Now the people whom you would have seen with those bumperstickers are the same ones yelling about how horrible, selfish people are not complying to governmental overreach.
Now the people whom you would have seen with those bumperstickers are the same ones yelling about how horrible, selfish people are not complying to governmental overreach.
Check out these song lyrics: We hold tight to our fears and defend our oppressors/ as we fight for their lies and become the transgressors/ As pacifists transform to violent aggressors >Song for our time "Liberty" Jordan Page
Sad to say, that was my generation (I'm at tail end always thought they were cra cra), and yes, they are the ones now crying out for safety/tyranny. Sadder than I can express.
Now the people whom you would have seen with those bumperstickers are the same ones yelling about how horrible, selfish people are not complying to governmental overreach.
Check out these song lyrics: We hold tight to our fears and defend our oppressors/ as we fight for their lies and become the transgressors/ As pacifists transform to violent aggressors >Song for our time "Liberty" Jordan Page
Sad to say, that was my generation (I'm at tail end always thought they were cra cra), and yes, they are the ones now crying out for safety/tyranny. Sadder than I can express.
sadly, yes.