I think Dr Judy Mitkovits (sp?) spoke about this. The distribution study from Japan also showed it deposits in the ovaries and testes (germ cells)so it is incorporated into offspring. I remember reading about reverse transcriptase , daughter cells incorporating the genetic material when splitting into new cells.
I think Dr Judy Mitkovits (sp?) spoke about this. The distribution study from Japan also showed it deposits in the ovaries and testes (germ cells)so it is incorporated into offspring. I remember reading about reverse transcriptase , daughter cells incorporating the genetic material when splitting into new cells.
I think Dr Judy Mitkovits (sp?) spoke about this. The distribution study from Japan also showed it deposits in the ovaries and testes (germ cells)so it is incorporated into offspring. I remember reading about reverse transcriptase , daughter cells incorporating the genetic material when splitting into new cells.
Right -- and you jogged my memory with the gonad thing -- let us not forget this: