Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated

are confident they are acting on their own free will.

Joseph Goebbels

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Thomas Sowell in Dismantling America: "If eternal vigilance is the price of freedom, incessant distractions are the way that politicians take away our freedoms, in order to enhance their own power and longevity in office"

I accept my role in not being eternally vigilant throughout my life; however, I've been trying to right that wrong for a few years. It's difficult to get through to the utterly brainwashed among us. Few can be reasoned with.

So we (collectively not individually) let our guard down and were not vigilant and the price is freedom and quite possibly our lives. Yuri Bezmenov provided a warning in 1984 (interesting date) in Love Letter to America. Others did as well throughout the years.

Sadly I feel the current situation was to easy. Who has the time to be eternally vigilant?

I've been employed since 1982 and never once out of a job. Thought I was doing the right thing holding a job, paying my taxes, and trying to live life. I've held several jobs during that time and now, in what I thought would be my final job, I'm facing a vaccine mandate by my employer: get the first and second jab this month or face disciplinary action the first week in December. I've attempted to get a medical exemption as I have multiple benign blood based head tumors. Both have been rejected. The narrative in the mandate and medical exemption is I'm a threat to the safety of others. I'm a remote worker!

I'm sorry for rambling. I've got no answers for myself or others in my situation. I've thought all along just wait this out and this will blow over. Instead it's intensified!

Listen to this excerpt from a 1981 movie: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ACI9RTKKSjVZ

George Orwell final warning: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YeBhAPQp8mxW

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Ask your employer 2 things-

1) If they are mandating, do they understand that if you agree, they are liable for any injury under the mandate? Are they prepared to gaurentee your continued paid employment for the next 10 years, should you have an adverse reaction?

2) Ask to see the hard copy piece of paper for the mandate.

Mandates are contractual requests, that are only in effect or active, after the party agrees to the request. They are not laws. Which is why governments around the world can issue mandates, but not make it actual law to have the vaccine.

It may not mean you keep your job but it may make the employer stop and think about the consequences of what they are asking, particularly if someone accepts the mandate, vaccinated and is injured. The business better be able to afford compensation as they can be sued! All the while, the Government has kept its hands clean.☹

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If you would, think a few steps ahead. If a business is not able to survive due to injection liabilities, and the business' product is important*, the government will be forced to take over that business (too important to fail). The gov will fund and direct while the management runs the business accordingly.

*important is as government determines

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A follow up question. Does anyone know of a statistical analysis of adverse events by jab type? Although I think I'm leaning toward disciplinary action, I've not made my mind up and would at least like to give myself the best chance.

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Hold the line and don't go down the road of trying to pick a possible vaccine.

This is the issue of our lifetime and I encourage you to stand strong. (I am not in an ivory tower telling you this - I have two boys and we are probably going to have to move to try and find work because of all this).

We must stand together and resist this tyranny, even though it will cost us our livelihoods.

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Very proud of you Susanna. Your boys will benefit in the long term because of your courage.

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All of the vaccines can kill and seriously injure people. "Mild" heart disease affects quality of life and shortens life, sometimes dramatically. Neurological damage the same, and there are lots of other injuries. And don't forget, if you survive this round of Russian Roulette with no obvious problems, you'll have to get a booster every 6 months.

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I agree with Tim. (Hi again, Tim—I know I said I need to get to bed, and I really am going now! ;-)

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Please dont get it. Healthy and poor is better than sick and solvent.

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except the medical bills stemming from neverending diagnostic exams, medications, etc. will result in bankruptcy. :-(

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And btw, I'm in the same boat...but my disciplinary action begins next week.

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This article compares COVID with AZ and Pfizer: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-021-01556-7 But keep in mind they're comparing first doses only against COVID cases, not infections. I.e. this makes the vaccines look way better than they actually are.

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OpenVAERS has the breakdown on its mortality page: https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality

Pfizer is by far the most lethal, at least based on the reported deaths.

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be careful with that claim.

you cannot make it from the incidence data alone.

you need to compare it to the number of people who got each vaccination type as a denominator.

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Excellent point, el gato malo, and thanks for the clarification!

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Doger, if you are on my mailing list, please reply to the Welcome email (or any of my newsletters), and I can email you some documents that may be of use, including an Assumption of Liability and Informed Consent Form you can give to your employer and require them to sign.

If anyone else is interested in these documents, please contact me as well, and I’ll be happy to share them.

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Love Thomas Sowell, and that’s a great quote!

When you say your medical exemption (for an undeniably legitimate reason) has been rejected, do you mean you haven’t been able to get one from your doctors or that you got exemptions from your doctors but your employer has rejected them? If the latter, that sounds like a serious legal case. They *must* not be permitted to force you to risk your life (even greater risk than the already extraordinary risk). You might want to reach out to attorney Aaron Siri (https://aaronsiri.substack.com/) to see if he has any recommendations. Best wishes and I hope you are able to keep your job without putting your life at risk.

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Thank you and I've read one of your superb articles! Medical exemption denied by two different large medical centers in Boston, MA. The first attempt was with the neurology department who radiated one of my tumors (so it's still there just smaller and under control). I got as far as the nurse who simply said we recommend all our patients get the jab. The second got through to my doctor watching a fairly large tumor on my right optic nerve and the response was unfortunately the doctor cannot assist with your request. These responses are not really a surprise to me. I suspect prior to making this mandate the mash potato brain administration made sure it was clear medical exceptions would not be acceptable. Just make it a choice to pretend we care a little.

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Aww, thank you, Doger!

That is absolutely unconscionable. It makes me ill to contemplate how many people’s lives are being put at risk BY the medical community in the name of “public health.”

I would still seek out legal advice regardless. It’s not worth putting your life at risk, especially when you have a known problematic condition.

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You are not rambling and I am very sorry for your situation.

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Nonsense. You know exactly what s going on and are paralyzed by the realization.

"War is an intense armed conflict[a] between states, governments, societies, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias. It is generally characterized by extreme violence, aggression, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces."

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Another great quote for the files!

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And there is nothing that promotes that feeling of free will more grope to “do the research. And then being provided with easily found disinformation by scammers like America’s Frontline Doctors who are in it to sell scam cures, by QAnon, and by Fascist media that makes its money off creating a cult of fear. This disinformation has swamped the carefully researched medical science while giving people the illusion that they are discovering new truths which were conveniently left for them by manipulators.

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Oh my goodness, not more. I included a gigaton of links to cases of vaxx injuries and deaths, including numerous athletes, in my last piece (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier). I published it three days ago, and there have already been so many new cases, I feel like I need to update it with an addendum. I fear it will be a never-ending process, though, at least until we can stop the poison death jab pogrom …

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None of this craziness will stop unless/until people personally know one or two others who have been affected by the vax in a manner that can't be explained away. They're too invested in their denial and thinking they've done the "right thing."

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That is exactly what I keep saying, but then I come across insanity like this tweet CJ Hopkins featured in his latest post (https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/new-normal-winter-is-coming) from a “doctor,” no less:

“Sitting in the @RCHMelbourne with my son hooked up to heart monitors post his second Pfizer shot, I have a message for all parents:

Get your kids vaccinated if you can. These side effects are rare and manageable. Help protect us all. #CovidVaccine”

The mind … boggles.

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The denial is definitely strong. Fear got us into this mess (fear made the masses open to manipulation), and not until their fear of the vaccines is greater than their fear of covid and fear of losing their perceived moral and intellectual superiority will anything change.

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Precisely. I just don’t know if we can ever get there given these cult members are inhabiting an alternative reality and would rather die than admit they’re wrong or, worse, admit the “conspiracy theorists” are right.

The more Gustave Le Bon I read, the more hopeless I feel about deprogramming the Covidians. This is from “The Psychology of Revolution”:

“a political or religious belief constitutes an act of faith elaborated in unconsciousness, over which, in spite of all appearances, reason has no hold. I also showed that belief often reaches such a degree of intensity that nothing can be opposed to it. The man hypnotised by his faith becomes an Apostle, ready to sacrifice his interests, his happiness, and even his life for the triumph of his faith. The absurdity of his belief matters little; for him it is a burning reality. Certitudes of mystic origin possess the marvellous power of entire domination over thought, and can only be affected by time.”

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Sure, my son is going to die. But his death will be "managed." That's what matters.

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"It would have been worse if he didn't have the shot" /sarc

Yes they actually say such daft things.

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Spot-effing-on. My heart hurts.

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What kind of parent sacrifices their child like that for ‘the cause’ and fifteen seconds of internet fame?

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One of our friends was almost unable to walk for about a month and a half after the jab. She was in terrible pain, too. She still insists that her problem had nothing to do with the vaccine.

Another friend, a musician, suddenly developed tendonitis after the jab. He has a very difficult time playing. Yet his music group will not allow unvaccinated people to come to their performances. That includes the man who made a couple of his beautiful instruments.

It's impressive the way ordinary people now do the government's dirty work for them. Thou must be jabbed or thou shalt be cast out! It's a little scary.

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It appears to be a religion for people who have no other religion.

"Your false gods will fail you."

We can't say we weren't warned...

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And how about this quote:

G.K. Chesterton — 'When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.'

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Agree totally except for the one word, “little”. No, this is extremely scary.

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I never cease to be amazed. One of my subscribers has a friend who developed heart problems after the spike. She refuses to believe it is connected. Her brainwashing is impenetrable, even as she may be permanently disabled/killed by the holy jab she defends.

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My husband was just kicked out of his baroque recorder group because he won't get the injection. The group plays once a year for a Madrigal dinner. No way was he risking his health for that.

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Madness. He should start an unvaxxed group.

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😹😹😹 Good call!

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😂 One fully injected+booster member has covid and is still allowed! Surreal.

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I agree. I think it's psychologically difficult to question something that you have committed to (getting the vax is a physical commitment in that sense) especially if you didn't have an adverse reaction. It takes a very open mind to do that or see other peoples perspective. It is much easier if you have a bad reaction or if you are simply in a state of non-committal i.e unvaxxed (which can be easily changed by getting the shot).

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Indeed, the double-down phenomenon …

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I don’t think that will do it. They’ll just blame the unvaxxed.

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I have a ‘minor neuro damage’ (ulnar nerve fucked on injection arm) and the believers in my circle attribute it to anything but the vax. Unless someone gets a serious serious effect themselves or have a loved one experience it they won’t acknowledge it. (I was forced by work mandate but didn’t do a second one and won’t. I was in a position to quit.)

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Exactly same experience and response.

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Oh no, so sorry you are suffering that, Tigerkatze, but glad you were smart to get out when you did and good on you for making the sensible decision.

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I feel like if they're made aware of it just one or two more times, they'll stop! We're so close. Maybe we should start saying "please." Did anyone try that yet?

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I find the best way to get people to think about "vax-ports" is to ask them:

"How many shots are you going to take?"

Then tell them the following:

"Canada has bought 135 million MORE shots for 38 million people. That's 3 MORE each plus extra for spoilage and waste"

Then follow up with:

"Israel just took away privileges from 1.5 million people for refusing the 3rd injection. They've announced the 4th is coming. Lithuania is the same but announcing the 4th & 5th shots"

And finally leave them with this thought:

"You can say "NO" at zero injections or you can say "NO" at 3, 4, 5 and the result is the same. When you REFUSE you lose all your PRIVILEGES because you have NO RIGHTS. You gave them away when you agreed to the vaccine passport"

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Nice, logical approach. Too bad they’re not logical 🤦‍♀️

Adretto’s brilliant quote encapsulate that line of reasoning nicely: “You comply because you want it to end, but it never ends because you complied.”

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I agree, we must not only be the resistance but we must be the 'Persistence', we must politely persist with our message, I recently managed to persuade my older sister not to go for the booster, quite a success considering she has had fully blown CDS (Covid Derangement Syndrome) a few months ago she was hysterical about getting our mother jabbed, which me and my younger brother refused to allow, I spoke to her with love and wrote down on an email all my concerns re the Vax, which she was of course not aware of, also my brother's wife has decided not to go for the booster, small steps but progress nevertheless.

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Covid Derangement Syndrome—brilliant!

I am seriously impressed that you managed to persuade a Covidian. I was beginning to give up hope that such a miracle could occur.

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it is a small victory, both are, my sister is a recently retired staff nurse from Kings in London, last year she was tragically off work nursing her terminally ill husband, so she was already traumatised when Covid hit, she was not herself at all, my sister in law has a brother who is quite senior in NHS and had pushed her towards the Vax (against my brothers advice) he is still an NHS Covid warrior and all boosted up, still wears the mask etc, but she has decided for herself not to go for the booster.

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*lol* It’s worth a shot! I’ve tried everything else!!!

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Yeah, keep at it. One more strongly worded poem and the regime's heart will break.

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I love your plucky Pollyanna spirit, Guttermouth 😹

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do I detect extreme sarcasm? can I hear a "pretty" in front of that please?

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The CDC's response to all this bad news is simply to accelerate the mandates. Fauci is behind this strategy, and his motivation is simple: We must quickly vaccinate everyone now to eliminate the control group. This is not Fauci's first rodeo with a dangerous vaccine. Read about it here:


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Don’t forget the game is all about people believing the lies and running scared!

“Italian newspaper Il Tempo reports that the Institute has revised downward the number of people who have died from COVID rather than with COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000.

“Yes, you read that right. Turns out 97.1% of deaths hitherto attributed to Covid were not due directly to Covid,” writes Toby Young.

Of the of the 130,468 deaths registered as official COVID deaths since the start of the pandemic, only 3,783 are directly attributable to the virus alone.

“All the other Italians who lost their lives had from between one and five pre-existing diseases. Of those aged over 67 who died, 7% had more than three co-morbidities, and 18% at least two,” writes Young.

“According to the Institute, 65.8% of Italians who died after being infected with Covid were ill with arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), 23.5% had dementia, 29.3% had diabetes, and 24.8% atrial fibrillation. Add to that, 17.4% had lung problems, 16.3% had had cancer in the last five years and 15.7% suffered from previous heart failures.”

The Institute’s new definition of a COVID death means that COVID has killed fewer people in Italy than (whisper it) the average bout of seasonal flu.

If a similar change were made by other national governments, the official COVID death toll would be cut by a margin of greater than 90 per cent.“

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Do you have a link to the Italian info please? I am compiling a note book for reference 😊

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I tracked one article in Italian and machine translated it. Below is the Original Italian title followed by the English translation of the article. Hope this helps,

Gran pasticcio nel rapporto sui decessi. Per l'Iss gran parte dei morti non li ha causati il Covid

Franco Bechis 21 October 2021 a a a

“According to the new report (which had not been updated since July) from the Higher Institute of Health on mortality from Covid, the virus that brought the world to its knees would have killed far less than a common flu. It seems a bizarre and no vax statement, but according to the statistical sample of medical records collected by the institute, only 2.9% of the deaths registered since the end of February 2020 would be due to Covid 19. So of the 130,468 deaths registered by official statistics at the time of preparation of the new report only 3,783 would be due to the power of the virus itself. Because all the other Italians who lost their lives had from one to five diseases which, according to the ISS, therefore already left them little hope. Even 67.7% would have had more than three contemporary diseases together, and 18% at least two together. Now I personally know many people, but none who have the misfortune of having five serious illnesses at the same time. I would like to trust our scientists, then I go to read the ailments listed which would be no secondary reason for the loss of so many Italians and I begin to feed some profane doubts. According to the ISS, 65.8% of Italians who are no longer there after being infected with Covid were ill with arterial hypertension, that is, they had high blood pressure. 23.5% were also demented, 29.3% added some diabetes to their ailments, 24.8% also atrial fibrillation. And that's not enough: 17.4% already had sick lungs, 16.3% had had cancer in the last 5 years; 15.7% suffered from heart failure, 28% had ischemic heart disease, 24.8% suffered from atrial fibrillation, more than one in ten were also obese, more than one in ten had a stroke, and others albeit in a smaller percentage, he had severe liver problems, dialysis and autoimmune diseases.”

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Something that everyone should realize………..this could only have happened if our hospitals and Doctors were either indifferent or complicit.

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Nov 5, 2021Liked by el gato malo

Gato, not sure if you had seen this roundup of headlines:


Pretty scary.

Also, I have roughly 70 or so clients. Out of that relatively small population I have so far 2 suspicious events. One of my clients was diagnosed with pericarditis. Haven't seen her in last two weeks as a result, so haven't been able to talk to her about it yet. But she is in her mid-fifties and had both doses of Moderna - may have gotten booster, don't know yet. Then today, another client of mine told me her college sophomore son was rushed to the hospital last week with chest pain and shortness of breath. He is apparently doing well now and the ER doc didn't think it was a genuine heart related issue and might have been something otherwise muscular. This was based on the fact that the symptoms subsided without any specific medical interventions. He had pfizer, both doses. The mom didn't mention the vax at all, and I doubt she thinks they are connected. I didn't mention it because I know where she stands on these types of issues. Looking forward to talking to my pericarditis client as I can speak frankly with her.

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had not seen. thanks.

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"Didn't think" it was genuine, or didn't screen, I wonder

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I just discovered expressive quotation marks.

Isn't it "neat" how this damage is clustered in the people best physically conditioned to resist state violence?

It's almost like it's "culling" the strong, able, and reproductively fit.

Get "vaccinated," everyone, or we'll "kill" you, ha ha!

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It's still strange that there won't be anyone left in Media Brainwashed Land to form the ranks of the police, either. I'm a broken record on this - it's a technoutopian blind spot, not to realize the need for the state monopoly on force. But I wonder if actually there's warehouses full of millions of Robotcops all over the place already...

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At this point, I do not think that would surprise me.

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Its not just the players. In the UK we are having games stopped because of heart attacks in the crowd. That has happened in the past but is very very rare. Two games in the last month


Two in this game


These are being supressed in search as well btw

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FWIW, troponin is released from heart muscle cells when they are injured. Troponin cannot cause inflammation, it is a component of the muscle cell.... Elevated troponin levels are a sign of injury/inflammation.

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el gato malo,

appreciate your column so much. The data-driven focus is such a breath of fresh air, and the cat motif is awesome ( I have a 13yr old part Maine Coone ! ).

So in my local newspaper today, they have a syndicated medical column,


In which the "dear doctor" claims that being obese is merely a "modest risk factor" for Covid and further goes on to say that

"people of every age and body weight are at risk from COVID-19 and its complications, including death and long-term disability"

I find myself screaming at the computer screen "NO, they are not !!"

Please keep up the good work of publishing real data on real risks, it is truly helping those of us who read your posts to make informed data-driven decisions about whether to take a helping of lipid nanoparticles on board our bodies or to refuse come what may !

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We know, from VAERS, that adverse reactions are off the charts. Where's we have sufficient information that the virus is not a major threat to healthy people, It appears anyone is at risk from the shot🥺🙄

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It's interesting how the medical experiment propagandists call any death or hospitalization within a city block of covid a covid death if the person was part of the control group and didn't get the injections, or for any death prior to the start of the world's largest medical experiment, but any death or injury strongly implicating the experimental mRNA injections is immediately dismissed and correlation is not causation, tsk tsk.

Why not the same set of rules 🤔

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Young men have the highest load of iron in their blood. It is caused by testosterone.

Various people have tried to point to serum iron as an essential problem with vaccine disease. On Twitter, there’s @parsifaler and @covidrights, but there’s no real amplification of the ideas. People are magnetic post vaccine, but so what? People have iron overload post vaccine. Don’t worry-Be happy. Just focus on the New York Times and the media even if you despise them. Never mind what’s in the vaccine. You can’t really do anything about that anyway without the help of your doctor or an old school barber…

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Zinc supplements are as effective at reducing iron levels as bleeding or leeches. It is an iron and other heavy metals chelator, but is also a heavy metal, and too much can cause iron anemia. They say 15-20 mg daily is adequate, but depends on diet and absorption.

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Thanks. I didn’t know that.

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My mother was a fan of orthomolecular medicine, and subjected us to megadoses of zinc, and niacin (flushes). It wasn't an issue until I became a vegetarian in my late teens, then the anemia settled in. I thought it might be lead poisoning, since I was cycling with traffic (this was in the 70's), until I read about the chelation process. The extreme lethargy and blue fingernails subsided when I dropped the zinc tablets, but as a vegetarian my blood levels were low. Most grains and beans have phytates that interfere with zinc and iron absorption. Female Vegans seem to have the mildest covid illnesses, so your point about iron is right on. The highest vegetable source of iron is stinging nettles. Zinc is highest in oysters, organ meats, and some nuts.

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Theodoric of York, Medival Barber.

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Just need all cause mortality, compare Vax and unvaxed. Look at medicare database. Bada - Bing!

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If you're going to tell a lie, tell a big one. That's it, eh?

And never stop. Keep pouring out the propaganda noise.

It gets to be a bewildering hubbub with everyone shouting at once.

Simple facts get ignored, lost, not seen.

Like the theatre isn't burning.

Like the emperor has no clothes.

Like vaccinations don't stop you spreading.

Like vaccinations aren't stopping the disease and deaths.

LIke children simply don't need.

Like the science indicates there'll be deleterious original antigenic sin effects on children in future.

Like the collateral damage is increasing and increasing.

Like: there's no emergency and if there was

this wouldn't be the way to fix it.

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After reading some of the comments and the links they provide, this is shocking. I am on the look out for such articles yet was aware of only a few. I too wondered if this more than normal or just due to greater interest in reporting them. It appears to be a actually much more than normal. Why is it hard to find these? Obviously, there are those that do not want this known.

The big problem. If someone who is looking for such stories has been unsuccessful until now, what are the chances that those who have no inclination to search know of this?

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