This is California data, I suppose. It feels that the greater part of society in California could care less about children's health and well-being. Aside from some parents advocating for their kids, my experience has been an endless panic parade over the health and well-being of the unwell elderly. The idea seems to be that children and young adults need to be masked, denied, restricted, injected and controlled or they will kill someone's elderly parents or grand-parents. No price is too great a burden for the children and youths to bear (including poisoning them with a Pfizer shot for no benefit) if it means that the elderly might get a few more months or a year or two of decrepit living (in fact there is no evidence these measures make any difference at all). It is reflective of a society that no longer believes there is any future and so why bother with the next generation. Very, very depressing.

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We are having a poisonous food epidemic. The linoleic acid in seed oil shortcuits the body’s feeling full signal. And it also causes toxic inflammation.

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Say it with me everybody!

How much better would we have been if government had only 'mandated' an hour-long walk in the sunshine on days it was possible?

I seem to remember a whole class dedicated to running around, and that was after schools stopped having BREAKS dedicated to running around. Everything now is upside-down.

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If PARENTS wanted to keep their kids from getting fatter, PARENTS could have done it. I understand the government put up their roadblocks, but this parent doesn’t do roadblocks when it comes to her kid. Parental failure with a side of governmental failure thrown in for good measure.

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I live in IL and must have the fattest governor in the U.S.. If our public health "expert" was worth a damn, she would have pointed out his comorbidity, publicly, and used that as a jumping off point to put into place a real public health policy concerning Covid. Make him lose weight and every time he wanted to extend his "emergency powers", he had to show 15-20 lbs of weight loss. No instead we got mask mandates, etc. 🙄

Oh and him canceling school sports teams while his daughter traveled to freer states (Wisconsin and Florida) to continue her equestrian competitions.

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As el gato has said before, it is about the co-morbidities and obesity is to most common comorbidity associated with death from Covid. Public health policies have been misguided from the beginning by stratifying risk by age and not general pre-infection health. With increasing age, there is an expected increase in co-morbidities. Only 5-6 percent of deaths from Covid were in patients with no co-mordidities. Eliminating comorbidities, an 85-year-old has the same survival rate as a healthy 45-50-year-old. So it goes.

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This is infuriating!

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Closing the gyms and the Churches and banning sports certainly didn't help either!

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So unnecessary. All of it. I used to teach kids about nutrition and exercise when I had my special needs classroom back in the 80s. We ran laps around the school. We had "cooking" once a week-healthy only. I coached kids x-country for 7 years after teaching all day(the kids who had no where to go except home and eat chips in front of a TV that was always on). They gained everything but weight from our running program-self esteem, discipline, fitness. Child obesity has to be high here (Az) because of some cultural norms- Jillian from "The biggest loser" once told a local tribe that their "diet was killing them". This was decades ago. She was correct.

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Man, even if Larry Elder doesn't take down Newsom in the recall (though I sincerely hope he does), it has been nothing but comedy gold as the pearl-clutchers at LA times go into fantods as they try to write Elder out of the picture as a "white supremacist."

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back to the diet problems ) carnivore diet , low carb at best, consistent extended fasting weekly

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Horrific. Excellent article

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Sadly, they’re getting ready to do it again.

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that with the loss to education attainment!

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How can 26% be in the 95th percentile? Does Kaiser just attract a bunch of fatties?

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