One thing I haven't noticed others talking about are 'incidental covid hospitalizations' as it pertains to regular hospital activity. We know that 30% of covid hospitalizations are pregnant women, who MUST be in the hospital. But many other things were delayed last year. This kept people out of the hospital and out of the 'incidental covid hospitalization' bucket.

This year, more hospitals are back to 'regular' activity. Therefore you'd EXPECT 'incidental covid hospitalizations' to increase because now it's not just the pregnant women coming to the hospital for other reasons, it's EVERYBODY who 'normally' goes to the hospital.

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Yes, the Atlantic of all places just published a study showing that up until July 2021, an average of 50% of all covid hospitalizations were not in the hospital for covid.

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Here's where you can see the 30% number. Fun fact: Last year around this time that number was only 22%! It's slowly been creeping up, meaning that OVER 30% of current/recent hospitalizations were pregnant.

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Do they just send them to be admitted for ‘observation’? I was pregnant last year and they kept saying how it wasn’t affecting pregnancy much. Until. There was a shot and now there’s a huge push as ‘only’ 18% of women who are pregnant chose to get jabbed. So maybe they admit everyone to get the numbers to look scary?

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I've read comments from labor&delivery nurses regarding a rise in stillbirths from moms who got jabbed during pregnancy.

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THIS ^^. I was pregnant during the original epidemic (had my baby in July 2020). Not once was I told that C19 posed a particular danger to a low-risk pregnant mother above and beyond the normal seasonal respiratory viruses--and I live in Massachusetts, which is Covid-panic Central. It wasn't until after the vaccine came out that they started to talk about pregnant women being "at risk" from Covid. It's all very suspect.

Also, the stats about 30% or so hospital patients being pregnant women are probably also due to testing upon admittance when arriving to give birth. Which, of course, give the numbers a boost and can be used to keep justifying the power grab...

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Other factors at play? Year ago: different variants, more lockdowns, different testing standards? What, exactly, is a "Covid hospitalization?" It's my understanding that it's often any patient that merely tests positive -- he's counted as a "case" even if presenting no symptoms, and is in hospital for an unrelated complaint. I admire what Gato does, but his research is compounded not only by moving goalposts, but indeed nearly all the data being on skateboards!

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interestingly though, if we're inflating hospital counts vs last year (and i suspect we are), that implies that the divergence between CHR and CFR is even greater than what we looked at.

this would seem to only heighten the question about wheat these additional deaths are and what is driving them. because that definition (while inflated) seems to have been pretty constant. some cities and states have even been going through and removing "deaths with" to lessen the count.

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Agreed. I was just reading another blog about this topic in regards to testing. Specifically that someone who has a positive never receives the CT for that PCR. So someone comes in for an orthopedic surgery, is swabbed prior to admission, and boom! Positive PCR. No symptoms but is counted as covid. We never retrospectively titer test these individuals to see if they seroconvert proving infection. Someone may have viral debris in there nasal passage, but this doesn’t mean they have infection. This makes case numbers (positive PCR) all but worthless.

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Where did you see a stat saying 30% of covid hospitalizations are pregnant women?? There is no way that's true... they're def not thinking of the incidental. STILL just calling everything covid inspite of knowing these women aren't SICK with covid..

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How about this for a hypothesis: Deaths caused by the vaccines are being counted as Covid deaths. People are being rushed to the hospital as a result of an adverse event—say, a stroke or heart attack—where they “test positive” (perhaps from some residual virus in the nasal passage) and the COD goes down as Covid. Is that plausible, given the data? It might explain the fewer hospitalizations/more deaths conundrum.

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the more sinister possibility (and i want to stress "possibility") is that the vaccines are, in some people, generating a massive autoimmune response when faced with actual covid as the body over reacts to prior training.

this was an issue in prior mRNA treatments (including some at moderna).

if your immune systems runs away, there is no system to downregulate it.

so you die by some sort of very rapid inflammation pathway (like a cytokine storm) or other massive immune attack on yourself.

this can kill in hours.

you can literally go from "just ran a PR 5k" to stone dead in 90 minutes.

it's terrifying stuff.

(dengue 3 and certain kinds of dengue vaccines (failed) do this)

not sure exactly how to look for such a signal here.

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Are the dengue ones adenovirus? The only one I trust is Johnson and Johnson because it’s “normal” vaccine technology but if dengue was also like that… it’s super scary to risk covid now that it seems worse and to risk any vaccine too.

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J&J is not a normal vaccine. It's a viral vector DNA vaccine that uses a different delivery method to get mRNA into the cells, which are then co-opted to produce spike protein.

"Normal" vaccines use live, attenuated virus, dead virus, or viral proteins to provoke an immune response. Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J all co-opt the cells to make billions of copies of the spike protein in an uncontrolled manner for an unknown period of time. Adverse events are associated with all three. In fact, J&J was paused in the spring because of clotting risks.

Adenoviruses are DNA viruses that cause upper respiratory infections every year during cold and flu season. An adenovirus was used as the viral vector for the J&J jab.

Dengue viruses are single positive-stranded RNA virus that are transmitted via mosquito bites. The first infection, usually in childhood, is mild; but subsequent infections with different serotypes a can be very dangerous, even deadly. An early attempt at a vaccine was a miserable failure. Children died.

There are some who are concerned that these vaccines are creating "original antigenic sin" that proves lethal with subsequent infection in some people.

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Oh no. Okay… thank you. A lot to think about. Why can’t they just use the live or dead virus or the proteins? Why create these with only mrna as options?

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Because this virus with 99% survivability for healthy people didn't require a vax. Especially after learning about the safety profile of cheap and very effective drugs. About 85% of those who died OF COVID were elserly people (all with comorbidities). People who were vulnerable to ANY infection, virus or bacteria. This was not a pandemic.

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Because attenuated virus vaccines don't allow you to permanently alter the DNA of every human being on the planet.

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Scientists have been trying (and utterly failing) to creat vaccines against coronaviruses, rhinoviruses, and influenza viruses for many, many decades. (I think it’s safe to suggest that they’ve utterly failed with this attempt as well.)

If you’re able to do a browser search for articles on attempts at creating vaccines for colds and flus that excludes anything Covid-19-related (I searched “vaccine cold virus” specifying news articles with dates between 1-1-2000 and 12-31-2019), pretty much any general interest story on “curing the cold,” and quite a few stories on scientists who think they may be close to a breakthrough tend to have a pretty good summary explaining some of the many problems facing those working on the issue.

This article is a good example: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/oct/06/why-cant-we-cure-the-common-cold

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For myself, I appreciated having colds. Hell, even a bad flu. Sure it sucked for a few days, but you felt a sense of being bolstered. Then again, I lived through having chickenpox. Now, that too, has been relegated to the corner from vaccination. I guess people won’t be happy until they never feel bad.

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I have the same question. Novavax (Maryland) has a spike protein-based vaccine in Stage 3 trials, but they keep having delays. Some countries produced an attenuated virus (China/Sinovac), but there are no conventional vaccines available in the US.

I've read that coronaviruses are notoriously difficult for vaccine developers because of the risk of ADE (Antibody Enhanced Disease) with subsequent infection. Peter Hotez, MD (Baylor) has stated that single epitope coronavirus vaccines have a lower risk of ADE. I don't know why they chose to use mRNA and viral vector DNA tech. It's a global experiment on humanity.

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Sinovac and whatever the other Chinese vax is use traditional attenuated virus method.

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They Adenovirus strain used in J&J only infects chimpanzees though, it's a Chimp Adenovirus...

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Extremely well written.

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I wouldn't trust something Slovenia has suspended due to recipient death:


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The infection/hospitalization/death curves are compressed compared to 2020, but the Delta variant does not appear to be more virulent. One possible explanation is that vaxx deaths are misclassified as C19 deaths. The spike is the disease. The LNPs can travel all over the body and are engineered to survive an immune attack, and they can co-opt many different cells types to produce the spike. It's possible that the PCR tests are detecting vaxx mRNA and the antigen tests are detecting vaxx spike.

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“Misclassified” is a nice way of putting it.

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Can you say more about how the LNPs are engineered to survive an immune attack? Are we talking inducing immunosuppression? Or mechanical defense? TY.

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I've read that the LNPs include cholesterol to trick the immune system by appearing as "self". I understand the cholesterol allows the LNPs to pass through the cell membrane very easily. I've also read they can cross the blood-brain barrier.


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This was my thought, exactly!

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Just wanted to give you the heads up here in WA state they have been putting out a weekly breakthrough case report the last 4 weeks. It has gone from 21,757 on Sept 1st report to 41,721 on September 29th's report. They collected( buried) data from Jan 17th to Aug 21st and never released it until now and nobody I ask, clients, including a local urgent care doc on twitter has heard of these reports from news and/or hosp. admin. That is 20K! in a month. Oregon had also started a weekly breakthrough report. https://www.doh.wa.gov/Portals/1/Documents/1600/coronavirus/data-tables/420-339-VaccineBreakthroughReport.pdf

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Thats good to know! Thx for sharing this to look into and watch for changes!

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OR reports 23% of all new cases are breakthrough. What is not clear is how the testing is done (ie, how are breakthrough cases discovered, test frequency of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated).

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Im reading that report, and it looks to me like the report says that the 41,721 count is from Jan 1, 2021-Sept 1. 2021. Is that what you meant?

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Early on in this descent into collective madness, a now former friend texted that any questioning of the official c19 narrative bloviating out of the frontal facing blow holes of elected officials, television news readers, and public health bureaucrats was “murderous.” Following their every nonsensical diktat was the only way to “stay safe” and “save lives”. Now as we close in on two years of this unbelievable crime against humanity, we are looking square in the face of the biggest government induced industrial f-up in history. Time to start saving all the receipts, the trials for those involved in these crimes are going to be epic. Let's just hope we don't have to descend into a third world war before we get to the court house. 'Cause that's what happened the last time officialdom screwed the pooch to this degree.

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I share your pessimism. Google reports 56% of USA "fully vaccinated." I'm assuming that's total population, not just "eligible." For all intents and purposes, the world is 11 months into the biggest drug trial in human history. Using largely untested mRNA technology with (apparently) worrisome short-term harms and unknown (unknowable!) long term side effects. The government's zeal to vaxx everyone, whether they want it or not, etc. Never in US history (to my knowledge), has the government required a mandatory vaccination, with penalty of refusal loss of job, career, chance at education, ability to enter public and private areas, and I'm sure many more I'm unaware of. The authoritarian madness has just begun. Who knows how far it'll go? It's sobering to ponder the near-total legal indemnity the system currently has; its unclear what, if any, legal impediments the State Juggernaut will encounter as it rolls along.

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I’m all aboard the pessimism train. I don’t see the courts stepping up in any meaningful way. Well at least from our side of it. They will continue to tow the line for the mainstream narrative. To assume that judges are unbiased or immune to corruption is to kid yourself in the worst way.

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Can you imagine if these were Trump’s mandates? Tyrant! Dictator! Authoritarian!

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Tragically, it seems as if mass vac induced casualties will be the only thing that can halt this madness.

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The attention won't be turned to the vaccines until the entire list of alternative explanations (however implausible) has been exhausted.

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This tells me one thing: the vaccines don't work. Convince me otherwise.

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i'm increasingly worried that "don't work" is a best case scenario.

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I am actually worried that at some point all the venues that only accept the vaccinated will be turned into gas chambers if things really get out of control. It’s a very sinister worst case scenario but at this point I won’t discount anything. I just hope I won’t live to see it.

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i wonder that as well. Dont go places where they demand seeing your "papers", even if you have them....

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Yeah, have had similar postulations as well. When they announced the vaxports here in BC, with the conditions, Purebloods not allowed in restaurants, bars, sports events, etc, I considered, cynically, that there was an air of protection here, but not the obvious.

It’s to protect the Purebloods from the diseased vaxxed. So, we are, semi-isolated until January at least. The vaxports are”temporary”, HA!

Still the authorities here continue their propaganda message “pandemic of the unvaxxed!”, at least until it becomes painfully obvious that the opposite is true. ADE was predicted by GVB and Dr Malone early on. These two have been ignored and slandered by the usual suspects, but they’ve been more correct than any other government authoritarian expert, especially Fauxci!

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I don’t think so. It’s not zombie apocalypse. It’s gonna be again a very faint signal, but the weakest people will end up hospitalized more often and dying more often. I am afraid this is what this data is showing, we just would need to know if thos ending in hospital or dying are vaccinated and what percentage. That will be the final nail in the coffin for the ADE theory.

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Oct 4, 2021
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Since all this was so well orchestrated and planned for so many years, I am sure they have at least a plan A and a plan B for the controlling of the rebels.

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Plan B is take your guns.

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That's a great question...

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I’ve thought this almost since the vaccines were first distributed. We are moving into sci-fi territory with two different classes of humans: one permanently altered, one not.

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I also don’t think the altering is permanent. Luckily organisms are extremely versatile and “smart”. The shitty IgG in serum declines quickly, your body forgets about the Spike… maybe there’s some T-Cell Memory from the vax but is not as complete and effective as from Nat Immunity.

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The longer the mrna is in vivo, the greater the chances that it gets reverse-transcriptased & uploaded into you cell nucleii for permanent residency.

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Yes. This has been my fear for a few months. I hope it's just a blip.

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I am not sure a blip would be a signal visible all across the board in several states at the same time when compared to last year. Maybe the season started earlier this year… but in a couple of months when we see the peak of deaths and hospitalizations, if this is higher than last year, I am afraid ADE might be playing an important role on this.

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Clearly however bad things are now is less bad than how bad they would have been, because the vaccines work. So, that's why the vaccines work.

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Hooray for unfalsifiable counterfactuals!

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It's science.

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You forgot the /sarc I hope. If not, then your talents are wasted here and you should be writing copy for the evening news or White House speeches 😎

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they "work" by sending previously healthy teenagers and young adults into ERs with serious heart problems? or worst to the morgue? Just today, read the obituary of a 37 y.o. healthy mom who died suddenly after the shots. Her family had the courage to include this detail in the obituary. Apparently, it's the only way that news media will not be able to censor it. Sad but true.

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If the *assumption* is that the gene therapy shots are meant to curb the spread of SARS-CoV2, then you are correct. Is that assumption well founded?

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"....this would seem consistent with the idea that the vaccines are now the big driver of viral evolution and perhaps spread."

Indeed. Really good article el gato malo. Ty

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I'm in NYC. Just yesterday I remarked to a neighbor that the sound of sirens has increased in the last week. She said that's just because we live close to a hospital but I said no, this sounds like the first week of March 2020 lockdowns.

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I've had the same experience in the NW Philadelphia suburbs. We live close to a trauma center, but I never heard sirens. In the past month, somedays I hear them all day long. It's very upsetting.

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I live right around the corner from a large hospital. March - June 2020 was hell here. The sirens became so bad that Cuomo requested they go silent.

And whenever I took the bus near that hospital, you could see family members wailing and crying in the streets.

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Check out the MontCo webcad, it will tell you what the EMS dispatches are for.


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That is creepy!

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One more personal observation. I think the deaths increasing is also related to their continued use of remdesivir in hospitals..... it doesn't end well for ALOT of patients when put on that stuff. And they're bent on this drug being almost the ONLY option for protocols in the hospital...

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It's a combination of a form of ADE and the vaccine suppressing the innate immune system. The substitution of urine nucleoside for psedourinde in the spike vaccine code shuts off the toll like receptors 4,3,7,8 thus making people more susceptible to their dormant cancer and viruses.

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Can you expand on this? Thx :-)

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Thanks for sharing this. I was wondering what the mechanism was.

We something similar with the flu shot.

Why do people get the flu after getting the flu shot?


André Angelantoni

Project Lead, The Vaccine Course

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This is extremely interesting. I guess the questions I have are; 1. Are the toll receptors turned off? Or do they simply not recognize foreign mRNA? In other words tolerance to specific mRNA signatures versus toll structure/function aberrations.

2. If the toll receptors are indeed modified after exposure to vaccine mRNA, how long does this last?

3. It has been mentioned that vaccine mRNA disperses throughout the body, would you therefore expect widespread changes to toll receptors?

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1. The original research paper used the word ablated. Thus turned off. 2. At least for 15 days as full spikes have been detected in blood for up to 15 days. Meaning the mRNA sequence that contains the psedouridine is still in your cells for the same amount of time muting the TLR signalling. source for length of time spikes are in blood. https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/novavax-vaccine-data-and-spike-proteins-general 3. Yes, TLR are being shut down in any cell the LNP delivers the mRNA. TLR do come back online after the spike production is finished. However there is research paper saying they don't come back online at full strength. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.03.21256520v1

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This is confirmed by reports of people’s cancers, previously in remission, coming back with a vengeance, the varicella virus being activated causing shingles, and other effects. Dear Lord, what have we done? It is going to be a very dark winter indeed.

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1) Thanks for terrific analysis. I love that you are willing to analyze emerging data and hypothesize, then wait to see how the data turns out to see if it invalidates or not. So much of what we see from the CDC is garbage where they cherrypick and manipulate to get predetermined results.

2) How do you get median CHRs down 17%? You show hospitalizations up dramatically - is it that cases are up even more, so CHR means the # of hospitalizations normalized for cases? I'm not clear on the terminology.

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i took the raw cases numbers and adjusted them for testing levels to get a sample rate adjusted case rise.

i then compared that level of rise to the level of rise in hospitals.

so, if cases went from 1000 to 2000 and CHR was flat, you'd expect hospitalizations to double. but, at the median, they didn't. instead of rising from 100 to 200, they rose from 100 to 166. (i'm making these numbers for illustration).

so hospitalizations would be up 66%, but CHR would be down 17%.

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Thanks! got it now.

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In Vermont, 99.9% of the 65+ are vaccinated. It is maybe the most vaccinated US state. https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/vaccine-tracker/

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vt'ers (mainers too) have been bragging about how bad gop guv sununu has done......

the virus does its thing and the party of the guv matters not....

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Wow. Just wow. Thank you so much for this clear analysis (haha even though we don't know WHY it's happening). I did have to go slowly, but I was able to understand (I think) each table and graph. A truly pleasurable data discussion. Well. Except for Bad News. My intellectual curiosity was satisfied, and my hypothesis-generating wheels are turning, but now I am going to go pack my bug-out bag and move to North Dakota. ;-)

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It could be antibody dependent enhancement, which plagued experimental vaccines for SARS1 and MERS. After 6 months neutralizing antibodies wane, but non-neutralizing antibodies carry SARS2 into the immune system, resulting in more severe covid. ADE might only affect a subset of those who receive the vaccine.

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Another hypothesis: the official reported statistics are fabricated

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Ugh I hope not. What can we ever trust then

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An implication here is that vaccination must also be interfering with acquisition of post-infection broader immunity (and possibly with prior post-infection immunity)? Otherwise, any enhancement from vacc should be washing out.

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If you look at case rates on their own, it appears that the waves have largely been reversed in the northeast over the last two weeks by boosters (consistent with the view that boosting is not, in fact, introducing a window of vulnerability after all; as well as with the supposition that basically everyone is going for them regardless of age or job). So it would appear that the northeast is not going to repeat the Israel and UK summer patterns. Or at least, they will land at a more diminished plateau than the UK (Israel's wave finally seems to be heading for the bottom again, we'll see if it actually gets there this time).

Of course, the booster infection efficacy in the northeast could fade at exactly the worst part of winter.

The northwest is making an interesting contrast.

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i don't think it's boosters reversing anything. i wondering if we're seeing something else entirely. and it looks to me like much of the northeast is still raging out of control.

i have serious doubts that boosters are driving much of anyhting.

i don't think they are at all common in the US yet.


US vaxx dosing looks to have barely ticked up at all.

where are you getting that impression on boosters?

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Two thoughts: last year, Fauci talked about the real possibility of ADE among the vaxxed. Also, Dr. Noorschasm warned the CDC/FDA to screen for natural immunity because they were at higher risk for adverse events once they were exposed to the wild virus.

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Found this...

"About 4.36 million people have received an additional dose of either Pfizer or Moderna's vaccine since Aug. 13, when the U.S. authorized a third dose of the vaccines for people with compromised immune systems who are likely to have weaker protection from the two-dose regimens."


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Which (of my several) impression?

Still at over 500k doses a day in absolute counts through end of September, which exceeds the daily increases to 1 and 2 dose totals. Clearly I'm being highly speculative, it's a gut call.

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I realize you didn't include Pennsylvania, but they are reporting "additional dose" since August 13...about a month before the "approval". Perhaps other states are collecting this data as well.


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