That mask video made my stomach hurt.

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Vocal sounded like a braying donkey.

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Imagine the self-awareness this person doesn't have, droning this out to sullen, miserable, silent little faces and thinking you're the good guy.

And that "now say hooray" at the end: you must not only obey, you must cheerfully obey.

I hope these kids remember. I hope there's payback for all of this.

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Some donkeys walk on their hind legs. So yeah, it was a braying donkey.

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Two things: that video of the little kids listening to a hijacked version of farmer in the dell was the saddest thing i ever saw; and i was going to donate to emily, but dont like having to divulge my phone number, occupation and employer. Too intrusive.

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I see that occupation and employer are required for contributions aggregating over $200, but smaller amounts only require name and address. Thanks for the info.

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I couldn't start the video...hear you!

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Gato, i want to make a very vital correction to your most excellent post: America was never created as a Democracy, that word was not once invoked in The Constitution or any founding documents.

The Founders created for us a Republic, which is vastly different than a Democracy; in fact, the Founders would consider Democracy mob rule, and it is precisely this mob rule that allows for careerist embedded CIA asset politicians like we have today. They were less than zeros in the private sector, and are merely pushing along the cabal's agenda at every opportunity will enriching themselves at a far faster rate than the dwindling purchasing power of fiat conjured out of thin air by the most destructive central banking system that is and was antithetical to a United States Republic, subverting it, the Constitution and Congress' role in the creating and valuation of sound money.

And let us not forget the IRS, which was never created by an Act of Congress, is a private corporation (it unlike any other gov agency pays for postage), functioning as a colluding force with the banks and the Fed to ensure further and continuous enslavement via perpetually declining disposable income, a greater propensity to borrow, and the twin pronged stealth tax of inflation as manipulated along with interest rates by said Fed.

It goes far, far deeper than my above, with us living on a Corporate Plantation as nothing more than food for the ruling class. I could go on, but until people truly appreciate the basic dynamics of this criminal and illegitimate government, little will ultimately change. This whole PSYOP-19 is directly tied into the banking sector and as such the Fed, which funds and owns most of the scientific reviews and publishing (another "coincidence"). Etc. & etc.

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"it was a model of small government constituted of the people by the people in order to safeguard the rights of the people. it drew its mandate from the consent of the governed and its members from the actual populace."

how would you describe that if not as the basis for a republic?

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Yes, but we are not by design a Democracy; that, sadly a la "death and taxes" is part of the scam and color of law.

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a republic simply places the rights of the people above the will of the demos.

the issue is that we are no longer a republic in anything but the most cursory lip service.

we've allowed rights to become privileges.

and this is why we keep seeing them abrogated.

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I agree with this, but again we were never meant to be a mob rule (ie Democratic) nation. This is an important distinction, and until it is appreciated there will continue to be much confusion. You kicked off your post invoking the D word, a most Dirty word that is in many ways the root of this system's problems.

Does that make sense?

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but that is what our current system is.

it's democracy. it has eaten the republic and is now metastasizing into something post democratic: rule by entrenched bureaucracy.

sure, taking back a full republic with government limited to enumerated powers is the end goal, but we don't get to start there.

this is what we have to shovel back first.

but the distinction is a valid one and perhaps deserving of more clarification. i added some text to that effect.

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to arrive at the goal, more at going full circle back, requires us to comprehend the distinctions and to have a clear understanding of exactly what we are fighting for and where we must end up. That was the intent of my initial comment. Thanks.

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the first responsiblility to govern is local. next level was county,.....

run for town and school boards, oust the marxists and pedophiles.

now the marxists say the federal has powers addressed by 10th amendment....

"the patriots' biggest challenge is to defend the country from its government"

truer today than in 1783.

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.....if we can keep it.

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Here in SW WA, for the same reasons El Gato Malo supports Ms. Burns, we are supporting Joe Kent against the traitor Jaime Herrera Beutler. She is very entrenched and has been compromised ever since her first term when he newborn was diagnosed with a condition no child had previously survived. Her child was given secret cures that are only available to the rich and powerful. She survived. Ever since Beutler has been in the pocket of the DS. She votes with us for things that don’t matter much, but on the issues for which we care deeply, she stabs us in the back every time. The last straw was her support for impeaching the greatest president of all time. Vote Joe Kent if you are in WA 3rd District, and donate no matter where you live. He is a veteran, a Patriot, and his servicemember wife gave her life for our country.

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+1 no vote to JHB.

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That was an interesting tangent. Would make a good premise for a TV show (In the end it would turn out not to even be their child, and the kidney transplant from the dad didn't even go into the kid!)

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Potter’s Syndrome/Sequence. Usually fatal. Per Oregonian article before the baby’s birth.

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I lived in that very district for a number of years before I moved a bit further out (but still in MA). Emily should be the perfect t candidate. Sadly, we in MA that she has - literally - no chance to win against the (D) candidate. Newton is and will always be a bastion of the far-left. Auchincloss could lose in a (D) primary to an even further left loon (yes, that’s possible here in MA) because he’s a bit too white and Newton loves to revel in its faux-diversity (in a city where the average home is over $1M). That said, his Fauci connection is a winner in Newton - NOT a loser. He’s the epitome of the Covid religion now. In heavily secular Jewish Newton he’s the Temple Priest of Covidianism and they bow to him.

Too bad Emily doesn’t go after Jim “I love Castro” McGovern. Another far-left loon, but the working class and many of the towns in Central MA have moved a bit more right and he’d be vulnerable to a strong candidate that resonated with her message.

Regardless - you’re right. Win or lose, fight we must. Her message must be heard and it’s a start. The fact someone is even saying this in MA is a positive sign.

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"Win or lose, fight we must. Her message must be heard and it’s a start. The fact someone is even saying this in MA is a positive sign."

Even though Pressley is my rep, I sent some $$ to Burns.

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Great assessment of our current mess. Unfortunately it's too optimistic!

Many of us still want to hide in the mistaken belief that the system is still viable, that it works enough to undo the tyranny we have descended into. Sorry folks, it doesn't work like that. The [insert name for whatever you want to call the bad guys oppressing us] crossed the proverbial Rubicon on November 3d. They ain't going back or giving up power ever again, not by elections anyway. Wake up people. We are in deep deep shit. Yes, you may live in a Red state or county *for now*. But so did the people in CA and CO and VA and FL. Let me break the news to you: there aren't hordes of progressive loving people invading all these states and turning them purple and then blue. This is election fraud, plain and simple. They get control of a city or county elections mechanism and then increasingly gin results their way. So stop thinking that this tyranny will end by elections. That's their con and we're the suckers if we play it. The path now is economic warfare: strikes, stoppages, boycotts, slowdowns...sand in the gears. Civil disobedience. Without our compliance it crashes. But crashing is the easy part. The hard part is supporting your neighbors, family, friends, fellow patriots who got fired, who haven't had a paycheck in weeks, who lost their healthcare or had their bank accounts seized, lost their home... We hang together or we will hang separately. It's well past time that we accept the grim reality that the days of elections and ordinary life are gone, maybe for a long time. Evaluate your current situation. Moving to a Red area may be necessary. If your neighbors might snitch you out.. maybe time to find new neighbors.

No disrespect to gato or emily...it's just too late for that now, sadly.

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Sad to say, I think you're absolutely right. Sure, it can't hurt to try. But elections, I think, are now just the miniscule maneuverings of something/someone who has an awful lot of money to spend, enough to buy whatever election results he/she/they desire.

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"it's just too late for that now." Says the person who sees the future and knows what happens.

I agree with all your non-compliance measures but not with your position that there is no value in trying to work through the system as well. why not? Hit them from all sides.

Just seeing this commercial for emily is encouraging to me. Even if it was fake, just the idea of a candidate like this is so positive. But it is real. Its great. People could get behind that! The more people that get behind it the more they can manifest the reality of it and expose the corruption of that system. What is not to like?

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You make a persuasive point. And i am torn. I fully intend to vote in the VA elections next month but why? Is there an argument that by participating we are lending legitimacy to the Regime's con game? I guess i am willing to give it one more try in hopes that the VA criminals may not steal the governor's race like the presidency. But if i see the same kind of midnight ballot dumping in Fairfax county like in 2020...then voting becomes a useless and dangerous exercise.

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I wish her success and will donate.

I just hope her modern-day version of Braveheart ends better than the movie account, because she is truly taking on the Leviathan.

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This I believe is why from day one the cabal’s number one priority was getting rid of Trump at any cost. He was not a member of the nobility (yes that is what they see themselves as), this is also why if an acceptable alternative to my current congressman were to run in the primary I would vote for them. I like my representative however, he is the scion of a political dynasty and for that reason I would vote against him in the primary if someone acceptable were to run against him.

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How soon until Twitter bans her?

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So quick. They're even going after nobodies like me, probably because I kept retweeting the unclean.

Guess it's time to start up a substack......

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Technically everything in her "issues" tab violates their terms of service.

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Term limits for all elected offices at every level.

No dark money.

Repeal the Bayh-Dole Act.

Term limits for unelected heads of the bureaucracy.

Cut the federal bureaucracy in half...at least.

Move the headquarters of many agencies out of DC.

Secure the border.

Stop the revolving doors between government, media, and business.

So much work to do when we get to the other side of this...when we win...

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Term Limits will bleed us dry unless we also, simultaneously, prevent "former politicians" *perpetual* *government-paid* access to platinum healthcare, retirement benefits, security, speaking fees, plush board seats, and, of course, the dark money you mentioned. Former politicians should serve short terms then return to their previous lines of work. Oh, btw: "government-paid" is really paid by the citizenry, NOT by the government.

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And ability to enact laws we must abide by, but they are given exemption.

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Amen to that, Raptor! I always thought Lady Justice was supposed to be blind to race, color, creed ... and elitism.

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None of that will happen. There is not now nor has there ever been a political movement with any interest or incentive to roll back anything. The ratchet goes only one way.

The political right treats limited government types exactly as the political left treats minorities. Plenty of speeches that tickle our ears with no intention of doing one single thing.

It’s time for breakup. Let my state go its own way before the whole thing implodes.

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Tim, I don't disagree entirely, but I am troubled by the thought of statehood cessations. I just don't know how to "overthrow" our existing government without reprehensible violence.

Term limits won't work *unless* we also remove the politician's forever access to platinum-plated retirement and healthcare benefits, continuous government paid (ahem, taxpayer paid) expense accounts and security details, dirty (under or over the table) money as suggested by cmpalmer ... and quite a number of other elements.

Strong-spined Governors taking back statehood rights (those rights not specifically ceded to the federal government) might be a start ... and then watch the blue states "fade" in economics and popularity as the red states thrive. However, that, too, will fail if the blue state emigres take their political leanings with them to the red states.

I'm not a historian on my best days and do not have the answer. I keep hoping to see some believable proposals from the audience to these and other posts. We may, ultimately, win the battle against the mask/vax/passport mandates if enough citizens resist and rebel against them (thank you pilots, law enforcement, firemen, emergency responders, nurses, home-schooling moms and dads, truckers, and lots of individuals that I've left out) -- but that won't shrink our government back into it's original 1776 "box."

I am Christian and believe that the option with the greatest chance of "winning the day" is found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." God sometimes works his best miracles when the situation is the bleakest. It's certainly bleak alright, but not enough people are sufficiently "awake" (I do NOT mean "woke!!").

So, in effect, I agree with almost everything you just said and offer a single alternative path with a very slender hope for achievement. While "we" play a part in that path, it will NOT be accomplished by our hand, but by God's ... and, then, only if it is his will to do so.

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Secession is probably the only way to avoid reprehensible violence.

330 million souls locked in a winner-take-all clash over massively divergent visions of society is supremely inhumane and cannot have a winner. We’re already in a low intensity civil war, and it will only get worse.

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Slavery used to be legal in this country. Segregation used to be law in the South.

I never said it would be easy. It won't be.

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Watch out for the election fraud, Emily! It's not the votes that count, it's those that count the votes.

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I will absolutely donate to Emily! I followed her Twitter thread a bit during The Hysteria as well.

Her challenger doesn't look 33. He looks like a 13-year-old dressed up in his daddy's best suit.

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I'm all for trying to actualize the principles set forth in the aspirational document that was the US Constitution, but you can't possibly believe that it represents how things actually were done, when they declared "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal" even as they set about slaughtering the native inhabitants and importing slaves to help build up their nation. Your fairytale land that you started this piece with must've been taught to you in kindergarten.

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The declaration was the start to the moving away from slavery. Is there no road to redemption? Once the road is pocked why fill, just abandoned? Even Jefferson knew that from time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed. If your house is a mess, do you move out or just keep piling?

Instead of nit picking fop, sort out what you can do to trim the hedges and clean the gutters around your house.


Crap Metaphor Raptor

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Wouldn't ever mistake the esteemed gato for a kindergartener – his essay is excellent and penetrating.

But you've put your finger on a vital issue that continues to plague the US: the ceaseless aggrandizing of the Founding Fathers, the Declaration, the Constitution, etc. Coupled with the discreet sweeping under the rug of items that might throw a shadow on this aggrandizement, or even deflate it considerably.

Add to this the iron-clad reluctance of many people to even think that the wisdom of the Founding Fathers was not necessarily suited to a world 245 years in the future. Ultimately, you get a country that often seems to be stuck in patriotic aspic.

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First ever political contribution. Godspeed Emily

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Love this:

"... their carefully curated versailles."

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