"mRNA vaccines (adenovirus vaccines like AZ too) are not intended to trigger or train immune response by themselves. instead, they penetrate cells and provide instructions to them to produce sets of proteins that look like those produced by cells infected with pathogen (in this case, sars-cov2)."

i read this and all i hear is mrna will cause autoimmune diseases as you are injecting something into your body to cause you body to attack your body.

am i wrong?

how did/does anyone think is a good idea?

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well, keep in mind that lots of immune function works this way and focuses on destroying infected cells.

but this is a particularly hard to control version of that.

it's certainly a known risk and one that seems to have been all but completely ignored.

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does your immune system program your own cells to make the pathogen?

that's the part seems so stunningly not a good idea to me.

or, does your immune system just attack your own cells that have been infected?

that i understand

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the latter, and yes, it's obviously a BIG difference.

one of the early claims on the vaxx was that it would stay local to injection site. it rapidly became clear that this was NOT so and that it was going systemic and collecting in kidneys, ovaries, testes, and other organs.

this was another one of those "should have pulled it instantly" moments of "obviously, this is not at all what we thought."

there are so many of these from being non-sterilizing to kicking off huge AE counts to 55% fidelity in mass production that it's just staggering that they stayed on the market and the health agencies kept pushing them.

ever safeguard was ignored or deactivated.

nothing else in history has ever looked anything like this.

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i think this may give some explanation for why this all happened


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Piggybacking (catbacking?) on this comment - Sasha has another relevant piece out today talking about the blots and the approval process:


Also Sasha's excellent work is best paired with Katherine Watt's


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("kittybacking" is cuter)

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Which, when added to the fact that just about every country on the planet has taken the exact same route, leads me to believe that it is not by accident nor incompetence. They want this to happen.

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well, that is something of a problem.

The powers that be, the great Gods of Science and just assisted in the massive culling of votes and elimination of Trump, that evil man that was destroying the entire planet, and solar system.

Would they have ever considered pulling back? Heck to that NO

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The proteins (antigen) that enable pathogens to bind to cell receptors & gain entry into cells tend to be similar to normal, functional proteins. When a flood of antibodies runs out of antigen to bind to, they can cross-react with (bind to) healthy tissue, causing impaired function, eg autoimmune disease.

(A natural example of this is strep throat, which can trigger a type of antibody that binds to the lining of the heart, causing "rheumatic fever" (ie a type of pericarditis). That is why rapid strep tests & immediate antibiotic treatment are the normal protocol for a severe sore throat.)

And this is why doctors who didn't forget their physiology basics predicted the quaccines would lead to autoimmune disorders caused by a continuous flood of antibody-inducing spikes.

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As an individual who has suffered from immune dysfunction in the past and also as a breast cancer survivor whose body reacted rather unfavorably to the implants placed following bilateral mastectomy, auxin learning the basis for how the mRNA vaccines worked.....I had grave concerns about autoimmune risks associated with it.

1) The FDA openly and candidly states it was not tested on individuals with autoimmune disease. WTH?! Seriously? And yet, the FDA told those folks to live up first. And in the beginning they did not even recommend those taking immunosuppressive drugs stop before being jabbed. Nothing like letting these pathogens proliferate from your own cells without your immune system able to respond normally.....and/or nothing like baiting a rogue immune system to have another go at one’s own body.

2) I remember being horrified at the FDA’s nonchalant claim that if the vaccine triggers a relapse of one’s autoimmune condition that is probably a better option than getting COVID. How incredibly irresponsible, insensitive and inaccurate!!!!

Autoimmune diseases can kill and often wreak havoc on one’s life for months/years/lifetime. They eviscerate one’s quality of life in many instances. The toll on an individual and family is devastating. And all the worse because autoimmune disease is not curable--the name of the game is to control and reduce symptoms, with the best out on being periods of remission. So the FDA speaking about autoimmune disease as if it was no big thing was a huge red flag for me having lost years of my life to an immune system dysfunction in my 20’s and 30’s.....which brings me to my next point.

3) Those of us who have experienced dysfunctional immune systems and had medical care in relation to our conditions know all too well that the medical community does not understand fully the immune system and diseases from or of the immune system. That is, no cures have been found for MS, Psoriasis, MG, Wegner’s, etc. WHY? Well, in part, the docs and scientists do not fully understand the mechanisms that result in things going haywire....i.e. they do not understand the immune system and it’s function within our bodies as well as they would like us to think. This has been evidenced again, again, and again in the COVID chronicles.

4) Worse still is the reality that autoimmune diseases can be hard to diagnose and people can suffer for years before help is provided. Imagine the number of elderly or immunocompromised who got the jab and had difficulties that were misdiagnosed because they actually are exhibiting signs of an autoimmune process not a stroke, heart attack, pneumonia, COVID, etc. Nothing like inviting the cytokine storm in!

Sadly, I know all to well how this story ends. I had expressed concern to my 82 year old mom given our family history of autoimmune disease. She, however, confronted with the fear porn around COVID felt she was damned if she got the jab and damned if she did not. She followed her doctors advice and got the flu shot and COVID booster last October 2021 (while on immunosuppressive drugs, which her doctor did not advise her to stop taking before vaccinating). She died on Jan. 6, 2022 after 4 hospitalizations. Her symptoms and age led the doctors to focus on heart attack and stroke, despite no tests to confirm diagnosis. Then came pneumonia and essentially warehousing around her care. When I saw her for the first time in January 1st...I knew that we were not dealing with a stroke or congestive heart failure. I told them she was suffering from a sudden onset of MG. Turns out I was right but by the time they got a neurologist in to confirm she had been in the hospital for over a week with little hydration and food. In essence, she was starved and her reserves were so low. They needed to vent her to support breathing and she went into cardiac arrest due to dehydration and died as a result.

How did I diagnose her when several doctors and two different hospitals missed all the signs? I had been reviewing VAERS since the vaccines rolled out. Symptoms like hers were and are prolific. I already knew the issues relative to potential immune dysfunction and it became evident as well because I had been doing regular research around adverse results related to autoimmune disease. McCullough and Malone had also been on Rogan. Turns out a paper McCullough and others published later in 2022 describes exactly what happened to my mother. I am haunted by how she suffered and us kept from seeing her from Jan. 1-6 (allowed in only to watch her die, although she was already gone essentially) due to a COVID outbreak in the hospital.

How many other elderly have died similar deaths? The kicker....her death certificate has the MG diagnosis, but I would bet that her death was never reported to VAERS and I am guessing the doctors do not even realize or will recognize the onset of her illness (never had it before) was due to the vaccine.

And this is where the cognitive dissonance has allowed for this nightmare to continue. I shudder to think how many have died with their loved ones none the wiser.

So yeah, it was propaganda from the outset to tell those with autoimmune disease to go play Russian roulette with their lives. Good grief.

I have lost family members and friends over my views. The only silver lining to my mother’s passing was that I was able to get exemptions for my daughters....one who would have been faced with getting the jab for school this past fall. I would likely have had a harder time making the case to spare my daughters had my mothers illness not have occurred. That is criminal in its own right..,.because as an informed parent I did not need to lose my mother to know that the shots presented more risk than benefit to my daughters. Turns out (based on antibody testing) they had both had COVID and never even knew it.

I have also experienced the lies and harm caused by big pharma personally. In November of 2021, I had removed toxic ruptured silicone breast implants that have been recalled by big pharma because they cause cancer. My health had deteriorated since their placement in 2014. The FDA recalled them in 2019. Just yesterday I read a study that talks about the I’ll effects they cause on the immune system....but hey, why was that study (pretty simple one) not done before these hens got placed in thousands of women worldwide? One guess....$$$$$ and plausible deniability. It’s a little game that big pharma and our FDA have down to a science. So much so....they have grown so bold as to call it “the science.” Watch the Netflix Documentary, “The Bleeding Edge” and you will get a good idea of how regulatory capture works.

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I am so sorry for what you & yours have endured at the hands of The Science™.

When I was 30, my Harvard HMO doc said

my glaring symptoms were "all in my head", handed a script for sleeping pills & sent me packing. Reality was septicemia going septic. My dentist saved my life. I haven't trusted "healthcare" since.

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Thank you for this lengthy and candid description of your + family's challenges. Must not have been easy to tell all.

Also shows the value of this site and others discussing important health issues that industry and government ignore.

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Thank you for your well stated comment. I am sorry you had to loose your mom they way in which you did.

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Laura, God bless you dear.

You have been to hell and back and I wish you many many years of vitality and happiness.

You have shared a wealth of your earnest research and persistence

and I am grateful.

Every now and then Netflix tosses out a gem.

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yes, it's a notorious issue with the modality. (and one shared by the adenovirus carrier vaxxes as well)

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In my mother’s case, it appears that (as McCullough et al described in their paper on impact on innate immune system) the spike proteins went to her spleen traveled by exosomes up the vagus nerve impacting speech and swallowing, shortness of breath. My mother even had an odd instance of fainting which she described the process coming on then passed out for 3 mins. Hospital sent her home on that trip, before her final hospitalization (where she continued to complain of dizziness and pain at the back of her head). Scans never showed any evidence of a stroke but she was treated as a stroke patient.

She did have an abnormal scan of her spleen but they did not seem to find that significant enough to consider or explore.

My mother never tested positive for COVID. They even swabbed her after they gathered us to watch her die (that made me angry, all treatment had stopped, the family was present and they come into the room and swab her. And hey had been swabbing her since being admitted! Almost like they wanted it to be positive.)

Anyhow, here is the description in the paper:

“Tracer studies have shown that, following injection into the arm muscle, the mRNA in mRNA vaccines is carried into the lymph system by immune cells and ultimately accumulates in the spleen in high concentrations (Bahl et al., 2017). Other studies have shown that stressed immune cells in germinal centers in the spleen release large quantities of exosomes that travel to the brain stem nuclei along the vagus nerve (as reviewed in Seneff and Nigh (2021)). The vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve and it enters the brainstem near the larynx. The superior and recurrent laryngeal nerves are branches of the vagus that innervate structures involved in swallowing and speaking. Lesions in these nerves cause vocal cord paralysis associated with difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) difficulty speaking (dysphonia) and/or shortness of breath (dyspnea) (Gould et al., 2019; Erman et al., 2009).


My mother’s first symptoms were crazy elevated blood pressure, triponins elevated, shortness of breath, lightheaded....but like many 82 year olds she had a heart history so they simply checked it up to that and then tried to manage blood pressure, which bounced all over the place after years of no problems regulating it. Then came slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, passing out....

The thing is.....Ho to VAERS and out in symptoms on difficulty speaking or swallowing, or dizziness and look at how many have suffered. Begs the question about how many elderly or those at risk died from supposed “strokes” “heart failure” or just sudden decline?

My mother was still an active and productive individual. In short order she was reduced to a body under attack and she knew something did not add up. As she told me, “I’m not getting out of here....my body is shutting down.” That’s what it felt like to her.

Even more aggravating was being blocked out and unable to advocate. Once I made the diagnosis and they had a neurologist agree....somehow the order for meds she immediately needed was not written. And within the next 24 hours her Myasethenia Gravis crisis worsened yo the point of needing yo be vented. No explanation for why the order was not written.

To be honest, it felt like the healthcare workers were so caught up in the COVID drama that they went around wringing their hands and wondering who would rest positive next. Led to a lot of inaction where people should have received better care.

The absolute worst part of the whole affair with my mom....

After she died (on a Thursday) we got messages she had tried to send us by messenger the following Saturday after her passing. Basically, the WiFi in the hospital where she was had glitches and the messages did not go through until my sister took my mom’s phone home. Then on my sister’s WiFi they went through.

She was begging for help. And she spoke of no food, no water,no meds. She asked us to send prayers. And we are all left with the realization that she slipped into unconsciousness while we were fighting g to get in. I had been at the administration of the hospital arguing she could not advocate for herself. So she sent those messages and none of her five children responded because we never got them. It breaks my heart and haunts me as we were a close loving family. And if I had got those messages or had it to do over again....I’d ignore the security guards and let them arrest me going to her aid.

My dad died in May of 2020. He was at home and it was years after his battling a debilitating autoimmune disease....we cared for him for 10 days as a family with love. The contrast to how my mom left this earth breaks my heart. She deserved so much better and more.

It will make you sick inside to think of a loved one scared, alive, anxious and at the hands of strangers. The neurologist told us that my mom had begged him not to leave her because she said she would die. He left, o orders for meds was written or given, she died.

How many others have had a similar fate? We will never know. But I for one do not find it hard to imagine that thousands have suffered needlessly.

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What a horrific tale. My heart aches just reading your words. It’s inhumane what happened to her.

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Very sorry for you and your mother Laura. But a big Thank you for the distressing details. I appreciated reading the details as it is the story of many, of the Haunting reality of today’s hospital Covid ‘care’. The detail you give reveals the systematic iatrogenocide.

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Your story is heartbreaking. Thank you for reminding us exactly who and what we are fighting for. You and yours are in my prayers.

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Thank you for sharing your experience, clearly a nightmare. It breaks my heart that millions of people are experiencing health crises on a scale never deemed imaginable.

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Laura, I am so so sorry for the horror your entire family went through at the hands of these monsters. Thank you for sharing your story with us. These stories need to be told for those who are still blind to the narrative. God bless you all!

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Oh my God, Laura. I wailed when I read this. Your mom knows you all did your best in the most horrific of circumstances. You fought so hard for her. I am so so sorry for your loss.

I agree with your point 3 above. Allopathic docs do not understand autoimmune diseases almost all of the time. They placate and medicate and try this and that. I do not agree with this: autoimmune disease is not curable. I am sure it is, once we figure it out, if too much damage has not already been done. My late spouse died of ALS and we felt helpless. We studied and tried a lot of things. But with so much misunderstood, the inevitable arrived. They say ALS is neurological but do not consider the autoimmune system.

Thank you for telling your story. Again I am so sorry. 💔🙏💜

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I am in tears here, I am so heartbroken for you Laura.

You are not alone though. I have known of recent similar heart wrenching circumstances. Your mom is safe now. God sent his angels down swiftly and they snatched her up in the softest comfort and carried her joyfully to paradise.

Your loss reminds me of my momma's last days. I laid in bed with her and we talked of flowers and gardens and birds and all of God's greatest gifts that we were given. I can't sing very well, but I did sing many hymns. We are blessed to have such lovely mothers

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Laura, I am aghast. This is the umpteenth story of medical malpractice/murder. But every time they get me. Just the fortitude to write this story! Perhaps you don’t wish to wallow in more of the same, but some people find processing with others suffering the same fate helpful. In which case I have two recommendations for you: this post I just read this morning of an Australian mother, platformed by the outspoken senator.


Second recommendation is the podcast Vibe. Robyn has also been telling these stories from the beginning, before the vax even. There are many episodes I’m going to look for one to start with.


I hope with all of these cases justice or at least peace is coming. Trust is certainly out the window for the foreseeable future. Blessings to you.

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@steve ~ Make the pathogen. Stunningly bad idea from the outset.

In fact, it was hard stop for me when I first learned about how this technology being used (not just mRNA, but adenovirus vector, as well.)

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_b917c681853c_317c0a442fbc_ba13

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reason # 1 (followed by many others) i wasn't going to take the shot

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Agree 💯% Metta Zetty. To this day I cannot understand how anyone could think that it is not a VERY BAD idea to teach your organism to make the worst protein of the pathogen. How could anyone think this can do something good is beyond my comprehension.

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Conflating transfection (mRNA shots) with vaccination was/is seriously misleading. The immune system's response to a respiratory virus at a mucosal barrier is a complicated and individual cascade of interconnected responses of the innate, cellular, adaptive and complement system branches with unique pattern recognitions that affect immune memory and adaptation in many ways. Yet the PHE replaced this with "mRNA shots make lots of antibodies and you want those". It was absolute horseshit.

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Have you done any reading (for pleasure maybe) on the latest "mabs" and "nibs" for alll sorts, vast varieties of illnesses?

Read the fine print.

My sister is a bit of a dope and I can not convince her that the rinvoq she is taking for her itchy psoriasis is causing massive problems for her over the past 3 years (she is also fully vaxxed and as a former NIH Fauci worker she also joined a "study" but it is not really a study. They juust take your blood once a month, but you do get paid!!!!)

She has developed, cardiac weaknesses, herpes in her left eye, anemia and hair loss.

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My understanding is that it is like the latter, but with an important "feature". The immune system attacks your cells that have been "infected" with an artificial protein that your body made with instructions provided by the mRNA "vaccine". NOT a good idea...

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I’m wondering if the CJD way back was another bioweapon gone wrong //or right. A vaccine for cows that caused them to go mad and some of it got into humans??

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We don't have the storage facilities to keep this vaccine at minus 70 degrees. It never worked in a research setting. But even if it did, most vaccine researchers don't have a $15,000 refrigeration system...let alone your local pharmacy.

So what made everyone believe that the DIRT could be transported and administered to 4 billion people across the world safely?

See if you can find any reports about any country ramping up equipment of this nature to deliver to all corners of the earth.

It was all BULLSHIT from day one.

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Like RNA Integrity, the storage criteria (time/temp) "evolved" over time...

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This is a great comment that I had completely forgotten about.

I'm sure every CVS and Walgreens in the country didn't go out to and buy that equipment - and even if they wanted to, does no one remember the backlogs and shipping delays on everything?

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Why invest in equipment when the only qualification for the person injecting the dirt made minimum wage?

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In Canada, working among the injectors were to a large extent veterinary students. That info came from a professor who teaches those students, i.e., a highly, extremely trustworthy source.

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Well, if you're injecting Sheep, what's the problem!!🐑🐑

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CVS was high class, people lined up for hours to drive thru a parking lot and get jabbed sticking there arm out the window.

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University molecular biology labs have -80C freezers for long term DNA storage. Betting that the more highly funded vaccine labs also do. The equipment is not as rare as you imagine in the research realm.

Where it is rare: CVS and Walgreens corner pharmacies.

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That is a paraphrase from a college buddy who teaches/researchers viruses and vaccines for a living at my alma mater.

I just plugged in the number he threw out. My point is still the same.

Are those refrigerators widely available?

Are they portable?

Do manufacturers of equipment have the capability for production of this equipment in such a short time?

Someone should look into this. The "data" would be easy to research.

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don't forget cold chain shipping.

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And castles in the sky...;)

If I had a nickel for all the obvious questions at the beginning....

Honestly that might have been the most frustrating of it all for me:

Seeing the obvious and trying to explain it at a 3rd grade level - only to have the person look at me like I was teaching calculus.

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Even worse when they reply " nuh uh!"

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and then the vaccines are carried on frozen ships from the arctic, from there the camels carry the frozen payload to the citizenry

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I think there are only a few manufacturers, thermofisher being the heavyweight. They would not likely give up sales figures (proprietary data).

Between my experience (it can take a few months to acquire a beast of a freezer when the world isn't stupidly shut down) and a friend's experience in logistics and supply chain management, we knew that this rollout was unlikely to be real.

Then remember the pivot to "oh, they're shelf stable after all"?

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Very good points

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they just mash the vials between the frozen corn and beans

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If I mentioned any of this two years ago though, I probably would have many more enemies.

Sad how most of us were slapped into submission of silence

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So true. Proto-Totalitarianism is what we experienced, for 2 years, in the Home of the Brave.

I'd call that an auspicious start for a public clamoring for a Dictator who assures them safety.

Authoritarianism is necessarily an ideology of inequality: they make the rules, you follow them, They change them at will and punish those who disobey.

If we could get the people to understand that even if you do obey; they can still punish you...just because they can.

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Totalitarianism ruled the world for the last 3 years. It's getting worse with the climate control freaks.

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Oh God. Don't get me started on climate control freaks.

The global climate scam is going to make covid look like a scam at a lemonade stand.

It's coming......

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agree 100%%%%

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What makes my head hurt though.... is how does this all matter now that we have attained total gender fluidity as well.

Pink hair dye and "cosmetic" gender affirming surgeries can't be good for the planet.

Oh maybe we are still "cleaning house"

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You mean they didn’t have these refrigeration systems when people lined up at a park for hours and did a drive thru jab?? Or went to the parking lot of a shopping mall???

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I betcha we could write down over a hundred obvious clues that it was dodgy at best.

I made sport of the inanity until I was bored with it

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Perhaps the storage requirements were casually changed to '55' degrees F as well?

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Last summer I visited a farmers market in a small northern Canadian community. There was a covid shot clinic set up on that very warm summer day. To this day, I regret not sitting down and asking how they were keeping the shots at -70. Not sure if it's F or C but at that temp, I don't think it matters much.

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They couldn't care less. We're just meatbags to them

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"Units to be processed for profits"

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Thanks. I really appreciate the link, it's never good to make false claims. I noticed that the date on the Time magazine article was Feb. 2021. That would put it early in the roll out campaign. Actually, that still leaves me rather suspicious: Pfizer said “As we made more commercial-scale lots, we took those lots and put them in our stability program and gathered enough data on the [regular] freezer temperatures" (from the Time article).

How'd they manage that and FDA approval so quickly?

It's also contingent on Pfizer's quality control. How has their quality control worked out?

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I looked at the FDA's press release from their website also.

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oooh the glares you would get.... well, after the wrinkled foreheads thing and the duh moment

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It would have been fun to watch them squirm.

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Logistics failure is plausible deniability/smoke screen.

Well arranged bullshit.

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The best arrangement they had from day one was:


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An argument which has launched a thousand terrible ships.

Ryan, I'm still trying to learn and remember how to approach this argument, to disarm it.

A: We must change X for the good of all!

B: No, I don't think we should make that change, it's a pretty big change and there are possible bad consequences Y. I worry that changing X could cause Y.

A: You are asking me to prove changing X won't cause Y? It is impossible to prove X will not cause Y! YOU CAN'T PROVE A NEGATIVE!!! We must change X for the good of all!

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Just because you haven't seen Santa, doesn't mean he doesn't exist!

Seriously they took everything from my logic and game theory classes in college and weaponized them.

So easy to see.

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It was like the hospital ships--Spectacle. Oooh, Ahhh, Wow, Golly!

Part of the hype.

Then in Feb '21 they changed their tune.


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And about a year ago, the FDA extended the expiration date of the Pfizer "vaccine":


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exactly. I watched the news completely forget / censure that detail almost overnight.

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Researchers ALWAYS have a -80 degree freezer or nitrogen tanks. Always....

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It’s not a good idea. It was never a good idea and anyone in academia who tells you, “We didn’t know” is an incompetent and more likely a massive liar who took Blood Money.

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Is there any other kind of money in academia, corporate or government these days, and probably for many days gone by, too.

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If you have anything resembling morals, you get singled out and purged very early in your career

you either whore yourself out to anyone that waves cash in your face or you starve on the street

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IN THEORY, you are incorrect, based on my understanding of the THEORY.

IN THEORY, the synthetic mRNA payload in the so-called vaxx is supposed to code for spike protein in a biological vacuum, if you will. The CDC explicitly stated that, according to the CDC, the synthetic mRNA does not cross the nuclear membrane and obtain access to the nucleus, where the DNA genome lives. Therefore, IN THEORY, the synthetic mRNA snippets are entirely translated into protein (spike) in the cytosol outside of the nucleus. (This is where the ribosomal "protein factories" live, mainly in the endoplasmic reticulum, which is a big folded membrane in the cytosol.)

So, IN THEORY, the synthetic mRNA is supposed to enter the cell and get picked up by the ribosomal protein factories where it is translated into somehow magically harmless spike protein, which is then supposed to be exported out of the cell so that it can be recognized by your immune system as foreign, so that your immune system can then harmlessly learn how to recognize spike protein for the next time it sees a dangerous and deadly SARS-CoV-2 virion which just so happens to express the same spike protein. (Got that, cells?) The synthetic mRNA is NOT SUPPOSED TO CROSS THE NUCLEAR MEMBRANE, because the CDC said so.

Okay. /Sarc off for a second ... I actually would still have to disagree slightly with your hypothesis that the vaxx induces autoimmune disease, only because my hypothesis of the reality is that it is -- or could be -- a lot worse than that.

Autoimmune diseases are no fun. They are, of course, the outcome of an event in which, for whatever reason, your immune system decides that some native protein in your own body is a foreign invader and decides to attack it. One of the most benign examples of this is vitilago, in which the immune system comes to believe that melanin is a foreign invader. (Insert Michael Jackson joke here.) One of the most devastating examples is multiple sclerosis, in which the immune system thinks that myelin -- which lines your nerve cells -- is bad. All autoimmune diseases rely on the immune system mistakenly believing that a necessary, native protein is a bad thing.

To my line of thinking, autoimmune disease is far from the largest risk posed by the mRNA shots. This is because the spike protein does not, to my knowledge, really resemble anything in the Human body with which the immune system could get it confused. In other words, the only way that the immune system would be trained to attack the body's own cells in response to the vaxx is if the spike protein resembled a native protein within the body, and I do not believe that it does that.

Now, to the horror show.

That all assumes that the synthetic mRNA does NOT cross the nuclear membrane and become incorporated into the Human genome (DNA). I have absolutely no idea why anybody would make that assumption, because the fact of the matter is that viral RNA does this ALL THE DAMNED TIME. Your DNA is packed with viral snippets -- it is a part of evolution. Reverse transcriptase is one of the proteins that facilitates this process -- it is not some boogeyman of the anti-vaxx crowd; it is a very well-known process in molecular biology.

If we assume for a moment that (GASP!) the CDC might actually have LIED to us, and that the synthetic mRNA DOES cross the nuclear membrane and become incorporated into the Human genome, now we have some fun. It's entirely conceivable in that scenario that, years from the initial injection, the body might for some reason "decide" to spit out spike protein for no apparent reason -- perhaps because it's a Tuesday. Then what?

THEN, your immune system does indeed attack your own cells -- but is it really doing a bad thing, in that case? ... Given that the spike protein causes untold amounts of damage six ways to Sunday, I'm not so sure. I don't know if, in the scenario I just described, such an attack could be truly considered AUTO-immune, because the protein that the immune system is going after (spike) is actually foreign in nature. It's just that now, it has been incorporated into your own genome, so you are, in effect, an alien to yourself. Yay, you.

Who knows which cell types this could affect, or how many cells in the body total this could occur in. All of them? Some? I actually don't know that, and I intend to research it, but for now, that's enough typing. :)

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I look forward to your results. As one with lupus and a wacky, over enthusiastic immune system, I was not willing to gamble.

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Thank you ... I'm not even sure how to go about compiling the data that I'm looking for, and I suspect that one particular data point that I may ultimately need (that is, the speed with which the synthetic mRNA is cleared from the body) is going to be impossible to find. But, if I get the time (that's the biggest problem), I'll dive in.

Your choice not to gamble was very, very wise. I'm sorry that you have to deal with that to begin with, though.

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Interesting conjecture. Good for you for your research interests. No sarc font intentionally - but how much time have you got? Consider it could be a "Tuesday" sometime in 2032 (when the last 2 digits reverse) that some AE occurs. (Strictly hypothetical). Hope you have understudies engaged.

As we so frequently discover, the temporal disconnects between cause and effect are a reliably massive crutch for big Pharma and sycophants.

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Exactly. As a clinician, and as a rational thinker, I do not like to think in sensationalist terms such as "ticking time bomb." ... However, if the synthetic mRNA does get reverse-transcriptase'd into the genome, the vaxxed could be facing just that.

Luckily, it should not be at all difficult to mitigate. The chicken yolk IgY findings look very promising, among other therapies, and it shouldn't be difficult to identify the affected patients, either, if only somebody would develop a test for the incorporated mRNA. That way, those at risk would at least realize that they are at risk.

The problem is in that last sentence ... The majority of these individuals do not even want to acknowledge that they did something exceedingly risky. They want to believe that they did just the opposite, and that it'll all be fine.

Meanwhile, the zombie hoards intensify.

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I think Dr Judy Mitkovits (sp?) spoke about this. The distribution study from Japan also showed it deposits in the ovaries and testes (germ cells)so it is incorporated into offspring. I remember reading about reverse transcriptase , daughter cells incorporating the genetic material when splitting into new cells.

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Right -- and you jogged my memory with the gonad thing -- let us not forget this:


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There's another writer on Substack (Arkmedic) who has made a pretty convincing argument that the mRNA most definitely enters the nucleus:


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Thank you for posting that ... Subscribed ... After reading that whole article, and downloading the relevant papers ...

Phew. 2023 is gonna be a weird one, ain't it?

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In this huge experiment perhaps we are altering evolution itself. But as Darwin notes, there may be many more causalities in the years going forward. The pure among us can start again. At least we won't have the same degree of unfunded pension liabilities that so threaten the rich.

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This is all I heard, too. From the beginning.

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“you do not suddenly just discard 100 years of regulatory and pharmacological practice, pandemic guidelines, and general standards and sense on safety.”

And yet,that is precisely what has been done. And if not by every single national government on the planet, nearly so.

“someone here made choices.”

Someone who has the power to coerce or entice every national government to comply with these choices.

“these goalposts got moved so far that they are not even on the field anymore.”

So far away that most seem to have forgotten where the field was and how it was laid out.

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You mean choices like this?:

"When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent," Fauci said. "Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, 'I can nudge this up a bit,' so I went to 80, 85."


They did exactly what they could get away with:

What a fearful, lazy and ignorant public will allow.

Go ask someone that's not involved here if they are familiar with that quote from Fauci

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People not involved here have no knowledge of this, nor most of anything discussed on the stacks.

But it was not just Fauci. Same here in Japan. They have the same goal adapted to better sell the lockdowns, masks, anti social, culturally destructive policies to the locals here. They have recently announce that they will downgrade covid from Ebola level disease to flu level on May 8th. This is just after the golden week holiday, the fourth they have “cancelled”. Christmas, Obon, New Year’s, Golden Week, Easter. No matter the religion. No matter the social/cultural importance. No matter the nation. Destruction to all.

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You have to give them credit for the diabolical coordination.

It's almost as if they are preparing something very special for us in the near future?....

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I think you're right, Ryan. Hotez and several "celebrities" were recently pushed out on stage to attack the unmasked and unvaccinated. This is definitely not fading away.

Three years ago I would never have tossed around the word "diabolical", but that really seems to be a plausible explanation for the movement of so many towards, and the blindness of so many to, this evil end.

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I fear you are right Doc.

When we get to a point that people literally believe that "words are violence" then they will welcome violence for violence being the rule of the beast.

Believing absurdities slowly gives people justification to look at you as a mere beast. Dictators throughout history know this. It is the way for them to create local Karen's that will enforce the absurdities.

Stalin would be proud.

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I'm waiting for someone to harass me. Waiting

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This level of coordination has never been seen before. Truly unbelievable. Yes, they have prepared. Been putting pieces in place for decades at least.

Both Japan and the US have publicly stated they will end covid mitigation policies in May; the 8th and 11th respectively. Have any other governments announced their plans for ending covid policies? If many are doing so in May, then it would seem that they have something special planned or expected around the end of April/beginning of May.

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We were always at war with Ukraine...

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I have no idea. I am actually less worried about that than other things, but I do not know.

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Most countries in Europe plus UK ended them early last year -2022.

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Completely ended? Japan finally opened their borders but masks are still worn by everyone. PCR - results required for many and service industry still operation under reduced capacity.

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I take it you live in Japan so I have a question for you. For the first year of the pandemic, Japan seemed to skate by with relatively few cases and deaths.

Then something switched and they seemed like they got the worst of it... somewhere around the time they started administering the mRNA injections (they're not vaccines).

Does that ring true to you, or am I not seeing this clearly as I don't live there?

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Yes but there is more to it. There was zero testing for all of 2020 and very little for at least the first part of 2021. Japan simply did not have any testing capacity until the end of 2020. Instead, it relied on diagnostic measures more inline with how all other diseases are diagnosed in the US, which if followed in the US would have drastically reduced the number of cases. At the end of 2020, testing became available but at great cost to the individual being tested, so the number of people who tested was very small. Of these, most were tested at private clinics who reported the results to the person paying for the test and to no others. Testing costs came down and more people began getting tested and more + results reported before the vaccines were available here. So we saw an increase in cases before the clot shots were rolled out. But the highest numbers of cases and deaths seen here were the 7th and now receding 8th waves. During this, the way of attributing deaths as covid deaths has changed to wider definitions closers to what the US and others have used. If Japan had stuck with their original diagnostic measures, the olympics could have been held with spectators. But they too decided to count as many people as covid cases as they could.

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What lazy, cowardly, gullible fools the masses are!

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Much more universally so than I previously thought.

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"The revolution is complete"...

Educate kids "properly" and they'll tell you Dear Leader loves them and just won the gold medal for the high jump.

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More than 1000 years of knowledge about basic contagion and quarantine too.

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If only the beaks on the masks were longer......

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True. All thrown out the window.

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As soon as you accept the hypothesis that the goal of the SARS-CoV-2 “vax” was never to prevent the spread of the virus, but rather to achieve global depopulation (while further lining the pockets of the already filthy stinking rich globalists), you suddenly realize that everything about the disease itself and the mitigation efforts (especially the so-called “vaccines” makes perfect sense.

You also realize just how soul-less, evil, and cruel the people are who planned this whole charade.

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An important exercise I was taught applied to this case goes as follows. IF you were wanting to depopulate the Earth of “useless eaters” without them knowing, and having them do the dirty work on themselves, what would you differently than what is being done? If there are few changes you would make, then we may in fact be seeing such a plan in action.

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I live in the States, but noticed shortly after most Canadians were coerced into getting jabbed (and mysterious, painful disabilities skyrocketed) they made medical suicide easier to obtain. That's what happens when you trust the government to look out for you.

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And you watch, it is coming here (it's already in some states). I saw this coming nearly 50 years ago when I started hearing talk of overpopulation along with Social Security being in trouble. There were certain people back then who were laughed at when they spoke of a slippery slope. Oh, no, that can't happen, not here.

Now I don't know a lot about the Canadian medical suicide program but my gut feeling is that you will find this service primarily advertised and offered in low-income neighborhoods, much like other predatory industries centered around exploiting the poor. Because, after all, who cares about them?

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Perhaps, but it seems the US already has its own system in place, designed to be accepted by Americans. Abortion, fentanyl, opioids for a few examples.

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While the UK used morphine & midazolam to kill the sick, the US used remdesivir, ventilators & withholding of food & hydration. (evidenced by Laura's story, above). The UK model of "euthanasia" was adopted from observing Australia. Check laws for DNR. In the US and Australia, DNR is still opt-in. But there are many countries now where DNR is "opt out" - so that if you haven't filed the paperwork, the doc can say "unplug" or withhold treatment. Canada's expansion for medical suicide includes "mental and emotional distress," making the bar quite low.

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And we allow this.

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But they view ALL of us as "useless eaters".. so my guess is that it spreads beyond the low income neighborhoods.

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Easier to start there.

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And if you commit suicide (assisted or otherwise) before the jab does you in, more’s the better. See, the jab isn’t killing as many people as us tin-foil addicts are claiming, are they...

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They certainly are “taking care of them”. Just not in the manner they promised.

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Strike FEAR in a population that's already fearful and you can see why people could not think.

People can not think in any meaningful way when covid was synonymous with DEATH. That was the only thinking they were capable of.

That is easily exploited and the oldest trick in the book. Everything else the authorities pulled off went unnoticed, because the thinking of the populous was unopposed by thoughts of DEATH.

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Yes but why was it so effective. Why were only a few able to see that the fear was unwarranted?

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When everyone is saying the same thing my default position is they are lying or misinformed.

That puts my radar on high alert. For most people that is soothing.

I always try to turn important issues into questions when somebody has the answer.

Give curious people a question and they'll look for answers.

We wanted answers. So we questioned.

I think that is a common thread here amongst us like minded folks.

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Absolutely! Some people - by their nature or career - like to solve puzzles / riddles , and question everything.

Others only want to know who the newest Housewife of NJ is! 😁

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The added benefit, at least for me, is that; it's the questions you can NOT answer that teach you the most.

Those are the questions that teach you HOW to think....not WHAT.

Pretty sure that's why bullshit meters were in short supply during the scamdemic.

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In my son's second grade class , I volunteered for two weeks. I told the teacher that same phrase - they're being taught WHAT to think , NOT how. It's rote response to a script, in our case brought by Jeb Bush who went on to own the curriculum , remedial , testing , etc and privatized our schools with charters , which are real estate pass throughs with zero accountability for taxpayers dollars.

My son will be 30 this month.

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Yes. I knew this when I was 17 years old and I decided to study philosophy...

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Same here, except that I did not want to believe that most were soothed by getting the same answers wherever they looked. I was wrong, most do.

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Maybe they had faith in a higher power? Maybe they had already made peace with the concept that they would die some day .

I thought this early in the pandemic - that this might be the first time MANY people had this horrifying thought that someone ELSE couldn't protect them ... and they freaked out.

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Your first two sentences are spot-on, I truly believe. Look at Chomsky. That old fool exposed himself as a fearful coward willing to disregard the fundamental human rights of the unvaccinated, lest he succumb to covid. If you only live once, you will cling to this life at any cost, to hell with others.

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Funny, I worked for the same company as that "old fool". MIT in Cambridge, Maskachusettes. All of us engineers thought of him as a Socialist Useful Idiot. Thanks to him and his cronies, most of the government funded projects like "Apollo", and the Trident Missile program were "spun off" into Draper Labs to appease the "peaceninks" on Campus. However, MIT continued it's Government funded programs "off campus" in Lexington, Mass. They loved the money, but could not keep the "radicals" on Campus off of the evening news. I ended up transferring to the newly created Draper Labs and retired in 2008 after 40 years.

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If he winds up succumbing to the clot shot who will be there for him?

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Cue Simon and Garfunkel: He'll have "his books and his poetry to protect (him)..."

He exposed himself as an utterly evil individual.

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They already had made peace with death. Or, alternatively: they KNOW that life is part of death and vice versa. That death is not to be feared so much, it is the pain before our death we fear. Also that everyone WILL die at some point to escape this earth. And lastly that our death is not known, that is in the hands of God if you like. And we could drop from anything at any time... if you can live with that in your mind, then fear of death is fear of pain, not death. And death being brandished at you becomes less of a threat.

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This concept keeps coming up. It does for the climate scare too. I believe it has merit.

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My health is my responsibility. Not yours or anyone else's. Ditto for your health.

The State seems to have inverted the Serenity Prayer and told us to worry about everyone else's health choices while abdicating our own. A great way to drive a population to drink. At least they kept the liquor stores open.

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It has all been very Jim Jones, that is cult-like. Terror and control through manipulation of people by fear, control of information and by appealing to people's innate desire to protect others.

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Cult like is the perfect description

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Yes! The belief is so strong that you are willing to abandon or even harm your family.

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That surely plays a part, but that took time to set up. Japan spent centuries millennia ago setting that up here, I live in Japan, but in the West?

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They had reason to be afraid, but looked to the threat as their savior.

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And it will lead to massive deaths. Ironic.

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when you accept that depopulation is the agenda in general you understand the real meaning of:

-covid vaxx coercion

-LGBTQI etc propaganda

-global warming scaremongering

-pushing the no meat and eat bugs propaganda

-MAID popularisation

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Depopulation + digital humans (transhumanism). Don't forget the transhuman variable in the equation.

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Easy answers are usually the most correct but hardest to accept. This answers all of these.

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Can't disagree with any of that.

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Feb 6, 2023
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I've been calling it the TRUMP vaccine for 2 years just to get a dig in.

You can just see the rage in their eyes when you say that.

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LOL I was in that camp: I was never going to take a vax created that fast. My plan was to wait five or ten years. But I trust Biden even less than I trust Trump, and my only change was a change in the sources of my news...

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I always believed they would take it, even if Trump won (or was allowed to win, depending on your perspective). They were too afraid of their own mortality.

Your wild card theory is an interesting one, and worth considering. I have too many friends with "strange illnesses", yet they cannot seem to see what may have caused it.

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Yep. I’ve had January 2025 circled in red ink on my calendar for a while now. It seems that this is the deadline for them to finish what they started. And they are NOT finished. There’s hints of large-scale “cyber attacks” preparation coming from the WEF. I’ve got my money on that.

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Any specific reason for that date or just a hunch?

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That’s the date a new United States executive administration would take over. I believe they phrauded their way into the presidency in 2020 (statistically that’s almost incontrovertible), and will have a much harder time pulling the wool over our eyes in 2024. I think they know this. So i think it’s their effective deadline to implement whatever mischief they are planning.

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Makes sense!

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Friends, the Devil doesn't say, "Come, let's be evil." Nope, the Devil says, "Come, you can be like God." Whether you think Genesis is divine or merely insightful, listen to that tale again: the desire to wield power you should not wield is the root of all evil. Here, a bunch of idiot scientists thought they should play w/ viruses & a bunch of idiot politicians thought they should save the world. Those idiots came together to do great evil because they were stupid enough to believe they could be like God. They thought they were saving the world...which was something NOBODY can do. Nobody can know how to respond to a novel virus; nobody can know which novel virus to create or what the consequences of that will be, so NOBODY should have done any of these things. All of this research trying to "anticipate" the next pandemic should END immediately on pain of death, and all "public health" should go away - they can facilitate info sharing etc., but they should have no power at all (because they don't know how to use it).

Evil is the inevitable result when people take powers they should not have & guess what? Evil ensued.

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I am not an especially religious person, but replace "God" with "Mother nature" and we are in complete agreement. I guess a lot of it comes to what you define as God.

Religious people do seem to be making a lot more sense than the atheists at this point.

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I love Jesus but it’s hard to find a church, I need a new word to describe my Christianity, the 501c3 ruined it. I get mad at the technocrats every time I see a chemtrail in the sky.

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A church I know is dropping its 501c3 so that it can speak truth with (less) fear of government harassment (nb: not “no fear”)

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That’s good to hear, thank you for mentioning it

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Maybe listen online to Jack Hibbs?!

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Thanks, I will check him out. I love Derek Prince but he’s been gone a long time. & the Shepherd chapel on YouTube. Appreciate the suggestion!

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Put in one vote for the LDS church for me. A lot of people think we’re weird, but i do believe that Christ restored his church to the prophet Joseph Smith 192 years ago. Read the Book of Mormon if you want evidence that this the case. No book will bring you closer to Jesus Christ, not even the Bible (though we believe the Bible is holy scripture and study it regularly).

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Thank you, I did read it a few years ago. I respectfully disagree.

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Thanks for disagreeing respectfully. I hope you find what you’re looking for in any case.

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I’m thankful for anyone who has faith! I’ve been blessed greatly recently, only God could have done so many miracles in my life. I don’t affiliate with any church presently. The blessings came after I repented from a lot of new age deception. I lean on Jesus.

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Try reading John chapter 1. Also Genesis- In the beginning God...🙏🏻 for you 😊

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‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’

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Wow cp! I admire your eloquence. I hope you don’t mind if I show your comment to everyone, especially my brainwashed friends!

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Ph is Military and just like it (Military) created Aktion T4, it created this whole CV pandemic Script. As far as I know, there was never a pandemic. Maybe there wasn’t a Virus but there was a Lethal injection that for some reason Sane People can’t stop. We can’t even stop it being used in 6 month old babies because Humans Love Blood Money and way too many are Immoral and wholly unethical.

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Well written! Agree. Then add in 1 Timothy 6:10

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There's video out there of Yuval Harari, Klaus Schwab's right hand man talking about transhumanism and how man will BE God.

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"and demanding to know who, why, and on what basis this occurred is the key to preventing this from happening again." We want to prosecute them after we expose the malfeasance up the chain of command. Somebody was really, really motivated to get these injections into arms. I believe a lot of it was purely tribal loyalty and ego. The institutional Left never admits it is wrong, nor do any of their Red Guard enforcers. They double down on everything. Look where we still are today even after everything we have learned about COVID and the shots. If not for courts and force they would still be where they were in 2020. They are dangerously delusional revolutionaries, motivated by their hate for the decent people and the time honored traditions of western civilization.

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Good info.

Also please check/connect with Walter M. Chesnut. He's been onto the "prion disease" issue for a while: https://wmcresearch.substack.com/p/an-urgent-warning-reactive-systemic

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Warning to all non-medical/non-scientists who will go over to the Walter M. Chesnut substack: he's kind of terrifying. As in "I'm not quite sure what he's saying, but it sounds really bad." He is somewhat less frightening on Twitter:


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Good suggestion. And who is that Doctor (tall thin, spoke out in Summer of 2020...damn my memory for names is gone) who pointed out the prion thingy in the spike first.-?

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Dr. Richard Fleming addressed the prion disease issue early on.

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As did Stephanie Seneff and Greg Nigh.

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I also think virologist Adam Gaertner spoke about it early as well.


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That was he! Thank you!

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I shared this interview with prof. Stefan Hockertz, a german vaccine specialized researcher, with the translation on a popular forum:


He was very clear. This is unprecedented and can result in many millions of casualties.

Right now we know that this was/is a BIOWEAPON that Pfizer, Moderna developed under contract of the DoD.

"Specifically, the complaint alleges that Pfizer’s invoices certified, as required under FAR, that they were “true and correct, prepared from Pfizer’s books and records, and in accordance with the Pfizer-DoD contract.” (Am. Comp. ¶ 278.)"


Read more here: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/

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To me, COVID is the definitive argument against atheism. People who think there is no higher power than themselves will seek to act in accordance with that belief, leading them to attempt all sorts of nonsense that leads to evil. They'll attempt to "anticipate" the next virus or "fix" the climate or "eliminate" inequality or "promote" social justice - none of these things can be done but the attempts to do the impossible will lead to death camps, faulty vaccines, & a million other evils.

Folks, let's be honest: if the government had done absolutely nothing about COVID, we'd have been much better off with far fewer deaths. The sick would have been treated, the vulnerable would have been protected, and none of these deadly lockdowns/vaccines would have happened or happened for very long. The "market" works because it's all of humanity; government fails because no person or persons are as clever as all of humanity. Advocating government is like demanding better horse drawn carriages in lieu of cars - the market is simply the better technology & changing horses won't change that.

The world's best minds, despite having the greatest of all financial incentives, can't predict the outcome of NFL football games w/ very much accuracy (the best bettors are right about 60% of the time). But they can run the economy? Guess the next virus? Please - it's not the we need better people in government, it's that government can't do these things.

I love el gato Malo, but he's not infallible. No one is. No system is. Leave such problems to all of us and we'll find the answers.

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Plenty of Christians went along with all this and got angry at Trump for "not doing enough."

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100% agree. Doing nothing always has better results than kneejerking into doing something to seem important. The same thing is happening with the electric boogaloo of banning gas cars, stoves, furnaces, etc. Leave the market as it is. We NEED multiple fuel sources to run this world efficiently.

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Great explanation.....Lower the standards for efficacy, Let the people think the vaccine is able to perform as initially presented by the pharmaceutical CEO's, and have them get compensated for doing a poor job. Similar to "dumbing down" the kids in schools., by lowering standards and then Showing the parents how they passed with great marks. Only to find out years later that their college degree today is like a HS diploma from 1980......And the beat goes on.......

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So true.

The kids have been prepared for Mao's or Stalin's wet dream.

Their education is complete.

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Is it really clear the CJD crisis in the UK was caused by infected beef? If so, why did relatively few people in the UK die, when so many were eating the infected beef? The 178 deaths equates to about 3 per million population in the UK at the time. Is that waynoutside the bounds of statistical uncertainty?

This area deserves further study. CJD is nasty. Jumping to conclusions, and concluding that correlation is causation, doesn’t help anyone, as we know.

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It was an accidental relase from Portland Downs....

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Iirc there are a couple genetic mutations that lead one to be more prone to cjd.

Also, the meat closer to the brain & spinal cord is more likely to have prions in it. (Per elk/deer wasting disease advisory to hunters.)

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CJD...chronic juvenile diabetes?

Too many acronyms😳

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Still struggling with why we thought inducing the body to make a thing that was inherently detrimental to the body was a good idea? Seems like a stupid tradeoff.

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Yes, in retrospect I feel like a complete fool.

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My trust in the system is dead and the Covid response is to blame. I am sure there are a many others who feel the same.

We have reached the point where there is only one solution that can restore trust: A *lot* of people need to hang. Decision makers, CEOs, scientists and journos involved in this scam need to be severely punished before anybody even thinks of moving on and trusting the system again.

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Keeping everything in the realm of information warfare, i suggest separate propaganda attacks on the separate pillars of support for the WEF vaxx neoslavery juggernaut.

The psychopaths, Fauci, Schwab, Harari, et al. plus many of the vaxx pushers, need to be reminded that Nuremberg II will probably legally execute the guilty. In every system psychopaths are usually given the max sentence. Dr. Offitt probably saved his life by becoming red pilled.

The Js need to turn on the Talmudist supremacist pillar -- Harari, Netanyahu, the Israeli deep state.

The public needs to be constantly reminded of the insanity of billionaires (with all restraints removed their minds and evil take over). Bezos wants Earth converted to a global national park without people. He also is working on immortality drugs. Do you think he will share either with the little people?

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I'd throw in a revolution as well.

My grandmother who's 94 tells me that's how this ends.

I've never known her to be wrong.

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The process used to build the mRNA - in vitro transcription - is about 99.9% accurate according to published literature. This doesn't sound bad - it's even "USP grade" in small molecule context - but we're talking about billions of mRNAs in a 100-ug shot, so that means millions coding for who knows what? I hadn't guessed CJD, but I figured these occasional errors resulted in a spike protein that bound differently to ACE2 and trigger a side effect. To me, this seems about right with the side effect frequency of 1:1000 roughly matching the ~0.1% error rate. However, I find it hard to believe that you can maintain that purity at scale - we're talking kilogram-scale synthesis of mRNA here - and you're rolling the dice with each additional shot. Do they even do QA beyond size separation, which would still pass incorrect copies that are about the same size? Have they ever recalled a lot because it caused more side effects?

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"I find it hard to believe that you can maintain that purity at scale"

They can't. Dr. Michael Yeadon was on that from the beginning and many others have since chimed in...

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But purity never mattered. It was never really a goal because ( IMHO) the jabs were never created to fix an illness. The Psy op illness was the cover story. The jabs were created to kill, maim and depopulate via infertility short and long term. The issue was never the issue. Why the hell else would marketing campaigns for increased jab uptake ( for health) have included enticements of free fries and donuts or ice cream? This jabs were and are a weapon of war. When viewed from this perspective everything , all the lies and obfuscations and nonsensical everything makes sense. If something does not make sense there is a lie present somewhere in the tale. We all must look to what might be the obvious albeit horrific lie.

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Agreed. A DOD operation...

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And yet EVERYONE I know over 55 who has taken the vaxx plans to continue taking the vaxx. Even the wife of someone who is vaxx injured (shingles/ neuropathy) because "her friend died of COVID."

Her friend was in very poor health and was likely murdered by the hospital.

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He was also warning about fertility issues long before the vax roll out. Looks like he was right on that.

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A look at the track record for Bill Gates's vaccines in India and African scared me out of getting any shot with him behind it.

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Gate's track record in high tech scared me out of getting involved in anything he's behind.

This is the same playbook he used back then.

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I wish I had found you before taking the first two doses, because I never would have

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My husband also took the first two doses- against my advice- so I’ve spent the last two years finding ways to eliminate the poison from his body. With great success! He’s previously had major brain surgery (is there minor brain surgery?) so he was already on two dozen meds daily. I’m here to tell you YOU DONT HAVE TO DIE! Start with real food. As little processed food as possible. Use distilled water - you can get a countertop distiller for under $100. Take high dose liposomal Vit C and D with K2 daily, zinc, NAC, melatonin, and enzymes. All the enzymes! But especially natokinasse. That seems to have resolved his initial flare up on inflammation post jab. CBD and THC (provided you don’t get drug tested) have gotten him off all other meds: pain pills, blood pressure, seizure and anti-psychotics. And his numbers are better than they ever were on pharma meds, and his cognitive function has noticeably improved!

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Thanks. Yes I’ve been working through detox plus a lot of my reading says that if nothing has manifested yet it probably won’t. Of course there is no way to know for sure hence the detox efforts.

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The dose is the poison.

You'll be fine. Just concentrate on your health.

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When did you get your shots? I ask because we have reliable info that the extra nasty stuff was incorporated on Feb 3, 2021. So the batches produced and distributed before then have fewer bad effects.

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May 2021

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After that...

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I admire that you're able to say that out loud.

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May 2021 is pretty close to the end of the original formulation- they were producing this shit for years before they rolled it out. If you’ve had no effects to date you probably got the original formula, or a placebo. Another question: ever served in the military? We have a doc friend at NIH doing an off books study on anthrax with the Covid jab. Seems it may have been a prophylactic, specifically series 3 and 4 together. I spoke about it on Sasha Latypova’s press conference a couple weeks ago.

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No military background

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Go online and search "spike protein detox." There is a lot of information out there. The Wellness Company (McCullough) as well as the late Dr. Zelenko both have formulations for it.

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Which is essentially the ingredients I listed above, but you can trust their purity from these sites. Supplements are like the Wild West as far as purity and testing go...

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Wow, this is is scary AF!

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As a side note ... this (again, another example) was predicted more than two years ago by the likes of Sherri Tenpenney (I think it was) and others. It really sucks when criminals kick 97% of the real scientists off the "table of science" and call it science. One might even think it was intentional when something like that is done. One would think.

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Excellent piece pulling together multiple examples of phraud. As noted in the Trial Site News article, "blotgate" alone is enough for Pfizer to lose it's indemnity protections. But is it? If Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova are correct, Pfizer and friends are protected because the vaccines are a DOD operation, are "countermeasures" within the scope of the law, and based on my understanding, beyond prosecution here in the U.S.

Thoughts, anyone?

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I’m concerned as well that we the people have no legal recourse against the DOD.

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Winner winner chicken dinner.

Even if it wasn't the DOD, who is going to prosecute Pfi$er? No one. The judges-- who are all vaxxed-- will just refuse to hear the case.

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Pfizer / BNT can be prosecuted outside the US. And if those lawsuits are successful, even if it take years, there would be serious pressure within US politics to act. Or so we can hope…

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