Are you talking about their involvement in Vietnam? Iraq? Iran? Korea? Latin America? Philippines? Indonesia? Afghanistan? Just not sure which stone you’re turning over.
Are you talking about their involvement in Vietnam? Iraq? Iran? Korea? Latin America? Philippines? Indonesia? Afghanistan? Just not sure which stone you’re turning over.
Remember that the Viet Nam War, so called by Americans, was one phase of a longer term project. This latter commenced almost immediately after The Good War and was a great pincers movement against SE Asia. The victors of WW2 were going to make the region safe for the goal set forth first in Isaiah 66:22-24 by Semitic supremacists, and they partly suceeded. Comparable success was achieved in Korea, and Japan is, of course, totally in the bag thanks to a misguided rebellion against "Western" civilization.
Are you talking about their involvement in Vietnam? Iraq? Iran? Korea? Latin America? Philippines? Indonesia? Afghanistan? Just not sure which stone you’re turning over.
Remember that the Viet Nam War, so called by Americans, was one phase of a longer term project. This latter commenced almost immediately after The Good War and was a great pincers movement against SE Asia. The victors of WW2 were going to make the region safe for the goal set forth first in Isaiah 66:22-24 by Semitic supremacists, and they partly suceeded. Comparable success was achieved in Korea, and Japan is, of course, totally in the bag thanks to a misguided rebellion against "Western" civilization.