Deep state going deep since they only have 3 weeks left to destabilise the world. Buckle up it will be a bumpy ride, ignore the misinformation. Turn off msm, all of it. Support our wonderful elected President and vice president.💕💕💕💕👍

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Except that the "wonderful elected President" is the one who was in office when the government contracted with Pharma for the hundreds of millions of covid shots, as opposed to these less than 5 million bird flu shots.

However, I still hold out hope that things may be better this time, just because way more people are aware and watching.

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He didn't try to use OSHA to mandate it, nor did he deliver the "our patience is wearing thin with the unvaccinated" speech.

Dude spent his entire first term being hoodwinked and undermined by the federal bureaucracy because he, like most of the rest of us, foolishly thought the government was not outright hostile to the people of this country.

There is a *world* of difference between his record and Biden's on this issue.

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While I agree, he still seems completely unrepentant of how he handled everything covid. Will he do different next time? We can sure hope. But if he is unwilling to accept his mistakes, I am not so sure.

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He's never going to admit anything because it signals weakness. That's just how he is. He's a wrecking ball, and that's exactly what we need.

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Perzactly !

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He's no wrecking ball when it comes to the death jabs.

Trump is Pfizer's greatest protector and benefactor, and has openly signaled that he will remain so no matter how many people are murdered by mRNA, by his appointment of pharma shill Nesheiwat and continued praise for the obviously dangerous and worse-than-ineffective injections in that very announcement.

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@Connor- he has nothing for which to repent. He listened to those who were supposed to be experts on the subject. He didn't realize he was being lied to, that they would have the audacity to do that. I think the turning point for him was when he realized the venitlators that medical facilities were begging for turned out to be killing patients, he started to see things in a different light and started asking questions. He's a businessman, not a medical doctor. I have a high school friend whose son, with a medical degree, works for the CDC. She has stated many times she and her husband look to him for advice on these types of things and they both eagerly got the shots and boosters at his insistence. I have been DYING to say "Hey, your kid was lied to too and shame on him for not questioning." But people will believe what they want.

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One thing I've learned in the last 4 years is that a great many people automatically defer to so-called "experts". They simply do.not.question the experts. Sigh.

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and the only "experts" allowed to get their message out are the government approved ones!

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Very sad but true. I’ve lost a couple family members and now a few are going downhill too quickly. With some scary medical problems appearing on still more. Yet they still vax, or at least think the 2-8 they got were fine. And I’m just crazy.

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Anything to avoid thinking and personal responsibility. Zero self-efficacy.

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@CM- SOOOO many

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Repentant doesn’t necessarily mean you knowingly did wrong. It means opening your eyes to a new, deeper, more full understanding.

He may have done that. But he could acknowledge it without accepting fault. I’m not saying he’s to blame.

I do my best to accept responsibility for what I can do, even if something in my life is the fault of another, what can I personally do to make the best outcome possible?

I don’t think it’s too much to ask that our leaders be capable of the same.

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@ Connor- makes perfect sense. TY.

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He keeps on pushing the poison jabs even now!

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A person can know he made a mistake and resolve not to do it again without acknowledging to all and sundry that he was wrong.

Trump is not one to do penance in public.

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But when you make a public mistake, don't you think it should be acknowledged publicly?

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SPOT ON! "Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error."

Andrew Jackson When trump was first elected I thought we were getting another Andrew Jackson, turns out we got a Jacques Clouseau!

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To this day Tramp believes his warp speed injections saved millions of lives .So accordingly if poison injections saved and still save millions of lives ,he will mandate driving at warp speed at all times ,since it will save even many more lives ,than the injections .

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Yes, he should admit it, and can easily blame it all on Fauci and Birx (DJT is not a virologist or doctor and his "trusted advisors" told him to put Fauci in charge). The proof will be in how he handles the upcoming plandemic. He announced he will remove the USA from the WHO, and that is a good start. I am giving him a second chance. In any case, it is up to each human being to protect their bodies as best they can, and the more conscious among us know that a mandate is not a law. This is the end of this kind of bullshit. Amazing that anyone at all can be coerced into any new jabs. Or old ones! They all need to be taken off the market. And no more PCR tests for anything.

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Like Joe Biden did with the Afghanistan withdrawal? Or that his son engaged in crimes, known to Joe Biden, but he did nothing to stop it and encouraged his son to sell the Biden name for cold hard cash?

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Why? Just to make YOU happy?

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I think with Kennedy as an adviser things will be different.

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I'm hearing that Trump has asked Kennedy to not address the vaccines and to stick to food-related health issues. We shall see if that pans out!

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All he needs to do in this space, is expose everything "Mike Pompeo" knew at the time, since he(Pompeo) knew covid was a psy-op. If POTUS Trump had the facts at the time, to blow the whole COVID scam wide open, and withheld them, that would be negligence on his part or indication he might be part of the establishment shills or on the take from big pharma. Personally, I think DJT knew Fauci was dirty and Pompeo was involved in advancing the lockdown agenda that came to pass, but was powerless to combat it, while he was being accused of being racist by the left, in limiting the amount of Chinese entering the country. I observed, in this state i live in, caravans of motor vehicles filled with Chinese people, with signs that read COVID was a fraud, so were they bad actors or carefully placed propagandists?

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I think you are right on that. He had no support at all, and no good advice. The fact that Kennedy is there should make a difference. But like everything in politics, wait and see. Lots of promises and big words, but we will see what will be delivered. Like you, I have hopes indeed, that now is very different from his first term.

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It's going to be a rough ride. I don't think the DC blob is above punishing the productive taxpayers that voted Trump into office. In fact I think that's what Covid was mostly about.

They are treasonous cretins and they are going to screw us, and him, until they are either dead or in prison.

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one billion % true

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@No Name- exactly. And Trump has had 8 years now to delve deep into the swamp and find out how deep and murky it really is.

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Indeed. Trump, unlike many Americans and most politicians on both sides of the aisle, learns from his mistakes and rarely makes the same one twice. This bird flu thing has all the earmarks of another faked fraudulent scaremdemic that the usual suspects plan to use to do what they failed at with covid. We REALLY need to stop being so naive and recognize the FACT that these are not just greedy, power-lusting fools, but truly EVIL ghouls and start acting accordingly.

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He green-lit operation warp speed and faked having fake covid

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It’s a little worse than that. The public is always less vigilant if the right is in power. This is why whatever Biden did with Covid, the public was less compliant and roll backs on bad takes happened within weeks of Biden mandates. The shittiest thing about Trump was that he could have ended the EUA and state of emergency before handing the country back to Biden but instead he focused on election fraud and turning the right into anti govt extremists on terrorist watchlists by playing along with J6. I don’t know about anyone else but it doesn’t take a degree in rocket science to see how that rally would turn out making the right the enemy of the govt. I could see that from miles away, my couch in Utah, in fact. It looked like a set up weeks prior to it happening. The guy couldn’t be more effectively anti average right wing Americans if he was doing all this on purpose.

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And yet he just won the popular vote.

It seems like you're arguing in good faith so I'm not going to split hairs here, but there were indisputably issues with the 2020 election.

Even if you discount the mail-in irregularities (which I do not), had the intel agencies not been politicized to lie about Hunter's laptop, that alone might have shifted the election.

In the end, what they did did not work, because their media apparatus is in tatters. Furthermore, if elections continue to be compromised, this discussion, along with all other political discussions are moot, and they would have the right to jam whatever crackpot concoction they want into not just me, but my kids, in perpetuity.

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I don’t doubt that the election was sketchy. It’s just that all that rally did was put a bunch of boomers who showed up to it on govt watchlists. Trump could have rescinded the EUA and don’t we all agree that would have done more for the public?

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I can't speak for everyone, but in my view, yes.

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Sure...one guy murdered fewer people than the other.

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"Don't trust the person who has broken faith once."

William Shakespeare Donald Trump: 'The Vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind' 'All three vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J) are very good' 'The vaccines work - If you take the vaccine you are protected' 'People aren't dying when they take the vaccine' pic.twitter.com/fU8q1sdMda

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I didn't agree with DJT then, and don't now. He didn't try to get me *fired from my job* for refusing it.

This doesn't seem like a particularly difficult distinction to grasp. Are you having a lot of trouble with it? Does someone need to draw you a fucking picture?

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I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect.

Edward Gibbon

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yes, agree

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You leave out the fingerprints of DARPA all over covid 19 spike protein and all the GOF research that was being done both in Wuhan China and within the 30 illegal biogenetic warfare centers opened by CIA (in UKRAINE) with setup cost money laundering done by Rosemont Seneca. Look into who and what Metabiota is and their involvement.

COVID was clearly an intel-op drummed up to remove POTUS DJT. Being blind to these facts is a luxury No One has!

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I am aware of the military involvement, and also that even GOF is a psyop to get people who are against government control over "pandemics" to nevertheless agree to government control over bioweapons.

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GOF research is a money maker. NIH grant money funds this - so our tax dollars. They develop the disease and the countermeasure alongside each other, then profit once they release the germs or just do PCR testing to make everyone think there is a germ, when there is just air.

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Trump is playing his role perfectly. All an act. Eat your CBDC, biometrics ID, and bio-apartheid

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If it is an act, then why was he attacked with lawfare? If it is an act, then why were there two assassination attempts and a DS FBI raid on his house? CBDC, will never arrive in the USA. We are already setup with viable alts to the USD once it is removed from circulation or comes to a point that it has lost all purchasing power - we are close now since the USA average pay x2, can no longer afford a home or a rental. In my company we are already prepping to accept silver and crypto currency as settlement for trade debts and would be able to operate quite well if the USD crashes and becomes 100% worthless debt note on debt that will never be repaid thanks to Biden and Yellen. Presently it is 90-95% there

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All part of the act

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U.S. Department of Defense funded over 30 biological research facilities across Ukraine under the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). While officially described as disease prevention labs, these facilities raised alarm:

2010–2012 - Reports emerged of pathogens escaping labs in Ukraine and Georgia, causing outbreaks.

2014–2022 - Documents “leaked” during the Russian special military operation revealed contracts between DTRA and Ukrainian labs working on anthrax and hemorrhagic fever strains.

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Governments give deadly kill shots ,I give healthy hugs and kisses .but you may not want any ,because I'm a ugly eighty eight

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Why do people continue to insist President Trump made the vaxx decisions? Do you not see, he had Debbie Birx and Tony giving him their “expert” advice. The are long gone. There are now medical experts who are not bought and paid for to advise President Trump.

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Hoping that the days fly by without much MORE incident. When we ignore misinformation, then what will be left that they hand us? I am able to do the first and afraid about the second.

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And PRAY like your life depended on it, because it probably does, that they ALLOW him to be inaugurated. I put nothing past them. NOTHING.

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I read the article thinking, wow, they are going to run this whole show again and huge numbers of people will still fall for it.

Because you can't fix stupid.

And then I read this, the top comment of the article, and realized you can't fix the people who think they are smart either.

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Watch the Jenner Furst interview on TCN. Pharma has a fiducuary disincentive to testing vaccines.

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"Turn off msm." Amen to that.

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Where was trump when he preached 15 days to stop the spread. talk about being a tool of the deep state.

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I have never been a president ,only a simple guy,but from day one and long before that I did reject all the lies from the murder gang .Does that mean I'm much smarted than Trump with his warp speed poison shots . See how easy it is to be president,when even i did better with my rejections than MIGHTY PRESIDENTE Trump

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He implemented them like a clown.

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I think every president is. It is either you obey, or you end up dead.

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EXACTLY! Then there was faucci! Former US president Donald Trump has said that, with regard to firing health adviser Anthony Fauci, he couldn’t “win,”. Perhaps this time will indeed be different, Uncle Elon will be supervising trump.

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I believe that RFKjr has agreed to stay out of the vaccine affairs and instead focus on food-related health issues. At the request of DJT.

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Trump is a globalist and an arch-charlatan.

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Support our wonderful elected President and vice president. If you mean Uncle Elon and the PayPal Mafia, I'm in!

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Let’s have her take the first untested experimental vaccine. I’ll pass like I did the last time.

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Line up everybody who works for the CDC and give them the vaccine first. Then make them give it to their children.

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Even better: Have her take the first one and wait nine or ten years to see the outcome.

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I was going to say, I'm sure she didn't take the first one. She's an amoral shill who serves mammon.

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I was thinking along the same lines... The people who develop these products should be the first in line to experiment with them. Followed by the people at the FDA who are tasked with approving them for distribution to the public, and also the people who are pushing them. Let the drug dealers be the first to test them!

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In the past week of this the Fourth Year of Our Plague Era I was told, by a woman who, along with her frail husband, willingly and gratefully gets the vax every six months--along with many of their friends "and none of us have had any ill effects"--that I am a believer in conspiracy theories because I cited to her the factual reasons (aside from that Nemesis/Vengeance thingy) I whored out etc. etc. for Trump. Those factual reasons, of course, including the demonization and censoring of truthful information about The Plague and everything pertaining to it.

If those of us who voted for Trump--no matter if it was once or every time--do not ensure that we use these four upcoming years wisely and with relentless attention to every agency, every school curriculum, every elected office everywhere--we gonna be hit in 2028 with Democratic/Uniparty revenge that will make Our Plague Era seem like a rest cure at Sunnybrook Farm.

We scraped this one out against all odds and people like the woman and her husband and friends, above, are legion and still hysterical and getting more so. We better not take too much time to enjoy what we got, and get cracking on the cleanup job.

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Stay cracking on the clean up job is what the recent fights over nominees to various positions, and the H1-B visas, not to forget the downsizing of the 1500 page luxury spending spree bill to 138 pages was about. This attention must remain under the people's watchful glare through out.

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Well, this is my entire point. We should not forget that Trump, the previous time around, hired some of the very worst people. I am grateful--and the universe may sunder shortly because I said that--that Tucker Carlson, that otherwise mostly deranged idiot--seems to have been the force to stop Trump from finding a nice place for Mike Pompeo again.

And Elon needs a strong steady hand on him and unfortunately, with him being the richest man in the world, whose hand is gonna be strong enough? Any mother can tell you what it takes to deal with obstreperous toddlers, and the brighter the worser.

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I hope Trump comes in with no illusions about people in government this time. He was naive in his 1st term both about the people who were placed in his administration and what draining the swamp really entailed. If one wants to drain a literal swamp you must divert the inputs (the water coming in) and increase the out flows. This kind of swamp needs the same approach change the rules for enter the administrative state making sure new people with new ideas are the water and the ability to entrench themselves can't happen. then continue to drain = remove redundancy, and useless positions. Streamlining (to go back to the swamp analogy) the water through flow.

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Trump hasn't miraculously become a wise farseeing leader immune to petty provocations or sycophancy. And the most powerful people in his crowd now are autistic geniuses with extremely limited capacity for self-control themselves.

This is our chance to begin to grow a new generation of not-morons and try to clean up Congress for decades to come.

The Democrats right now are just doing all this "let's call ourselves 'independents!' That'll fool 'em!" and it sure will fool plenty.

The problem--the eternal problem--is that people like to be in clubs; they want and seek power; reforms never last longer than 20 years or so.

But it's the same with gardening. You don't stop planting lavender because weeds always creep in too.

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Right! I do not fan boy on Musk or Trump. I can appreciate what they did accomplish and can recognize their failings and flaws. Trump stump speeches are not for me, but recognize how important they have been with all the rallies and numbers who attend. Elon Musk has achieved an impressive amount between Tesla (though I am not going to ever buy one) and Space X along with the satellites, but I have issues with all of it because of the lithium and cobalt mining for batteries and the extra needed electric capacity (needed for AIs as well). The satellites become space junk eventually and also hazards to other space launches. He may be a genius , but like all people has bright areas in their brains but may be quite ordinary and even idiots in other areas. So, we can be appreciative of their accomplishments but still know they put their pants on one leg at a time and their farts stink just like the rest of us.

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Exactly. 100%.

I see it this way. We'll always have PA--the horror and the triumphant moment, and then the astounding joy of Election Night. That sure lanced a lot of purulent abscesses.

But now we get to work and we hold everyone to account no matter who they are and what side we think they're on.

In life you don't get too many chances to get smarter. And if you survive the worst of your stupidities you don't take it as invincibility but as luck.

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Welp. She and many of her friends will likely not be alive much longer. Problem solved.

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On the contrary. It will be decades of increasing and costly illnesses and disability, and all of us will pay for them.

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Gosh, they are shameless!!! I hope the pitchforks come out this time, and that nobody agrees to get this one, though that would be too much to hope for, I suppose. Bad cat, I do want you to know that finding you was the first glimmer of hope for me, the first time around. I was astonished at the shameless shenanigans then, and even more so that so many fell for it, alas!!! But finding you gave me hope that the entire world had not gone mad, at least. Here was one insightful Cat who was still seeing and telling truth. Reading your readers’ comments also sustained me. At least this time around there are only a few weeks for them to shovel their garbage out to the masses before the sea change (hope). Keep at it, and God bless the Bad Cat!!!

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The pitch forks and torches came out as the villagers stormed Dr. Frankenstein's castle after the legal system failed to act. That is the threat to the state the people have and why the governments fear their people. So far they still wield enough power to dissuade the people from acting by severe prosecution of out breaks like January 6th trespassers at the capital, lose of jobs for not taking the jabs mandated. Note how they now claim there was no mandates, no coercion.

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14 July, 1789

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"Let them eat cake!"

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You make valid points Shipmate! Many were coerced, by various means to get that mRNA Concoction. Myself I lost my employment. But the greatest loss has been friends who contrary to my advice got the Vaxx and have suffered severe consequences. In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.

Thomas Jefferson There are things that CANNOT be done at "Warp Speed"!

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They all must have taken the course on “how to talk to raise anxiety.” They have a special way of communicating. I just can’t listen.

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LIKE. If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.

Edward Bernays

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Excellent observation.

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Yes...the quick, almost breathless delivery...the ratcheted-up tension in the voice...just *hearing* her starts triggering a "fight-or-flight" response in me. Crisis actors, indeed.

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The only way these psychos will stop is when people start going Luigi on their asses.

When they are afraid to go out in public, maybe they will stop trying to cull the population for their profit. Sick bastards!

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OK, I get you, but I'd rather go "Ralphie" on them. It is humiliating to the bully and they will not be back. Yet with these folks... yeah... Fergus the kid was likely far smarter after he got a shallacking than anyone in the deep state.

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…and he says no one will do placebo testing, so they’ll just use the whole population to test on. Sounds like a *wonderful* plan.

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Yeah, but by who?

The young old girl I saw at church on Christmas eve, trying so hard to smile and be cheerful while her middle aged father couldn't make it because he is dying of metastatic turbo colon cancer isn't going to.

This is why I have maintained, and will continue to maintain the idea that the violent black racists and utopian nihilist leftist retards that burned down the country in 2020 should do it.

At least then I'd get *some sort of explanation* from the talking heads why political violence isn't a super fun and socially justicey game... Because I really want to know what that explanation is.

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Most of your violent black racists didn't take the stroke pokes because they rightfully don't trust the government. The Auntie Fairies are brainwashed imbeciles who do as they are told. Most of them got jabbed repeatedly and will be too sickly or dead to act up.

But there are a ton of people out there who had loved ones murdered and their small businesses destroyed by the goblins.

If the new administration doesn't take this on, people will.

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Every time I post something like the above, I get a response similar to yours, and every time, I post something similar to the following...

...Take a page from the stunning and brave NPR head's playbook. It doesn't matter what's "true" or not. Don't let the capital-T "Truth" distract us from doing the important work that needs to be done.

So fewer blacks got jabbed? From a cosmically socially justicey standpoint Is that really more important than shoving a fence post covered in barbed wire up these people's assholes?

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Nothing is more important than someone shoving a fence post wrapped with barbed wire up their assholes.

It's just a question of who will do it.

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It's not at all surprising.

If they were to stop pushing their new shit, they'd have to admit that their old shit was totally useless.

It's time we told them to eat shit.

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Pungent imagery. I like it.

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The whole affair stinks.

From Winnipeg to Wuhan to the Pentagon to NIH to CDC/FDA to big Pharma, our country's supposed watchdogs are totally corrupt.

Hence the smell.

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What is it about cat meme pictures that make them so hilarious?

Dogs just can't pull this off.

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cat class and cat style.

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Digs just don't have it in them to be this sly nor cutting. They each have their lane. 🥰

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They say Cats won't show the Cops where your stash is but, if you piss them off, I'm pretty sure they'd lead them right to it.

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The 'Nip, man... don't narc on the 'Nip

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Dogs are missing the aloofness gene.

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Cats are intelligent, curious & "the perfect predator."

And the "Unknown" resides within cats as well.

I think it's that.

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"And the "Unknown" resides within cats as well."


"As I look into the Abyss, the Abyss looks into me."


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Because you know dogs love you. We all know cats don't, they just tolerate and control us.

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People have Dogs.

Cats have People.

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Or as my very English mother was wont to declaim, "Dogs have masters. Cats have servants."

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Yes, that.

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Ignore anyone who wants to give you any kind of shot.

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More Fear Porn

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The Bad Cat has it absolutely right. These ‘doctors’ are selling dangerous snake oil. Don’t trust them. They must be stopped.

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I’ll continue to be in the control group.

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This all is what we have been saying since operation warp speed was even announced. How can the FDA and CDC be funded by the same people they regulate? It is like putting the mafia in charge of the rico investigations. Sure, they will try and find some guilty but it will only be those they want to eliminate competition from or that didn't pay them enough baksheesh.

There must be an overhaul of regulatory agencies and take the revolving door away. How in the world can any company have immunity from what harms and deaths they caused? Why has the populations of any country stood for this? Or else, we might as well bring back lawn darts with sharper tips and poison on them to encourage children to be more careful instead of liability for the manufacturer

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the chair recognizes commissioner jimmy "the brick" gambino to speak on a proposed increase in rates for window insurance...

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"Nice Immune System youse got there. Shame if something where to happen to it."

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Dr. McKernan has a recent post https://anandamide.substack.com/p/paul-offit-yard-sale on how Offit's understanding doesn't even reach a high-school biology textbook.

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But I would say it is not his understanding, but his explanations to the public that display this lack. I think he understands full well what he is doing.

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"I think he understands full well what he is doing."

And that's where it crosses from Ignorance into Malice.

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Well, his understanding might be of how to propagandize the public. His genome explanations are stuck in last century before the Human Genome project.

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The question is whether he believes his own explanations, or just counts on the public believing them.

However, very devoted acolytes of the medipharma religion are often blinded by their own trust in the system and their own beliefs of their intellectual superiority, so perhaps he does believe them.

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Good comment, Tonya. I think he's a paid mouthpiece. He knows what he's saying has and will cause harm, but since he's an amoral prick, he only cares about money. He strikes me as a greedy scumbag. There seem to be many out there.

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I'd guess that Offit knows he only has three weeks left in his government tenure and his money-making ability. Revolving doors are about to close. He'll have to retire with the paltry millions he's accumulated.

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If the revolving doors close, that would be a wonderful accomplishment!

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I'll bet he DID excell in personal economics, however.

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Failed vaccines is exactly how the I Am Legend apocalypse begins.

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However, "failed vaccines" implies that there could be such a thing as "successful vaccines," a notion we need to abandon altogether.

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That movie breaks my heart.

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Dr. Wen: "...in this most recent outbreak, it seems that most cases have been mild, and maybe some people have had asymptomatic infections...". So, her answer is to take an ineffective and unproven shot to avoid these mild or nonexistent symptoms??? How does this idiot get invited to speak in public on ANYTHING??

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Have you ever seen/heard her interviews in Canada when she was a BIG doc there? Before covid-19?

In case of a Plandemic-she recommended closing all bridges, hand cuffing all citizens who didn't have a vax ID and putting them, forcefully, in quarentine camps.

She's a demon.

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