“she wanted to travel”: I think it was Scott Adams who mentioned in a podcast, that studies showed that women were the main driving force behind the travel industry, and that their motivation was primarily one of social status signaling to other women.
I guess that makes getting an experimental drug injected worth the risk.
“she wanted to travel”: I think it was Scott Adams who mentioned in a podcast, that studies showed that women were the main driving force behind the travel industry, and that their motivation was primarily one of social status signaling to other women.
I guess that makes getting an experimental drug injected worth the risk.
Women take a lot of blame, going back to the story of the snake and the apple. Status signalling is alive and well in both sexes and probably all social systems. Rare is the person who says "I don't care what others think" and really means it. Realistically, it's probably an individual and social good that we are motivated to act certain ways to certain people. I guess the point is that you can't please everyone all the time and you will come to grief if you try.
“she wanted to travel”: I think it was Scott Adams who mentioned in a podcast, that studies showed that women were the main driving force behind the travel industry, and that their motivation was primarily one of social status signaling to other women.
I guess that makes getting an experimental drug injected worth the risk.
Social status…another grave desire.
nice using grave
Wink wink 😉 😉
Women take a lot of blame, going back to the story of the snake and the apple. Status signalling is alive and well in both sexes and probably all social systems. Rare is the person who says "I don't care what others think" and really means it. Realistically, it's probably an individual and social good that we are motivated to act certain ways to certain people. I guess the point is that you can't please everyone all the time and you will come to grief if you try.
True but I do NOT understand a mother virtue signaling so hard that she has her children lined up for an experimental DNA jab
Or the father of those children… every bit as much to blame!
of course, but, as a mother, I just don't understand it. It's unnatural.
I agree mama bear, I totally agree. A mother’s protection, when it’s working properly, is a fierce and lovely thing to behold!
must have those instagram photos, donchaknow!