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Yes, brilliant! In the first few minutes, they drop a huge bomb that all should be aware of... The government is a corporation. Full stop on this for a moment and ponder what this means in and of itself. All agencies you see are corporations, generally as subcontractors for the federal govt or as stand alone with ties to the fed govt. As 14th Amendment US citizens, you have no rights either. Remember, the constitutions are our contract with govt for them, our freedom comes from the creator first, and the decl of ind, not the constitutions. Reigning back in, what you have written is perfect and correct. You can use this method on many other issues as well. What you are dealing with is simple consent and contract law type stuff. Ever get a bill collector send you paperwork, read how it says you have thirty days to respond. If you don't, you have accepted their contract by not responding. Same concept here. Simple enough to respond to them to show you your wet ink signed contract with them and if they can't produce it, it is not accepted, along with other fun stuff like your fee schedule for dealing with them in the future, etc. All sorts of stuff out there "they" don't want you to know. One method to research more is to go to this site:


Is it the "only" way to get out of the circus, no... But it is one great way to reclaim your freedoms, providing a pathway to returning to your sovereign nature as a man or woman living on the land and soil. Michelle Ford on California does great common law 101 presentations, these are a great watch for those who need a video to help understand more.

If we all put these govt corporations in their place we wouldn't be dealing with any of this $hit, we certainly would have avoided these CATastrophes long ago.

And lastly, don't get trapped into the division, find a way to work with those unawakened, being able to find common ground where we can get through the message that freedom of choice to take the vaxxx or not is a creator granted right, not anything a govt can mandate on men or women. The division is what is also causing this continuance and we must stop the poop flinging like we're a bunch of monkeys rather than a civil people. There will be a small percent you will never reach, but all in all, most are reasonable if we decide to approach this reasonably too.

Love and light.

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Thank you! Very interesting and well worth looking into.

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Potent message, full of reason.

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