"if you lack the right to say “no” then you posses no rights at all."

This has been my argument for many years. Way before "covid". People don't even realize just how much they say "yes" to things they don't want just because "it's the rule." That's why I am always screaming at the top of my lungs to say NO. It's not easy sometimes and we may be inconvenienced or get yelled at or threatened by a "true believer". But if we don't *practice* saying no, that option will cease to exist.

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“Learn to say no. It will be of more use to you than to be able to read Latin.” —Charles Spurgeon

Until they won’t let you.

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I think the idea is that at least they are forced to admit that they are doing it against your will, instead of being able to pretend that you said "yes".

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Spurgeon was talking about being more discerning about what you spend time reading - which has more value. In his case he was saying the Bible or God related writings have more value to a man than learning/reading Latin. And under THIS substack entry - if you submit to tyranny now about the vax, eventually they will own you and Bible reading (like in China) will be out. There can be but one god.

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That’s it, though—if there IS one God (and I say that there is evidence/logic to support that there is), then the wrongful declaration of evil men won’t change the Truth of it. It will only change the behavior of those who believe or don’t believe that Truth. We need to find the courage to stand for the truths of God and not be afraid of the consequences (easy for me to say—I’m afraid, because those evil men are EVIL). But He promises to help us and He says, “vengeance is Mine; I will repay.” So in the end, it’s the knowing of the real Truth that will make the ultimate difference. It gives a framework that is more than ideological (because it is actually TRUE) for knowing when/why to stand, and hope that it does make a difference when we do stand. Otherwise, what’s the point? If beliefs are relative, then there’s no ultimate reason to stand for them. If there IS ultimate Truth, then standing for it is really the most important thing of all.

Thanks for all your patience—I just can’t help talking about God. Mainly because I care about and appreciate you all so much. You are so encouraging.

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I think your reply encapsulated a lot of things rolling around my mind, but I could not put my finger on it. The it. I am a bit shaken by those evil ones too BTW, but I am also comforted by the promises of God. The evil ones manipulating this whole catastrophe they want to be your God. If they cannot cajole you, cannot bribe you they will threaten, "other" you and eventually, if you let them, put the boot to your neck. But never fear. We know who wins in the end. We will be in our white robes with him. He uses all things for His glory. We will stay strong in Him.

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+1 from a fellow traveler.

There indeed is ultimate truth. The Universe grinds inexorably toward it, slowly but certainly. And the Truth is the boundless love of the Infinite Creator and Eternal Upholder.

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Whether or not a God exists, much evidence shows that Man alone or in groups, or his works, are a poor substitute.

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The more you say "no" the easier it gets to say "no".

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This 👆🏻is exactly right. We must *practice* saying saying no. Make it come easily. Then repeat, repeat, repeat.

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Former Lord Chief Justice in the U.K. wrote,

"The only freedom which counts is the freedom to do what some other people think to be wrong. There is no point in demanding freedom to do that which all will applaud. All the so-called liberties or rights are things which have to be asserted against others who claim that if such things are to be allowed their own rights are infringed or their own liberties threatened. This is always true, even when we speak of the freedom to worship, of the right of free speech or association, or of public assembly. If we are to allow freedoms at all there will constantly be complaints that either the liberty itself or the way in which it is exercised is being abused, and, if it is a genuine freedom, these complaints will often be justified. There is no way of having a free society in which there is not abuse. Abuse is the very hallmark of liberty."

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Lord Hailsham - The Dilemma of Democracy

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The TSA comes to mind. Since 9/11 how many of us have silently and grudgingly lined up for their ministrations, knowing it was all performative theater?

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I always tell the pretend airport cops that I despise what they do. I don't want them thinking every American is cool with their kabuki theater.

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Yes Rob D !!! Most people suffer from deficiency of Vitamin N (NO!)

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Most people go along to get along.

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Came here literally for that line too.

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"true believer" -- was that a nod to Eric Hoffer?

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It is convenience.....problem is that convenience is the veil of intellectual sloth which is our undoing as a species....

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Jan 9, 2022
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Now the people whom you would have seen with those bumperstickers are the same ones yelling about how horrible, selfish people are not complying to governmental overreach.

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Check out these song lyrics: We hold tight to our fears and defend our oppressors/ as we fight for their lies and become the transgressors/ As pacifists transform to violent aggressors >Song for our time "Liberty" Jordan Page https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFtkmxtuWuQ

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Sad to say, that was my generation (I'm at tail end always thought they were cra cra), and yes, they are the ones now crying out for safety/tyranny. Sadder than I can express.

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sadly, yes.

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https://childrenshealthdefense.org/child-health-topics/health-freedom/defender-days-sticker-gallery/ More stickers: Children's Health Defense is providing these for you to have printed. Enjoy!

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That was one of the protest signs of the 1960s “radicals”. Along with Free Speech and Down with Big Brother. Now they are big brother and I’m still marching for those ideals.

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Yes, the enemy is my GP and all the doctors from the rheumatology dept of the local hospital who signed a letter to me to tell me I must come in for my fourth injection, despite not having taken the first three. They advised, it is highly recommended for me to take these experimental biologicals because I take immunosuppressants. I have taken them for 14 years. I have been on self care for 14 years. the doc simply prescribe the meds I take. secondly, I have never been in better health, no colds, no flu, no covid. Took all the supplements Dr. Zev Zelenko recommended. he is one cool cat.

In my book, the GP and her colleagues in the rheumatology dept are the enemy. One I intend to fight to the end. Friends x 2, with autoimmune disease, nearly died post vaxx the fun part is one was told not to take a second shot, by an immunologist, but she did because, “she wanted to travel”. The other person became so ill after her jabs she developed sepsis and nearly died, but guess what…..she took that booster and is so proud of her decision. Oh well you can take a cat to water, but you cannot make kitty drink💕💕

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I can relate, I spoke with my rheumatologist who asked when I was getting a booster and I told her of my heart incident after the jab. Surprisingly she understand & discussion was over.

My relationship with 2 friends is nearly done b/c they don't see all push from Big Pharma, they even get annoyed with my view. So be it, done with it.

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“she wanted to travel”: I think it was Scott Adams who mentioned in a podcast, that studies showed that women were the main driving force behind the travel industry, and that their motivation was primarily one of social status signaling to other women.

I guess that makes getting an experimental drug injected worth the risk.

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Social status…another grave desire.

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nice using grave

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Wink wink 😉 😉

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Women take a lot of blame, going back to the story of the snake and the apple. Status signalling is alive and well in both sexes and probably all social systems. Rare is the person who says "I don't care what others think" and really means it. Realistically, it's probably an individual and social good that we are motivated to act certain ways to certain people. I guess the point is that you can't please everyone all the time and you will come to grief if you try.

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True but I do NOT understand a mother virtue signaling so hard that she has her children lined up for an experimental DNA jab

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Or the father of those children… every bit as much to blame!

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of course, but, as a mother, I just don't understand it. It's unnatural.

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I agree mama bear, I totally agree. A mother’s protection, when it’s working properly, is a fierce and lovely thing to behold!

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must have those instagram photos, donchaknow!

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my friend who's son was vaccine injured by another vaccine when he was a child, and spent years screaming for his rights and trying to encourage others to learn the side effects of the shots given to kids at such a young age, just informed us all that her 6 year old son was getting the clot shot next month. WTF. do they not see how crazy all this is? Answer, no. as long as they stay cool with their tribe, they'll do it. its shocking and horrifying.

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Sorry for your friend's child...My question is "where are the dads?" Looks like they just go along to stay cool w the mom. My daughter already got her 7-year old his shot n I'm expecting the 1-year old is up next. She doesn't tell me anymore, cuz she knows I completely disagree 🥺

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my friend's husband is completely complicit in her crazy behavior. He also doesn't want to change his lifestyle- they live in SF and wouldn't be able to do many things they love without a vax pass, like visit museums, because over 5 has to have a vax pass now. They are one of the last families to enjoy a medical exemption in CA for their son to enter public school for other vaccines (you know, the extremely safe ones like polio) I'm sorry your kid's mom is not being a compassionate co-parent. that sucks. we won't leave our kids with my parents anymore because we can totally see them taking our kids to the shot clinics too, without our permission. This whole thing is insane, and breaking relationships left and right because logic on their side doesn't exist anymore.

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It's sad but you're wonderful to protect them. so many stories of kids being jabbed even though the parents refuse permission.

even that recent one where a teacher jabbed someone else's kid at her home.

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I agree, amazing to me that you put your child through that.

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that is horrific!

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Good for you! I seem to recall that at the very beginning they were saying the immunocompromised shouldn’t get vaxxed but perhaps I dreamt it. At any rate my father with rheumatoid arthritis got the vax. Within 3 months he had stage 4 lung cancer. Never mind he had a chest xray every year and it came back clear to the amazement of his doc. He had a serious smoking habit. So in one year it went from clear lungs to stage 4. He passed in December. It’s anecdotal however I wouldn’t recommend anyone get the gene therapy. Gato is likely right about the the 2 week ‘worry window’.

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there have been many anecdotal stories of people that had cancer in long term remission that flared up shortly after the jab.

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I'm so sorry. worried sick about my Dad since the jabs.

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Thank you. I completely understand your concern. Prayers

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Condolences 🥺

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but make a cup of tea and they stick their noses straight in

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My sister in law had a stroke and brain bleed after shot #2.... Still got her booster

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That's so sad.

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Wow! Now I understand y my daughter (an RN) got her family to take the shots... To continue traveling! I still disagreed but makes more sense.

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Can we have imagined this scenario:

A mom and dad have a new baby, who is born with the consequences of a severe birth defect. The parents are beside themselves with grief, wondering if they could have done anything differently to prevent the birth defect. They ask the doctor, he says, “well actually, yes, there was one thing you could have done differently…it was giving up traveling and going to museums and concerts, but we never ask parents to give up those things to ensure the good health of their baby…because THAT would be cruel and inhumane!”

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Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C. S. Lewis

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So, having recently recovered from a bout of the winter flu bug going around (and a pos. covid test to boot), my employer decided 14 days later that it was required that they report it to the county (its a small college and the county set up some nonsensical reporting portal to “stop the spread” and “keep schools safe.”) So, I got an email from our “safety officer” demanding that I give a whole bunch of personal information (including the number of people in my residence) so that they can dutifully report to the county. Since I chair the research ethics board at the university I reported back that my rights are still to be respected and protected by university policy and my right to privacy first and foremost among them. So, no I would not be providing my employer information that they did not have a right to know without first knowing why they needed it and second deciding freely to give it or not once I was informed of the data collection purpose. The “safety officer” backed down (no doubt after the University President realized that they were well over their skis on this one and did not want me to threaten to shut down the whole covid data collection effort pending IRB review — we have this power in the policy, though it would be unlikely that the full committee would vote in favor of the action (covidians all). Still, it seems that my letter gave them pause.

And so it will go, I and others (buying into the “herd immunity” nonsense that viewed a respiratory coronavirus as something akin to measles) expected covid to burn out a year ago. Well, now that we know these viruses are excellent at eluding immune systems, we must accept that it will swim among humans for years to come, causing mild illness each and every season. So long as the testing regime remains, “covid” will always be with us. And so, we must act to defend basic human rights and the Western liberal system of governance or we are lost. I am optimistic that people are waking up to this reality (I certainly have) and there are a lot of interests, wealthy, productive interests like small to medium sized businesses that cannot operate with “safety officers” deputized by the county on their backs. Political change is coming, and the “progressive, liberal” fascists will be run out on rails over the course of the next 5-10 years.

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You could have prevented that entire ordeal by not getting tested..we need to stop getting tested!

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YES. That is the key to all this. Stop testing!!!!

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100%. The propaganda machines have shifted to panic over testing, now, and the thing is, it is the testing that can seem "not so bad" (to some) compared to the jab, and thus an easier foot-in-the-door for social credit system implementation. REFUSE to test.

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No, is a very powerful word. Let us hope that its power does not take 5-10 years.

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Jan 9, 2022
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True, it's worse for government agencies than universities, which are more vulnerable to legal action when researchers cause harm to their research subjects. One bad case of research misconduct costs the university millions in legal costs and severely damages their reputation (check out the mess UCLA medical researchers have been in for years). Unis are highly motivated to avoid this as a result and so take the IRB seriously, as a bulwark against legal action if nothing else. While the government health agencies are now totally unhinged, the body count is rising and the scandals are brewing, particularly with regard to harms to children. These scandals WILL come and the politicos will be desperate to throw anyone and everyone under the bus to save their political bacon. I expect this will happen soon as the injection programs have failed so spectacularly that public disgust is going to destroy the democrats this year, and then the national press will follow.

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What mess ar UCLA medical misconduct? I missed this and not finding it?

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Well, there is the case of the handsy gynecologist, but perhaps that's too salacious for the sensitive internet sleuth. See if you can dig up something on the case of the missing body parts (a bit older and less salacious I will admit) But then again, maybe I am making it all up. This is the internet after all.

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goodness! There's a lot there.!

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"Those imposing it do not feel bad. They feel righteous."

It's even worse than that! As I recall, buried in the footnotes of his gruesomely-detailed, terror-filled book, "KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps," Nikolaus Wachsmann includes this horrifying anecdote: years after the war, a German or Austrian (I don't remember, exactly) psychologist sent out hundreds of surveys to fellow mental health specialists asking if they treated anyone who helped implement the Holocaust (soldiers assisting in the murder of millions of innocent European/Jewish civilians.) That is, how many felt racked with guilt about their inhumane actions? He received one reply.

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There all kinds of selection bias in that approach, though. People who helped implement the Holocaust may have been unlikely to survive the war, unlikely to seek mental health treatment if they did, etc.

The Germans did have a problem with soldiers experiencing trauma, guilt, etc. because of participating in atrocities. I don't know of any quantitative studies of the phenomenon (or if that would have been possible). But senior Nazis discussed the problem and it was one reason they preferred to use Einsatzgruppen and concentration camps for that purpose.

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One of my all-time favorite novels! So much wisdom wrapped up in the pinnacle of hilarity, much like bad cattitude.

Here are a few especially pertinent quotes:

“Insanity is contagious.”

“It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character.”

“Why are they going to disappear him?'

I don't know.'

“‘It doesn't make sense. It isn't even good grammar.”

“The country was in peril; he was jeopardizing his traditional rights of freedom and independence by daring to exercise them.”

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More brilliant nuggets:

“The Texan turned out to be good-natured, generous and likable. In three days no one could stand him.”

“He was a self-made man who owed his lack of success to nobody.”

“You know, that might be the answer – to act boastfully about something we ought to be ashamed of. That’s a trick that never seems to fail.”

And this classic exchange:

“‘You have a morbid aversion to dying. You probably resent the fact that you're at war and might get your head blown off any second.’

“‘I more than resent it, sir. I'm absolutely incensed.’

“‘You have deep-seated survival anxieties. And you don't like bigots, bullies, snobs, or hypocrites. Subconsciously there are many people you hate.’

“‘Consciously, sir, consciously,’ Yossarian corrected in an effort to help. ‘I hate them consciously.’

“!You're antagonistic to the idea of being robbed, exploited, degraded, humiliated, or deceived. Misery depresses you. Ignorance depresses you. Persecution depresses you. Violence depresses you. Corruption depresses you. You know, it wouldn't surprise me if you're a manic-depressive!’

“‘Yes, sir. Perhaps I am.’

“‘Don't try to deny it.’

“‘I'm not denying it, sir,’ said Yossarian, pleased with the miraculous rapport that finally existed between them. ‘I agree with all you've said.’”

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All very potent !

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Thank you for the memorable snippets !

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My pleasure. Makes me want to read it again! If only there were thirty thousand of me …

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Novel is named "Catch 22?"

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Yep! Joseph Heller’s “Catch-22.” On my required reading list for all of humanity. (another one for the bibliography ;-)

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Much obliged. Just ordered it🤸🤸

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You may cry, too.

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Yep, the whole gamut.

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you're in for a few laughs.

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.. Just from those snippets I'm looking forward to it

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You are in for such a rollicking ride! I envy you getting to experience it for the first time—and no doubt it will take on even more cataclysmic profundity in the context of Clown World.

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I b excited!!! 🕺🦸

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Rage Against the Machine was out on tour recently. All attendees(Slave Lemmings) had to be LabRatInjected or.... 'no Rage for you'! The delicious irony of this situation is that the band many years ago created a song with the lyrics 'fudge you I won't do what you tell me, fudge you I won't do what you tell me', RIP, Rage Against the Machine, welcome Rage For the Machine, 'Heck yeah I'll do what you tell me'!

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as someone who grew up and was highly inspired by RATM, I can’t begin to express my disappointment in what they’ve become. they’re the reason (a major part of it anyway) I’m willing to buck the trend of going along to get along. the world has truly turned upside down.

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"We can do anything you can't stop us from doing." ... Catch 22

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Would you please tell this to all the masked zombies in CA? Every day I swear, I am all, you know, if we would ALL just refuse... But then I remember: they are scared.

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We have the answer to the age old Mom question: "if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?" The answer from most people is a resounding YES!

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Not only YES but, "YES and you need to jump too!"

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Don't look....down! :)

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And "I'm jumping for YOUR sake!"

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TBF: I would at least consider jumping off the bridge. If everyone is doing it, there MIGHT be a good reason. Like, I dunno, maybe the bridge is on fire and jumping is the only way to escape, or something.

(Not saying this is true of Covid hysteria, just that the idiom always bugged me.)

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but keep in mind that hitting the water after jumping off the bridge is horrible. The surface tension can break a body like cement, so...

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A logician would approach the question more, well, logically. He'd answer "yes," because if everyone had jumped off the bridge, since he is a member of the set named

"Everyone", he by definition must have jumped off the bridge too.

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Well, to REALLY nitpick... if "everyone" includes him, then the question becomes nonsensical. It's equivalent to asking "If you jumped off a bridge, would you jump off a bridge?"

Since we presume the question was intended to be intelligible, the obvious inference is that "everyone" does NOT include him, and the question was simply worded poorly.

This kind of stuff is why people hate lawyers.

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El Malo Gato and company,

“If they ignore you, you still win”

I understand you and your associates attached below are having difficulty getting some sort of official response of any kind to your concerns of the safety signals of the Covid-19 vaccines and other issues surrounding the disease and the response to it.

Now I don’t mean to give this as legal advice, so don’t take it as such, but I’ve stumbled onto a method that you all might be able to make use of to your advantage. I’ve attached several sources below that argue and claim to explain how to make use of notices and affidavits to elicit a response to your objections and concerns.

It is particularly attractive as it would give everyone, every individual concerned with a given issue with a word processor, something to do from their house.

Their argument is that with notices sent as they outline, using both federal and state constitutional articles, and if they don’t desist then sending affidavits counting as sworn testimony, that the recipient has to respond. They would have to reply point by point explaining where they have constitutional authority, or to rebut your affidavit on matters of fact, within a time limit or the notice and affidavit can be used as evidence before a grand jury, and that they ‘acquiesce’ to everything in your affidavit as true if they ignore it. If they lie in their response it counts as lying under oath.

In short, the argument is that if they ignore you completely it is as good as a confession that you are right or they are breaking the law. The catch is you have to have a solid argument with the truth. They claim to have success getting institutions to relent on a number of issues by sending these; even if they don’t openly respond or acknowledge them, the problem stops. If not they are trying to gain access to the grand juries. It is a bit more involved than just the usual petition or letter however, and you all would have to pick the addressees of these notices and affidavits.

I know that these sources might not be on your end of the political spectrum, but perhaps their particular method has merit despite your differences. Please share this with anyone who may be interested or you think would benefit from it. This includes Steve Kirsch, Robert Malone, Alex Berenson, Jessica Rose, Mathew Crawford, Toby Rogers, Aaron Siri.

YouTube Channels

- ' Affidavit Mommas ' - (This should have the most concise explanations)

“Notices, Affidavits and the Constitution”


“Notices and Affidavits (How To)/Beginning 101” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnNRHk5GBVU

Other Website: https://affidavitmommas.com, they also have rumble “Affidavit Mommas 2021”, telegraph and other websites.

- ' Josh Barnett for US Congress ' - (Yes I know, this is not an endorsement)

“How to stop mandatory V’s”

https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv40bH4G3bE

Other Website: https://www.barnettforaz.com

- ' Dave Cares for You '

He has a lot of videos and is tied to Josh Barnett above. He seems to have been the first to figure this method out, even though he doesn’t have a formal education.

“How to Destroy the OSHA Mandate with Dave Jose”


Other Website: http://DaveCares.com

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Yes, brilliant! In the first few minutes, they drop a huge bomb that all should be aware of... The government is a corporation. Full stop on this for a moment and ponder what this means in and of itself. All agencies you see are corporations, generally as subcontractors for the federal govt or as stand alone with ties to the fed govt. As 14th Amendment US citizens, you have no rights either. Remember, the constitutions are our contract with govt for them, our freedom comes from the creator first, and the decl of ind, not the constitutions. Reigning back in, what you have written is perfect and correct. You can use this method on many other issues as well. What you are dealing with is simple consent and contract law type stuff. Ever get a bill collector send you paperwork, read how it says you have thirty days to respond. If you don't, you have accepted their contract by not responding. Same concept here. Simple enough to respond to them to show you your wet ink signed contract with them and if they can't produce it, it is not accepted, along with other fun stuff like your fee schedule for dealing with them in the future, etc. All sorts of stuff out there "they" don't want you to know. One method to research more is to go to this site:


Is it the "only" way to get out of the circus, no... But it is one great way to reclaim your freedoms, providing a pathway to returning to your sovereign nature as a man or woman living on the land and soil. Michelle Ford on California does great common law 101 presentations, these are a great watch for those who need a video to help understand more.

If we all put these govt corporations in their place we wouldn't be dealing with any of this $hit, we certainly would have avoided these CATastrophes long ago.

And lastly, don't get trapped into the division, find a way to work with those unawakened, being able to find common ground where we can get through the message that freedom of choice to take the vaxxx or not is a creator granted right, not anything a govt can mandate on men or women. The division is what is also causing this continuance and we must stop the poop flinging like we're a bunch of monkeys rather than a civil people. There will be a small percent you will never reach, but all in all, most are reasonable if we decide to approach this reasonably too.

Love and light.

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Thank you! Very interesting and well worth looking into.

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Potent message, full of reason.

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Hmmmm ...I've been thinking of sending our governess & our cdc pimp a letter with links to the many studies, etc demonstrating harm from the vaxes. Telling them to get straight or be complicit in mass murder...

Thank you for this. Will look into it!

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Grand Juries just make recommendations. Those can be ignored, or not, at the govt's pleasure.

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Week after week you outdo yourself, el gato malo. In awe and with deepest appreciation and gratitude, I thank you. You nailed it here. The self-righteous superiority, the arrogant conviction, gives them away.

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Boosting has to be a monthly event. We know the effect fades after about two months, and it takes 14 to 21 days for full effect of a jab to be in place. So, in order to keep continuous ‘immunity’ would require a booster every 30 days. However, immunity to the pathogen and others is weakened for about 14 days after a jab…

CoVid Vaccination = Ouroboris.

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How much easier is it to train a pack of dogs to be compliant, obedient, and subservient unto death than to train a single cat, or herd a clowder of them!

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The difference between dogs and cats. "Dogs have owners. Cats have staff".

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Haha. Except our dog-a Shiba Inu-who are more described as “cats in a dog suit” who had us as staff as well. We sadly just lost him at 17. Rest In Peace Jasper.

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I have had lots of dogs and cats in my lifetime but I have always wondered what the personality of the Shiba Inu was like. I think they are very cool looking dogs almost fox like in appearance. I have heard they can be a bit aloof; your description as "cats in a dog suit" makes total sense to me. It's hard losing a pet companion even after 17 years.

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They are a very cool breed. Yes; can be aloof, or pretend to be. No Labrador or golden retriever are they. But fiercely family loyal. The movie Hachi is actually based on a real-life story of a Shiba Inu (not an Akita as was used in the movie).

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Jucinda Ardern and Kathy Hochul appear to have been made in the same factory--the crazy eyes, the mouths that don't work normally and the study stream of cold threats absent of any empathy... there's probably more but I have trouble looking... Wow

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The mask of evil is pretty transparent right now. This are just tyrants trying to bully us. They are evil personified. How do you fight evil? Let that sink in. How would you fight evil.


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Jay inslee is the worst

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When ordinary people begin questioning whats being done, it gets farmed out to those few who relish in their superiority.

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"We're sending you home."

There was a catch of course.

"Catch 22?" inquired Yossarian.

"Of course," Colonel Korn answered pleasantly...

"What, what must I do?" [Yossarian asked]

Colonel Korn laughed curtly, "Like us."

This is the Biden Administration's endgame. They'll "end" all the restrictions and mandates even though Omicron has rendered them meaningless anyway. But they will end the police state only if we promise to "Like them."

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I think they want worship more than liking. You can say "no" to someone you like, but not to a god that you worship.

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Indeed, in the long run, but in the meantime, "like" will do.

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Who's the bombardier?

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'if you lack the right to say “no” then you posses no rights at all.'

That is as frightening as it is astute. Unfortunately, I fear it will get worse -- possibly far worse -- before enough of the masses awake from their stupor and stand up.

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Jacinda Ardem: Why on earth do people vote for these Karens?

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you mean covid cindy? you should hear the opposition leader's take on how things should be done. at this point 99% of nz's government is disgusting and evil.

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Most excellent points and wordplay, Gato Malo. Epic, actually. 💕

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"aptness and allegorical alignment" "ferret faced fervency"

Alliteration will get you everywhere!

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Dr. Aaron Kheriaty stated above: "covid is not their only scam and its winding down will only serve to shift this fight to other fields. " Here is the sequence of crisis I predict will be coming after covid fades away, which is surely will during the upcoming Spring.

Next on the agenda is the "climate crisis" the groundwork is already laid for this and we'd be in the thick of it now had the corona virus not come along and derailed the climate plans. But, this too, will fail for the simple fact that such a crisis does not exist and will be ultimately be defeated by the lack of evidence and real science.

Following this will be the big one: Somewhere out in space past Jupiter a faint comet will be found - a new one we have not seen before. Within a month or two of its confirmation something like this will make the headlines: "New comet on track to hit Earth in 14 months, 21 days, 6 hours and 22 minutes. Impact will be bigger that all the hydrogen bombs in the world."

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Their climate agenda will continue, but their big thrust now will be gaming the election laws in their favor, plus their usual vote fraud. With permanent power, they will start rationing your fuel and electricity. Where and how you live is also on their wish list. There are advocates in DC now who think private property should be banished and all of us be required to live in Soviet style hives.

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Yes. There is a push in CA by some legislators that there should be no single family homes.

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Excellent cat, thanks

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"it is no coincidence that so many of the most vehement bio-tyrants are also the vanguard of social justice, climate, and class warriors. this is all the same syndrome. this is all the same authoritarian drive seeking vectors by which to manifest." 100%

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Best article I’ve ever read online. Ever. Let’s go Brandon.

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I very much hope those who took the jab because of financial concerns now see they were given a false choice. I did not and do not berate them for their decision. I just hope they see the truth of it now.

The question is not "how will I feed my kids?" It is "Am I willing to enslave my children forever to feed them temporarily?"

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Once again the best thing ive read on the internet was written by a goddamn cat!

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How can you be certain that mass formation psychosis is real?

When Reuters and the AP say there is no evidence for it.


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The Eye of Sauron over the Washington Monument - brilliantly on point, terrifying, and depressing.

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Things are not what they seem. People are being MOCKED. The entire PLANDEMIC is a prescripted ritual with human sacrifices.

France Detects New COVID-19 Scariant . More of The Satanic Mockery



The Corona End Game The Truth Behind The Symbols


The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation:


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‘France Detects New COVID-19 Scariant…’


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"The enemy is anybody that will get you killed no matter what side they are on" I never thought about it that way, I might make a tshirt with that one it :)

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Also, I tried, serval times, to read "Catch 22", but just like "Moby Dick", I just couldn't figure out why it was considered a "classic". Couldn't slog my way through.

Huck Finn, To Kill A Mockingbird and many others, I have read multiple times.

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But when so many are propped up by the state ($) how the freak do you wake them up tabby cat?

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I call it "cat 22"

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Scary stuff!

I think I’ll move to Cat-man-do! 😺

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I would be on board for a global government, if you were our cat-leader!!!

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i'd really rather not.

herding humans is thankless work.

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Seriously, what about merch?

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I think a safety net globally is having many different countries with many different govts. One world govt would eventually become corrupted, and this gives too much power to one single regime. Imagine if Biden was running the entire world, and decided the entire world would be treated like Australia. El Gato, not a judgement on you cool cat, but upon your retirement, eventually they'll let a wolf in the henhouse and the we are all screwed, globally. Short-term, possibly great. Long-term, horrible. The US Fed Govt was put in place to help handle matters of global importance and between each nation state. What we have is too top down and not was what was designed back in the day, and certainly never planned to become the theatre it has become, worse than reality tv show.

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Jan 9, 2022
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Actually... People are repopulating the dejure govt after 150 years of absence here on America. You start by correcting your political status to a State National and then joining your state assembly, and taking a position on, becoming a State Citizen (Citizen means you work for someone whether as a 14th Amendment US citizen (slavery) or as a State Citizen as the dejure govt for the people.) Go to the website, and at least research further into the fraud scheme bestowed upon you by what you thought was your govt, but it is in fact, a corporation: https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org). I have become a Mainer, a State National. No, this is not a "sovereign citizen" movement either, that is an oxymoron, you can't be free and a citizen, mutually exclusive terms, as you well see the way our govt works now.

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Love el gato…but one global government is NOT the answer…no matter who the leader would be…many ideas…trial and error…freedom to choose…are all imperative.

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Brilliant title, hombre. Really. And, as always, a useful point of view. The many "transitions" planned for us never have anything to do with what they are alleged to be about.

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"Catch-22" and "Kafka Trap" have certainly been a hallmark of the past year, especially. I think however, the "thin end of the wedge" is not 2022, but instead is 2002. Twenty years ago, a cabal of powerful and influential players made use of a galvanizing event to put into motion their carefully crafted plans and programs, enabling a rapidly growing progression towards a more encompassing control of society at all levels. It was the watershed moment that enabled authoritarians and neo-Cons to send a rippling signal outwards from D.C., like vibrations on a spiderweb, to global power players.

Without the programs, policies, institutions, and societal conditioning stemming from post-9/11 actions, I don't think we would have seen the level of eager compliance that has occurred since the attacks, and especially during the recent pandemic.

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very moving--you are brilliant gato malo! being from nz, i especially appreciated the clip of covid cindy--she doesn't even look or sound sane any more.

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Covid Cindy?

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jacinda ardern

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seems apt. It's a robot name. Never seen her before but she really seems robotic, like Kathy Hochul (gov of New York)

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Pay per view Ardren's hanging, New Zealand!

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Oh for sure this is about subjection. I know my house isn't the only one filled with wonder at how so many are so willing. I spend a lot of time listening to ppl talk about current events keeping in mind their subjection status. I truly am trying to piece together why people run toward tyranny.

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You wright pretty. 😬

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Sweet comment

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My question is... do you believe Jacinda Ardern will break her teeth on the floor, or the floor will break on Jacinda´s teeth? It is a big fall ya know.

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Antoher good book, one you can be sure the good mr Heller had read, is 'The good soldier Svejk' by Jaroslav Hasek. It should be available for free online, and legal at that. I think Goodreads has it?

I'd say "Svejk" is by far the better book. Heller could have cut his novel down to one quarter the pages and it would have worked better.

For the heavier stuff, I'd recommend 'The Gay Science', 'Beyond Good and Evil' and 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra'.

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Jacinda makes me want to go hide under a bed, then bite her and scratch her as she walks by. This kitty is pissed.

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Everything that is not 'permitted' (as in, has a permit to be) is forbidden

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if you lack the right to say “no” then you posses no rights at all.


Neil Oliver: World leaders think the unvaccinated are next door to idiots, racists and misogynists.


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The picture of the Washington Monument and the eye is FAR more sinister now after I saw this article/video. Apparently, all of the elite are satanists (including Fauci, all of the politicians, and an endless parade of celebrities). 666 is embedded everywhere- in the US dollar bill, Google and the WEF's logo. Even if you don't believe in Satan, the elite DO and COVID is the culmination of their plans for a massive CULL. We are so screwed!



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More on Jacinda's crusade against the unwilling:


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Here is a pretty good list of studies concerning harmful COVID vaccine events. "Dr. Alexander, you keep raising concern about the vaccines, where is the proof? Is there any evidence? Anything, a study or two besides what you, McCullough, Malone, Tenenbaum, Risch say? https://palexander.substack.com/p/so-you-say-dr-alexander-you-keep?

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