted to have weapons on base unless you are military police.

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I went 40 years without crocheting and yet when I picked the craft up again...

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Perhaps a better analogy would be picking up a new stitch. I learned to knit about the same age as I learned to shoot. When I picked up knitting again 35 years later remembering the basic knit, purl, cast on, etc was automatic. But that was all I could do without delving.

I do not trust myself to fire my husband's old shotgun without training (which I need to get around to) because it is so different than the cute little Browning.22 Long Rifle I used to shoot (left hand gun. That effs me up too. My dad was a lefty. I'm a rightie, but learned to shoot left handed., LOL). To shoot one gun does not mean you can shoot them all and designs have changed in 35 years as well. Walz does not look comfortable with a gun IIRC he has stated he has owned and used for years.

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Your last sentence is the kill shot.

For the rest, perhaps you are right when it comes to implements with greater potential for harm. For ordinary things, if I let muscle memory take over I'm fine but if I stop to think about the action---

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My immediate thought watching that video.

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Not true of the Marines. Every Marine is considered infantry. All must qualify on shooting once a quarter.

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Well, remember not long ago there was that Navy ship commander who didn't know which end of a rifle scope to look into. DEI it's our future.

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And our past has been obedient well-trained soldiers who followed the orders of idiots and got themselves killed or maimed in useless and poorly-conducted wars.

Plus ca change 'n all that.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago


Yeah, if that's the quality of the National Guard in Minnesota, God help us all!

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Midwestern nice has been extinguished by Midwestern imbecility. How did that man rise steadily through the political offices?

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RARELY am I rendered speechless, but "and Tim" did it.


never, ever assume you’ve seen the bottom of how stupid or how crushingly cringeworthy things can get. you haven’t. you can’t. this is some sort of singularity that has ripped spacetime asunder, a wound in reality with impossibly infinite slope and there is simply no limit to where it can go.

Also I used the fellow kids gif this week too hahahahaha so good


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A bunch of decision makers signed off on this because they thought it was good

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I laughed heartily throughout this post. I can’t believe they think that tripe is going to float well with swing voters. It’s like they packaged up some stereotypes and displayed them and wow, do their views ever come across as insulting.

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Its as fake and insulting as Kammy's fake accent and her attempt to pander to her black audience by bringing on Meg thee Stallion to twerk for them.

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IceSkater - when we visited Russia in 2011 and someone asked the guide if Putin would win the presidency, she said, "he will if he wants to". I think the election will be something like that - no matter how cringe worthy the ads are or how many folks actually vote for the K/H ticket.

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“Sharing all my tools” sounds like something you’d hear in a gay bath house…not that I’m speaking from experience or anything.😐

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Real men don't share their tools. Pass it on...

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Snap-on Tools

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Going back to what ScottyG said....Snap-on Tools would be for the gay women.

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To appeal to men they made an ad where 40% of men were gay????

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

It's part of why they're so taken in by the whole Woke Agenda.

If you ask people, for example, how many unarmed people were shot by police in the previous (to any) year, many people - and I'll wager a significantly greater share of liberals - think it's in the hundreds but it's never more than a couple dozen ( which is not intended to underplay it; merely to note the distorted perception).

They live in a very narrow slice of culture and because they know a gay couple, a tranny, and an avant avant garde artist, that 40% of all people identify as something other than... Normal.

They don't even realize this is weird, that it's a caricature of their own narrative.

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They want the children to think that

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