Recklessness seems to be the new faith-based public health best practice these days as far as I can see. They had a chance to take it slow and reasonable back in December by only allowing the EUA to cover the elderly and comorbid and telling everyone else that they would be fine, this virus is of no additional risk to them relative to normal flu and cold viruses, and even spectacularly great for kids. This was all scientifically established beyond any reasonable doubt in December. Buuuuut … no …. not the global public health establishment (aka the government arm of Big PHARMA). So it was vaxx, vaxx, vaxxity vaxx we go. Gin up the hysteria of “variants”, get those ER and ICU shots from stock footage back on the nightly news. Threaten to destroy people's careers if the don't comply, tell people all their children are going to DIE if they are not vaxxed soon. Complete and total recklessness. And so, here we are, the boosters are coming to the elderly and “compromised” (aka everyone over 16 who wants one) to be delivered just in time for the fall seasonal surges in the midwest followed by the Northeast … perfect timing for the WW.

Naturally, people will blame the lack of masking up in outdoor settings and while walking to the bathroom in restaurants and the “unvaccinated, unboosted” for all of the disease and death that results. Pfizer will announce its 4th boost, now recommended every 3 months. And we will be here again in December. Sigh … this is our new Afghanistan, GWOT.

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To the powers that be, we are not people. We are cattle.

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What a well-crafted summary! And I especially loved "vaxx, vaxx, vaxxiyy vaxx."

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I understand that neutropenia following D1 is confirmed and not disputed by the vaccine manufacturers, and I agree that immunosuppression can lead very quickly to terrible outcomes.

But I also wonder if this rise in C19 cases and deaths following D1 and now D3 are, in fact, vaccine deaths. We know that the LNPs can travel all over the body and that they were designed to survive the immune assault for a time. It is possible that the PCR tests...even antigen tests...are detecting the vaccine nucleotides...not viral nucleotides.

Yes, severe immunosuppression following D1 and D3 could explain the time compression between diagnosis (+PCR result) and death...so could vaccine injury.

The Israeli health ministry could easily answer the question of immunosuppression with blood tests following D3. Trying to determine where the PCR or antigen tests are detecting vaccine not virus nucleotides is more difficult. And, of course, no one is motivated to look for something they don't want to find.

Thank you for you data analysis and insight. We are all in your debt.

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this is certainly a possibility and one not mutually exclusive to negative VE.

broad immuno-suppression and enhanced vulnerability becomes a tricky thing to spot except in full all cause deaths data. some will look like covid, some like sepsis, some like heart issues, etc, etc.

and that plurality makes tracking very difficult.

it's why we desperately need to be able to see all cause deaths data from d1, d2, d3 to comp to the unvaccinated and gauge risk reward.

the fact that it's not being tracked or made available is criminal.

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Agreed. I feel like I'm stuck in some sci-fi dystopian movie. Really want the movie to end...preferably with sunshine and kittens and happy, hopeful music.

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Thank You El Gato Malo and yes cmpalmer75, I was going to make comment with exactly the same suspicion .. are these in fact vaccine deaths .. indeed the VAERs data out of the US would appear to support this in respect of D1 and D2 .. the work of Dr Jessica Rose who recently advised the FDA's Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, when they were considering D3s for the general population, is compelling and so far irrefutable .. namely that the vaccines have seen an over 1000% increase in VAERs data, including death .. here is Dr Rose's recent presentation to the Canadian COVID Care Alliance:


.. and here is an excerpt of Dr Rose's recent presentation to that FDA committee meeting .. this tweet with embedded video may have been pulled by Twitter however:


.. if the above tweet is failing, then here's a link to the entire committee meeting .. (I wasn't yet able to nail down where Dr Rose's presentation started .. any help would be appreciated):


All the best,


(in Australia, where our various state governments are on-track with following very similar vaccine rollout plans to those of Israel and the UK, but just a few months behind .. where all of our 'experts' refuse to discuss or presently acknowledge the Israel or UK data, let alone the US VAERs data .. where our in-country reporting on AEs and vaccine deaths is by comparison, almost criminally woeful)

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CDC Director Walensky admitted...in early August...that the jabs don't stop infection or transmission of the Delta variant (the Wuhan virus is long gone) and that the fully vaxxed and unvaxxed have similar viral loads. The fully vaxxed can be infected and transmit. IMO, individual protection also seems to be fading.

Why are they coercing and pushing mandates for "vaccines" that they've already admitted are failing?

And, more importantly, why aren't people reacting to this?

IMO, this is the most important interview of the entire pandemic. I can't count how many times I've posted it on Fakebook and Twitter and Substack.

It should be game over.


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People are in a sort of trance. Honestly, I mentioned how important early treatment is with this virus and how it reduces hospitalization and death rates and the people just dart their eyes around, stay silent, stare, and say not a word. They are clueless. And brainwashed. It’s scary-real…

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Agreed. I used to think it was TDS but the cognitive dissonance continues. And it is very scary...like a dystopian sci-fi movie.

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It truly is, palm. There’s more than just TDS going on.

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“Progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man.” - CS Lewis

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The state controls the data so we are ‘effed. Couple this with a zombie MSM and the dice are loaded. Imagine how bad these data would look of the keepers of the key weren’t treating booster within 14 days as unvaxxed? How are the NHS treating 1st jab and within 14 days 2nd jab?

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Here is another angle that has been itching my fur (I got sucked into the cat references). What if the vaccines are turning the innately immune (estimated at 80% in the below study; estimates vary) into infectious transmitters of the disease? That is, the vaccines are literally transforming people that were dead ends to the covid prior to the vaccine into superspreading vectors after being jabbed.

I think this is more than plausible and it explains the sudden resurgence in the southern states, Israel and the UK. Centrally planning the human immune system can have grave consequences (stole that from @kevinmckernan).


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Yes, disabling of innate immunity (natural antibodies and natural killer cells) is the prediction made by vanden Bossche, and the southern US + Israel summer wave being so much larger than last year supports his prediction (in other places, the spring 2020 wave messes up a comparison between summers). Either delta really is "super contagious" (pfft) or our immune systems are degrading in real time from stress, or we have turned off the "immune dark matter" that was so prevalent before the vaccines. I made a clunky chart of the concept - https://unglossed.substack.com/p/forever-spike#footnote-anchor-15

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Thank you - although I was vaguely familiar with vanden Bossche's work, I did not realize his was a much more scientific version of my amateur one. Great article you have there - you got another subscriber. You have solid comments here as well. Thank you for your contributions.

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"grave consequences" ... ouch, the rampant punning is killing me (pun intended)

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I'm still trying to decide if "severe adverse events" from the Pfizer vaccine or "severe COVID" is worse. There is a 4:1 ratio that spooks me. According to the study protocol (page 373 of the PDF), "severe COVID" didn't require hospitalization, only a positive lab test, fatigue or nasal congestion, plus HR >= 125 bpm. It can also be worse, but frequency probably clusters at the mild end. In the follow-up study (Appendix, Table S3) there were 112 more severe adverse events for the vaccine vs. the placebo, and 29 fewer cases of severe COVID. I'd rather have HR >= 125 bpm and some fever than any of the side effects in their severe form (pain, redness, swelling, fever, fatigue, headache, chills, vomiting, diarrhea). The 4:1 odds make this trade-off even worse.

I've heard the counter argument from an MD that she sees a lot more COVID patients in the hospital than ones with vaccine side effects. But maybe the side-effects are just attributable less clearly to the vaccine, or people are more likely to tough them out?

Protocol from here: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2034577

Other data from the supplement: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.28.21261159v1

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As a statistician, I give this naughty cat a thumbs up.

More than that, I'd suggest that if we had a sane public health system, such analysis would never fall to a non-human pawing at a keyboard on substack. Is there any best litmus test for "the path dependence of bureaucracy has jumped the shark"?

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Gato didn’t these therapeutics get approved because they provided 95% relative risk reduction? Honest question here. Why are the FDA not evaluating these based on the trial data end points, which now looked famed big time?

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imagine you're a health agency or politician.

imagine you just pushed out a literally unprecedented in human history new vaccine at a speed 100's of times faster in terms of uptake than any other ever.

imagine you told everyone it would create herd immunity and stop spread.

now imagine it's not sterilizing at all, might be actually causing more cases, cannot generate ANY herd immunity, and may actually be accelerating a pandemic.

how you feeling? ready to just say "oops" and light your career on fire and accept that you caused this?

COULD you even accept that? would you mind even let you or would you bury it under 27 layers of cognitive dissonance, lie, cheat, hide and manipulate data, and double and triple down just like you did on masks and lockdowns?

this is setting up a very ugly set of political incentives.

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I mean.....for me it would be extremely easy to admit I was wrong and that we should turn back.

But I'm not the type of person who runs for office.

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They don’t do that. Because that could mean they could be wrong and now we cannot have that. Instead they keep raising the goalposts and lie, cheat and harass other thinkers. It’s quite ugly and not scientific whatsoever.

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Governments do not admit they are/were wrong. I believe they believe that it reduces their credibility when of course admitting an error and correcting it would lead to loads of long lasting credibility.

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The schoolteacher story really tries to avoid laying blame on the booster shot. So, propaganda it is. Oh, the dates on one of the charts are set to 1900.

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y2k strikes again!

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Y2K panic was the good old days.

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Y2K made for a great New Year’s Eve party. We really partied like it was 1999. Ahhhhh, the good old days!

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Tricky little bugger.

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Presuming that 3rd dose recipients are not "fully vaccinated" until day 7 matches what the Israel dashboard states in https://datadashboard.health.gov.il/COVID-19/guide

Attributing a spike in "cases" to the boosters runs into trouble when challenged with Figure 2 in https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.27.21262679v1 . Admittedly a horrible garbage study, but it finds positive infection efficacy in the days after 3rd dose. Notably it *does not report* severe outcome and death efficacy in the first 11 days.

Additionally, watch out with the Zioni graphic. The blips before August 6 in "per 100k" cases are measured against the early adopters, before the July 31 mass roll-out (which only begins to add people into the "fully vaccinated" pool on August 6). They all correspond to only 1 - 3 new positive cases against a population of ~1,900 early adopters.

If the Bar-On et al. study is correct on infections and yet deaths are increasing immediately after boosters (as would be shown in the messy, hybrid "partially" vaccinated group, not the "fully" vaccinated), that means these deaths are probably from the boosters themselves, and are merely coincidentally being *preceded* by a positive test (despite a decrease in risk of infection). I suppose this requires "fishing for correlations," but sometimes the truth doesn't want to conform to respectable methods of statistical torture. At the risk of spamming a link I already shared, I wrote up my wildly irresponsible booster death theory here https://unglossed.substack.com/p/dashboard-divinations-take-5

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this amazing global adoption of the "don't count vaccination until 7-14 days after the fact (and after d2 in the first round) is really amazing.

it's such a rigged gameboard and it clearly came from pfizer. they have been rigging their data since the jump and the FDA, rather that calling fouls as it should has been cheer leading.

and now that government agencies are all trapped by their past policies, they must become willing accomplices if they do not wish to admit having been duped.

it's just amazing to watch.

pfizer does not make study design mistakes. they are WAY too good at it. they make choices. and the regulators are supposed to push back on those choices and keep the trials fair and valid.

but when they are captured instead, we land here. and now politicians must play CYA and join in the misrepresentation. it's a very ugly confluence of events.

if this is going as wrong as it appears, imagine what national leaders and agencies will do to avoid having this hung around their necks...

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the alternative is that his is all going to plan

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Yes I asked the question knowing full well that a reasonable answer is with every step they dug a deeper hole. (Gamed trials, 95% better relative reduction, don’t prevent infection but reduce severity). The crux of our problem is govt. & PH own and are free to manipulate the data (unvaxxed = 1 jab or <14 days post vaccine). How will we flip this? Whistleblowers?

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Mathew Crawford also things the vaccines are killing people, https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/estimating-vaccine-induced-mortality and following posts

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Thanks - I'll give that a read.

I don't attempt to litigate the issue using official figures very often. It's very difficult for several reasons, but most of all there's a huge discount on all-causes mortality created by the "Covid death toll" last year. Regardless of whether the toll was effected by the virus itself, social-contagion stress/psychosis, or deliberate medical murder - it targeted those who were probably close to death anyway. So there's not going to be an overall signal anywhere. In fact the June 23 Scotland 28-day "worry window" deaths were 1000's lower than trend.

This means that the "statistical invisibility" budget for deaths from the shots is incredibly high. Not going to show up anywhere in overall or elderly deaths except maybe neurological-related deaths. Signal might show up in younger deaths.

So, I primarily trawl VAERS and call it by instinct.

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I know quite a few people who got hammered during the WW when the shot rolled out here earlier in the year. I know a number of people eagerly anticipating a booster or two, or whatever subscription model our big Pharma overlords dream up. These are fantastic times- worrying as well.

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a us md not aware of WW? don't surprise me none! us md's read the pharma literature and most dare not question flaky inferences from contrived tests.

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They are not. It officially doesn’t exist. Only crazy anti vaxxers would say there’s a ww l! 🤦‍♀️

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I connected with this article more than any other, specifically with the story of Sheri Wise, the school counselor in Carrollton. I’m not sure if she worked in Carrollton, Texas, but I am a school counselor in Farmers Branch, Texas which is the neighboring city of Carrollton. These two cities make up the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD. I guess you could say this is a tale of two counselors and my heart breaks for her family. Unlike Ms. Wise, I never stopped seeing my large family including my 80 year old mother. In the past 18 months I traveled to 5 other states and 2 other countries-Cozumel in Mexico and Central Greece. I only wear a mask at work (required). My mask is made out of sheer curtain material. 3 of my siblings and my 80 year old mother have had Covid and I cared for my mother around the clock for 5 days when she was sick. I am happy to report that everyone is doing well. I have not been vaccinated and I have tested negative for Covid 9 times. If I haven’t had it yet, it’s just a matter of time. Long story short…We can’t choose how we leave this life, but we can choose how we live this life.

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Very well done to you Athena.

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Has there been any studies presenting/proving the 2-week-worry-window (I like the term!) effect?

The one thing some people would use as "counter argument" is that initially mostly it was unvaccinated people that would represent the surges in cases (during the first shot peaks).

This is easily explained by just realizing that usually only 1 person per family would get vaccinated at a time. So Grandpa falls into the vaccination age range - he gets vaccinated, weakened immune system, thinks he's protected, goes out and meets some friends (of same age group, also recently vaccinated) and gets COVID, brings it home and infects all of his unvaccinated family members (could be 2, 3, 10?).

The trend is so clear in populations, anybody with some good machine learning skills should be able to create a predictive model that will show clearly how the amount of people in the worry window affects the COVID rates.

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out of curiosity who here thinks the chinese LAV vaccines might actually be hte best bet?

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