there is an intense program to make it appear as though covid vaccine boosters are working. and yet everywhere they are in widespread use, societal and individual outcomes do not seem to have improved. it’s legitimately difficult to find a seasonally adjusted counter example. mostly, they correlate to more covid.
people got boosted, then they got sick. they tried to mask this with bayseian manipulations around the definition of “vaccinated” that pushed the 2 week vaccine driven window of immunosuppression into the prior cohort. this is data handling so misleading that it can make a pure immunosuppressant with no anti covid activity look like a high VE vaccine. and we’ve seen it quantified. (this same data was rapidly hidden after they realized what they had admitted. this alone is a deeply chilling outcome.)
but then far too many people who got boosted got covid. everyone knew a bunch of them. it could not possibly be hidden.
so the story pivoted to “this would have been much more serious had i not been vaccinated! the vaccines worked!”
this is a seductive story to tell yourself, but this too is falling apart and looking more and more like wishful thinking and self-justifying confirmation bias. the american northeast pretty much all looks like this with age groups that have 95%+ fully vaccinated status making new highs in hospital admissions for covid.
the data as reported societally is so definitionally tainted that feeding it into studies is producing GIGO. the US medical records in EPIC are so incomplete and jumbled as to be more hinderance than help.
but more and more medical professionals are cottoning on, at least in the places where they are allowed to…
for all that they have gotten nearly all of their covid response wrong, i will say this for israel:
they are at least trying to play it straight.
they are not adulterating and disappearing data. they are not refusing to collect it. they are not silencing doctors.
and so (like the danes and the UK) we can trust their data and their media far more that we can trust our own.
and they are starting to say some very interesting things.
Are Israeli hospitals really overloaded with unvaccinated COVID patients? According to Prof. Yaakov Jerris, director of Ichilov Hospital’s coronavirus ward, the situation is completely opposite.
“Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated,” Jerris told Channel 13 News. “They had at least three injections. Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness, which is why just twenty to twenty-five percent of our patients are unvaccinated.”
now, this alone does not actually tell you anything. 80% are vaxxed might mean vaccines are failing or it might mean they are working. it depends on how many people have been vaccinated.
in israel, that number is 66% fully vaccinated and 72% with at least one dose. 55% are boosted.
so the final tally is 55% boosted, 11% double vaxxed, and 6% single vaxxed. this leaves 28% unvaxxed.
obviously, this data is a total mess of bias and confounds, but it’s more or less consistent on face value with a vaccine efficacy for hospitalization of anywhere from about 0% to negative 56%. that is not a neighborhood you want to be in for a vaccine, especially one with such common and severe side effects.
and it seems like the israeli government (or at least parts of it) may be catching up to the state of play here and joining the “coalition of the data driven” and finally pushing past any pretense that any of this has been working. (though it’s government, so who knows what they’ll wind up doing when it comes time to pander to populism.)
Top Israeli officials also announced this week they are abolishing the country’s “Green Pass” COVID vaccine passport for restaurants, hotels, gyms and theaters.
The policy update will take effect Feb. 6, Prime Minister Naftali Bennet’s government said, pending approval by a parliamentary committee. Israel’s proof-of-vaccination policy will remain in effect for events such as parties or weddings.
“To continue the green pass in the same way can create false assurances,” said Nadav Davidovitch, an epidemiologist and public health physician advising Prime Minister Naftali Bennet’s government. “It’s not reducing infections in closed spaces like theatres.”
many governments are waking up. the whole ARTICLE is worth reading.
Søren Brostrøm, director-general of Denmark’s Health Authority agreed:
“I do not believe in imposed vaccine mandates. It’s a pharmaceutical intervention with possible side effects. You need as an authority, to recognize that. I think if you push too much, you will have a reaction — action generates reaction, especially with vaccines.”
the more honest countries are moving away from the counterproductive calamity that has been covid response.
increasingly, the world is over this over-reaction. lockdowns, masking, quarantine, school closures, and vast vaccine programs have bought nothing but economic ruin, societal damage, and vaccine escape and OAS/hoskins effect variants.
many saw this coming. because that’s what leaky vaccines do. always. even if they start out working, they will rapidly select for this outcome. it’s as inevitable as the procession of seasons.
that’s WHY we don’t use them, much less mandate them.
it’s clear that boosters are failing.
and just like lockdowns and masking before them, the new narrative of “severity mitigation” is rapidly falling apart in real time.
more worrying, all cause deaths are up, not down in many highly vaxxed places (2021 vs 2020) and this issue flips right when the vaccination campaigns began.
this is an outcome so jarring based on prior cohort depletion as to demand explication and health agencies do not even appear to be working on it (or if they are, they are sure not sharing that work). this may well mean we mistook poison for panacea. (all cause deaths data by vaccination status would be a huge help here)
look, we all were hoping these vaccines would work to stop spread or would at least mitigate severity. no one wanted the vaccines to fail. but it was a dubious and dodgy enterprise from the beginning using a set of modalities (mRNA, adenovirus) known to be deeply problematic. we tried to do in 3-6 months what ought to take 5-10 years.
the reason people trust most vaccines is that they are incredibly safe as well as being effective in actually providing sterilizing immunity that prevents infection. this trust was abused by claiming “you trust vaccines. this is a vaccine. so trust it!” and proclaiming any who would not “anti-vaxxers.”
this is akin to branding any who will not take an experimental new kind of fentanyl to cure a sore throat as “anti medicine” and excoriating them as bad parents for not wanting it forced upon their children.
i mean, really guys?
this has not been a crusade against “science deniers” it has been a systematic campaign against scientific discernment, nuance, cost-benefit analysis, and the literal idea of knowing when you have enough data to actually make good decisions.
and ideas like “natural immunity” and treatment, especially early treatment were all cast aside and even vilified.
i have never seen anything like it.
this was not “warp speed” is was “warped science” and now we reap the bitter fruit.
play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
so we need to get back to basics and stop all the prevarication and justification:
this was a a rush job and mostly, it was a put on. we have lurched from one set of claims to the next in a series of tactical retreats and spin management. these vaccines were supposed to stop spread. everyone said so. they claimed this was validated in drug trials. either they were wrong, or they lied.
we did not do the testing and such as we did was highly manipulated from inclusion criteria to dropout masking to definitions to early termination and elimination of ongoing control groups. we got played by a set of rigged trial protocols that regulators should have seen and stopped instead of aided and abetted.
and it’s time everyone just admitted it and moved on.
pretending this was not a colossal mistake will not make it any better.
remembering who sold it to you will.
we can make more graphs to prove it, but should we really have to?
refresher courses are expensive. learn the lesson the first time.
I love cabbage and brussels sprouts. Both go especially great with bacon.
But the minute someone tries to coerce me into buying ONLY cabbage, I'm going to go out of my way to buy brussels sprouts instead. I'm going to wonder what's wrong with the cabbage. Ya dig?
I'm stealing that last graph. Superb. Any new whispers about the jabs being trigger devices for HIV? Seeing a lot of HIV testing for no reason out there and a lot of HIV "vaccine" development and when the media and .gov functionaries start pointing to a fire they started for which they hold the extinguishers behind their back, we should all probably start paying more attention.