Very good question. My thought is that you would have to set up very specific "practice parameters" and that an overwhelming percentage of the population would have to follow to a "T".
I honestly think we're in a "culling"; vaxxed or unvaxxed. A modern day "bottleneck" if you will. There are other factors, but I get the sense, that that'…
Very good question. My thought is that you would have to set up very specific "practice parameters" and that an overwhelming percentage of the population would have to follow to a "T".
I honestly think we're in a "culling"; vaxxed or unvaxxed. A modern day "bottleneck" if you will. There are other factors, but I get the sense, that that's what we'll find in the end. It's a matter of degree imo.
This has been the history of our species; why would it change now? Especially now; since we are so "mobile" and interconnected.
Perhaps there's nothing we can do? IMO the hubris of man has made this situation so much worse.
I'm concentrating on the basics of health. At the end of the day, that's the one thing I can control. And the one factor that determines overall fitness during "events" like now.
It's no guarantee; but I like my odds better that way than looking for a magic bullet. Perhaps there is a magic bullet? I don't know; but I have a feeling it will be too late.
Both of our children had allergies and asthma growing up. Our son's symptoms didn't qualify for allergy immunotherapy by injection. The risk of anaphylaxis exists for each injection for the full duration of treatment...several years...and must be weighed against the degree of illness. Our daughter's symptoms were much worse, but her skin test and her total IgE were negative.
We moved to a new practice that offered sublingual allergy immunotherapy, which does not carry the risk of anaphylaxis. It has been used for decades in Australia, New Zealand, and Europe without issue. While it's available in the US, it's not covered by health insurance and is quite expensive. We started our son on it right away. Our daughter's skin and blood tests were still negative, even though she was more symptomatic. In fact, we had switched practices because we discovered that she had severe adrenal suppression (and growth suppression) secondary to inhaled micrograms of fluticasone propionate (Flovent). The doctor who had been treating her at CHOP refused to accept the diagnosis from the Growth Center at his own hospital, so we left.
While we were going through the work up, I convinced my husband to make dramatic changes to our home to make it safer for her We moved out and had hardwood floors installed throughout. Paradoxically, about 18 months after we cleaned up the home environment, her skin tests turned positive. She was allergic to everything. This is not uncommon.
Over the next few years, I was able to take them off all asthma maintenance medications. Our son sometimes takes Claritin. Our daughter uses an antihistamine nasal spray. In effect, allergy immunotherapy was a de facto cure for them.
So, the question isn't just academic for me. It's personal. I would have preferred they stay on allergy immunotherapy forever. It's basically homeopathic. But I lost that argument.
If the immune tolerance generated by allergy immunotherapy (which involves years of injections or years of drops under the tongue) wears off over time when the therapy is stopped, perhaps the apparent immune tolerance generated by the mRNA jabs will also wear long as people stop getting jabbed. What I don't know is whether repeated exposure to new variants will accelerate the "wearing off" or fix the immune tolerance.
It seems to me that the allergy-immunology doctors might have some insight.
I have boy-girl twins as well ;) While I pushed back on some of the childhood vaxxes, I also have regrets. Would my children have had allergies and asthma if they didn't have all those injections? I don't know. I certainly will advise them to act differently when they have children. I hope they'll listen.
I agree that taking care of your health is the best defense. Health does not come from a syringe or a pill bottle.
I just learned a lot and I think you're onto something. We need more voices at the table. Alas, that has been the biggest failure.
We're all unique and have different immune systems. I've always thought that treatment of any kind requires acknowledging that as a fundamental principle.
Our situation is personal as well; our son has Celiacs Disease really bad. Our experience with doctors was awful. In the end we figured it out ourselves. And came up with the best "treatment" and "practices" for him as an individual.
I can't imagine what his health would be like now at 12, had we not taken the initiative.
It occurred to me that my story might sound too fantastic. I'm not trolling you. I really do have boy-girl twins. My son really does have CD.
FYI, I reached out to the following organization (which was started by a woman who lives near me) to find out it there were any updates on the study I mentioned. My son has no interest in any medical interventions and does not want to repeat the biopsy. I used to take him to the GI doctor who diagnosed him to have his bloodwork checked, but he no longer wants to do that. He is, however, very careful. Now that he has been on a GF diet for many years, he has a violent (and I mean violent) reaction to be glutened. He's very careful now.
This is my son, James. He's getting his DMA in piano performance at Rice.
My son also has Celiac, so I understand where you're coming from. We were so focused on our daughter's health. Once we got her settled, his problems started. It was disorienting. He was my healthy child. He didn't have classic symptoms. He had reflux and growth suppression. It took too long to get his doctor to pay attention. He was finally diagnosed a few weeks before he left for college 700 miles from home.
He had a rough first year, but we got him into an apartment his sophomore year. He's in graduate school now and has become quite the chef. He and my husband have the DQ2.5 genes. I'm sure my husband has CD as well, but his anti-tTG was negative. I miss the good old days when we could eat without worry or hassle, but we've adjusted.
It usually takes years for people to be diagnosed with autoimmune conditions and there's a lot of ignorance in the medical community and the general public. FYI, Harvard did a retrospective analysis a few years ago and found that about 20% of celiac patients do not go into remission on a gluten free diet. Last I heard, they were conducting a prospective study. After years of doctors reprimanding their patients for. "cheating", someone decided to look.
I'm sorry that it took so long to get help for your son.
Very good question. My thought is that you would have to set up very specific "practice parameters" and that an overwhelming percentage of the population would have to follow to a "T".
I honestly think we're in a "culling"; vaxxed or unvaxxed. A modern day "bottleneck" if you will. There are other factors, but I get the sense, that that's what we'll find in the end. It's a matter of degree imo.
This has been the history of our species; why would it change now? Especially now; since we are so "mobile" and interconnected.
Perhaps there's nothing we can do? IMO the hubris of man has made this situation so much worse.
I'm concentrating on the basics of health. At the end of the day, that's the one thing I can control. And the one factor that determines overall fitness during "events" like now.
It's no guarantee; but I like my odds better that way than looking for a magic bullet. Perhaps there is a magic bullet? I don't know; but I have a feeling it will be too late.
EDIT: "vaxxed with 2 shots or less"
Both of our children had allergies and asthma growing up. Our son's symptoms didn't qualify for allergy immunotherapy by injection. The risk of anaphylaxis exists for each injection for the full duration of treatment...several years...and must be weighed against the degree of illness. Our daughter's symptoms were much worse, but her skin test and her total IgE were negative.
We moved to a new practice that offered sublingual allergy immunotherapy, which does not carry the risk of anaphylaxis. It has been used for decades in Australia, New Zealand, and Europe without issue. While it's available in the US, it's not covered by health insurance and is quite expensive. We started our son on it right away. Our daughter's skin and blood tests were still negative, even though she was more symptomatic. In fact, we had switched practices because we discovered that she had severe adrenal suppression (and growth suppression) secondary to inhaled micrograms of fluticasone propionate (Flovent). The doctor who had been treating her at CHOP refused to accept the diagnosis from the Growth Center at his own hospital, so we left.
While we were going through the work up, I convinced my husband to make dramatic changes to our home to make it safer for her We moved out and had hardwood floors installed throughout. Paradoxically, about 18 months after we cleaned up the home environment, her skin tests turned positive. She was allergic to everything. This is not uncommon.
Over the next few years, I was able to take them off all asthma maintenance medications. Our son sometimes takes Claritin. Our daughter uses an antihistamine nasal spray. In effect, allergy immunotherapy was a de facto cure for them.
So, the question isn't just academic for me. It's personal. I would have preferred they stay on allergy immunotherapy forever. It's basically homeopathic. But I lost that argument.
If the immune tolerance generated by allergy immunotherapy (which involves years of injections or years of drops under the tongue) wears off over time when the therapy is stopped, perhaps the apparent immune tolerance generated by the mRNA jabs will also wear long as people stop getting jabbed. What I don't know is whether repeated exposure to new variants will accelerate the "wearing off" or fix the immune tolerance.
It seems to me that the allergy-immunology doctors might have some insight.
And we're kicking ourselves for letting him and his twin sister take all the vaxxes on the schedule without even thinking about it.
We have a lot of guilt about that. But it was one of many factors that helped us see through the PSYOP of the last 3 years.
Plus I have learned so much from folks like you...sometimes it's overwhelming and I think that's why I try to make it simple for me and mine.
I have boy-girl twins as well ;) While I pushed back on some of the childhood vaxxes, I also have regrets. Would my children have had allergies and asthma if they didn't have all those injections? I don't know. I certainly will advise them to act differently when they have children. I hope they'll listen.
I agree that taking care of your health is the best defense. Health does not come from a syringe or a pill bottle.
I just learned a lot and I think you're onto something. We need more voices at the table. Alas, that has been the biggest failure.
We're all unique and have different immune systems. I've always thought that treatment of any kind requires acknowledging that as a fundamental principle.
Our situation is personal as well; our son has Celiacs Disease really bad. Our experience with doctors was awful. In the end we figured it out ourselves. And came up with the best "treatment" and "practices" for him as an individual.
I can't imagine what his health would be like now at 12, had we not taken the initiative.
It occurred to me that my story might sound too fantastic. I'm not trolling you. I really do have boy-girl twins. My son really does have CD.
FYI, I reached out to the following organization (which was started by a woman who lives near me) to find out it there were any updates on the study I mentioned. My son has no interest in any medical interventions and does not want to repeat the biopsy. I used to take him to the GI doctor who diagnosed him to have his bloodwork checked, but he no longer wants to do that. He is, however, very careful. Now that he has been on a GF diet for many years, he has a violent (and I mean violent) reaction to be glutened. He's very careful now.
This is my son, James. He's getting his DMA in piano performance at Rice.
I know you're not trolling me!
I read every comment you make and we crossover a few stacks. You're the real deal.
I'll respond a little later. At lunch with my twins!
I'm glad. I read your comments as well.
Have fun! :)
We're off to see the Christmas lights at Longwood Gardens. Beautiful place if you're ever in the area.
Sorry. Forgot to link this.
My son also has Celiac, so I understand where you're coming from. We were so focused on our daughter's health. Once we got her settled, his problems started. It was disorienting. He was my healthy child. He didn't have classic symptoms. He had reflux and growth suppression. It took too long to get his doctor to pay attention. He was finally diagnosed a few weeks before he left for college 700 miles from home.
He had a rough first year, but we got him into an apartment his sophomore year. He's in graduate school now and has become quite the chef. He and my husband have the DQ2.5 genes. I'm sure my husband has CD as well, but his anti-tTG was negative. I miss the good old days when we could eat without worry or hassle, but we've adjusted.
It usually takes years for people to be diagnosed with autoimmune conditions and there's a lot of ignorance in the medical community and the general public. FYI, Harvard did a retrospective analysis a few years ago and found that about 20% of celiac patients do not go into remission on a gluten free diet. Last I heard, they were conducting a prospective study. After years of doctors reprimanding their patients for. "cheating", someone decided to look.
I'm sorry that it took so long to get help for your son.