"Tonight's science is brought to you by Pfizer."

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This. And 'sugar ain't so bad for you, it's bacon that's killing you' studies brought to you by Coca Cola.

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Very little that is called sugar in American media actually refers to sugar. Most is gmo corn syrup and gmo sugar beets saturated with lethal doses of Roundup ie glyphosate which is Agent Orange light. j/s

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Got rid of corn syrup and GMOs 3 years ago and lost all the weight I put on over the past 30 years without effort. All it took was the food change. Yep, it was the food, not me that caused the weight gain. Meanwhile we love to blame the obese for health problems, likely NOT Of their making, but because of the poor food choices we have. Talk about blaming the victims!

I started having allergy problems with food once Roundup started being used. A doctor pointed it out to me decades ago. GMO grains cause me to vomit the food 10 minutes later, even if it tastes fine. While my taste buds might be ok with these frankenfoods, my body cleary is not. Way too many corporate sciences have made me sick...which is why I have been hesitant about the jab. Lucy can hold that football only so many time before we finally realize she's never going to let Charlie Brown kick it. This is how I feel about MSM and "The Science."

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I use unrefined sugar and sweetener made from boiled dates and it has made all the difference in the world. Started making everything from scratch instead of processed...and voila! 30 years of weight gain lost! My weight gain started as soon as high fructose corn syrup hit the market and replaced older sugars.

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You aren't alone. That poison has "obesified" the U.S. population and is on its way to doing the same to the rest of the world.

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I think it may be a "double-dip" but it would be hard to find out. A nice batch of glyphosate-free non-GMO high-fructose corn syrup as your domestic sweetener, any takers?

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That's awesome. I've also cut out all the "healthy" vegetable oils and feel SO much better. It's bizarre.

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Pamela - So true. I actually attended a presentation in Canada by a former scientist at Health Canada who worked on producing gmo's. He quit after realizing how harmful glyphosate was. He left Ottawa and moved to British Columbia and became an organic farmer. The second scientist at this same presentation also left Health Canada after trying to convince them that Bovine Growth Hormones for milking cows was a danger to people. It was never implemented but it was because the Veterinarians said it would require too many antibiotics to be given to the cows to prevent mastitis. So again Health Canada wasn't looking out for our interests. And this is why I have no faith in these Health regulating agencies. How could I possibly trust them on covid vaccines?

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Once you learn you can't un-see and it changes everything going forward. We all have that moment like the scene in Erin Brokovich where the mom learns about the toxic water races to get her kids out of their little pool.

Fun fact, animal cruelty laws in Germany prohibited rBGH/rBST for mastitis alone. No animal suffering can be inflicted. Standard practice for US factory pharmers would be jail time under German law.. our DJIA desk jockeys are modeling Upton Sinclair.. we need lotsa perp walks, lock them up and throw away the key... feed them nothing but 100% gmo foods too! :~)

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It was a trip to Germany 10 a little more than 10 years ago that made me aware of all the food problems in the USA. For about 20 Euros a week, I could buy fresh groceries - vegetables, fruit, chicken, cheeses and breads that were healthy and allowed me to be full and lose weight. The best part was that the food had taste, something long gone from US food.

It dawned on me that once upon a time we had food like this in the USA and gradually I started to return to a simpler diet, but focus on organic ...not that US organic is any better than ordinary food of 40 years ago.

Around the same time, a friend from Germany moved to the US and gained about 100 pounds from our unhealthy diet. How can our CDC expect us to be healthy when the very food we are offered is mostly poisoned? And then you expect me to trust them about untested mRNA therapies, and you've lost me, because the trust was broken long ago, as our agencies have given global corporations carte blance to harm us and there is not protection of the citizens anymore. Foxes guard the henhouses here in the USA.

It pains me that the EU and UK would dare to lower their standards for corporate profits. They need to look to the USA as an example NOT to follow when it comes to health or food.

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My husband was in a Walgreens pharmacy the other day. They would announce their stupid safety guidelines and say that it was all sponsored by Pfizer.

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I think you mean $cience

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How does Big Pharma, George Soros, Bill Gates bilk the World out of $100’s of billions. You make a deadly virus that infects the elderly and those with existing comorbidities, such as stroke, heart disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cancer which are the most important risk factors for comorbid mortality in COVID-19 patients. Then in a few months have an mRNA injection for COVID on the market .

Then you simply require, through the CDC and other Government Agencies, to count anyone that dies, with signs of being infected with COVID….list as dying from COVID. Then to make sure a large number of people appear to be infected you use a highly sensitive PCR testing method that falsely shows nearly everyone is infected. Which in itself is probably true. That’s the way viruses work. They infect everyone eventually, but 99.9% of people or Al immune system easily fight it off.

WALLA…you have a Faux Pandemic.

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And then, when vaccinated people get covid more easily, and die from it more often, you say that they DIDN'T die from covid, but from their co-morbidities....

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And the sheep go over the cliff…..

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Or, one of my faves: They died because the evil "unvaccinated" won't "do he right thing." Wow!

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Wonder why the count of COVID deaths is so high….direct excerpt from our Government to Dr.s and Hospitals…..even if a patient doesn’t test positive for COVID when they die it is still OK to assume they died from COVID.

“ Fact sheets for different COVID-19 tests from the Food and Drug Administration note that a “negative result does not exclude the possibility of COVID-19. When diagnostic testing is negative, the possibility of a false negative result should be considered in the context of a patient’s recent exposures and the presence of clinical signs and symptoms consistent with COVID-19. The possibility of a false negative result should especially be considered if the patient’s recent exposures or clinical presentation indicate that COVID-19 is likely, and diagnostic tests for other causes of illness (e.g., other respiratory illness) are negative.”

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Very true. The main foothold that sustained this theatre play is the wrong tagging of deaths as "Covid deaths", which allows governments to implement exceptional measures that would otherwise be totally rejected by most citizens.

Worldwide, and with different variations in temporal limits, the method is to create a time interval after a positive PCR, inside which any death, any cause, will be considered a "Covid death". Which is, well, probably the biggest manipulation I´ve ever heard of, considering the consequences.

I think this whole show started with this demonic figure, Neil Ferguson was his name?, from the Imperial College in the United Kingdom. Any death WITHOUT temporal limit could be tagged as Covid death provided it came after a +PCR. Two scientists discovered this, so the time interval got reduced to 28 days. In the USA, the very data of CDC shows that the Covid body count is actually the sum of flu+pneumonia+Covid, and only 7% (I am talking from the top of my head) was Covid only. I also remember one of the italian government advisors recognizing in 2020 that if they had to do it all again, only 12% of Covid deaths would be considered so. And in my Spain, although there is a limit that varies depending on the area, after the fourth wave it seems like that it just dissapeared. The numbers offered by the doctors are reviewed a posteriori to see if there is a previous +PCR, and then modified upwards, in an unending cycle of deception that almost no common citizen knows.

With this system, official figures have no meaning in themselves, much less to make comparisons between months or waves.

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Indeed. #TruthBeTold

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It's not possible to be a truly independent scientist nowadays unless you are a mathematician

or have your own money. Modern science just costs too much (expensive equipment, man power to do any real work) and top scientists are probably just glorified managers overseeing grant proposal writing and management.

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(Being snarky)... but I had a science experiment kit when I was a kid that would probably be better "science" than what is passed off as science today. And it was only like 15$ (at the time).

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IPAK does a really good job with legit scientific work. Check them out! https://ipaknowledge.org/

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Hate to break it to you but professional mathematicians have to play academic politics as well. You can be an independent amateur, but good luck getting peer review or publication.

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I understand that (I was in academia). I am talking about doing research not publishing it. Getting it publish is another game.

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Probably? There's little doubt.

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They have been doing this for decades. Look at the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. It's been 35 years of horrible vaccine science that hasn't advanced at all. And our kids are getting sicker and sicker each generation.

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72 vaccines by the time they are 18 is dreadful.

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And just as an aside, we do it to our dogs and cats too. "Gee, I wonder why so many of them die of cancer. It must be genetic. Yeah, that's it." (Of course the awful processed crap we feed them is a contributor too.)

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Here's a horrifying story about dog food. I lived in Quebec until 1978. My husband was an electrician and was asked to do an electrical repair at a dog food processing plant. It was months later that he told me what he had witnessed there. He knew it would upset me and thus the delay. He was in a room with a conveyor belt going into a big vat. The conveyor belt was full of dead dogs that were being processed for dog food. He thought the dead bodies were from unfortunate dogs who had been euthanized by veterinarians.

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I’ve heard that before. I’d think it would give dogs prion disease plus that euthanasia juice would pretty quickly do dogs in…

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OMG!!! what will they do next?

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And horses too. My horse had this new five way vaccine. Within a week she had a nephrosplenic entrapment and that was the beginning of the end. It doesn’t appear they were related, but who knows?

Yes on foods for our cats and dogs. Wonder what is good…

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We used to just feed dogs and cats table scraps. Not saying the food we have today would be a good option for them, anymore than it is for us.

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That’s their natural food. There’s a new book out called Our Oldest Companions that I want to read. Also picked up The Forever Dog about feeding them healthier.

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I'll check those out. Thanks!

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Let’s keep this mass injection an virus pandemic scam simple. Fauci is involved, but he is just a Bill Gates puppet.

Put the pieces together and follow the money

1. Bill Gates doesn’t like being the second richest man.

2. Bill Gates is the World’s leading Eugenist …”too many people is bad”

3. Bill Gates warns us in 2005 that a deadly virus pandemic is coming.

4. Bill Gates pays to have a deadly man made virus produced in Wuhan and holds the patents for COVID-19.

5. Bill Gates uses his tax shelter the Gates Foundation to bribe everyone connected to fighting a World pandemic.

6. Bill Gates has his new man made virus released on the World.

7. Bill Gates pressures everyone to make sure the death count appears to be as high as possible with as many deaths as possible blamed on the virus to foster maximum fear.

8. Bill Gates personally invests in Big Pharma to make a new genetic injection and get it approved as quick as possible, even though it could have frightening long term consequences on mankind.

9. Bill Gates nearly doubles his personal net worth from just over $100 billion to $186 billion in 2021 from return on investments in Big Pharma.

10. Bill Gates tells everyone in his pocket; fellow eugenists, One World Government believers, Marxist, and the crooked greedy to make vaccination mandatory and keep the money rolling in.

11. Bill Gates will replace Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, and Stalin in World history notoriety

Money is not the end goal of Gates’ “philanthropic” activities. Money is just the tool that he is using to purchase what he really wants: control. Control not just of the health industry, but control of the human population itself…of course if he becomes the World’s richest man while doing so…all the better.

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For those that doubt item 4.

Proof the Coronavirus is a bioweapon created by DARPA, Bill Gates, Defra,* Wellcome Trust (UK), and European Commission (EU)

* UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

The CORONAVIRUS patent (from the UK) was approved in 17 months by SERCO (UK) that runs the U.S. Patent Office

CORONAVIRUS was funded and patented by Wellcome Trust (UK, fake sold to GlaxoSmithKline), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, DARPA, DEFRA (UK), World Health Organization, European Commission (EU) via THE PINBRIGHT INSTUTUTE (UK)

coronavirus 2

U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701. (Nov. 20, 2018). CORONAVIRUS. Assignee: THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE (Woking, Pirbright, Great Britain), funded by Wellcome Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, EU. U.S. Patent Office.


From the USPTO patent application “wrapper” files accessible by the public in PUBLIC PAIR. https://portal.uspto.gov/pair/PublicPair

coronavirus 4

The Coronavirus patent was issued in just 17 months from initial filing—that’s almost unheard of speed—with very little objection from back from SERCO (UK)-managed patent examiner Bao Q. Li

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Bill Gates was likely born and bred to be a swamp creature. Probably doesn't own his own soul, and it's likely not human :( Pity him, but do not let him lead anymore! He can't help what he is.

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He and Obama are cut from the same bolt of cloth.

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he's not human. i will never pity that effer!

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you think a lot of bill gates, huh? right there with you!

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A proverb for the New Normal: you can lead a horse to The Science, but don't let it think

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Investigate the Bill and Melinda non-Profits

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From 2011 GMWatch - PhilanthroCapitalism - "Some time ago, the head of WHO's malaria research revealed that the increasing dominance of the Gates Foundation was stifling diversity of views among scientists and that it could seriously impede the policy-making function of the world body. He was dismayed by the foundation's decision-making process: "A closed, internal process, accountable to none other than itself"." https://gmwatch.org/en/news/archive/2011/13004-the-dark-side-of-giving-gates-foundation-and-the-rise-of-philanthro-capitalism

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World health org is Bill gates

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You just created an oxymoron.

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do i get an Emmy now? 🤗

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Oddly enough Mr. Bill has mused publicly that the vaccination policy is not going as planned.....surprised Mr. Bill?...from Humans to viral strands this is biology not binary strings of 1's & 0's software.....should have stayed in your lane

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My fear is that they will just keep pushing forward with worse and worse stuff to get their desired outcome! Eeeeks! The only good thing about that is, if they keep this up, eventually some weird thing will be created that these monsters don't have a magical cure for and it will bite them and kill them along with the rest of us. This madness must be stopped.

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They cannot pretend the virus is gone anymore. They tried that in June already and it failed bigly. Most of the world has moved on from the virus but unfortunately the virus has not moved on from us. And especially hasn't moved on from the Vaccinated which is has figured out how to cause severe neurological disease without lower respiratory/cardiac symptoms first. So we should be looking at a wave of brain dead people soon, all due to idiotic systemic administration a vaccine for a respiratory illness.

I see Bill Gates has been talking about vaccines with sterilizing immunity now that it's too late. This is because he knows that the vaccine has caused the virus in the vaccinated to become highly pathogenic in the upper airway, leading to neurological damage which was not present in the original virus which was lower respiratory tract infection.

I think Bill Gates knows that intranasal inoculation is the only way to restore any kind of protection from vaccines. The problem is, the spike protein might have a role in the pathogenesis of the disease itself, so now trying to intra-nasally administer a new vaccine candidate will give sterilizing immunity by eradicating the person whose brain starts expressing spike before they get the real virus.

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Something tells me we need to stop trusting Bill Gates. If his pharmaceutical solutions are anything like his operating systems (former MS Tech Support Engineer here), we know they never work until a few service packs later...and you get to be the Q/A that they should have had before ever releasing a product. Plus Gates products are easily hacked. Do we really want to be putting our heath and our IDs in his hands? His track record sucks! Gates is a one way to the deep state and DOD to boot...we used to get deep state creatures giving talks at Redmond for our illumination. Back in the 90s, many of us were up in arms because Gates and other Software Giants were cooperating with China to create software that would censor and give only government desired information, while at the same time spying on the user. We argued back then that it was only a matter of time before Gates and co. Try to introduce this to the US and the rest of the world - because it's profitable. They have run out of things to profit on, so now they want to profit off our using our very bodies for their experiments and profit off of locking us down and destroying our freedom so we will comply. Time to give a pink slip to the so-called "experts" calling the shots, because they have proven they are not truly experts, but paid lackeys.

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"Something tells me we need to stop trusting Bill Gates." LOL really???

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...my dad NEVER trusted Bill Gates since way back when ...never understood until now... love you dad💕

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Yeah, I was being snarky! Stopped trusting him decades ago here!

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Just read the WEF paper on the pandemic this weekend, and what you wrote is pretty much what they have in mind. The bottom line is they don't know what they are doing, but will create a police state in order for us to not rebel against them and allow them to continue their ghastly mistakes. Way to go WEF - allow the very people who got us into this mess to be the deciders of how to get out of it! Here's a hint - it's not going to work for you either WEF...maybe in the short term you will save your lives, but your children will not live. How about looking at solutions that let all of us live?

Perhaps if someone who does understand can illuminate them, it can end up a win/win for everyone...given that the Experts really aren't expert afterall, but too ashamed to admit it and are trying to avoid the pitchforks. They can still avoid the pitchforks, but they are going to have to take some heavy chastisement first. Judgement Day is here.

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i wish you were right, but they will bear down on everybody under them before it's over.

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Sadly, this is likely true because they have the world's leaders and the military under their control. But it isn't inevitable they will "win." Where do you think those missing Pentagon trillions went? Since it is largely with our own taxdollars that they are using to to enslave us, I say we taxpayers speak up until we are heard and not shut out of the MSM voices.

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apple is just as disgusting...where else can we turn?

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maybe GUI Linux. I'm not willing to go back to DOS-like commands.

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Modern Linux is easier than Windows - you don't need to know the DOS/UNIX stuff with, say Ubuntu. Linux hasn't been command line for at least the past 20 years or more.

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the stuff i worked on was very command line. If it's all gui now, yay, let's get away from the big guys.

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Nowhere I am afraid. Pollution is everywhere. Poisons sprayed on our food. Chemicals added to it. Crisper genetical manipulated. Benzene. It is a miracle we are still able to stay alive.

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Did he intend to see how good his extermination plan works maybe. Noticed that indeed the unwanted nations run far behind. But a lot of Americans did not follow orders either. So in 2025 he will release a somewhat deadlier virus. Who does not obey then will all be dead. Just an idea that came to mind

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2025? I hope he's gone by then and from his own virus.

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I hate to give the sociopaths any good ideas, but once public opinion begins to change, which it will, they could very easily publish a faux study (Fauci-study) and declare the virus defeated and life can go back to normal. That should cure their falling poll numbers, let them claim an amazing scientific victory, and let them move on to the next wave of fear they are bringing to us.

Maybe I'm just a little bit out in front of their already set in motion plans.

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I agree: This is most likely the actual plan. In order to have any chance of victory in 2022, the left must claim victory over Covid before the elections. This will happen, probably after the beginning of the year when seasonal peak wanes and because of the new Pfizer oral medication that is "90% effective" in preventing Covid deaths. When the truth about the mRNA vaccines eventually comes out, they will blame it on the hasty "warp speed" program that duped them into thinking it was more effective (and harmless), i.e., the old "blame it on Trump strategy".

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That would make some sense if they didn't already own the elections. It's not the votes that count, it's those that count the votes.

I expect them to start a war rather than back down. Historically speaking, wars make great distractions.

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Yes, it's definitely about those who count the votes. Meanwhile, they are already salivating about going into the next war. I heard talk the other day about "having to go back into Afghanistan".

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... i’ve had a neighbor broach the topic of civil war... never thought it would come to this... everyone (including me) just got way too comfortable & complacent... and reliant on tech... and media, education, healthcare... yes i’m grateful for prosperity, but NO, not at the expense of GOD and our GOD-given rights... definitely worth fighting for...

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Oh but it was Trump. Warp Speed is all his and he was completely crap thoughts after that. I'm sure he took some big bucks too!

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I think 6uild 6back 6better and Make America Great Again are assaults from the same battle field. Trump is an elete!

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...this crossed my mind in 2016... Trump attending Clinton daughter wedding... is this some sort of $&@! game to them... first prez election i didn’t vote for anyone... but Trump admin did get results for “we the people”... results matter to me so i voted for him in 2020... but still retain some suspicion...

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If Trump wants to be for real and run again, he needs to name his cabinet BEFORE the election and let the people vet his choices before Congress does. This is the only way we will know what he stands for and if he actually wants to MAGA.

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... was quickly suspect of Fauci ...

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...the unelected Deep State bureaucracy is so huge and entrenched... it’s depressing, but I don’t think anyone can effectively exterminate it...

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People forget that the Clintons got Trump to run. Furthermore, in the wikileaks that we didn't look at because of "Russiagate" you would have learned how seriously HRC and the DNC were funding DJT...They allowed him to "win" to set up the current situation that they NEVER would have succeeded with had HRC won in 2016. Some of us saw it back then, but nobody was paying attention.

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That is climate change. And the remediations they have planned are bad for the earth and bad for us. Lord have mercy.

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I'm ready for the "next wave of fear". This one is getting boring. (kidding!)

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... the next governmentally funded, enhanced virus...

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agreed - at least the next one presumably will be a different kind of "give to caesar what is caesar's" - this one is so destructive of the very fabric of society itself. just tax me and leave me alone.

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There is no sentence too severe for that evil being.

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The same methodology applies to atmospheric studies, if you don’t toe the GlowBull Warming theology line, No Funding For You!

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What do you think of Biden's nominee for comptroller of the currency at the Department of Treasury and her plans for private bank accounts?

Why would Biden nominate a person with these ideas...that align so well with the longterm plans of the WEF and the globalists?


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add her to perpetrators of debacles: austin, buttigieg, ganholm, walsh etc

the comptroller of the currency is the chief bank regulator, she needs to be more concerned with collateral so this housing bubble don't go like 2007 or like the current crisis in china .....

biden is implementing a totalitarian progressive agenda, the one that was rebuked when he beat sanders for the nomination.

biden has cut crude production and limited exploring and drilling on federal land the intent to raise energy costs so you agree to change the usa for the green cult.....

stolen elections matter.

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I agree. But this is bigger than Biden.

Her "plans" for public banks align with the WEF/Globalist agenda.

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Which has been Biden's plan all along. He never worked for us, but always carried water for his globalist masters. He's just the figurehead, but deserves contempt for being their posterboy. Biden has NEVER brought anything good to the U.S. American people. He has non-stop stolen from us to give to the pigs at the trough. Did anyone think he would change after all this time?

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Anyone who says "Build Back Better" is signaling their treason to democracy, freedom and humanity for the WEF attempt to save the elites from the pitchforks they deserve. There is a solution that will save them from the pitchforks, but they don't have it....Judgement Day is here folks. Who is supporting 666 and who is not? Who knows what 666 actually is? That is the real question! Who knows what the mark of Christ is, that distinguishes one from the mark of the beast? Choose Wisely!

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My reference to 666 signifying evil not religious. Political evil.

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Completely agree and it actually can be explained very logically, but because of modern educational systems not teaching older ways, we don't see it.

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Not evil in and of itself, but absolutely evil if you limit humanity to it or reduce it from it (i.e. 616 alternative reading). My point is that these scientists are trying to tweak "humanity" without any understanding of what humanity actually is. Thus they are the last people I would trust, because they can only produce a product of the beast, which is a misreading of humanity. No god or religion even needed to see it.

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... the Beast has a zillion heads, it’s name is Deep State...

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... no one has given them a reason to cease their takeover...

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I'll give you one guess...

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Who do you suggest funds science? Certainly it's better to be publicly funded than corporate? I'd say the problem currently is too much of the latter and too little of the former.

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Why do you see a distinction?

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Good question. We’re at peak neoliberalism where the state and corporations are aligned, but within a political structure in which those two entities are not aligned but rather antagonists, and in which ethics for public service are firmly established and based on the recognition that power corrupts, there is a difference.

This is one of the intentions of Social Democracy.

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But they are aligned in the political structure as well. This is a huge circle jerk... No matter red or blue all the fuckheads are covering each others ass. I don't see public service being a part y this.

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I agree. Not at this point.

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Having graduated and worked in both Ivy League Academia and in an top Ivy League Medical School, I can state that el gato malo's observation is 100% correct. Bright minds are no longer sought after in these institutions, but rather minds that can memorize and regurgitate the corporate sponsor's (and sometimes CIA/DOD sponsor's) party line. Medicine was being hijacked by sinister forces at least 20 years ago. All of these things were being put into place back then while nobody was paying attention. Spooks abound to hijack the best and brightest so that their work will be cooped for profits and war. I personally bowed out in the mid-2000s seeing what the playing field was actually like. This is why I don't trust "The Science (tm)." It's not real science, which I DO trust.

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Don't follow the science, follow the money

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the science follows the money anyway

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Yes, indeed. Might add that when the rich and powerful are in a buying mood, they can also easily purchase:

- media (to control what you see, hear and read)

- government officials (to control what they tell you)

- international organizations like WHO (to control the narrative worldwide).

In sum, 'Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me.'

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Pro publica published an article a few months ago about the tax of the Super rich. Or rather their lack of tax paying

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Goodness, let's not forget the super rich and super nasty Leona Helmsley, famous in the 1980s for being ' The Queen of Mean'.

She has been immortalized for saying, "We don't pay taxes; only the little people pay taxes."

(She denied saying it. But was eventually sentenced to jail for tax evasion.)

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On the one hand, the CDC/FDA is spending too much and doing too little good to read the comments here. On the other hand, the "Super" rich aren't paying enough? They should pay more to do what? Doesn't seem logically consistent.

As I recall the Pro Publica article objected to perfectly legal tax deductions. If you don't like it, talk to your Congressman and Senators.

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I don’t think most world leaders are stupid. They all had access to top scientists. So why would they all, most, follow the same China model? This is the question.

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They all think they will be part of the ruling class, looking down on the commoners forever.

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They are in for a rude awaking.

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Authoritarianism is prowling like a roaring Lion. It’s in the air.

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Humans reap destruction when they allow the predators to rule. Remember the 4 creatures of the Throne of God? Lion, Eagle, Man, Ox. The first two usually try to usurp power and are referred to as "Simon-Levy" by Jacob in Genesis 49. Simon-Levy (Lion-Eagle) kills the man and hamstrings the ox. The proper configuration is for the Man and the Ox to rule the lion and eagle so that the lion lays down with the lamb (Judah is the lamb Aries). The point is that we begin as predatory creatures, but actual human sapient evolution transforms the predation of others into a predation of knowledge and prosperity for all. Meanwhile, Simon and Levy are not harmful to the major population when they are checked by the overall unity of the 4 creatures and the zodiac itself., ruled by a Septre of Judah, who represents the unity of the entire Zodiac, rather than a single sign. The zodiac, a.k.a. Israel, is a system that takes us from black/white either/or to understanding the glory of both...and and multiple configurations beyond the binary that binds modern man. Scripture offers Words of wisdom from the past that are useful for our current reality, but first you have to learn the allegorical language of scripture and this hasn't been taught for centuries.

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The connections between the zodiac and scripture are fascinating. Michael Heiser of Naked Bible Podcast did a fascinating study of the star the wisemen followed.

You’re right we don’t know how to read the Bible allegorically. Jonathan Pageau addresses seeing the world symbolically through his The Symbolic World podcast. His earlier stuff is fascinating.

The commentator on Revelation that I’m reading, Peter Leithart,identifies the beasts differently but he too ties them with the tribes of Isreal and the Zodiac, the four directions, and the gospel writers.

The lamb who was slain conquered by his death and resurrection and holds the keys to death and hades.

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No. We are the Lion and they will be consumed.

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Not sure I agree. He who sits in the heavens laughs and holds them in derision.

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The first step is to recognize that we are all the lion and the eagle, but we don't stop there...progressing to the man and the ox - the latter "ox" being one that evolved beyond man, but steps down from the higher worlds for the service of man, much as the Buddhist idea of a Bodhisattva. Just as the ox has given up part of itself for service, so too do higher evolved beings will to step down into humanity to do good. The only way to conquer the lion is to admit the lion within oneself...which is why Simon and Levy are still part of Israel...even though taken apart from the rest, they are a danger to Israel and the world (this has nothing at all to do with modern Israel and Jews!).

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That has been uncanny! And pretty much ALL U.S. politicians are towing that line as well. I wrote one of our "Senators" (a medical doc) about *arresting* Anthony Fauci and I got back a reply that was just a diatribe of how safe and effective the "vaccines" are. It's like these politicians are living in a completely different world.

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They are funded by big pharma I’d guess. I also wonder if the deep state has dirt on them. Maybe that’s too conspiracy minded…

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The answer to that would be yes. Years ago, under deep state guidance, we programmed a software that would track and database nearly everything about future doctors who were currently medical students. So yes, they are intimidated and afraid. I quit that job because my conscience couldn't abide it. Said software was sold to medical schools around the nation....make your own conclusions.

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Money or power

In this case probably moody going to be withheld or bribes or threats to unveil some dark secrets. And power either given or pressed. You do this or you die

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All science is bought and paid for.

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Yes but the results should always be published. Good or bad.

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that is why its bought and paid for, so its a guaranteed of the results they want.

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Today's assignment. Find medical covid personnel with conflicts of interest. My contribution: Toronto Public Health Official Eileen de Villa. She is married to Dr. Richard Choi who has collected money from Big Pharma including Pfizer and Astrazeneca. Easy peasy. Happy hunting.

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Leaving aside close people with whom one could have strong ties of affection and public figures once admired, suddenly behaving like total idiots, the biggest dissapointment to me came from science and particularly doctors, including both those that showed that they are empty masks (no pun intended) with a University degree as the only foothold, and the ones who perfectly know that they´re betraying their principles.

Now that I think about it, and although this is not the right thread, and I apologize for the off-topic, I am even more amazed at the fact that most religions´representatives have remained completely oblivious to the dismanteling of spirituality. There are thousands of millions of religious people in the world, in different degrees of involvement, and there will never be such an opportunity for them to make a common front against the transhuman drift.

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No, the religious leaders are on board because they know their own money spigots will be cut off if they don't comply. It upsets me that our government let the "leaders" speak for the faithful in these matters of "science." My so called religious "leader" has no validity at all in my book because he has betrayed the very basics of the religion he supposedly protects. This is like the Soviet and Nazi ages where only "official" versions of religions were allowed. I see this happening again. Goes against everything the United States was founded on. Pure Treason.

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This whole plot is one of betrayal. You can´t impose such unprecedented madness globally without the help of 1/the idiocy of a terrifying percentage of population; 2/ a sufficiently large percentage of intelligent people betraying any personal, moral code and letting things be.

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This is why a nobody layperson like myself is speaking up - because my "leaders" are complicit in the scam.

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oooooh, sooooo true!

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As a layperson new to this topic, this piece by Norman Doidge in Tablet magazine was illuminating. Highly recommend as there is no stone left unturned regarding science/pharma right down to ghostwritten studies. Full piece here. I printed it myself. https://cdn.sanity.io/files/z2aip6ei/production/d9f27923a752427f6ce856f064f4d445c00d932b.pdf?dl=Needle%20Points.pdf

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Is that an actual quote or just an accurate meme?

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He makes such a great scientist hisself, I only wish he made a fool-proof OS.

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Climate change is the new (paid) scientific diagnosis scam…what are the symptoms? Rain?

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... flood, drought, snowstorm, hurricane... in other words ANY weather event that’s been happening since the dawn of time... I actually have a friend who believes that the Elites do already have the capability of weather control...

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Leftists encroachment in Academia and scientific institutions have killed political diversity in these places.

Political diversity is a needed condition to avoid political corruption in any social structure, but leftists have gained majority in key social structures by a constant political purge in hirings, workplace practices and services.

Leftists can't avoid to always fall into totalitarianism.

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It's not leftists or rightists but both. Both sides are cherry picked by the deep state the plays the "game" from both "sides." They want "sides" so you can always blame anyone other than the actual culprits who don't care which "side" wins because they own both of them.

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It's not that they can be bought that surprises me. It's how cheaply they sell themselves that surprises me.

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Let me add 2 things. First one ppl should read and research about what Rockfeller did to US medicine in 1920-30's. Its an absolute gem to read (yes there are books how they lobbied) about this topic since this opens the pandora box and explain a lot the vaccines situation rn. The second thing to add is the fact that in general scientists dont have money to allocate in their research (maybe the system was made like this....just maybe lol) so all its left is a big company with a big heart to donate to research. And here comes the nice trick most companies donates to researches on both sides of an argument (pro and cons), this way they stay behind the scene but at the same time they control the arguments form science. (Btw I know this from 2 sources, reading books about this topics and also because Im a researcher - thanks good in physics which so far isnt that political polluted but close enough to be able to see how the system works).

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Tobacco science helps the tobacco companies.

Government science helps the government.


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Funded research is all right if the donor makes money only if the research conclusions are correct, whatever they may be, all other funded research is potentially tainted.

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Well I don't understand what you've written or your wrong. The current environment in research is that it is funded for a particular outcome. If that's not the result then the result is not published. This is the biggest problem for academia today. Research is corrupt.

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A researcher knows what the outcome needs to be when he accepts the grant money and BEFORE the research is even done.

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Or give Scientists plausible deniability by hiding statistics.

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Too true.

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Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna are making combined profits of $65,000 every minute from covid vaccines.

It is estimated the trio will make pre-tax profits of $34 billion this year between them, which works out to over $1,000 a second, $65,000 a minute or $93.5 million a day.


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Gates & Co. = 666

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The royal court analogy is very appropriate. After all, it's governors and presidents, not legislators and judges, who made lockdowns happen. And, they use "the science" to buttress their policies.

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Yeah but judges and legislators looked the other way. No science to be seen in any of this.

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Modern leaders are using "the science" much in the same way the Teutonic Knights used the Vatican to justify their power grabs of old. Basically a corporation using religion or science for the sake of power. They are still trying to grab Russia, btw. The Vatican and Communism didn't work, so now they use science and Russia is finally capitulating to the madness. Instead of destroying Russia, maybe it is time for the West to learn a think or two from it? And this includes Putin, who has forgotten what Russia really is, being too blinded himself by the West.

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Just a thought. Viruses are not bad. The are God’s ultimate “Gain of Function” for us and to make the human immune system stronger.

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“They are”..dam dyslexia.

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Relevant to today's topic: https://ibb.co/105FFCF

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No one would ever do that. That would be wrong. ;-)

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