given the content here, one might easily presume this new set of bird flu commentary from longstanding crisis shill leana wen would take the cake for “worst takes of the weekend.”
note what she's pushing here:
1. more of the same bad testing used in covid to overstate a disease and cause panic
2. another non-sterilizing non-vaccine that does not work to be pushed on "the vulnerable"
3. doing it "right now" under EUA so whomever makes these tests and jabs can cash in and be shielded from liability.
4. claiming that proxies like "triggers antibody production" demonstrate clinical efficacy.
it's just one last smash and grab for cash before the brandon admin ends.
it’s the same “use PCR on healthy people to manufacture crisis and sell products that don’t work while facing no liability for so doing.”
anyone who falls for this one will truly fall for anything.
and her track record on covid is simply appalling. she was wrong about everyhting and seemingly never met an ineffective or immoral mandate she did not like.
there’s nothing astonishing here, it’s a paid crisis actor hamming it up in hopes of driving business.
what is astonishing is that it’s not the worst take of the moment.
have a listen to dr paul offit, creator of the dodgy rotavirus vaccine that the CDC and WHO shill for. keep in mind as you listen: this guy worked for CDC. he’s still on the FDA vaccines and related biological products advisory committee.
this guy is not only making up the covid kill data, but is quite literally seeking to push the vaccine equivalent of “we had the pass the law to see what’s in it.” he wants to just allow vaccines to be given to as many people as possible not just without any placebo controlled trials but without any real trials at all.
you just give it to lots and lots of folks and then you see if it’s safe and effective afterwards.
i mean, what could go wrong?
it’s all OK because, see, we think it creates antibodies that might be protective.
this has gotta be some sort of joke.
it seems to not even occur to him that “mRNA vaccine modalities had never been used before and they might have some side effects.”
it’s astonishing whitewash (i’m not even going to give him the benefit of presuming it to be ignorance. given who he is, his expertise, and what’s been so clearly seen there’s no way he’s unaware of how unsafe those products were and that they drove rises in all cause mortality all over the world)
there is obviously a concerted push right now from the same gang that pushed the most unsafe and ineffective vaxx in human history during covid to jam h5n1 bird flu vaxx by manufacturing a crisis with “test with oversensitive assay until you find something that looks scary” then removing all the safeties from the system.
ironically, i’m actually all for people being able to make their own choices about drugs and not needing the approval of the state to decide what pharma they want to take. a free market of free choice would be great.
but this is not that.
this is the worst of both worlds, a total lack of testing with a total lack of liability given a false patina of science and trust by agencies like FDA and CDC who have not only so egregiously failed in their duties but actually inverted them going to great lengths to mislead the public and cover the tracks of pharma harm.
so how’s this one for an idea paul:
end the 1986 liability shield for vaccines on the pediatric schedule.
eliminate all EUA liability shields.
create an affirmative responsibility for all pharmacies, physicians, and hospitals who administer vaccines to faithfully track and centrally report all adverse outcomes with strict legal liability if they fail to do so
and then, sure, if you want to launch a vaccine and get people able to give informed consent to volunteer to take it and “see what happens,” cool.
but if what happens is bad, expect to pay.
if non-disclosed side effects occur, expect to pay.
the issue with vaccines is not that we’re making trials too rigorous. it’s that the makers, once absolved of liability, have no real incentive to pay attention to safety at all. they do not even need to care about efficacy. like covid and the flu vaccine before it, they just push mandates and dishonest marketing campaigns.
personally, i’d love to see every person who got the pfizer or moderna jab after having been told “you will not get covid, carry covid, or transmit covid if you get these vaccines. you’ll be a dead end for the virus” and then got sick sue the makers and the government shills.
i’d love to see the relatives of those who died from a vaccine that killed more people than the combined total of every other vaxx in all of amercan history put together lining up for class actions.
the solution is to align incentives. a company with government shills and liability shields has no incentive to produce safe or effective products. one that can be sued for false promises and hidden dangers does. suddenly, i bet they get very interested in pre-launch adverse event and clinical efficacy studies.
this game of “our profit, your risk” needs to end. the whole idea is oppositional to public health.
so how about it paul and team pharma? you ready to take the risks of being responsible for failed promises and undisclosed risks?
if not, then why on earth should anyone trust you on a decision that is ultimately simply one of risk and reward?
Deep state going deep since they only have 3 weeks left to destabilise the world. Buckle up it will be a bumpy ride, ignore the misinformation. Turn off msm, all of it. Support our wonderful elected President and vice president.💕💕💕💕👍
Let’s have her take the first untested experimental vaccine. I’ll pass like I did the last time.