as doubtless almost none of you know, puerto rico has been one of the nastiest, most aggressive, and least founded centers of covidian derangement in the US. the lockdowns were harder, the restrictions longer, there were 18 months of curfews, beaches were closed, and for months on end police would swarm you in the streets to demand to know where you were going if you left your house.
fines in the multi hundred dollars were common for being unmasked outside, even in a park.
so, it’s disgraceful, but not surprising to see them jump on the vaccine passport train. this is wretched and wrongheaded pseudoscience and encroaching tyranny masquerading as safety. (translated from the spanish)
this is evil end to end. (pierluisi, for those who do not know, is the PR governor)
“Regarding the new measures for restaurants and bars, Pierluisi indicated that the employees of these establishments will have until August 23 to receive the first dose of a vaccine against COVID-19 , and until October 7 to receive the second dose. .
The president said that the same provisions will be maintained for people who cannot be vaccinated due to health conditions or religious reasons. If an employee chooses not to get vaccinated, they will need to have weekly COVID-19 tests.
Pierluisi also indicated that restaurants, bars or any closed establishment that sells drinks or food must require people who wish to consume in person proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test.”
it predicates livelihoods and liberties on an experimental vaccine shown to have negative risk reward for most healthy people by pfizer’s own study.
these vaccines do not stop spread.
even topol is agreeing.
moralistic claims like this are just rancid rhetoric and pseudoscientific sales pitches. this is 100% intended to discriminate and to play to cronies. there is no sound basis in virology, epidemiology, or covid data that this policy will stop spread or prevent covid risk.
“Pierluisi said his decrees are not intended to "discriminate" against people who have not been vaccinated or traders. Rather, he said, it seeks to increase vaccination numbers and protect Puerto Ricans amid the pandemic.
"The reason for this demand is because we still have many unvaccinated people and in these places there is a lot of risk for not having the mask on," Pierluisi said.”
pierluisi, this is not your choice to make nor does “one size fits all” work for public health.
recovered immunity outperforms vaccinated by a wide margin.
yet you make no allowance.
vaccinating the recovered exposes them to undue risk and may actually reduce their overall immunity.
yet you seek to force it.
this is the opposite of public health. it is the abrogation of science.
and so is everything else you’re pushing.
masks do not protect you or others. the data is overwhelming.
vaccines may protect you, but they certainly do not protect others so they are, at best, a personal choice and a bad one for many. this is pitiful pretext for mandate, especially when cheap, effective drugs are a better solution.
pierluisi, you’re dead to me. PNP is dead to me. the message of lockdown wanda becoming the first sitting PR governor in history to lose their primary seems to have been lost on you and you are now worse than she was. this one is not forgivable.
i am looking forward to watching you become rosello 2.0. in any just world, 10’s of thousands would be protesting night and day at la fortaleza. this is a bridge way, way too far. this is bio-tyranny and the taking of rights and liberty to chase epidemiological phantoms and peddle wet pants fear to the credulous and craven.
but as villains rise, so do heroes.
watch as the mayor of san sebastian stands tall. he is having none of this and neither should any boriqua. (translated from spanish)
you sir, are a real puerto rican and a real american.
i wish we had 100 more like you.
these are the words all leaders should speak, because this is what leading free people is:
“The mayor of San Sebastián, Javier Jiménez Pérez reported that he will sign a Municipal Executive Order, which in some instances will go against the one issued by Governor Pedro Rafael Pierluisi Urrutia.
“It is abusive to blackmail a human being (that) you either lose your job or do this, contrary to their wish. And even more so when it comes to a citizen who made a decision, either for his health or for his body or for the decisions he has made. I was listening to a person analyzing whether the reasons (to force vaccination) were valid and I was wondering who that person was to analyze that human being. All human beings are different, ”said the mayor. (Information Network)
“When democratic systems threaten that diversity of thought, then we are turning into communist systems or dictatorial systems. And that system, I neither promote nor am I going to abide by it, ”he added.”
bravo, sir. bravo.
“I have to take care of my town and my people. And in any situation that we understand that violates the fundamental rights of the citizens that I represent, I am going to fight ”, he stated.”
imagine a world where this is the norm. imagine a world where you can count on leaders to stand for you and your freedom and to fight with you to keep them not sell you down the river to score cheap political points and grease donors.
then go make it happen. support leaders like perez and stand against the tyrants like pierluisi who wish to subjugate you to their sinister science experiments and replace your freedom with false safety to hide their grasping tyranny.
this is PR. the hospitals are not and never were full with covid. we bore the brunt of it in november 2019 to febraury of 2020. we got hit right when NYC did, we just did not know what it was called. everyone thought they had “walking pneumonia” or some sort of mycoplasma. but it was covid. no way NYC got hit then and we did not. how many tourists a day were we swapping? 20k? 40k? NYC and san juan are one biome during the holidays.
and it NEVER buried the hospitals. they were so empty they laid off staff in droves and forced pay cuts. this has all been based in lies and graft and epidemiologicaly illiterate grandstanding.
this refers to covid (from recently filed lawsuit):
hospitals on PR never got past about 2/3 full (for all patients) during the whole pandemic. those are not stress numbers, they are “going out of business” numbers.
vaccine mandates are a false solution to a non-problem and most of the PR doctors i know (and all the real epidemiologists) know this full well.
la fortaleza has been making stuff up for two years and pushing panic and penury upon the puerto rican people.
we can do better.
we need to do better.
we need to roust these rapacious fools out of office and send them packing once and for all.
we’ve done it before and we can do it again.
enough is enough.
i stand with perez and i cannot wait to cleat up against pierluisi next election (presuming he lasts in office that long.)
make puerto rico free again.
How did we ever allow such evil, tyrannical, malevolent morons as these to take control of our government? The lunatic fringe who once merely were generously tolerated are now in charge and wreaking havoc on everything we once held dear.
Unfortunately the discourse on natural immunity has now progressed in one of a couple possible directions (pick your favorite flavor):
1. "But what about Delta?!?!"
2. "But your neutralizing antibodies increase if you get vaccinated with one dose after recovery!"
3. "But what about the CDC Kentucky study? It says you're more than twice as likely to be reinfected if you haven't been vaccinated!"
Peer review gets witheld (deliberately?) from the Israel and Cleveland findings while farce after farce regarding masks and viral load is cited by the CDC to back official guidance.