I didn't go through the entire paper yet, but this quote from the abstract is interesting, "This induction of IgG4 antibodies was not observed after homologous or heterologous SARS-CoV-2 vaccination with adenoviral vectors."

It goes along with a comment I had on the post from the other day "did covid vaccines prevent covid deaths in the US?", in terms of different non-specific effects (NSE) of different types of vaccines, including mRNA, adenovirus vectored, subunit, and whole virion (including distinctions among 'adjuvants').

The paper I posted was specific to covid and looked at mRNA vs adenovirus...


Beyond that, I think watching India may be interesting since, while highly vaxxed, it did use primarily adenovirus (Covidshield aka Astra Zeneca) and whole virion (Covaxin) vaccines. In my view the latter may be particularly interesting regarding the IgG4 issues since it should overcome the spike-only fixation (being whole virion), but also its adjuvant (a TRL7/8 agonist) predicates more of a Th1 response (i.e. cell mediated) vs. a Th2 response (i.e. antibody) typical in an alum (only) adjuvanted vaccine (e.g. the Chinese whole virion vaccines). I have wondered for a time if this could enable it (Covaxin) to 'fix' the immune suppression of the mRNA shots from both an OAS perspective (fixaxtion to spike) and innate suppression (inherent w/mRNA shot design w/pseudouridine modification, etc.). Allegedly Phase 3 'immunobridging and broadening' trial data may come out in January (homologous and heterologous w/mRNA or adenovirus).

Irregardless, I think the potential angle (in terms of remediation) may be along the lines of other work from Christine Stabell Benn (author of paper above) which suggests negative NSE of certain vaccines could be undone by other vaccines/protocols (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32645296/).

N.B. Novavax also contains an adjuvant biased towards Th1 response as well.

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yes, this has been a complex and somewhat infuriating issue with covid data.

they do not break out outcomes by vaxx type and lump all inoculants together.

i have seen a lot of work showing that variant specific boosters fail to elicit novel response in those previously vaxxed, but those seem to be using the same modalities.

are you raising the possibility that because mRNA etc do not train to fight pathogen but rather cells infected by pathogen that perhaps training w/ a vaxx using live or attenuated virus might help remediate this issue?

that is striking me as somewhat implausible given that actually getting covid does not seem to do so so it would be surprising that a vaccine could.

how is the vaccine going to train in a manner that the pathogen itself cannot?

or am i misunderstanding your point?

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Exactly my question. If COVID cannot help then what can any vaccine do to remedy. From the start the issue of OAS was a known risk... so agencies failing to put out the data we need seems like intentional concealment. Why conceal? Because the dreaded OAS is in fact occurring. Moderna just contracted with uk Australia and Canada. Lots of deals are on the table throughout COVID. This is why I believe every sound principle has been tossed, why public has been so manipulated and why we are now being kept in the dark.

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They completely jettisoned informed consent because They sensed that They could get away with doing so. The courts must show Them Their error ...

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Nuremberg number II

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the bioweapon/pathogen ...

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As a preface, it's been a while since I've gone over some of this in my head and jotted that comment down quickly, but maybe before reading my gibberish responses below, the following paper might present some of the ideas along the lines of what I'm saying...https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.612747/full

(I don't know if it's 'good' and I probably have others, that was the 1st relevant one I found quickly)

Q: are you raising the possibility that because mRNA etc do not train to fight pathogen but rather cells infected by pathogen that perhaps training w/ a vaxx using live or attenuated virus might help remediate this issue?

A: I don't think that is necessarily the way I was trying to describe the action of the mRNA, but the more important aspect is really the latter...Yes, I am raising the possibility that, based on some of those other observational studies (Time to change the paradigm? paper) there could perhaps be remediative effects from certain other types of vaccines (see more below). And per the IgG4 quote above, perhaps 'heterologous prime/boost' vaccine strategies could be something to look at more closely (and purposefully, not just cause you couldn't get another vaccine!).

Q: that is striking me as somewhat implausible given that actually getting covid does not seem to do so so it would be surprising that a vaccine could.

A: But "Who" are we talking about "getting covid"? Previously mrna 'trained/fixated' people or unvaxxed? I think as you stated, based on the article, "what we are seeing here is the near total elimination of IgG3 response in the boosted, especially in those (gray circles) who got breakthrough infections". So we're seeing evidence for what we've thought for quite a while - that vaxxed getting covid (being exposed to the pathogen) may actually be continually degrading their future responses (because mrna 'trained' them to respond so poorly) - and scarily to other pathogens maybe as well.

Q: how is the vaccine going to train in a manner that the pathogen itself cannot?

A: My supposition/hope is different vaccines (i.e. heterologous prime/boost) would elicit altered responses in mRNA trained/fixated people. The very fact that adenovirus 'vaccines' do not seem to elicit the detrimental IgG4 response (homolgous or heterologous) would seem to give some credence to this (as does the above referenced NSE effects paper comparing adenovirus to mrna covid 'vaccines' - in previous comment).

Is this because the actual adenovirus vector invokes its own (additional) innate/adaptive responses vs. the mRNA fixated response? Could an inactivated whole virion vaccine (with innate immune system-activating TRL 7/8 agonist) which induces Th1 (cell mediated) response to the whole virus (not just spike) reprogram both innate and adaptive responses of mrna trained people? And similarly, to your point, might an inactivated whole virion (w/'typical' alum adjuvant) and a live attenuated vaccine (w/o adjuvant) just invoke a similar response as a covid infection and therefore not 'work' in this manner?

I think 'order of operation' so to speak may be critical if we are to see these effects. Whether any (other) vaccination has ability to (re)train the immune system is me being more hopeful (based on some of the refs listed) than knowing. I'm not sure anyone really 'knows' let alone should have had hubris to act in the ways they have, but I do feel like there is some remediative potential with such strategies.

Q: or am i misunderstanding your point?

A: No, I don't think so. It's probably just cause I am not a Julliard trained immunologist/virologist and so could not explain it clearly! :P

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If natural immunity cannot generate long-lasting immunity against SARS-CoV-2 or other coronavirusses like HCoV-OC43, and people can be infected and get ill over and over again in their lifetime, then it's very naive to think that any vaccine can do better. Also not non mRNA vaccines. In the end the same issues of antigenic imprinting, repetitive antigen presentation and the "immune exhaustion" effect, viral evolution by natural selection, antibody waning etc. etc. apply.

Or I hope you are not suggesting a repetitive injection with an Adenovirus based DNA vaccine instead?

Has the Astra Zeneca or any other vaccine provided long lasting immunity against covid?

If not, stop this nonsense. It's a respiratory coronavirus dummy.

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If the new vaccine is purely nuclecapsid subunit then the spike fixation from the previous inoculations will be blind to it. it might then train the immune system to react properly (IgG3) when detecting the nucleocapsid part of the virus

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Sounds interesting. Hope it’s tested better than last one

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That won't be profitable... Not even a ROI. And it's a huge investment. While humanity has lived with coronavirusses for ages. The true pandemic is not the virus. It's unhealthy lifestyle and (legal) drug abuse.

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Just a thought here based on my recall of Pfizer EUA data and maybe some from whatever approval/authorization A-Z had in UK. The original Pfizer-BioNTech vax produced average peak antibody titers of something like 19,000 compared to average peak titers of 490 from natural infection. Pfizer also had average antibody titers of 4x that of natural infection over the course of the EUA trial.

Conversely A-Z was something like 670 peak titers. This implies that mRNA shots result in much more pseudo spike protein circulating in the body.

Could it be the very high levels of circulating spike, especially if the high levels are chronic due to repeated boosting, that is driving the IgG4 response?

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In laymans terms, could it be possible that due to the nature of mRNA vaccines, that force your own cells to manufacture the pathogen, your immune response somewhat mistakes that for an allergic reaction, thus producing spread of antibodies more suited for that, rather than an external infection?

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Exactly what I have been thinking. In the cases where the person's immune system didn't take this approach (IgG4 direction), harm was caused, e.g. myocarditis, or neurological damage, or the myriad other auto-immune disorder responses, some resulting in death.

But for some people, the body decided to take a more hands off approach - this isn't really a danger, we'll just back off. And then the actual infection comes along and your body isn't sure what to do. Do we attack? Do we leave it be?

I am interested in exactly how or what IgG4 signals to the body. It tells it to not stress out too much, but does it still tell the system to clear the thing its attached to, just with less fuss? I mean, if it were bee venom or some other foreign substance, I assume the body will still want to clear it, just not in such an aggressive and reactive way.

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Igor Chudov writes that it attaches to the thing, essentially giving it a free pass through the body. https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/booster-caused-immune-tolerance-explains

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Are you seriously suggesting that the cure for the bad "vaccines" is more "vaccines"?

Allergy immunotherapy dampens inappropriate immune responses to benign antigens by repeated exposure over time. It is then maintained for years. The IgG4 antibodies are likely a response to the jabs and repeated community exposure which drives up the antibody level. Because the Omicron variants were so contagious, they likely added to the effect.

Does allergen tolerance wear off over time or is it fixed?

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It could be retuned via epigenetic manipulation. (By combination drugs or small molecules that influence the right signaling pathways) But that's opening Pandora's Box even more.

However the enormous scale of the experiment will lead to more huge experiments. Grab your popcorn and watch.

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Glenn -

You're talking too much sense. You're right; it's the hubris of mankind that got us into this situation.

We're trying to push threads back into a tangled ball of yarn.

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Like this?

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly. I don't know why she swallowed the fly; perhaps, she'll die.

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If only the jabs just jiggled and riggled your immune system...

Flys, spiders, birds, cats, dogs...oh my...:)

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Haha, in keeping with your constructive comment above - we're well past this being just a respiratory coronavirus, dummy.

And not sure I've ever heard of Pandora's Box where it mattered how much the box was open. The fact is it is open - and many people may be utterly screwed because of that - even the unvaxxed. So what are the solutions you (pl) suggest? "Grab the popcorn and watch"...sounds like a call for ignoring the issues and advocating for a no treatment route like they did with people who got covid early on.

What I'm suggesting is not running out and giving AdV vectored or any other jabs to everyone, it's that first of all we can't consider them as all being equal - re-read the quote I posted from the Irrgang paper. "This induction of IgG4 antibodies was not observed after homologous or heterologous SARS-CoV-2 vaccination with adenoviral vectors."

There's plenty of other evidence out there for non-specific effects (NSE) of vaccines (e.g. BCG vaccine on other viral infections) and if we see it here (with adenovirus having positive NSE and/or mRNA negative NSE w/regard to spike IgG4) should that data not be evaluated (or other data re-evaluated with that in mind)? Along those lines, I was re-acquainted with a paper (going down the rabbit whole w/Igor's post on the IgG4 matter) that suggested mrna "reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses" ...https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.03.21256520v1.full

One example, "The induction of tolerance towards stimulation with TLR7/8 (R848) or TLR4 (LPS) ligands by BNT162b2 vaccination may indicate a more balanced inflammatory reaction during infection with SARS-CoV-2", i.e. consistent with the notion of enhanced IgG4/spike 'tolerance'.

Those observations even mesh with the idea that things may need to be "retuned via epigenetic manipulation" perhaps with "small molecules that influence the right signaling pathways". Coincidentally, what I've found interesting is that unlike (m)any other whole virion vaccines, the adjuvant used in Covaxin is a small molecule toll-like receptor (TLR) 7/8 agonist. Initial results of the Phase 3 'immunobridging and broadening' trial are allegedly forthcoming sometime in January, so in that sense, no 'huge experiments' are needed (i.e. for a small molecule agonist). In this case it has been given to those who had received either mRNA or AdV primary series to evaluate seroconversion to other non-spike proteins, particularly the nucleocapsid. In my view what would be interesting is if the immune responses for those getting Covaxin as heterologous vaccination were on par with those of the vaccine naive, as there is evidence from both UK HSA Surveillance data and NIAID/Moderna paper (https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.04.18.22271936v1) that the nucleocapsid seropositivty post-mrna vaccination appears to be diminished upon subsequent covid infection (i.e. potential adaptive immune suppression).

Who knows if these effects - e.g. stimulating broader immune response, the immune modulation giving rise to the IgG4 type responses, etc. - are coincident, but given the seeming ever increasing connections being found between the innate and adaptive immune systems, I think it may merit a closer look for having a possible remediative effect.

So yes, it could be possible that 'a' (not 'the') potential cure for bad 'vaccines' could be more vaccines. Would someone really close off the notion of using a 'vaccine' which actually might have the desired (secondary, non-specific) effect(s) out of spite because the original implementation of the broader vaccination campaign was such a shit show?

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The respiratory virus dummy refers to the inability to erradicate it with the vaccines used and thus the nonsensical (coerced) mass vaccination.

There was early treatment. But putting people on ventilators so fast and without corticosteroids probably killed a lot more people. And go ahead and show me the valid Randomised Controlled Trial that proves that such treatment saves lives in covid. In contrast lots of cheap early treatment has been proposed that was rejected and even sabotaged by the establishment.

"Was not observed" does not mean it doesn't occur. Is it so difficult to understand? The antibodies generated are influenced by the frequency, duration and interval of same antigen exposure. Nothing has been injected so frequently as those mRNA jabs...

Also adenovirus vector DNA vaccines are subject to the same problem as also the extreme high levels of circulating SARS-CoV-2 and repeated infections are. And that situation is obviously caused by the total mismanagement of the pandemic.

When you mention adjuvants for TLR7/8 it makes me laugh. It's a tradional addition in many vaccines since long.

The truth is that you and even the top experts of the medical establishment only understand a tiny tiny bit of the very complex virology-immunology-evolutionary biology - molecular biology etc. etc.

Hence you people are dangerous. It's like putting a little kids on the controls of a cockpit. Isn't it then safer to leave it on autopilot?

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Not sure what you're talking about re:early treatment - I mentioned no specifics there and consider ventilation and remdesivir as equating to "no early treatment". Instead, what I have been suggesting is, with the evident immune dysfunction seemingly related to mRNA shots, that perhaps potential NSE of other vaccinations should be examined more closely in order to help understand what may be going on, including the possibility (however remote) that they could have a remediative effect...is that so difficult to understand?

And on that note, still waiting for any actual thoughts you might have on potential solutions for this emerging issue. I get it though, you reject the "The Science" - and rightly so as many of us do - but also it seems anything else if it doesn't adhere to your "The Science" - cause somehow neither I (as admittedly not a Julliard trained immunologist/virologist) nor the "top experts understand the very complex virology-immunology-evolutionary biology", but evidently you do (being conspicuously absent from that list). So anyone else's thoughts should be relegated to the trash bin, simply because you said so.

Reminds me of sooo many people I used to work with - we called them "anecdotals". Anecdotals reject anything with not much more than a "that won't work" - seldom if ever refuting anything with actual evidence or data. e.g. you had an opportunity to enlighten us with all the approved vaccines out there which use a TLR7/8 adjuvant - instead you just laugh. And so like many good anecdotals, there's not much more than a confident facade and mish mash of pejoratives, more time spent arguing why nothing will work than cultivating potential solutions through discussion with other curious people. Why not instead teach the little kid to fly the plane from such an elevated and learned state?

And I also love how "you people", who ask questions and are interested in discussion of potential solutions, "are dangerous". Did you get that from KJP? If so, you forgot the "and a threat to our democracy" part.

Anyway, I submit - you "win" whatever game was played here.

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I'm not saying that there is an "evident immune dysfunction seemingly related to mRNA shots", am I?

Immunity is always a delicate balance between missing pathogens and cancer cells OR autoimmunity. And there are most likely many complex mechanisms behind this (several are known and have been demonstrated in the lab but many others are not known or are unproven hypotheses). The repetitive antigen exposure effect on immune cell epigenetics seems pretty well established.

I don't claim I know it all better because this science is still very immature. But I do know it's very immature and all my predictions have become true because they were built upon the most essential observations and at least the essence of immunity and evolutionary biology.

If I could get it right, then what does that say about the official experts?

And no. No new vaccines are not going to solve this. Unknowingly people are looking for eternal life. The Covid pandemic could have passed largely without interventions and turned endemic. Yes many people would have died. But many people would have died anyway. Most covid deaths were deaths "with covid". We don't know the end result. But knowing that a natural coronavirus pandemic would have probably only weeded out mostly the weak elderly, like HCOV-OC43 did, and seeing the results of intervention, I'm betting the objective conclusion in a couple of decades will be that the cure was worse than the disease. And that does not even include the effects on society. And since there is absolutely no proof that my bet is wrong, it should be considered the default outcome.

So the solution is : there is no solution. It's life and death.

If either mRNA or the repetitive use of it or the repetitive infections at short interval lead to what you call immune dysfunction, then there will still be many other unknown mechanisms to counter that in a large number of people. For example, the virus might become a latent infection like with HCMV. Or many people will die of a Covid-AIDS but a large group with (epi)genetic differences will survive. I'm not saying that's a great outcome but we do live in a dangerous way. We are constantly exposed to thousands of pathogens and many opportunistic ones in our own body. We constantly produce (pre-)cancerous cells. There's only one certainty: death.

I'm not against research. I find it extremely interesting. Including all the covid and vaccine related research. But there is so much that should be researched. The obsession with covid and in particular vaccines should stop.

I'm in favour of novel evidence-based medical treatments. But they need to be personalized for treatment or prevention for particular persons at real risk. Thus they must have a very clear proven benefits-risks advantage - also long-term if that is relevant.

Any large scale interventions, like mass vaccinations, need to be done very very cautiously, with sufficient proof that also ecological-evolutionary aspects are well understood - like I have argued from the start. If we had done that for the covid jabs, then they wouldn't have been approved (yet). Now we did a huge experiment that may be turning really bad. But how many people will know this?

Your suggestion unfortunately falls in the same trap of overestimated knowledge. Unless it will take decades to apply and then it will probably be obsolete.

And sorry I'm not going to describe here what my plan would be to get us out of this mess with the minimum damage. That would require a whole book. And nobody is going to apply it anyway. Because in the end it's all about money and politics.

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You argument well. It crossed my mind that the studies done on allergen immuniation, could tell us something. Its my experience, that immunisation Against pollen and other allergens actually wanes with years. That might give some hope.

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Long ago, end of 2021, a few sane people with integrity at EMA, warned for "immune exhaustion" due to repetitive (same) antigen presentation with frequent boosters (and re-infections).

Lots of studies exist from long ago that show that the epigenetic program of immune cells changes every time the same antigen is encountered. This makes sense because our immunity needs to have an inbuilt brake on autoimmunity. Yet it is also known that viruses like cytomegalovirus or EBV can exploit this "feature" and thus remain in our bodies forever. That doesn't bode well. Such virus can become carcinogenic or assisting cancer in other ways. Or like in the case of HIV it can lead to terminal disease in the longer term.

But don't worry. Lots of new mRNA vaccines are being made now to deal with those opportunistic diseases and cancer that are possibly being triggered by the covid mRNA injections.

It's gift that keeps on giving. If you are a Pfizer shareholder.

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Completely anecdotal, but for what it's worth; was able to get the Navy to fly me to India to get the Covaxin shots (as they forced me under pain of career elimination to get unnecessary shots). I wasn't taking a gene therapy concoction under any circumstances. My wife and kids are all pure bloods; 3 months after shot 2, we all got coronavirus the same day, same severity and duration of symptoms, except they all cleared the virus within a week, and I had a lingering cough for 2+ weeks. Remember that previous attempts at coronavirus vaccines, using more traditional approaches like the Covaxin; also all failed, and with evidence of subsequent increase in risk when exposed to viral variants, if memory serves. Not sure that India offers much hope of benefit.

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And I found this quote interesting:

"RNA vaccines are efficient preventive measures to combat the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic."

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LOL. German sarcasm.

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The Christine Stabell Benn study on the adenovirus vaccines is simply crap since the Oxford/Astra Zeneca trials were simply a screw-up and should be looked at as several tiny trials (with different dosing and placebos) that require an appropriate meta-analysis approach. Then looking at the figures of death events critically you can see so many red flags that you could fill the whole Red Square with them.

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I found this paper of same analysis on CoronaVac. Low IgG4 high IgG3 response after 1 year booster. Seems relevant. Would love your all's insights into it. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/imm.13531

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Where to start?

The tip of the iceberg :

1) Healthy adults aged 18–59 years only, mean age of the cohort was 39.7 years

2) Long list of exclusions

3) 1 Booster dose only, 1 year after the primary

4) Samples after booster up to only 21 days maximum

5) IgG4 did rise too relatively after booster

6) At 12 months, the seropositivity rate decreased to 25.9%.

7)- here it comes! - we were only able to investigate the RBD-specific IgG subclasses for the wild-type strain. Therefore, we cannot confidently draw the practical conclusions regarding the Beta, Gamma, Delta and Omicron variants

8) 2-dose primary immunization of COVID-19 inactivated vaccine only achieved low neutralization ability

When are people going to understand 1) how to critically read studies

2) that vaccines ultimately rely on natural immunity and cannot hope to achieve anything better 3) are thus futile (or even damaging) when given in an intramuscular way to non-elderly and people with reasonable natural immunity against a fast-evolving respiratory RNA virus

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Thank you for the reply!

I inherited an investment with lots of Pfizer stock early 2021. I told the guy to sell it all and get me out even though it was going up up up. I can't in good conscience knowingly make money off of something so pernicious.

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Thanks for taking us a little deeper into this. Jeff Childers' substack ("Coffee & Covid") had a great layman's explanation today, which was the perfect lead-in to your piece just as it landed in my inbox. You guys are doing such GREAT WORK educating the public on all of this. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Educating a sliver of the public... I cannot send any of this to the general public in my contacts list without making them very angry.

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yep.. they have taken the blue pill. But mostly, the great majority of them couldn't go to a white board and draw out how mRNA works in a cell.. Really. Try it on them.. they are "smart" in their own minds only because they parrot back what Fauci has said. The general public is really a bunch of uneducated mindless sheep. They still wear a mask by them selves driving their cars around Austin with the windows up. Clueless sheep.

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Hi fellow red-pilled Austinite!

I try not to be annoyed by the knowledge that I will likely go the rest of my life seeing these idiots wearing masks alone (or at all) and just be grateful I don’t live such a frightened, miserable existence.

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Great minds!

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Definitely worth researching, which is why the CDC won’t.

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the only thing the CDC is good for is cash money. Best to do the opposite of what they adize.

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Another small piece of data lies in hospitalizations. Hint: the very vaxxed NE didn't 'clear' their virus over the summer 'for some reason', and now seasonality is starting to kick up..........

And if people like you and I can see this, certainly the 'experts' know all about it -- yet remain silent.


The northeast isn’t getting any better, and now we’re heading into the months in which that region of the country struggles with the virus. This higher covid baseline portends a nasty winter ahead, and NOT ‘for the unvaccinated’.

I should mention that covid remains a minor issue for the healthcare system. Nearly 25% of our beds are open, with less than 4% being taken by covid-positive patients. That’s good news AND what we expect from a pandemic — each wave is smaller than the last because fewer people remain susceptible.

UNLESS we rendered people permanently susceptible by training their bodies to react to the virus in a way that does them no good. And that sure seems to be the case.

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I encourage everyone to read this post - he makes it easy to understand a complex subject!

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Only cause I don't know big words. 😛

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Upvoted, though I think it is not correct on a number of issues noted in my reply.

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When the mass die off comes, will those who figure out they're screwed be seeking revenge against the unvaccinated or the military industrial pharma alliance?

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Will they even be able to?

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Knowing history it will be the unvaccinated scapegoats for sure.

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My perspective is that folk do have compromised immune systems, a problem that was growing for decades with the SAD diet, way heavy in processed seed oils and carbs, and perhaps vaccines in general, (not something I have studied) and now between Covid itself and the definite Covid vaccine failure harms, noted in the ruined jabbed cohorts antibody response to Covid, those failures MAY also affect all other viral disease immunity response.

We do not know how much is Covid, as the GEBs, greatly desiring to hide their Covid creation and vaccine disaster, are now doing the opposite of 2020. In 2020 the PCR tests were run at very very high cycles, and far far more PCR tests were being done. If today we were continuing to test as often, with the same number of very high cycles, as were used in 2020, those “flu” and cold cases, would likely test positive for Covid.

I think it is also true that Covid continues to mutate, and its symptoms are far far beyond the mostly respiratory Covid pattern pneumonia of 2020. My symptoms were very different from my wife’s, yet I almost certainly got it from her. I think the systemic nature of Covid attacks folk wherever they are inherently weak.

The hospitals, confirmed by one doctor and two nurses, underreport the myriad patterns of Covid harms, and never associate vaccine harms with the observed symptoms, treat the manifest symptoms only, sinus infection, cold flu, RSV, etc… only, and do not jump through hoops (quite the opposite of 2020) to assign those various viral harms to Covid, despite the fact that Covid can manifest in an incredibly varied manner of harms and symptoms, in fact they DO NOT want Covid or vaccines associated with these harms. If this jab induced ruined immune response to covid becomes or is true for other viral infections, they will double down on hiding that, and excess deaths will likely continue, and possibly grow despite the weakest going first, as we are manufacturing ever more “weakest”

So this studies concerns may be correct, and we may be seeing a vast generally weakened immune response to many viral illnesses among the vaccinated, who are incubating then spreading that to all, including the unvaccinated, AND Covid itself, does have the capacity to mimic many other viral illness, colds, flu, pneumonia, plus ALL the VARES harms, heart issues, (contradictory papers here) tinnitus, sudden hearing loss, shingles, cancers etc, etc, and the shots themselves can produce the same harms, quite possibly more severely. ( I wondered at Bidens repeated threats last year of a “dark winter”. Is it here a year later than expected?)

What is happening in China with their vaccine failure, I have no idea, not having read of their vaccine. I understand that the Chinese have a much higher ( ?like 300 percent? ) number of ACE2 receptors, and this may partially explain China’s extreme attempts at Covid suppression. (The initial consensus was they were underreporting Covid harms) If the reported number of infected, ill, and dead is correct, this will soon have global repercussions on every aspect of society and the economy. If the numbers are real, any response short of a massive Uttar Pradesh ivermectin, zinc, vitamin D response based on massive contact tracing, will likely fail completely.

Lastly, all of the above potentially makes the global billions mutation factories for ever more viral versions.

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I read it 3 times!

Here's my take (hint its not technical) :

How many people who are unvaxed with natural immunity do you know who keep getting sick from covid or otherwise?

Try the reverse question.

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I've had nothing more serious than a 'throat tickle' (I don't really know how else to describe that gross feeling I get in the back of my throat when I know I've been infected with a cold/flu bug) for the last 3 years. I've been supplementing with D and zinc during the bottom half of the year and adding quercetin and NAC when I feel a 'bug'. No Covid shots and no tests so far. I don't consider either of those things to be useful.

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It took me until Sep 2022 to get infected. Three family members had mild/moderate cases, and a fourth has antibodies without being sick. I never had COVID and didn't have any antibodies.

One day in Sep I felt a slight fever, which I never get, so I tested for COVID. My wife and daughter were watching with me at the kitchen table as the second line quickly turned dark, and we all cheered. Perhaps thanks to IVM and HCQ (and two years+ Vit C/D/Zinc/Quercitin), the only COVID symptoms my unvaccinated 62-year-old body could come up with was one day of mild-body aches and a few weeks of feeling extra fatigued in the evening. Didn't even have any nasal congestion or sore throat.

I know some people have more acute responses to SARS-CoV-2 (as is the case with nearly all viruses), but my experience is far more typical, and gives the lie to the Fauci-fed narrative. And now with this article on antibody class-switching, the case for mass murder by "expert" is getting stronger.

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My response was similar, slightly worse. (November 2022) However my wife, (we are both unvaccinated) had a far worse response. She is very immune compromised and I have long thought her a prime candidate for either Covid harms, or vaccine harms. Those concerns were valid, as her reaction to Covid is quite severe. Extreme fatigue, chest congestion, headaches, weakness, and sudden and perhaps permanent deafness and tinnitus. Current versions of Covid can, like the shots, harm you wherever you are weakest. It is a mistake to minimise Covid as just a flu.

The hospital now hide Covid cases...

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I'm sorry to hear how it affected your wife. While I agree with you that minimizing COVID as "just a flu" is a mistake, I think that's not only because COVID can be serious but also because flu (like other common respiratory viruses) is known to have the potential for severe chronic sequale and to target the weaknesses of bodies they infect.

If you haven't already, I suggest you take a look at the FLCCC's I-Recover protocol (https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-recover-long-covid-treatment/)

I hope and pray that your wife can fully recover in time.

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Thank you Mark, yes, we are very proactive.

It was through her experience that I learned the hospitals now test a small fraction as often as they used to, and the cycles run are greatly reduced. The reasons are obvious, to hide the extent of the vaccine failures, and to hide the extent of Covid damage. The Covid spike can go systemic, and those that die from Covid often have extensive brain damage. Also two specialists told us that Covid harms are incredibly varied, and vaccine harms were quietly admitted within that context. I have read studies of some that died from Covid, and the brain damage to the nerve pathways within the brain was extensive. It is my perspective that the vaccines cause all the same harms, and more. Many vaccinated and then infected, are also manifesting vaccine harm, that is counted as Covid harm, and or is often counted as neither, as it can simply be left as a heart condition fatality, or pneumonia death, or a flu death.

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Wow, such a sad and sobering finding. It illustrates why excess deaths are often the best indicator of harm, and on that score the scale of damage done is already of a level previously unthinkable. The vaccines are not only harming directly, but intensifying and prolonging COVID, while at the same time rendering people more vulnerable to harm from it. The fact that "experts" are still pushing these shots in light of what many or most surely must know crosses the line IMO from negligence/incompetence or even reckless endangerment to outright mass murder.

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ditto here.

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Same here!

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Same here, not vaccinated. Just a throat tickle and slight runny nose several times in 3 years. Used ACT mouthwash and one dose of Quercetin with D, C, Zinc and Melatonin before bed. No sign of sickness the next day, same results for my 3x vaccinated mother in her early 70's and my vaccinated girlfriend with Omicron in the early Spring.

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From the outset I looked at the data and realized my 'best' play was to catch covid as quickly as possible so I'd turn into the 'firebreak' they said the vax would be. It still took me 20 months and a vaccinated infected friend before I finally got it. Haven't been sick since.

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That reminds of an uncle of mine who, when getting ice cubes out of the freezer, would deliberately drop one on the floor. He said that he knew he'd drop one, so it might as well be on his own terms.

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Now that's some funny shit

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Me too! But I did catch COVID again within 10 mos. Disappointed - thinking I’d have immunity for much longer. One difference I noticed is I cleared the virus much quicker than they did. A few days while they took weeks (antigen test). I took FLCCC therapeutics - they did not.

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It is amazing how you say this. It is virtually the same as how my wife and I rationalized our decision.

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And I have yet to get it. I haven't tried, just lived and moved around. And if I DID get it? It was so mild I passed it by and never knew it. What can I say? This bug has likely been circulating since 2018 or 2019, NOT 2020 like they say, and with my public exposure, I likely got it and never even knew it. How else do we explain the non vaxxed never got it despite heavy exposure to infected? Maybe, oh I dunno know, they've SEEN this before?

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My mother is 75 and she never got it. Neither did my grandmother who is 94.

Or at least they didn't "know".

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My 85 yr old step dad caught it recently from his wife who is 20 years younger, exercises, healthy weight. She experienced it as a bad cold and it lingered for a couple weeks. Pretty miserable. He on the other hand had only a stuffy nose for a few days. He also has COPD, overweight, inactive and was awaiting a pacemaker (heart rate down to 30). This virus effects everyone so differently! He would have never known or tested if it weren’t for the fact his wife caught it first and tested for work reasons.

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ahh, virus discussion aside he should not wait for the pacer if he is down in the 30s - his cardiologist needs to put one in him muy pronto... (hint, I am a cardiovascular surgeon.....)

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Thank you - yes! I was shocked they didn’t schedule him immediately (Kaiser). Surgery finally complete - all is well now.

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As a cardiologist, what have you noticed in your own practice, and does your medical care system note the vaccinated status of all patients? Thanks in advance.

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Indeed, Australia suffered "the worst flu season on record" for the majority of 2019 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-02-11/early-outbreaks-to-blame-for-worst-flu-season-on-record/11949320. It lasted eight months, despite 2019 being "one of the most successful vaccination years to date" (which dovetails with your speculation on whether vaccines are fueling disease outbreaks rather than curtailing them).

So the outbreak of COVID in 2020 was not novel in Australia (the number of cases of COVID reported in 2020 was significantly less than those reported in 2019). These viruses have been circulating in the community for years. The CDC simply didn't receive the funding boost to label and promote until this decade.

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I no idea whether or not I've ever had the dreaded covid. Same with my husband. Our son got the earliest version in late fall 2019. He was fairly sick (he described it as "gnarly") but recovered after less than 2 weeks. We were around him at one point, in the same house but trying not to get close to him, and we never got it. We never got it for the next two years. In March 2022 we got a respiratory thing, which wasn't all that bad except for a nose that ran like a faucet for a couple of days. Annoying more than anything. No apparent fever or even a cough. No testing done, so probably just a cold or some sort. Two months later another similar cold, not as bad. Didn't test. Then between June and October we both had a couple of instances of feeling that throat-eat tickle that is usually a sign of something coming on. We used Dr. McCullough's recipe for povidone-iodine spray and used it in our noses and throat. It zapped that tickle by the next morning. Never got sick either time. The two of us and the rest of my close family are and remain unjabbed (with the exception of one grandson who got 2 jabs in May of 2021, none since). My daughter works as a nurse in a nursing-rehab facility where her real world observation has been that the jabbed keep getting sick, the unjabbed do not. She often has to cover for newly sick jabbed. Also....the elderly and compromised in her facility have had covid numerous times and survived quite well, some were barely sick. They are a mixture of jabbed and unjabbed (some people refused the shot).

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That would be me and my husband - we had the original covid in March 2020, never got any shots, haven't been sick since. What I'd like to know is: could I catch covid from one of my many vaxxed and boosted friends who keep getting it over and over?

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In the meantime... my husband and I had to original COVID in November 2020, and had a year of not getting sick.

This year, we both got sick with something (not COVID) in early July; I was moderately sick for a few weeks, he got over it in a few days. Fast forward to the beginning of December; I got sick again, moderately and it hung on for a few weeks. Now he has it. It seems to be some sort of allergy/ bronchitis thing. I wonder if having COVID has made us vulnerable to certain things.

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Bear with me, this is not the typical hounddog snark. We are all looking for a bug to explain symptoms that we are told come from...a bug. However, these symptoms also come from about 60 or 70 other sources (Most of them allergies of one form or another). My take on what you are describing is that you are getting seasonal allergic reactions to something. Oh by the way, allergies can lead to slight fevers through secondary issues, such as a sinus infection.

Please don't take this as a hit. It is me simply offering an alternative explanation. As an allergy sufferer for most of my life, you described exactly how they hit me as the seasons come and go.

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Actually, you're both completely right. As soon as I started treating it as an allergy, it did get better. Seems to go from allergy to mild bronchitis back to an allergy. I think it was triggered by all the moldy leaves I was raking in the endless cold and rainy fall. I wanted it to get cold, and it finally did, which helped. Until our furnace broke and I stopped sleeping to tend to the fire all night. Yeah, stupid, I know.

A few years ago, I moved and my allergies, which were well under control for decades, went crazy. I guess it's not uncommon for that to happen in this area. So thank you Mrhounddog.

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You are welcome. Here is some more unsolicited info: Get one of the sinus irrigation squeeze bottles (it MUST be the squeeze bottle, according to my ENT friend). Mix 3 teaspoons of canning salt, and 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 Liter of filtered water (do not use tap water). Squirt that mess up into your nasal cavity forcefully, then let it drain. Not only will it help defeat allergies without pharmaceuticals, but you will find yourself not getting sick. I do it twice a day, morning and evening. During allergy seasons, the frequency increases. My ENT pal said to throw the Neti pot away and make sure you blast that stuff up into your sinuses. He likes the simple solutions, and so do I.

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I'll do that, thank you!

Yeah, the Neti pot did nothing for me; I got it about a decade ago and ended up getting rid of it.

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How much water in this mix? Is this a nasal lavage?

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Allergy reaction also explains persistent illnesses. The allergens are still circulating, so you can't escape easily. Regular bugs, you battle and dispatch.

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Yep. Totally agree.

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My family all had Delta. Not a runny nose since then. And my kids were 9 then.

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I’m wondering what the implications of this are for non-shotters. Because I AM seeing lots of colds, mostly mild, but some nasty, in people who didn’t get it. It seems like things are morphing and recirculating faster, and I’m wondering if these are the natural boosters and we need them to keep up with whatever is happening.

I’m concerned about where this leads. I’m worried about the elderly people in my life.

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i'm not seeing any obvious reason this would affect the unvaxxed but it's possible that is is simply increasing overall disease prevalence and viral loads by making the vaxxed into long duration superspreaders.

might be possible it's just greater exposure.

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The number of comorbidities is the answer to all the question we seek.

All of them; vaxxed, unvaxxed, infected or not, etc., etc., etc.

If that data was available the answers would be self evident imo.

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Also....if the vaxxed are getting sick more often and more easily, it makes sense that there are more bugs to spread around to anyone nearby, whether they are vaxxed or unvaxxed.

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Good point

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I’m surprised that I’m seeing *any* reinfections, but it does seem to matter which variant you had.

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In a Marek’s Disease situation, where the vaxxed have OAS, it drives the variant cycle harder, is that correct? The disease keeps moving around to find a way to get its hooks in (that’s always the pattern, but OAS or worse, as this appears to be, makes the variants worse)?

If we have a healthy population of unvaxxed who know how to support their immune systems, is it possible that, because the constantly-infected vaxxed are dragging it around, we (individuals) are getting closer to durable immunity and staying in a safety zone of not being vulnerable to more serious disease expression?

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I worked at a library for years. Some years everyone was snotty and coughing. We’d clean the computer stations. And DVDs. Stand back at the desk. That’s what I feel about it. Meh. Some will get it mild. Some worse. We are walking around every single day in a soup of virons and bacteria. Trillions and trillions of them.

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some we can't live without...:)

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Exactly. Your gut has about 6 pounds of bacteria in it and is part of your immune system and brain function. We need a good deal of the soup in us and around us.

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To some extent we "need" the soup for a healthy immune system.

It's an arm's race between it and pathogens.

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Fellow librarian, I agree. We all get sick, from what's circulating and we've likely got pretty good immune systems. Will we get sick? Yeah.. will we die of it? Nope. So there it is... in black and white, LOL

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My daughter was a middle school teacher for a decade....every October and November all the various illnesses began not long after kids were back in school and colds and flu spread around. It was like clockwork. What is going around now is probably the same.

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I am seeing the same thing. My daughter's family is un-vaxxed. Five children, home-schooled, live on a farm and dad is a farmer. In the past year, every time they go somewhere where there's a crowd--family reunion, wedding, etc, they get something cold/flu-like and pass it all around the family. It's been four times in 12 months now. And this is a healthy family in general. No vaccines ever for the kids. The illnesses they are catching are pretty mild, but the increased frequency is very noticeable. I'm unvaxxed as well and I have gotten several colds in spite of my 10,000 IU Vitamin D daily. Maybe I've had Covid, but I don't test.

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That's a really I vit D load. Have you tested your blood levels? We use Cerascreen--only about $50 per test.

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I have done so before, but thanks for the reminder. I use Life Extension blood tests and have some already paid for.

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ditto here on LEI.. also Mercola vites

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And I should note that the family got "something" in September at a family reunion and then again in October at a reunion on the other side of the family. Not a time of year when you'd normally think of colds and flu. Not to mention that I was a teacher for 35 years and I got a cold about once a year and sick enough to miss class maybe three times , for one day, in all those years. I'm still not getting sick, but a cold/cough several times this past year.

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My unprofessional opinion is that this will all slowly tapper off (2-3 years) and return to "baseline" if people stop taking the boosters (completely).

Otherwise we are still going to have "escape". And that means that possibly (maybe probably) we will all be affected.

Even if only 2-5% of people contribute to escape it could theoretically affect everyone.

It is the "escape" that will keep us (our immune systems) on the run.

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i wish that were so, but fear that it may not "wear off" like that.

beta cells (which store adaptive immune response) are forever.

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Andrew Read, one of the author's on the paper that showed vaccines made Marek's disease worse in chickens, said he didn't have this concern for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.

He never actually said why not though.


It's strange. Considering his expertise, I'd expect him to be a tad more concerned. Single strand RNA means high mutation rate - and highly specific (spike only) vaccines surely increase the risk?

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If I were still doing sternotomies for CABG surgery I would do a study and look at thymic tissue Old folks have skinny little thymus, children and young adults it is thick, well vascularized and full of good immunogenic cells. My vote is the thymus lymphocytes (T-cells) are the key. Of course with no data except >3000 heart surgeries... but that is more than Fauci ever offered.

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Though TES’s analysis of the Walgreen’s data suggests that OAS may start to fade after a year since the last dose.

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