civil rights protection for the unvaccinated
puerto rico sees some real leadership try to break free.
i’m not going to lie. i have never heard the name “lisie janet burgos munoz” before. i do not know who she is. but i am damn sure about to go find out. she seems to be a new representative from a small new party.
i have no idea if she can pull this off and it’s probably a nasty uphill fight, but what kind of boriqua gato would i be if i did not try to help?
you just made a serious feline friend, mi amiga, because you are what this island desperately needs. and oh man is there a lot of support dying to rally around someone like you and an act like this.
let’s make it happen. we want to help. we’ll be in touch soon. en serio.
(translated from THE SPANISH)
“Representative Lisie Janet Burgos Muñiz proposed amendments to the Puerto Rico Civil Rights Act to prohibit discrimination against people not vaccinated against COVID-19.
The House Bill 910 proposes amendments to law to prohibit such discrimination in public places, businesses, transportation, medical facilities or hospitals, and homes.
In addition, the measure establishes that any person who denies any other person access, service and equal treatment in medical or hospital facilities, for political, religious, race, color, sex reasons, due to the fact that they are not vaccinated against COVID- 19 will incur a misdemeanor with a fine of $ 5,000.
The author of the measure affirms that a threat to the freedom and dignity of citizens has arisen in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, through the establishment of segregation between vaccinated and unvaccinated people for the provision of services and access to certain governmental and commercial activities.”
this is great stuff. this is the real spirit of liberty, america, and boriqua alike. stop creating second class citizens. stop mandating that private business become the tool of a corrupt and tyrannical state. end bio-fascism.
and just when i think i cannot like you more, i’m wrong. because you get better.
“Likewise, it argues that the recent executive orders promulgated by Governor Pedro R. Pierluisi in the context of the public health emergency lack a legal and constitutional basis to sustain them and promote a state where the doctrine of "separate but equal" prevails. .
In addition, it points out that the discrimination against the unvaccinated does not only come from the Executive Branch of the government, but also from some members of the medical class since there have been multiple complaints from citizens who go to medical offices to request services and are they find that they are required to be vaccinated to be cared for.
The measure was referred to the Government Commission of the House of Representatives, chaired by the representative Jesús M. Ortiz González .
Whether there will be public hearings has yet been reported.”
pierluisi is a jackbooted villain and a police state thug. he’s been running roughshod over rights and occupying san juan with a hostile police presence since he took office. i have never felt so unsafe anyplace i have ever lived as when he had 200 cops in 8 blocks of condado dressed in tac gear and harassing people over outdoor masks and swarming them in groups of 10. outdoor masking is perhaps the stupidest of all covid policies. it was deeply unpleasant, like something from a dystopian movie.
he did not learn from wanda getting booted for being a dictatorial covid karen and is forcing vaccine mandates and vaccine passports just to eat out or get your hair cut. he’s forcing them on workers at hotels and grocery stores and mandating them for all hotel and airbnb guests. he’s turned puerto rico from a welcoming, freewheeling place into some sort of cautionary handmaid’s tale. far from being better, he’s become worse.
he’s determined to force it on everyone. everyone. choice or risk does not even exist in his lexicon not does acquired immunity or “wow, these vaccines do not actually stop spread.” he’s so desperate to play loyal soldier and bootlicker to DC in hopes they might support statehood (they won’t and if they did, it would wreck PR anyhow) and keep the federal pork money flowing so he and his merry band of crony capitalists can siphon it off (and this PNP excels at) that he’s looking to be the most oppressive most party line vaxx-fascist of all.
it’s great for his political ambitions. being bad for the rest of us does not concern senor pedro.
there is no science here, just personal ambition and unchecked power, both callously abused.
“Pierluisi said he will continue to insist that the entire population be vaccinated against the coronavirus.
“We will continue to insist. That is what is going to protect us all in Puerto Rico from this terrible pandemic, "he said.
"What we are doing is promoting vaccination because vaccination is the solution," he added.”
you will continue to insist and we will continue to resist. and we are going to take you and your dead end old people’s PNP party down with you. you don’t stand for us and we can no longer stand you. you’re about to be rosello 2.0 and i for one cannot wait.
there is a reason so many cities (including very nearly san juan) elected independent mayors last election. it’s because you and yours are out of step. you’re the party of the past, of strutting aristocrats and self-serving cronies, of dictators and dirtbags. and your time is coming to an end. hell, all we have to do is wait for your supporters to die of old age. but this is going to make it go much, much faster.
next election, you’ll lose san juan and if i have any say in it, la fortaleza too. and it’s going to be your fault. because no one likes a tyrant and a bully and you are both.
sure, many like lisie are small. their parties are new. but we need new, and i like small. that’s what i want to back, not you, you empty suited duarte wanna be. coalitions will form and support will grow because freedom will out and we have had enough of you. towns and cities will be lost to you and will resist your assaults on their liberty.
and we’re going to back them, not you. you’re done. you have no idea how much of the business community you’ve lost with this reckless reign of anti-commerce anti human fascism. you have no idea how much most of the people have come to despise this high handed oppression by executive order.
i’ve seen several lists today of restaurants and bars and venues that will not comply with or enforce your mandates. they grow by the minute and i and others will flock to them to offer support and live free.
people are going to boycott those that do obey you. there’s going to be real pain and they are all going to turn on you as the source of it. this whole series of mandates are going to fail because you’re too incompetent to implement and manage them and because the people are not with you. not even the doctors are with you.
you had a shot to pull back from this madness. when i met you during the election, you said you would. you lied. you will never have the trust of me nor mine will ever again. it’s time for a new way and to good riddance to bad baggage.
you sound like this:
and they sound like this:
“It is abusive to blackmail a human being (that) you either lose your job or do this, contrary to their wish. And even more so when it comes to a citizen who made a decision, either for his health or for his body or for the decisions he has made. I was listening to a person analyzing whether the reasons (to force vaccination) were valid and I was wondering who that person was to analyze that human being. All human beings are different, ”said the mayor. (Information Network)
“When democratic systems threaten that diversity of thought, then we are turning into communist systems or dictatorial systems. And that system, I neither promote nor am I going to abide by it, ”he added.”
when such is the case, who in their right mind would side with the tyrant? it’s time to reclaim freedom. we’re not falling for this. not again.
it’s time to end this dictatorial emergency order lie. it’s been 18 months and there has never been a covid emergency. the emergency has been how deranged our government has become.
people are tired of it and tired of you.
i know a lot of restaurant owners and many are going to do the right thing here. sanataella and mai pen rai, you’re dead to me. i mean, the latter is demanding vaxx proof to get take out. what kind of lunacy is that? you’re the problem and i hope your restaurants are as empty as your souls, you traitors.
when others stand tall and this all fails, we’re going to remember who gleefully stood up against the people and not only imposed mandates, but did so when they did not have to and who went the extra yard to impose new ones. history is not kind to the vichy and santaella is the most overrated restaurant on PR anyway and your bartenders mix drinks so slowly it looks like dressage. i won’t miss it.
let’s take this whole edifice down and build something new on a foundation of actual liberties.
we can do better if we demand better.
There is a similar effort underway to add something like "vaccination status" to Michigan's comprehensive non-discrimination law (the "Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act"). It is, of course, all but guaranteed to be vetoed by Whitmer. But making Democrats vote against, and then veto, an expansion of anti-discrimination protections in what is perhaps their very most favorite state law will at least be amusing.