I planted feathers in the hope of growing chickens

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We know the primacy that Thanksgiving takes in the Birx household. So I'm guessing her hopes rest on growing turkeys.

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It takes one to grow one.

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Ha! Good one!

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Plant a potato, get a potato.

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So we can do this with plants; not feathers to grow chickens? Bummer

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Ya I don’t remember seeing a single mask in that party she had while telling everyone to fucking stay home alone

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Her parents grew one.

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The biggest jive turkey in need of a good and thorough roasting.

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Or the family just guesses what Thanksgiving dinner would be like?

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I hoped in one hand and s#$t in the other see which filled up first.

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Emily Dickinson said “hope is the thing with feathers”

She was wrong, of course. Debra is the thing with feathers. Or rather should be, along with a liberal application of tar.

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Ever tried birdseed?

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Any luck?

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No, just a dusty yard with feathers :)

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But is the dust ‘less serious’?

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Dust is lacks chicken nature.

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Thanks for the laugh. Bot many today. Hey, by the way will that work?

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People got fired from their jobs cause of hope? People died from these shots, people who were already immune to covid. What a catastrophe.

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And Dr. Birx - in order to insure acceleration of the damages from non sterile and severe adverse event vaccines (short term, we have little knowledge of long term since controls were unblinded and vaccinated shortly after EUA approval) - you and your fellow travelers - e.g. Fauci withheld any effective treatment - banned Ivermectin, Hydoxychloroquine. Discussions of readily available supplements were immediately pushed aside as "disinformation by antivaxxers." All of these effects were amplified by the lockdowns which destroyed childhood, education, jobs and for many people any semblance of fiscal stability. Some reader of this blog or the author needs to total the carnage from all of your recommendations and prohibitions - these would include a real death toll, a real disability toll, acknowledgement of the lives of children, adolescents, adults and most important seniors (remember your recommendation that hospitals discharge covid patients to nursing homes?) that were complete and totally derailed.

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Hopefully anything long term would have already surfaced - don’t think I’ve ever heard of 1-5 year out changes due to a shot historically .... I say this so as to calm myself down so ... ya

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While not a shot, I can’t help but think of thalidomide.. took several years for its damage to surface, and it was devastating. here’s a list of other drugs pulled from the market, some of which took decades to pull.

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We can’t legitimately say no to long term damage bcz it’s never been studied. Medical practitioners routinely deny vaccine injury and death entirely and most importantly, with the increase in overall poorer health outcomes and earlier deaths, it very well could be the increase in the childhood and adult vaccine schedules that are causing all sorts of previously unknown diseases and huge numbers of cancers, especially in children. When you compare unvaccinated cohorts to vaccinated, it’s very clear where the best outcomes are in children and adults.

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Short-term death is a bad long-term outcome.

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Maybe we can hope . . .

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They are now saying pregnant women shouldn’t take Tylenol…and you think enough time has passed to flush out the issue with the Covid vaccine?

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No way to say this, at all. We don't know what was in them. And 3 shots aren't 1 shot. Some might have gotten saline only

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Trouble is, these people are all from the 'useful idiots' box. None inhabit the actual 'conspirator' level.

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Jail too good for a dangerous, thoughtless, human like debs. She should be stripped of her medical license and never be allowed to get anywhere near anyone.

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And yet they go after Drs Kory and McCollough. Go figure

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Catastrophe is too mild a word. Criminal would better describe it. They messed with, injured and took peoples lives. They need to hang or be shot. Preferably the rope. It can be used over and over again and we need the bullets for the insane zombies they plan to unleash.

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Gators, wolves, wild hogs, great white sharks....

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it almost sounds like the inquisition. Kill them all and god will separate the good from the bad.

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That’s not a bad idea considering they want to do the same to all of us.

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But did they go to jail? Because apparently all women will now being going to jail because of scotus and so it’s not the same thing!!!!!

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What you seem to fail to understand is that this time, SCOTUS did do it’s job properly. It failed to do it’s job properly when it sided w RvW at the federal level back in 1974.

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Jun 26, 2022·edited Jun 26, 2022

Oh man I forgot to turn on the sarcasm font! 😣

Sorry, it’s been a stupid day on the interwebs. Agree with you on the correct interpretation by the court. Can’t stand the people who are all up in arms, who didn’t bat an eye about the coercion and then say it’s not the same thing because we didn’t face the threat of jail time. 🙄

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What on earth is it going to take for these idiots to stop wearing masks

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I'm thinking SADS. Although a fair number of them will probably insist on being buried with their masks.

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The mask of the sudden death...

There's a story in there somewhere.

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by Edgar Allen Poe...

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isn't there a book about a man with a mask? I think Alexandre Dumas?

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That's the old version, very out-of-date.

See the new one by Alexandria Dumbass.

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Do you mean The Man in the Iron Mask?

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At least iron would stop the virus. If worn correctly. Unfortunately the side effect is death.

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yes that is the one ! thanks

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I think you're thinking of The Mask of the Red Death by Edgar Allan Poe. It's a short story though, not a book. Has significant relevance to our situation today, interestingly.

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It was the Iron Mask from Dumas I was thinking of, but I need to look the Poe story up. I read several of his stories but don't know that one. Thanks for the tip !

Found it online https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/the-masque-of-the-red-death-edgar-allen-poe/3702277.html

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Excellent. Thanks for sharing.

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Yes. This is the correct answer.

Another one of his books is also foreboding; it's a Tell-Tale on what is wrong with our country; insanity

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Some chose to be cremated with a mask...

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Yay, to virtue signal into the afterlife is the greatest virtue signaling of them all.

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Lol. Funny. But not funny if ya know what I mean. I'm sick of this insanity

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Yeah, I have colleagues that continue to diligently wear the face diaper in meetings, but will gladly shed it at lunch. Because everybody knows "you can't get the coof while eating." Insanity, as you say.

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An office colleague caught the common cold recently and being the martyr work type decided to only have one day off work. When she came back in with her runny nose and cough she told us all how she was going to wear her mask to protect us all...

And wouldn't you know it, we all ended up catching her cold.

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The power of the aerosol!

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“It makes sense! The graves aren’t 6 feet apart!”

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"There'd be so many more maggots in my decomposing body if not for my mask and vaccine!"

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After Hemingway had the unfortunate incident with the shotgun, the maggots in his rotting corpse were arguing, and they fought it out in Dead Ernest.

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Not sure if you were trying, if not read it again... because it was

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The ones who were given no choice have my sympathy. The ones who enthusiastically went along with it don't. As for the ones who actively enforced it, I have a very hard time feeling at all sorry for them.

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And for those wishing death or defending denial of treatment of “dirty” unvaxxed : off with their heads!

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Yes. I think it is good to draw the distinction. Maybe because I agree with it, but also because it is good. So declares Raptor. Ha.

Military. sympathy.

Hospital Administrator, Birx? See Jocelyn S's comment.

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Some military. The willing leadership and high level Pentagon staff, need to have their innards displayed on a pole.

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CHD had whistleblower this week who said unvaxx numbers were much higher than stated.

Gave great hope, esp on 6-30 deadline, which might be pushed back.


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Comment I was responding to was deleted.it urged hope all are ok ...My redponse:

Not quite everyone. Not those who perpetuated this crime of crimes, or anyone who mandated vax. I want them to die

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I think we all want them to die. Very slow and painful deaths, perhaps one shot a day until they die w no medical intervention whatsoever.

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Or vents & whatever that drug is that they mandated that causes multi-system organ failure

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Rundeathisnear is what the nursing staff have named it. The drug company named it remdesivir.

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That sounds suspiciously what they prescribed for everyone else. A dose of their own “medicine”

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They are killers. Mass murderers. Child mass murderers. They need death

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The one in white is nodding along to the inane comments about "hope" that the vaccines would work. And the inane comment about asymptomatic infection...... what abject stupidity. If you "fail" a PCR test and have no symptoms then it is because you have innate immunity and won't spread anything. Like my kids when I had corona about a year ago, which was comparable to a regular cold.

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Asymptomatic is healthy. Free from disease. Unfortunately the world has forgotten....

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Just like we are all precancerous because we all have cells that may mutate someday.

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Actually, "presymptomatic" is something different and it is a factor but the window is narrow and I wonder if it is people who can't read their body's signals. When I get rhinovirus colds then I get a scratchy, soon sore throat about 24 hours before the upper respiratory symptoms kick in and then the sore throat goes away.

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Right! We are catching on

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Yes, the woman in white has a definite "look of religious clergy" about her. A Branch Covidian.

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I love the nodding. At work we used to call sycophants like this bobbleheads.

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That caught my eye as well

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Watch it again, and wait for the moment where she switches from mindless agreement to worry :)

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That's true. When Jim Jordan calls her out then the nodding stops and you can see the worry in her eyes.

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The one in the white is a plant to distract you.

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Probably Hemlock then.

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Nice! Evil one!

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O not an actual vegetative entity but decoy. Hard to tell the difference in the clip.

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As I watched the masked bobblehead in white, after those foot-in-mouth but quite revelatory statements by Irxie, I nearly puked. But recovered instantly and had my best laugh of the week.

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You got the bobblehead line in before I did. Touche!

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" If you "fail" a PCR test" you probably just got lucky. The results are probably pre-ordained and more or less random, unless they need more "cases" in any given area.

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I think the masks in this case are less about COVID and more about hiding their facial expressions. You can see from body language when the woman in white starts thinking "Oh... shit..." Imagine what her face must have looked like at that moment.

I predict people will wear masks any time they want to obfuscate their identities and emotions, and just blame it on COVID going forward.

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Do you remember when the only people wearing masks were the criminals? It set off immediate antenna for non-criminals. How convenient that w/ more criminals on the streets terrorizing people than ever before, they can mask w/ impunity for crime & riots & be automatically assumed to be fellow believers by the leftist morons

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Yeah that thought has occurred to me too.

Bank robbers wore mask

Criminals wore mask

Me thinks they mock us

Laughing we got them to wear mask

Get shots

Put up plexiglass

Lost lots

Sanity dignity

And they mock us

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Aye... I can't decide if it is funny how fast they went for niqaab for all along with allowing criminals an out, or a sign of sinister cleverness.

That everyone just ran with it is less funny, more just sad.

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It’s all upside down. You see all of the criminals wearing masks as they “smash-grab”. They ain’t wearin’ them for their health or to obey “mandates”

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It would at least be entertaining if people wore fun masks.

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I had unlined lace ones. I was pretty entertained by that 😂

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That’s what criminals do! Hmm

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Excellent point. I'm willing to bet there's a lot of truth in that.

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The masking of slaves and also of women is a historical fact. Look it up.

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And they are popping up everywhere

Again …..I stare and want to take a pair of scissors ….then silently ask

Them just wtf r u afraid of.

Low info.

So you got your warp speed shots

And now you still walk in great fear.

It just shows that some will not

Ever learn so why bother let them

Pretend a cyclone fence keeps out


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They are the linchpin. They have to be rejected.

Look back at the sequence of events. They are a Swiss army knife. A central pillar of the PSYOP

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That is 100% intentional. Look at all the universities.

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In LA, I just assume a masked person is up to no good and steer well clear. Street criminals are LOVING this sh*t... almost as much as their white-collar counterparts who put it in place.

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Duff, a little hard for them to ‘splain, cuz on the one hand they’re vax’d & boosted up the wazoo (so the poison works!) so as you said, WTF are you afraid of to still wear masks?? I’m sure the answer to both would be “it would be sooooo much worse (or I’d be hospitalized or dead) if I wasn’t masking & hadn’t had my 3+ jabs”

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I don't believe these tyrants are actually vaxxed or boosted.

The mask wearing is an act for the menials.

That is, us.

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And at their response my head would


Yes Cindi you are exactly right.

Sheep will never understand the wolf

I’d would tell them in poetic fashion


We will never see eye to eye

For I took the red pill

You took the lie

And that’s where we will


Never to agree

But compassion for the many

Layers of humanity.

I am not necessarily mad at them

Mad at the evil fuckers

Disappointed in them

But that includes family friends

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I know what I want to do with a pair of scissors......

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Paper doll origami art?

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Oh yes. Exactly. Origami paper dolls...

Yes, that's the ticket.

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With real people as a surprise twist.

Or a twisted surprise.

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You're good today Evil

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I am afraid to ask 🤐🐱

Suspect it’s not for cutting paper


Or trimming caveman's beards

Or …..

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Actually... I changed my mind. Ultimately it is useful to have people like this self-label by plastering masks over their faces. The Enemy Within. They were always there, their inner coward and tyrant ready to be unleashed. Better to know who they are.

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Yes. I'd rather know who's a brownshirt than be surprised by one

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I wish I knew. I’ve asked a couple of women why. One said she has allergies and always wanted to wear a mask in public but knew people would look at her like she was nuts. Nowadays enough people are doing it that she doesn’t stand out. That was 4-5 months ago and I still see her jogging in the park alone with her mask on.

The second lady was convinced wearing a mask keeps you from getting sick from anything contagious, and therefore prevents spreading illness to your household.

There is no end for either of these ladies.

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A month after the last camera on earth has been recalled to the alien mothership, mask wearing will start to wind down...unless all the fact-checkers are part-time court sketch artists, in which case...don't hold your breath.

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Don't get me started!...:)

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I was watching a youtube video today for a review of a car (2022) and the driver in the B roll had a gigantic black face mask on while driving alone. I want to know when the mask will stop signaling virtue and start demonstrating to all how effing braindead they are. I think in my state we are close. My husband is relentless with them.

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Look @ it this way: the loons are easily identifiable by their tribal talisman

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My husband thanks them (maskers) for letting him know. Points to the mask then does the circling motion by the ear. He does it with an utterly genuine voice. It is so funny to me because he is the most mild mannered man. I am the boisterous one and I just stand there like a doofus wondering if he is gonna getting one on the kisser. Apparently he has a mix of disgust and courage I don't have.

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The soy boy mask wearers would never punch, but an unhinged Karen might 🤣

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Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022

It just dawns on me that someone should market a mask cup. Much like ladies' period cups instead of say a kotex on the outside. They can wear a cup over their larynx instead of a mask. No more acne or rebreathing bacteria. No more denying ppl the pleasure of your smile. Love.

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Bash, it’s virtue signaling kabuki theater & that's the left’s mother ship

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They can't. They're too far into the cult now.

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I know compassion ought to be

My first response.

Sometimes I lose my patience with

The human race

And the evil fuckers who play wicked

Games to people so willing to be

Socially engineered to be herded.

Scissors first

Silent ??! Second

Sincere sorrow we have become

Sheep for the herding to wear a mask

That prevents natural breathing.

Slow suicide.

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The compliant must suffer, and greatly. Because too many will deny to their last breaths, unfortunately.

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It looks as though they will be suffering plenty.

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What on earth is it going to take for these idiots to stop wearing masks?...

...and scarves...

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How about full body/face covering like some Muslim women wear? Has anyone done a study on whether these women are healthier than the rest of us? Might be interesting . . . curious cat wants to know.

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This reminds me of when I had a pointed conversation with our Stanford pediatrician of 20+ years about the efficacy and safety of the jab.

When it became clear that the risk/benefit analysis I was trying to engage in was going the wrong way, and I asked about any evidence of long-term effects (admittedly a rhetorical question) she uttered these words, which I will never forget:

"You have to take a leap of faith".

I had strongly suspected it before, but then I knew for certain that the whole business was a monstrous scam.

The pox on these people. The lot of them.

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More proof that their “science” is really just religion in disguise.

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Bad religion with false prophets.

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YES! These are the people who spread "Follow the science" and yet they sound like they are acolytes of a religion.

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Perfect! Yikes! Just remembered where I am!


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They can take a flying leap themselves!

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I second that, like a billion times...

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Not the pox 😂 Too soon!

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Funny how these (probably) atheists got religion on this thing. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, lol.

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"When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything."

~ Attributed to G. K. Chesterton

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How about a flying leap off one of the hairpin turns of Hwy 1 in NoCal.

I hope you ditched that doc, liberate.

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Wait so even at the very beginning they expected that artificial immunity would be short-lived, thus necessitating a lifelong regimen of biannual boosters and endless "layered protection"?

But I thought the vaxx was our path to normalcy.

Or were they just ... hoping ... we wouldn't pick up on that?

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Sadly, there are people who will talk themselves into not picking up on the lies and lack of logic. They are the ones in a cult.

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they never even tested for efficacy against transmission, let alone re-infection. how could they? they rushed the trials. the pushed them through. there was barely any time to collect any data. They collected the barest minimum of data to show any efficacy against serious illness/death and then shut down the trial. This is the biggest malfeasance in drug regulation ever, and we're just getting started.

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The inevitable consequence of regulatory capture.

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They didn't even do proper trials let's face it. That doc in Buenos Aires roped in fast food waitresses and his guitar playing son Leandro to help out with the 4000 participants he enrolled in two weeks, remember? 😂😂😂

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This would actually be forgiven as well if there was a good reason for it, but the only thing they could come up with are mottos like "flatten the curve" "slow the spread." Did we see piles of Covid afflicted bodies being stacked and burned? Notice that talks of "death rates" were muddied with instead talks of cases and hospitalizations. Mandatory testing at hospitals ensured that if they could squeeze a stone dry of every "Covid Case" that would rationalize their safety mindedness. After it was figured that even this was not true, they mudied the questions even further, and still persisted.

The question is what is the "hope" that Birx is talking about, is it the hope the vaccine worked, or "Hope" that the situation was dire enough to warrant an experimental vaccine?"

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Exactly. Some of these measures could be justified if the disease was as horrifying as, say, the Black Death. Which explains why they did their darndest to exaggerate the deaths, hospitalizations, and manufacturing and re-defining "cases".

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Or hope that nobody would rumble them.....

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Well that's definitely the vaccine manufacturers motive.

They always knew these vaccines were f'ing useless.

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Not the biggest malfeasance ever. We have from VAERS about 20,000 deaths (probably higher). Vioxx had a lot more deaths and it's unambiguous that they knew when they submitted it.

It took COVID for me to explore and see how rotten the whole thing is.

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if they forced everyone to take Vioxx yes, but I think this will end up being worse.

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To be fair, they were in a hurry.

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That's no excuse for not correcting their errors later on when things became more clear.

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Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022

My bad, I should’ve used a smiley or sarc tag. I have no interest in being fair to them, at any rate.

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So, "hope" is a basis for mandates that have caused people across the country to lose jobs, kids to be kicked out of sports & schools? People to be denied their right to medical treatment, movement and travel? Unbelievable.

We need to require that all officials disclose all compensation, campaign donations & ties they have to the pharma companies that have profited off of this.

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"Hope", brought to you by the makers of "Trust the Science™"

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Hope on a rope brought to you by,"Get in the showers!"

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I still can't even get into your country. Although it's rapidly losing appeal. I went to Mexico instead (0 entry requirements for 5 months now) and actually looks the better option TBH.

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I like the mask wearers now...it let's me know you still have a mental illness and I should avoid you no matter what....

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Remember that some 40%+ of Democrats would throw the un-jabbed into concentration camps.

These are the bastards still wearing the face diaper.

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Anyone remember the "infographic" being passed around to rationalize mask wearing where it showed people "peeing" on one another without pants. As if normally people pee in their pants.

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I laugh, because I was one of those people sharing that very meme. That's the trouble with memes. You can sometimes interpret them to support whatever side you want.

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Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022

I wonder if it will be used for monkeypox...we must be inclusive of those into random water sports...

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I want to scream at these idiotic virtue signaling mask wearers but there’s too damn many of them. It’s exhausting even thinking about it.

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It's an I.Q. test cheat-sheet.

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Debbie should be in a cell next to Fauci waiting for Nuremberg 2.0

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Debbie's new debutante 'do is not going to save her. If you read the Scott Atlas book (and can withstand the nausea it induces due to... crushing stupidity) you will see The Debs had everyone wrapped around a pole with her temper tantrums and color coded folders. Everyone, including Trump, cowed to this woman. Let that sink in.

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If nobody questions mandates based on hope, why do people question faith healing?

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Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022

I heard part of this, and Birx voice was very nervous, I am sorry I missed Jordan's high note end.

Love it. Of course the sad thing it doesn't change all the awful things that have happened the past 2 years, lost jobs, jab injuries, lost relationships arguing about the jab, mental health, education..... the list is endless. Let's also hope this leads to some punishment, never any outcomes from these endless hearings.

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Click the video above to see it.

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Birx remains nothing more than a "useful idiot" who is best known for her scarves. Lord have mercy!

There's currently a 6 month old baby at Vanderbilt Medical Center being denied a heart transplant because Dr. David W Bearl, Assist. Prof. of Pediatric Cardiology, Medical Director, is mandating the "vaccine" which the parents are refusing on religious grounds. Do no harm. I know who I'd like to harm.

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Unimaginable how humans have lost their humanity. Pray for these people. But also give them no quarter.

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Why isn’t this prime time public viewing like the January 6th commission?

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We all know why

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“ and all the carnage and calamity it drove is going to land on them.”

I really want you to be right about that.

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Please from your lips to God's ear.

Praying .

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Yeh about that... how's Fauci done since his AIDS debacle 30 years or so ago.

Nothing will happen to them, they will continue to fail upwards, just like Fauci.

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Sigh. I suspect you are right, even though I really want you to be wrong.

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Scarf lady's scarf would make a fashionable garrot or noose.

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Must be having a rough time with inflation. During the Trump admin she wore Hermes. Now it looks like TJ Max. Nevertheless, string her up!

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Say what you will, that woman knows how to tie a scarf. We should all look out on eBay and see if she's selling her Hermes collection off to pay for, what? Anticipated legal fees? Bribes? Medical care for damage done to her by the jab?

What an odious human being.

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What's she hiding under the scarf? Hickies? Adam's Apple? :)

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The apple. 😉

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