Antoher good book, one you can be sure the good mr Heller had read, is 'The good soldier Svejk' by Jaroslav Hasek. It should be available for free online, and legal at that. I think Goodreads has it?
I'd say "Svejk" is by far the better book. Heller could have cut his novel down to one quarter the pages and it would have worked better.
Antoher good book, one you can be sure the good mr Heller had read, is 'The good soldier Svejk' by Jaroslav Hasek. It should be available for free online, and legal at that. I think Goodreads has it?
I'd say "Svejk" is by far the better book. Heller could have cut his novel down to one quarter the pages and it would have worked better.
For the heavier stuff, I'd recommend 'The Gay Science', 'Beyond Good and Evil' and 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra'.
Antoher good book, one you can be sure the good mr Heller had read, is 'The good soldier Svejk' by Jaroslav Hasek. It should be available for free online, and legal at that. I think Goodreads has it?
I'd say "Svejk" is by far the better book. Heller could have cut his novel down to one quarter the pages and it would have worked better.
For the heavier stuff, I'd recommend 'The Gay Science', 'Beyond Good and Evil' and 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra'.