On the other hand, should a populist regain control of the executive, the baleful eye of the state could prove rather bad for the universities.

Want those federal student loans and research grants? Better keep administrative costs down to 5% of budget. Oh, that means you have to fire 90% of administrators? Guess those vice-deanlets of DIE have to go then, sorry.

Yeah, yeah, I'm LARPing. Under the current regime that won't happen. A guy can dream though.

In the meantime, the universities are beclowning themselves so badly that a degree is increasingly seen as a black mark in many circles. And what happens if the USD loses global reserve currency status? The ability of the feds to distort markets and enforce social engineering policies is predicated on the ability of the Fed to print unlimited money that people treat as money.

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Universities are nothing more than a multi level marketing scam. The system attracts professors and administrators of the same ilk as hucksters.

2nd biggest grift in history next to the Scamdemic.

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The University I attended is now getting tons of government dollars for some bio defense lab. When I spoke to the president of the university about how wrong I thought it was that they were mandating vaccinations he basically said there was nothing he could do… That is because he’s beholden to the government. And rather than actually stand up against something illegal he just caved.

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If anyone needed more reasons to ditch the woke universities and head to trade school, this is it…

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All of this is true, and awful enough, but what really pisses me off is I saved/invested and paid my sons way through an Ivy League school with no scholarships. That was a lot of discretionary income I didn't get to use on myself (I've got no vacation home, been driving the same car for 20 years, etc.) Why should people who didn't sacrifice get a free ride?

All that tuition money funds fancy buildings and lots of administrators. The amount spent on teaching staff has risen no more than inflation, and in many cases less. Fewer professors are tenured and many are adjunct with pittance contracts.

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What I read this morning: Colleges have billions of dollars in their endowment funds. Let the colleges forgive the $10,000

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Most degrees could probably done in about half the time too. Also now that we have computers I’m not really sure why any university costs more than another university. We could make the education fairly similar across-the-board. The idea of a university not accepting credits from another one is another big scam.

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While continuing to churn out graduates who can not read, write or count.

We need to gut the universities not make them more feudal. But that neo-feudalism seems the administrative way.

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Here's the easiest, fastest-acting illustration of this economic principle I think I've ever seen:

Brandon Administration announces $7,500 subsidy for electric vehicles.

Auto manufacturers, within DAYS of announcement, raise prices a mean of $7,500.

It isn't even happening gradually or semi-invisibly anymore by being rolled into fees or "warranties" or TruKote.

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I don’t know who you are mr. el gato, but yer brilliant!

Would the “eye care” grift be a smaller . simple example of this?

Once insurance started paying for eye care (Yey! “Free!”) prices went up, you had to always get exam first, you still pay out $$ for a pair. More $$, less freedom.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ve been struggling to articulate the natural consequences of this plan to friends and family. Now I can share your articulation! Joe appears to be making more progress toward “free college for all” than Bernie even dreamed of!

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Excellent piece. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

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Universities typify socialism.

The stated purpose of the university (to educate) has been usurped by the university's practical reality to protect the flywheel of endowment growth, RE ownership, expanded workforce and through that a tax exempt status.

Let's not forget to mention that the university industrial complex is the only industry funded by 6 figure unsecured loans to teenagers.

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I've known this since always, but there does not appear to be any way to stop it. It seems like it has to go forward until it blows up.

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