There is a similar effort underway to add something like "vaccination status" to Michigan's comprehensive non-discrimination law (the "Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act"). It is, of course, all but guaranteed to be vetoed by Whitmer. But making Democrats vote against, and then veto, an expansion of anti-discrimination protections in what is perhaps their very most favorite state law will at least be amusing.

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That's nice but here in MI, it's felt that the Republican Senate betrayed voters. Just flatly denied that there were any issues last November. Really? Wayne Co held an honest and fair election? Who are they kidding? This maneuver is to make sure they all get re-elected since they will be able to say...'look what we did'.

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CHD on FDA's lawyerly bait and switch: "Pfizer is therefore unlikely to allow any American to take a Comirnaty vaccine until it can somehow arrange immunity for this product. Given this background, the FDA’s acknowledgement in its approval letter that there are insufficient stocks of the licensed Comirnaty, but an abundant supply of the EUA Pfizer BioNTech jab, exposes the “approval” as a cynical scheme to encourage businesses and schools to impose illegal jab mandates. The FDA’s clear motivation is to enable Pfizer to quickly unload inventories of a vaccine that science and the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System have exposed as unreasonably dangerous, and that the Delta variant has rendered obsolete. Americans, told that the Pfizer COVID vaccine is now licensed, will understandably assume COVID vaccine mandates are lawful. But only EUA-authorized vaccines, for which no one has any real liability, will be available during the next few weeks when many school mandate deadlines occur. The FDA appears to be purposefully tricking American citizens into giving up their right to refuse an experimental product."

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I'm ambivalent about framing it as a "civil rights" issue or "non discrimination" issue.

Western democracies - including individual states - are constitutionally unrestrained from forcing medical procedures of any type. There's no 14A path applicable here because 14A is primarily weaponized for "positive rights."

State constitutions need to be amended one by one to establish a negative right - the state cannot mandate a medical procedure, either universally or as a condition for government employment / access. This will close the 160 year-old free pass for public health to flaunt constitutional liberalism at will.

A further amendment to make "medical status forgery" a non-criminal offense and ban assigning civil damages for the same, if you want. Employers can still fire someone for faking a vaccination but cannot sue them or the issuing doctor. Simple.

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Lisie Burgos has been pushing protection against vaccine mandates for months now, but the legislature isn't cooperating to bring it to the floor. She keeps at it, though.

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going to reach out to her and see if some folks i know can be of help.

may well be impossible given PR government scummery, but worth a try.

this is a nucleus to build a movement around.

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That's good to hear. Every shred of hope helps us keep pushing.

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My best wishes and prayers to you (el Gato) and Ms Burgos ... and to all of Puerto Rico. It is unquestionably an uphill battle, but even a mountain can be moved with a teaspoon if enough people keep at it.

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Meanwhile, I've heard rumblings that José Dalmau of the PPD wants to create a registry for people who haven't had the Covid vaccine.

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Wonder how the supporters of vaccines will spin their mandate with the studies that are coming out (Japan, Spain etc.) about ADE - Antibody Disease Enhancement and the data out of Israel on rising deaths in the vaccinated. (See Gabor Erdosi twitter thread)

Medical Director at local hospital - mid 40's - just got the third jap, sick as a dog for days. Everyone pushing for ALL healthcare to have mandatory jabs, obviously aren't planning for a time when there aren't many doctors and nurses left, or well enough, to treat all the other ills of the human condition.

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I certainly hope you can help, Gato. As you mentioned in a previously posted comment, if you know people who can help Lisie Burgos' effort, it is worth the try.

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Dear Mr. Bad Cat,

May I use some of your material in a letter to our public health officer? They are trying to shut us down again.

Thank you for all you do!

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Gato. You say PP had a chance to pull out of this madness... he said he would during the election. He lied. What did he say? Can we use that as a "weapon"?

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Please keep us up to date on any developments. Especially if she needs any material support. I will GLADLY toss money her way if needed.

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I just purchases a home here. In about a year, I will have put $250k or so into the economy of PR through real estate, my Airbnb, employing locals, several trips to the island, recent car purchase, a large party for my friends for my birthday, etc. Since August, I've not been able to take my elderly mom or teenage kids to a restaurant or hotel. The local grocery store takes our temperature at each visit. Many of the kind, MUY AMABLES have morphed into "just following orders" and taken to harassment that has included scolding about masking, social distancing, having kids standing in line and regular old chiding due to being unvaxxed. I want so badly to stay, but a few hours away in Florida, my young black family has been treated much better and the weather is similar. I had plans to get another property here, but now, I lament having to rethink the decision. If you think there is hope, I would so enjoy finding a way to stay. So far it has been humiliating and anxiety-inducing.

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Adam Kinzinger called me last night with a surprise townhall meeting by phone promoting the vaccine. I couldn’t stay on because of an impending severe storm, so I have no idea if people asked pointed questions about these vaccines that don’t work. Hospitals here in the states will show preference to the vaxxed. Delta Airlines is raising insurance rates for unvaxxed employees by $200 a month.

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vaccine? what we got:

'pandemic protection platform': dod research aimed to spur antibodies in soldiers so they could 'operate' in a biologic war. the protection is fleeting. moderna 2013 contract to darpa.

between regeneron and azn antibody treatments why take a jab every 6 months when you can get the same therapy when needed and avoid the long term unknown side effects?

free testing for dod!

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i saw this today from EL Tap PR : "Se requiere la tarjeta de vacunación o vacu-id a todos nuestros clientes" 🚫

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well, they have always had that crummy hipster vibe. many on loiza are not demanding them.

try bocca and acapulco.

also perhaps tresbe.

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